201 research outputs found

    A Model Curriculum for Selected Physical Adaptations for Students with Special Needs, in Alignment with Washington State Essential Academic Learning Requirements (EALR\u27s)

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    The purpose of this project was to develop a model curriculum for selected physical education adaptations for student with special needs, in alignment with Washington Essential Academic Learning Requirements (EALR\u27s). To accomplish this purpose, a review of selected literature was conducted. Additionally, related information from selected sources was obtained and analyzed. The model curriculum was developed for implementation in the Ellensburg School District in the 2002-2003 school year

    An evaluation of the Psychosocial Impact of Assistive Devices Scale

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    The West Midlands Rehabilitation Centre (WMRC) is responsible for the National Health Service provision and maintenance of Environmental Control Equipment to patients across the West Midlands Region, England. It is important to measure outcome of provision using a paradigm that has meaning for those patients. The Psychosocial Impact of Assistive Devices Scale is a 26-item, self-rating questionnaire designed to measure user perceptions of how assistive devices affect quality of life. This outcome measure is being evaluated in the West Midland

    A Universalist strategy for the design of Assistive Technology

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    Assistive Technologies are specialized products aiming to partly compensate for the loss of autonomy experienced by disabled people. Because they address special needs in a highly-segmented market, they are often considered as niche products. To improve their design and make them tend to Universality, we propose the EMFASIS framework (Extended Modularity, Functional Accessibility, and Social Integration Strategy). We first elaborate on how this strategy conciliates niche and Universalist views, which may appear conflicting at first sight. We then present three examples illustrating its application for designing Assistive Technologies: the design of an overbed table, an upper-limb powered orthose and a powered wheelchair. We conclude on the expected outcomes of our strategy for the social integration and participation of disabled people

    Humanoid robot walking control on inclined planes

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    The humanoid bipedal structure is suitable for a assitive robot functioning in the human environment. However, the bipedal walk is a difficult control problem. Walking just on even floor is not satisfactory for the applicability of a humanoid robot. This paper presents a study on bipedal walk on inclined planes. A Zero Moment Point (ZMP) based reference generation technique is employed. The orientation of the feet is adjusted online by a fuzzy logic system to adapt to different walking surface slopes. This system uses a sampling time larger than the one of the joint space position controllers. The average value of the body pitch angle is used as the inputs to the fuzzy logic system. A foot pitch orientation compensator implemented independently for the two feet complements the fuzyy controller. A 12-degrees-of-freedom (DOF) biped robot model is used in the full-dynamics 3-D simulations. Simulations are carried out on even floor and inclined planes with different slopes. The results indicate that the control method presented is successful in enabling the robot to climb slopes of 8.5 degrees (15 percent grade)


