166 research outputs found

    The evolution of niche width

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    PhD ThesisThis thesis examines the ultimate and proximate determinants of niche width, with a focus on how cognition and biological information processing may drive the evolution of niche width. Using both field and laboratory experiments I investigate how learning can alter resource use in syrphids. Modelling biological information processing using artificial neural networks I consider how various ecological factors interact and can impact information processing to determine decision accuracy (a proposed factor in the evolution of niche width). Finally the ability of artificial neural networks to overcome evolutionary dead ends due to specialisation and functional loss is examined. I found that syrphids were able to use external, inter-specific cues to alter their resource use. Specialist artificial neural networks decision accuracy was altered by the introduction of the ecological variables they were subjected to and the loss of functionality can create an evolutionary dead end scenario only in very extreme cases or under specific ecological pressures. I studied the syrphid (Episyrphus balteatus) both in the field and under laboratory conditions. There is a huge amount of literature describing how bees use scent marks to aid decision making before landing on flowers but there is currently no work on the syrphids ability to detect and utilise these scent marks. The question I posed was ‘Can syrphids modify their pattern of resource utilisation by using this scent mark information?’ The field work was carried out using motion detection cameras positioned above flowers of knapweed (Centaurea nigra). The flowers had two different treatments: one was bagged overnight to prevent pollinator access and the other was left unbagged allowing foraging insects to deplete the nectar and pollen. Visits from both conditions were recorded and compared. I found that previously bagged flowers received more visits from both bumblebees (Bombus spp.) and syrphids suggesting that syrphids could also detect when a flower was depleted without landing. iii The laboratory tests were conducted in an arena using artificial flowers. The experiment was split into a learning phase and a testing phase. I tested the syrphids ability to recognise and learn an association to two different compounds, bee scent marks or 1-Hexanol. I found that syrphids could learn to associate both bee scent marks and 1-Hexanol with negative rewards and use this information to change their foraging behaviour. I used artificial neural networks to investigate differences between the decision accuracy of specialists and generalists when foraging under ecological pressures. Previous work has shown that specialists had higher decision accuracy when non-host selection carried a mild reward and I was interested to see how ecological variables would impact this advantage. The ecological conditions I considered were search costs, resource availability and starvation. To do this I trained neural networks to recognise different numbers of binary images (hosts) over a range of positive and negative non-host rewards or punishments. The fewer hosts a network had the more specialised it was. I found that both starvation and resource availability reduced the range of non-host values across which specialist networks had a fitness advantage over generalists. Interestingly I found that introducing search costs shifts the range of non-host values where specialist advantage occurs rather than narrowing them as in the previous conditions. Specialists suffering from search costs performed better when non-host selection carried a high to intermediate punishment. Finally, I used artificial neural networks to investigate the evolutionary dead end theory. This theory states that specialist organisms will lose genetic variation and will be unable to respond as effectively to ecological change. I first trained networks as specialists. These networks were then re-trained as generalists. While re-training networks had a percentage of their weights fixed to simulate the suggested reduction in evolutionary potential of specialists. Ecological conditions in these simulations were either non-host penalties, search costs or a combination of the two. I found that networks were relatively robust to loss of evolutionary iv potential. All of the networks performed well even at intermediate (50%) weight fixation. The application of search costs reduced overall network fitness but this effect was not as pronounced as when non-host penalties were introduced. Non-host penalties had the greatest effect on the fitness of networks. These results suggest that specialisation should only become an ‘evolutionary dead end’ under very specific and severe conditions.Natural Environment Research Council (NERC

    Robustness and Aging – A Systems-Level Perspective

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    Biosystems, 112(1): pp. 37-48The theory of robustness describes a system level property of evolutionary systems, which predicts tradeoffs of great interest for the systems biology of aging, such as accumulation of non-heritable damage, occurrence of fragilities and limitations in performance, optimized allocation of restricted resources and confined redundancies. According to the robustness paradigm cells and organisms evolved into a state of highly optimized tolerance (HOT), which provides robustness to common perturbations, but causes tradeoffs generally characterized as “robust yet fragile”. This raises the question whether the ultimate cause of aging is more than a lack of adaptation, but an inherent fragility of complex evolutionary systems. Since robustness connects to evolutionary designs, consideration of this theory provides a deeper connection between evolutionary aspects of aging, mathematical models and experimental data. In this review several mechanisms influential for aging are re-evaluated in support of robustness tradeoffs. This includes asymmetric cell division improving performance and specialization with limited capacities to prevent and repair age-related damage, as well as feedback control mechanisms optimized to respond to acute stressors, but unable to halt nor revert aging. Improvement in robustness by increasing efficiencies through cellular redundancies in larger organisms alleviates some of the damaging effects of cellular specialization, which can be expressed in allometric relationships. The introduction of the robustness paradigm offers unique insights for aging research and provides novel opportunities for systems biology endeavors

