24 research outputs found

    Synthesis of Distributed Longitudinal Control Protocols for a Platoon of Autonomous Vehicles

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    We develop a framework for control protocol synthesis for a platoon of autonomous vehicles subject to temporal logic specifications. We describe the desired behavior of the platoon in a set of linear temporal logic formulas, such as collision avoidance, close spacing or comfortability. The problem of decomposing a global specification for the platoon into distributed specification for each pair of adjacent vehicles is hard to solve. We use the invariant specifications to tackle this problem and the decomposition is proved to be scalable.. Based on the specifications in Assumption/Guarantee form, we can construct a two-player game (between the vehicle and its closest leader) locally to automatically synthesize a controller protocol for each vehicle. Simulation example for a distributed vehicles control problem is also shown

    Synthesis of Distributed Longitudinal Control Protocols for a Platoon of Autonomous Vehicles

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    We develop a framework for control protocol synthesis for a platoon of autonomous vehicles subject to temporal logic specifications. We describe the desired behavior of the platoon in a set of linear temporal logic formulas, such as collision avoidance, close spacing or comfortability. The problem of decomposing a global specification for the platoon into distributed specification for each pair of adjacent vehicles is hard to solve. We use the invariant specifications to tackle this problem and the decomposition is proved to be scalable.. Based on the specifications in Assumption/Guarantee form, we can construct a two-player game (between the vehicle and its closest leader) locally to automatically synthesize a controller protocol for each vehicle. Simulation example for a distributed vehicles control problem is also shown

    Hiding variables when decomposing specifications into GR(1) contracts

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    We propose a method for eliminating variables from component specifications during the decomposition of GR(1) properties into contracts. The variables that can be eliminated are identified by parameterizing the communication architecture to investigate the dependence of realizability on the availability of information. We prove that the selected variables can be hidden from other components, while still expressing the resulting specification as a game with full information with respect to the remaining variables. The values of other variables need not be known all the time, so we hide them for part of the time, thus reducing the amount of information that needs to be communicated between components. We improve on our previous results on algorithmic decomposition of GR(1) properties, and prove existence of decompositions in the full information case. We use semantic methods of computation based on binary decision diagrams. To recover the constructed specifications so that humans can read them, we implement exact symbolic minimal covering over the lattice of integer orthotopes, thus deriving minimal formulae in disjunctive normal form over integer variable intervals

    Layering Assume-Guarantee Contracts for Hierarchical System Design

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    Specifications for complex engineering systems are typically decomposed into specifications for individual subsystems in a manner that ensures they are implementable and simpler to develop further. We describe a method to algorithmically construct component specifications that implement a given specification when assembled. By eliminating variables that are irrelevant to realizability of each component, we simplify the specifications and reduce the amount of information necessary for operation. We parametrize the information flow between components by introducing parameters that select whether each variable is visible to a component. The decomposition algorithm identifies which variables can be hidden while preserving realizability and ensuring correct composition, and these are eliminated from component specifications by quantification and conversion of binary decision diagrams to formulas. The resulting specifications describe component viewpoints with full information with respect to the remaining variables, which is essential for tractable algorithmic synthesis of implementations. The specifications are written in TLA + , with liveness properties restricted to an implication of conjoined recurrence properties, known as GR(1). We define an operator for forming open systems from closed systems, based on a variant of the “while-plus” operator. This operator simplifies the writing of specifications that are realizable without being vacuous. To convert the generated specifications from binary decision diagrams to readable formulas over integer variables, we symbolically solve a minimal covering problem. We show with examples how the method can be applied to obtain contracts that formalize the hierarchical structure of system design

    Layering Assume-Guarantee Contracts for Hierarchical System Design

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    Specifications for complex engineering systems are typically decomposed into specifications for individual subsystems in a manner that ensures they are implementable and simpler to develop further. We describe a method to algorithmically construct component specifications that implement a given specification when assembled. By eliminating variables that are irrelevant to realizability of each component, we simplify the specifications and reduce the amount of information necessary for operation. We parametrize the information flow between components by introducing parameters that select whether each variable is visible to a component. The decomposition algorithm identifies which variables can be hidden while preserving realizability and ensuring correct composition, and these are eliminated from component specifications by quantification and conversion of binary decision diagrams to formulas. The resulting specifications describe component viewpoints with full information with respect to the remaining variables, which is essential for tractable algorithmic synthesis of implementations. The specifications are written in TLA + , with liveness properties restricted to an implication of conjoined recurrence properties, known as GR(1). We define an operator for forming open systems from closed systems, based on a variant of the “while-plus” operator. This operator simplifies the writing of specifications that are realizable without being vacuous. To convert the generated specifications from binary decision diagrams to readable formulas over integer variables, we symbolically solve a minimal covering problem. We show with examples how the method can be applied to obtain contracts that formalize the hierarchical structure of system design

