125 research outputs found

    Asymptotic analysis of a Neumann problem in a domain with cusp. Application to the collision problem of rigid bodies in a perfect fluid

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    We study a two dimensional collision problem for a rigid solid immersed in a cavity filled with a perfect fluid. We are led to investigate the asymptotic behavior of the Dirichlet energy associated to the solution of a Laplace Neumann problem as the distance ε>0\varepsilon>0 between the solid and the cavity's bottom tends to zero. Denoting by α>0\alpha>0 the tangency exponent at the contact point, we prove that the solid always reaches the cavity in finite time, but with a non zero velocity for α<2\alpha <2 (real shock case), and with null velocity for α2\alpha \geqslant 2 (smooth landing case). Our proof is based on a suitable change of variables sending to infinity the cusp singularity at the contact. More precisely, for every ε0\varepsilon\geqslant 0, we transform the Laplace Neumann problem into a generalized Neumann problem set on a domain containing a horizontal strip ]0,ε[×]0,1[]0,\ell_\varepsilon[\times ]0,1[, where ε+\ell_\varepsilon\to +\infty

    Justification of lubrication approximation: an application to fluid/solid interactions

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    We consider the stationary Stokes problem in a three-dimensional fluid domain F\mathcal F with non-homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions. We assume that this fluid domain is the complement of a bounded obstacle B\mathcal B in a bounded or an exterior smooth container Ω\Omega. We compute sharp asymptotics of the solution to the Stokes problem when the distance between the obstacle and the container boundary is small

    Point vortex dynamics as zero-radius limit of the motion of a rigid body in an irrotational fluid

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    The point vortex system is usually considered as an idealized model where the vorticity of an ideal incompressible two-dimensional fluid is concentrated in a finite number of moving points. In the case of a single vortex in an otherwise irrotational ideal fluid occupying a bounded and simply-connected two-dimensional domain the motion is given by the so-called Kirchhoff-Routh velocity which depends only on the domain. The main result of this paper establishes that this dynamics can also be obtained as the limit of the motion of a rigid body immersed in such a fluid when the body shrinks to a massless point particle with fixed circulation. The rigid body is assumed to be only accelerated by the force exerted by the fluid pressure on its boundary, the fluid velocity and pressure being given by the incompressible Euler equations, with zero vorticity. The circulation of the fluid velocity around the particle is conserved as time proceeds according to Kelvin's theorem and gives the strength of the limit point vortex. We also prove that in the different regime where the body shrinks with a fixed mass the limit dynamics is governed by a second-order differential equation involving a Kutta-Joukowski-type lift force

    Finite-time singularity formation for incompressible Euler moving interfaces in the plane

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    Impermeability through a perforated domain for the incompressible 2D Euler equations

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    We study the asymptotic behavior of the motion of an ideal incompressible fluid in a perforated domain. The porous medium is composed of inclusions of size ε\varepsilon separated by distances dεd_\varepsilon and the fluid fills the exterior. If the inclusions are distributed on the unit square, the asymptotic behavior depends on the limit of dεε\frac{d_{\varepsilon}}\varepsilon when ε\varepsilon goes to zero. If dεε\frac{d_{\varepsilon}}\varepsilon\to \infty, then the limit motion is not perturbed by the porous medium, namely we recover the Euler solution in the whole space. On the contrary, if dεε0\frac{d_{\varepsilon}}\varepsilon\to 0, then the fluid cannot penetrate the porous region, namely the limit velocity verifies the Euler equations in the exterior of an impermeable square. If the inclusions are distributed on the unit segment then the behavior depends on the geometry of the inclusion: it is determined by the limit of dεε2+1γ\frac{d_{\varepsilon}}{\varepsilon^{2+\frac1\gamma}} where γ(0,]\gamma\in (0,\infty] is related to the geometry of the lateral boundaries of the obstacles. If dεε2+1γ\frac{d_{\varepsilon}}{\varepsilon^{2+\frac1\gamma}} \to \infty, then the presence of holes is not felt at the limit, whereas an impermeable wall appears if this limit is zero. Therefore, for a distribution in one direction, the critical distance depends on the shape of the inclusions. In particular it is equal to ε3\varepsilon^3 for balls

    5th EUROMECH nonlinear dynamics conference, August 7-12, 2005 Eindhoven : book of abstracts

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    5th EUROMECH nonlinear dynamics conference, August 7-12, 2005 Eindhoven : book of abstracts

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    Numerical hydrodynamics in general relativity

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    The current status of numerical solutions for the equations of ideal general relativistic hydrodynamics is reviewed. With respect to an earlier version of the article the present update provides additional information on numerical schemes and extends the discussion of astrophysical simulations in general relativistic hydrodynamics. Different formulations of the equations are presented, with special mention of conservative and hyperbolic formulations well-adapted to advanced numerical methods. A large sample of available numerical schemes is discussed, paying particular attention to solution procedures based on schemes exploiting the characteristic structure of the equations through linearized Riemann solvers. A comprehensive summary of astrophysical simulations in strong gravitational fields is presented. These include gravitational collapse, accretion onto black holes and hydrodynamical evolutions of neutron stars. The material contained in these sections highlights the numerical challenges of various representative simulations. It also follows, to some extent, the chronological development of the field, concerning advances on the formulation of the gravitational field and hydrodynamic equations and the numerical methodology designed to solve them.Comment: 105 pages, 12 figures. The full online-readable version of this article, including several animations, will be published in Living Reviews in Relativity at http://www.livingreviews.or