297 research outputs found

    Dominating direct products of graphs

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    AbstractAn upper bound for the domination number of the direct product of graphs is proved. It in particular implies that for any graphs G and H, γ(G×H)⩽3γ(G)γ(H). Graphs with arbitrarily large domination numbers are constructed for which this bound is attained. Concerning the upper domination number we prove that Γ(G×H)⩾Γ(G)Γ(H), thus confirming a conjecture from [R. Nowakowski, D.F. Rall, Associative graph products and their independence, domination and coloring numbers, Discuss. Math. Graph Theory 16 (1996) 53–79]. Finally, for paired-domination of direct products we prove that γpr(G×H)⩽γpr(G)γpr(H) for arbitrary graphs G and H, and also present some infinite families of graphs that attain this bound

    Locating and Total Dominating Sets of Direct Products of Complete Graphs

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    A set S of vertices in a graph G = (V,E) is a metric-locating-total dominating set of G if every vertex of V is adjacent to a vertex in S and for every u ≠ v in V there is a vertex x in S such that d(u,x) ≠ d(v,x). The metric-location-total domination number \gamma^M_t(G) of G is the minimum cardinality of a metric-locating-total dominating set in G. For graphs G and H, the direct product G × H is the graph with vertex set V(G) × V(H) where two vertices (x,y) and (v,w) are adjacent if and only if xv in E(G) and yw in E(H). In this paper, we determine the lower bound of the metric-location-total domination number of the direct products of complete graphs. We also determine some exact values for some direct products of two complete graphs

    Investigations in the semi-strong product of graphs and bootstrap percolation

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    The semi-strong product of graphs G and H is a way of forming a new graph from the graphs G and H. The vertex set of the semi-strong product is the Cartesian product of the vertex sets of G and H, V(G) x V(H). The edges of the semi-strong product are determined as follows: (g1,h1)(g2,h2) is an edge of the product whenever g1g2 is an edge of G and h1h2 is an edge of H or g1 = g2 and h1h2 is an edge of H. A natural subject for investigation is to determine properties of the semi-strong product in terms of those properties of its factors. We investigate distance, independence, matching, and domination in the semi-strong product Bootstrap Percolation is a process defined on a graph. We begin with an initial set of infected vertices. In each subsequent round, uninfected vertices become infected if they are adjacent to at least r infected vertices. Once infected, vertices remain infected. The parameter r is called the percolation threshold. When G is finite, the infection either stops at a proper subset of G or all of V(G) becomes infected. If all of V(G) eventually becomes infected, then we say that the infection percolates and we call the initial set of infected vertices a percolating set. The cardinality of a minimum percolating set of G with percolation threshold r is denoted m(G,r). We determine m(G,r) for certain Kneser graphs and bipartite Kneser graphs

    A new approach on locally checkable problems

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    By providing a new framework, we extend previous results on locally checkable problems in bounded treewidth graphs. As a consequence, we show how to solve, in polynomial time for bounded treewidth graphs, double Roman domination and Grundy domination, among other problems for which no such algorithm was previously known. Moreover, by proving that fixed powers of bounded degree and bounded treewidth graphs are also bounded degree and bounded treewidth graphs, we can enlarge the family of problems that can be solved in polynomial time for these graph classes, including distance coloring problems and distance domination problems (for bounded distances)

    Connectivity and other invariants of generalized products of graphs

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    Figueroa-Centeno et al. [4] introduced the following product of digraphs let D be a digraph and let G be a family of digraphs such that V (F) = V for every F¿G. Consider any function h:E(D)¿G. Then the product D¿hG is the digraph with vertex set V(D)×V and ((a,x),(b,y))¿E(D¿hG) if and only if (a,b)¿E(D) and (x,y)¿E(h(a,b)). In this paper, we deal with the undirected version of the ¿h-product, which is a generalization of the classical direct product of graphs and, motivated by the ¿h-product, we also recover a generalization of the classical lexicographic product of graphs, namely the °h-product, that was introduced by Sabidussi in 1961. We provide two characterizations for the connectivity of G¿hG that generalize the existing one for the direct product. For G°hG, we provide exact formulas for the connectivity and the edge-connectivity, under the assumption that V (F) = V , for all F¿G. We also introduce some miscellaneous results about other invariants in terms of the factors of both, the ¿h-product and the °h-product. Some of them are easily obtained from the corresponding product of two graphs, but many others generalize the existing ones for the direct and the lexicographic product, respectively. We end up the paper by presenting some structural properties. An interesting result in this direction is a characterization for the existence of a nontrivial decomposition of a given graph G in terms of ¿h-product.Postprint (author's final draft
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