    Robustness and Aging – A Systems-Level Perspective

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    Biosystems, 112(1): pp. 37-48The theory of robustness describes a system level property of evolutionary systems, which predicts tradeoffs of great interest for the systems biology of aging, such as accumulation of non-heritable damage, occurrence of fragilities and limitations in performance, optimized allocation of restricted resources and confined redundancies. According to the robustness paradigm cells and organisms evolved into a state of highly optimized tolerance (HOT), which provides robustness to common perturbations, but causes tradeoffs generally characterized as “robust yet fragile”. This raises the question whether the ultimate cause of aging is more than a lack of adaptation, but an inherent fragility of complex evolutionary systems. Since robustness connects to evolutionary designs, consideration of this theory provides a deeper connection between evolutionary aspects of aging, mathematical models and experimental data. In this review several mechanisms influential for aging are re-evaluated in support of robustness tradeoffs. This includes asymmetric cell division improving performance and specialization with limited capacities to prevent and repair age-related damage, as well as feedback control mechanisms optimized to respond to acute stressors, but unable to halt nor revert aging. Improvement in robustness by increasing efficiencies through cellular redundancies in larger organisms alleviates some of the damaging effects of cellular specialization, which can be expressed in allometric relationships. The introduction of the robustness paradigm offers unique insights for aging research and provides novel opportunities for systems biology endeavors

    Robustness - a challenge also for the 21st century: A review of robustness phenomena in technical, biological and social systems as well as robust approaches in engineering, computer science, operations research and decision aiding

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    Notions on robustness exist in many facets. They come from different disciplines and reflect different worldviews. Consequently, they contradict each other very often, which makes the term less applicable in a general context. Robustness approaches are often limited to specific problems for which they have been developed. This means, notions and definitions might reveal to be wrong if put into another domain of validity, i.e. context. A definition might be correct in a specific context but need not hold in another. Therefore, in order to be able to speak of robustness we need to specify the domain of validity, i.e. system, property and uncertainty of interest. As proofed by Ho et al. in an optimization context with finite and discrete domains, without prior knowledge about the problem there exists no solution what so ever which is more robust than any other. Similar to the results of the No Free Lunch Theorems of Optimization (NLFTs) we have to exploit the problem structure in order to make a solution more robust. This optimization problem is directly linked to a robustness/fragility tradeoff which has been observed in many contexts, e.g. 'robust, yet fragile' property of HOT (Highly Optimized Tolerance) systems. Another issue is that robustness is tightly bounded to other phenomena like complexity for which themselves exist no clear definition or theoretical framework. Consequently, this review rather tries to find common aspects within many different approaches and phenomena than to build a general theorem for robustness, which anyhow might not exist because complex phenomena often need to be described from a pluralistic view to address as many aspects of a phenomenon as possible. First, many different robustness problems have been reviewed from many different disciplines. Second, different common aspects will be discussed, in particular the relationship of functional and structural properties. This paper argues that robustness phenomena are also a challenge for the 21st century. It is a useful quality of a model or system in terms of the 'maintenance of some desired system characteristics despite fluctuations in the behaviour of its component parts or its environment' (s. [Carlson and Doyle, 2002], p. 2). We define robustness phenomena as solution with balanced tradeoffs and robust design principles and robustness measures as means to balance tradeoffs. --

    Primary and promiscuous functions coexist during evolutionary innovation through whole protein domain acquisitions

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    Molecular examples of evolutionary innovation are scarce and generally involve point mutations. Innovation can occur through larger rearrangements, but here experimental data is extremely limited. Integron integrases innovated from double-strand- toward single-strand-DNA recombination through the acquisition of the I2 a-helix. To investigate how this transition was possible, we have evolved integrase IntI1 to what should correspond to an early innovation state by selecting for its ancestral activity. Using synonymous alleles to enlarge sequence space exploration, we have retrieved 13 mutations affecting both I2 and the multimerization domains of IntI1. We circumvented epistasis constraints among them using a combinatorial library that revealed their individual and collective fitness effects. We obtained up to 104 -fold increases in ancestral activity with various asymmetrical trade-offs in single-strand-DNA recombination. We show that high levels of primary and promiscuous functions could have initially coexisted following I2 acquisition, paving the way for a gradual evolution toward innovation

    Evolution of reproductive development in the volvocine algae

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    The evolution of multicellularity, the separation of germline cells from sterile somatic cells, and the generation of a male–female dichotomy are certainly among the greatest innovations of eukaryotes. Remarkably, phylogenetic analysis suggests that the shift from simple to complex, differentiated multicellularity was not a unique progression in the evolution of life, but in fact a quite frequent event. The spheroidal green alga Volvox and its close relatives, the volvocine algae, span the full range of organizational complexity, from unicellular and colonial genera to multicellular genera with a full germ–soma division of labor and male–female dichotomy; thus, these algae are ideal model organisms for addressing fundamental issues related to the transition to multicellularity and for discovering universal rules that characterize this transition. Of all living species, Volvox carteri represents the simplest version of an immortal germline producing specialized somatic cells. This cellular specialization involved the emergence of mortality and the production of the first dead ancestors in the evolution of this lineage. Volvocine algae therefore exemplify the evolution of cellular cooperation from cellular autonomy. They also serve as a prime example of the evolution of complex traits by a few successive, small steps. Thus, we learn from volvocine algae that the evolutionary transition to complex, multicellular life is probably much easier to achieve than is commonly believed

    Adaptation to marginal habitats

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    The ability to adapt to marginal habitats, in which survival and reproduction are initially poor, plays a crucial role in the evolution of ecological niches and species ranges. Adaptation to marginal habitats may be limited by genetic, developmental, and functional constraints, but also by consequences of demographic characteristics of marginal populations. Marginal populations are often sparse, fragmented, prone to local extinctions, or are demographic sinks subject to high immigration from high-quality core habitats. This makes them demographically and genetically dependent on core habitats and prone to gene flow counteracting local selection. Theoretical and empirical research in the past decade has advanced our understanding of conditions that favor adaptation to marginal habitats despite those limitations. This review is an attempt at synthesis of those developments and of the emerging conceptual framework