    Verification in the Hierarchical Development of Reactive Systems

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    In many approaches to the verification of reactive systems, operational semantics are used to model systems whereas specifications are expressed in temporal logics. Most approaches however fail to handle changes of the specification but assume, that the initial specification is indeed the intended one. Changing the specification thus necessitates to find an accordingly adapted system and to carry out the verification from scratch. During a systems life cycle however, changes of the requirements and resources necessitate repeated adaptations of specifications. We here propose a method that supports syntactic action refinement (in the process algebra TCSP and the Modal Mu-Calculus) and allows to automatically obtain (a priori) correct reactive systems by hierarchically adding details to the according specifications

    Formal methods for real-time requirements engineering

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    Timed model checking turned out to be a very successful technique for the verification of real-time systems. In general, however, large-scale systems require more than a mere real-time perspective: They utilise, for example, Abstract Data Types and Fairness Aspects. VSE-II (Verification Support Environment) is a general tool which supports the design and the verification process of such large-scale systems. The basic machinery within VSE-II is theorem proving rather than model checking and one of its underlying formalisms is close to TLA (Temporal Logic of Actions), i.e. it is based on linear discrete time. In this thesis we develop a technique to perform an exact discretisation of dense real-time aspects, i.e. a discretisation that is not just an approximation but rather mirrors dense behaviour exactly. This discretisation is achieved without an explicit or implicit introduction of rational numbers. With the help of the exact discretisation we define an embedding of Hybrid Automata into VSE-II such that model checking strategies for Hybrid Automata can be used in VSE-II. Vice versa, the embedding allows the model checking strategies to benefit from the proof work done in VSE-II. This thesis introduces a general methodology for formal requirements analysis, namely observer models, that deals with particular perspectives on a system rather than with particular aspects of it. This way, different specialised approaches can be integrated and used to describe the overall system requirements. One such view, for example, is a real-time which uses a new discretisation technique.In der Verifikation von Realzeit-Systemen haben sich Model-Checking Verfahren bewährt. Im Allgemeinen kann man jedoch sagen, dass große industrielle Anwendungen nicht nur die Realzeit Dimension aufweisen. Sie bestehen vielmehr aus einer Vielzahl weiterer Dimensionen (Sichten) wie eine Informationsflusssicht oder eine Security-Sicht. Zur Spezifikation dieser Sichten werden beispielsweise Abstrakte Datentypen oder auch Fairness Aspekte verwendet. VSE-II (Verification Support Environment) ist ein Werkzeug, welches den formalen Entwicklungsprozess vom Design bis hin zur Verifikation solcher Anwendungen unterstützt. Der Kern des VSE-IIWerkzeugs ist ein interaktives Beweissystem, das auf einem Sequenzenkalkül basiert, der neben der Logik erster Stufe und Dynamischer Logik auch die Temporale Logik der Aktionen (TLA) beinhaltet. TLA beruht auf einem Zeitmodell, welches linear und diskret ist. In dieser Arbeit beschreiben wir eine Technik, die eine exakte Diskretisierung von dichten Realzeitaspekten erlaubt, so dass das VSE-II System diese Aspekte mit den vorhandenen Verfahren und Regeln behandeln kann. Die Diskretisierung ist so definiert, dass sie nicht nur eine Approximation ist, sondern sie spiegelt vielmehr das dichte Verhalten exakt wider. Dies wird ohne die explizite oder implizite Einführung von rationalen Zahlen erreicht. Mit Hilfe der exakten Diskretisierung wird eine Einbettung von Hybriden Automaten in VSE-II definiert, die es ermöglicht Teilbeweise, die von Modelcheckingverfahren für Hybride Automaten gefunden wurden, ohne weiteren Beweis in VSE-II zu verwenden und umgekehrt. Weiterhin wird eine Methodologie zur formalen Anforderungsanalyse eingeführt, die verschiedene Sichten auf ein System und nicht nur verschiedene Aspekte eines Systems behandelt. Diese Methodologie, genannt Observer Models, ermöglicht die Integration unterschiedlicher spezieller Werkzeuge bzw. Verfahren zur Beschreibung der einzelnen Sichten und somit zur Beschreibung der gesamten Systemanforderungen. Eine solche Sicht stellt beispielsweise eine Realzeit-Sicht dar, welche auf der oben erwähnten Einbettung beruht

    Model checking of component connectors

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    We present a framework for automata theoretic model checking of coordination systems specified in Reo coordination language. To this goal, we introduce Buchi automata of records (BAR) and their augmented version (ABAR) as an operational modeling formalism that covers several intended forms of behavior of Reo connectors, such as fairness, I/O synchronization, and context dependency. To specify the properties to be verified, we introduce an action based linear temporal logic, interpreted over the executions of augmented Buchi automata of records, and show how the formulas can be translated into ABARs. This translation can be done either inductively, or by using an on-the-fly method. To deal with the large state spaces, we show that ABARs can be implemented using ordered binary decision diagrams (OBDD). For this purpose, we also introduce the necessary modifications over the basic model checking algorithm that can be applied directly over OBDD structures. Our implementation and a number of case studies that we carried out show the applicability of our method over large state spaces. We also show that the state explosion problem can be tackled by compositional minimization methods using some suitable equivalence relations. In fact, we show two equivalences that are congruencies with respect to the connector composition operators and such that they both preserves linear time temporal logic properties.UBL - phd migration 201