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    Tujuan yang ingin dicapai dalam pelaksanaan penelitian dan pengembangan ini untuk mendeskripsikan; (1) rumusan rancangan desain pengembangan teknologi asistif Ndeurs Watch layar OLED untuk meningkatkan kemampuan anak dalam mengelola waktu. (2) proses produksi pembuatan teknologi asistif Ndeurs Watch Layar OLED, (3) hasil analisis validasi ahli untuk kelayakan produk yang telah dikembangkan, dan (4) hasil validasi alat serta uji efektivitas alat untuk melihat pengaruh dari penggunaan alat terhadap kemampuan anak dalam mengelola waktu. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian dan pengembangan. Model pengembangan yang digunakan dalam pengembangan teknologi asistif berupa Ndeurs Watch Layar OLED mengadaptasi Model ADDIE. Hasil rancangan desain dan prototype alat sudah melalui validasi ahli dengan menggunakan Expert Judgment dan dinyatakan layak sebagai model operasional dan dapat dipakai dalam penelitian dengan hasil rerata penilaian lima ahli teknologi asistif berkualifikasi sangat baik. Hasil Uji Efektifitas alat menggunakan penelitian subjek tunggal dengan desain AB-A dilakukan di sekolah dan dirumah. hasil pengamatan di Sekolah pada fase baseline (A-1) mendapatkan jumlah rerata persentase sebesar 7,6% hasil tersebut dikategorikan kurang dan menurun , fase Intervensi (B) sebesar 58% dengan kategori meningkat dengan hasil perilaku sasaran yang diperoleh baik, kemudian fase baseline-2 (A’) sebesar 65% kemampuan subjek dinyatakan semakin meningkat. Maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa teknologi asistif Ndeurs Watch Layar OLED memberikan pengaruh pada kemampuan mengelola waktu yang dilakukan pada subjek penelitian. ----- The aims of this research and development are to describe; (1) formulation of assistive technology development design on Ndeurs OLED screen Watch to improve children's ability in time management. (2) the production process of making assistive technology Ndeurs OLED screen Watch, (3) the results of expert validation analysis on the feasibility of the products that have been developed, and (4) the results of the tool validation and affectivity test to observe the effect of the tool toward children's ability in time management . This research is research and development. The development model used in assistive technology development was Ndeurs OLED Screen Watch adapting ADDIE Model. The results of the design and prototype of the tool have been through expert validation using Expert Judgment and declared as an operational model and can be used in research with the average results of the assessment of five highly qualified assistive technology experts. The result of tool’s effectiveness test using a single subject research design A-B-A was conducted at school and at home. observations at the school in the baseline phase (A-1) got an average percentage of 7.6% the results are categorized as less and decreasing, Intervention phase (B) by 58% with the category of increasing with the results of the target behavior obtained well, then the baseline phase -2 (A ') by 65% the subject's ability is stated to be increasing. It can be concluded that the development of assistive technology using Ndeurs OLED screen Watch can improve ability to manage time on research subjects

    The Ethical Implications of Employing Socially Assitive Robots in the Aged-care Sector in Japan

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    Ground-breaking innovations in technology depict a promising future for humanity. In particular, the robotic industry is expected to solve many of our modern challenges especially with regard to the health sector. As expected, when introducing human-robot interactions in our daily lives, we need to renegotiate our human values in terms of autonomy, control and privacy. This paper aims to explore the ethical dilemmas occurring when employing socially assistive robots in the aged-care sector. It will also make recommendations for future ethical use of social robots. The cultural background is set in Japan, a leader in robotic development.“Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted under the conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike (CC BY-SA) license and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page” Connection with SDG 9The Sustainable Development Goals number 9 refers to building resilient infrastructure, promote sustainable industrialization and foster innovation. These actions are highly dependent on technological innovations. In order to create long-term sustainable structures, we need to welcome advancements in our life but in the same time treat them carefully. This paper tackles one of the recent technological advancements in the field of robotics. Socially Assitive Robots have been designed to help children, people with disabilities and elders in a social, non-intrusive and positive way. In spite of this, ethical dilemmas which clash with the design of the robots are not often taken into account. That is why, the research is meant to fill in the gap and prove that an ethical sustainable goal can be met by responsible advancements in technology

    Design for (every)one: co-creation as a bridge between universal design and rehabilitation engineering

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    In this paper the authors describe a general framework for co-designing assistive devices in a horizontal user innovation network [1] by and for disabled users. This framework attempts to identify, share and use “hidden solutions” in rehabilitation contexts and translate them into disruptive assistive devices build with local resources. Within healthcare contexts local solutions are frequently more effective, as they reflect the physical, emotional and cognitive needs of specific patients and engage all the stakeholders in a specific local context. By using an open horizontal innovation network, where assistive devices can be easily shared and physically hacked by other paramedics, general patterns can be detected and translated into standard universal design objects. This generative design thinking approach [2] is more than feasible with digital trends like crowd sourcing, user-generated content and peer production [3]. Cheap and powerful prototyping tools have become easier to use by non-engineers; it turns them into users as well as self manufactures [4]. We discuss the different aspects of this open innovation process within a ‘design for disability’ context and suggest the first steps of an iterative co-design methodology bringing together professional designers, occupational therapists and patients. In this paper the authors sketch the holistic framework which starts with the innovation development and the co-creation process between these disciplines

    Znaczenie Kliniczne Obliczeniowych Modeli Mózgu W Rehabilitacji Neurologicznej

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    Despite quick development of the newest neurorehabilitation methods and techniques there is a need for experimentally validated models of motor learning, neural control of movements, functional recovery, therapy control strategies.Computational models are perceived as another way for optimization and objectivization of the neurorehabilitation. Fully understanding of the neural repair is needed for simulation of reorganization and remodeling of neural networks as the effect of neurorehabilitation. Better understanding can significantly influence both traditional forms of the therapy (neurosurgery, drug therapy, neurorehabilitation, etc.) and use of the advanced Assitive Technology (AT) solutions, e.g. brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) and neuroprostheses [49, 50] or artificial brain stimulation.Pomimo szybkiego rozwoju najnowszych metod i technik rehabilitacyjnych istnieje potrzeba tworzenia eksperymentalnie weryfikowalnych modeli motorycznego uczenia się, nerwowej kontroli ruchu, funkcjonalnego powrotu do zdrowia oraz strategii terapeutycznych.Modele obliczeniowe są uważanie za kolejny ze sposobów optymalizacji i obiektywizacji rehabilitacji neurologicznej. Pełne zrozumienie naprawy struktur nerwowych wymaga modelowania reorganizacji i przemodelowania sieci neuronowych następujących w efekcie rehabilitacji neurologicznej. Lepsze zrozumienie ww. procesów może znacząco wpłynąć zarówno na tradycyjne formy terapii (neurochirurgię, farmakoterapię, rehabilitację neurologiczną i inne), jak również użycie zaawansowanych rozwiązań technologii wspomagających, takich jak interfejsy mózg-komputer i neuroprotezy, jak również sztucznej stymulacji mózgu

    Effectiveness of technology-based interventions in detection, prevention, monitoring and treatment of patients at risk or diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment: protocol for a systematic review

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    Introduction: The gradual changes over the decades in the longevity and aging of European society as a whole can be directly related to the prolonged decline in the birth rate and increase in life expectancy. According to the WHO, there is an increased risk of dementia or other cognitive disorders as the population ages, which have a major impact on public health. Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) is described as a greater than expected cognitive decline for an individual's age and level of education, but that does not significantly interfere with activities of daily living. Patients with MCI exhibit a higher risk of dementia compared with others in the same age group, but without a cognitive decline, have impaired walking, and a 50% greater risk of falling. The urban lifestyle and advent of smartphones, mobility, and immediate access to all information via the internet, including health information, has led to a totally disruptive change in most general aspects. This systematic review protocol is aimed at evaluating the effectiveness of technology-based interventions in the detection, prevention, monitoring, and treatment of patients at risk or diagnosed with MCI. Methods and analysis: This review protocol follows the recommendations of the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Protocols reporting guidelines. The search will be performed on MEDLINE (PubMed), CENTRAL, CINAHL Plus, ISI Web of Science, and Scopus databases from 2010 to 2020. Studies of interventions either randomized clinical trials or pre-post non-randomized quasi-experimental designs, published in English and Spanish will be included. Articles that provide relevant information on the use of technology and its effectiveness in interventions that assess improvements in early detection, prevention, follow-up, and treatment of the patients at risk or diagnosed with MCI will be included. Ethics and dissemination: Ethics committee approval is not required. The results will be disseminated in publications and congresses. Keywords: dementia; geriatric medicine; health informatics; mental health; preventive medicine.This paper is a result of the NEXTPERCEPTION project (www.nextperception.eu), which is jointly funded by the European Commission and national funding agencies under the ECSEL joint undertaking (grant agreement: 876487). This research was funded by the Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI/10.13039/501100011033) Ministry of Science and Innovation (MICINN) (PCI2020-112270) CERCA Programme/Generalitat de Catalunya. IRBLleida - Fundació Dr. Pifarré