4,178 research outputs found

    An Efficient Information Extraction Mechanism with Page Ranking and a Classification Strategy based on Similarity Learning of Web Text Documents

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    Users have recently had more access to information thanks to the growth of the www information system. In these situations, search engines have developed into an essential tool for consumers to find information in a big space. The difficulty of handling this wealth of knowledge grows more difficult every day. Although search engines are crucial for information gathering, many of the results they offer are not required by the user because they are ranked according on user string matches. As a result, there were semantic disparities between the terms used in the user inquiry and the importance of catch phrases in the results. The problem of grouping relevant information into categories of related topics hasn't been solved. A Ranking Based Similarity Learning Approach and SVM based classification frame work of web text to estimate the semantic comparison between words to improve extraction of information is proposed in the work. The results of the experiment suggest improvisation in order to obtain better results by retrieving more relevant results

    Local Economic Development Policies

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    This chapter seeks to provide useful advice for local government policy towards economic development programs. The chapter: reviews the size and scope of local economic development programs in the United States; critically analyzes the various rationales offered for these programs; makes recommendations for what local policy should do about business attraction and incentives, business retention, new business development, high technology development, brownfield development, distressed neighborhoods, and downtowns; and discusses how local economic development programs should be organized, managed, and evaluated.local, regional, economic, development, Bartik, Upjohn

    Advanced IoT Technology and Protocols: Review and Future Perspectives

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) has emerged as a disruptive paradigm, altering how we interact with our surroundings and enabling a plethora of novel applications across multiple sectors. This literature review provides a complete overview of the Internet of Things, including applications, technology, protocols, modeling tools, and future directions. The assessment begins by looking at a wide range of IoT applications, such as smart cities, healthcare, industrial automation, smart homes, and more. It then looks into the underlying technologies that enable IoT deployments, including low-power wireless communication protocols, edge computing, and sensor networks. Protocols and routing methods designed expressly for IoT networks are also described, as well as simulation tools used to simulate and evaluate IoT systems. The discussion focuses on critical insights and consequences for the future of IoT, including challenges and potential in security, interoperability, edge intelligence, and sustainability. By tackling these obstacles and using emerging technologies, IoT can create disruptive change across businesses while also improving quality of life. This review seeks to give scholars, practitioners, and stakeholders a thorough grasp of IoT and its implications for the future

    Spatial Pattern of Digital Divide in Turkey

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    Digital divide, which highlights the access to, use of and skills for information and communication technologies in a regional discrepancy reasoning, is a new field of research, measuring spatial associations in urban and regional studies. In lierature, the emergence of, and formation behind the digital divide concept have been associated with absence of hardware, financial and infrastructural deficiencies, barriers ofbecoming online and use of technology. Especially with the leading international conventions related to telecommunication networks, technology and innovation associations, the literature stresses the necessity to investigate different domains of this issue, advocating the right of access to technology in favour ofdisadvantaged geographies and communities. In the late 1990s, owing to the proliferation of digital divide, the growing gap between different groups who are imparted from new information services and those who are not, became more significant and obvious than in former initial studies. This issue has increased in importance among different parties, such as policy makers, scholars and advocacy groups, in relation to their different roles, varying from supply of technology infrastructure and affordability of obtaining related services. The most significant aspects cited in empirical research are inequality in obtaining new services of information and inequality in patterns of getting access to information technology, akin to regional discrepancies in conventional studies. Especially in Turkey, many scholars studied the divide concept in terms of descriptive statements and few of them undertook exploratory investigations of conventional statistics, neglecting geographical tendencies and spatial autocorrelation effect. Spatial pattern, as associated with the digital divide concept in this paper, is primarily investigated with officially published parameters related to household profile and technology use. However, this fundemantal field of regional science needs comprehensive and focused understanding of changing barriers to, and attributes of affordability and access to technology by communities. This study aims to depict the spatial pattern of the digital divide phenomena in Turkey, in an index comprised of variables of access to, use of and skills of information and communication technologies. Since the spatial function of digital divide research is mainly missing in conventional studies in Turkey, this paper investigates the spatial associations with the digital divide in the officially published figures and statistics of information and communication technology. In the paper, spatial association is established through Getis and Ord G statistics, with the measure of provincial highway distances, instead of operational uses of Euclidian distances that commonly licenced geographic information systems may offer. Preliminary findings indicate that spatial autocorrelation and clustering methods show the significance of mono-centric development pattern of Turkey, whereby most populated and in-migrated provinces also dominate in all domains of access to, use and skills of technology. Although figures from officially published data depict spatial heterogeneity superficially, the results of this study indicate the importance and necessity of a prospective comprehensive social survey, with high level of representation capability and spatialsampling. This paper presents also primer investigations of further research, which will compare Istanbul province, as the dominant province with unprivileged provinces in terms of socio-economic development and technology use and supply

    Diversification and reduction of loss of food: a business plan for production of avocado oil in Kenya for the Chinese market

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    This business plan aims to provide a guidance for the production of avocado oil in Kenya for the Chinese market. On one hand, there are abundant avocados in Kenya, but most of them are consumed locally or exported as fresh fruits with a great deal of wastage. On the other hand, avocado is now new favourite in China as a nutritious fruit often referred to as the “cream in forest”. Avocado oil is more and more popular in babies’ food supplement since the cancellation of One Child Policy. A lot of avocados produced in Kenya are sold to local markets or to the few exporters available. Those thrown unsold or rejected fruits due to size or shape are exactly excellent raw material for producing oil. Therefore, the production of avocado oil in Kenya for the Chinese markets will be a win-win trading by decreasing food loss and creating new jobs in Kenya and, at the same time meeting the ever-growing demands of healthy food for the up middle class population in China. Besides, agro-processing is a crucial part in the Kenya’s Vision 2030 economic plan. Producing oil from Kenyan avocado is a case of diversification of avocado products which has not been available in China so far. Hence, it is an attractive venture for a Chinese start-up to grow and fill in that niche market.Este plano de negĂłcios visa fornecer uma orientação para a produção de Ăłleo de abacate no QuĂȘnia para os mercados chineses. Por um lado, hĂĄ abundantes abacates no QuĂȘnia, mas a maioria deles Ă© consumida localmente ou exportada como frutas frescas com muito desperdĂ­cio. Por outro lado, abacate Ă© agora apreciado na China como uma fruta nutritiva, muitas vezes referida como o "creme da floresta". O Ăłleo de abacate Ă© cada vez mais popular como suplemento alimentar para bebĂȘs desde a abolição da One Child Policy. Muitos abacates produzidos no QuĂȘnia sĂŁo vendidos para mercados locais ou para os poucos exportadores disponĂ­veis. As frutas descartadas ou nĂŁo vendidas devido ao tamanho ou forma sĂŁo excelentes matĂ©rias-primas para a produção de Ăłleo. Portanto, a produção de Ăłleo de abacate no QuĂȘnia para os mercados chineses serĂĄ uma negociação Win-Win diminuindo a perda de alimentos e criando novos empregos no QuĂȘnia e ao mesmo tempo, atendendo Ă s crescentes demandas de alimentos saudĂĄveis para a população da classe mĂ©dia na China. AlĂ©m disso, o processamento agrĂ­cola Ă© uma parte crucial no plano econĂŽmico da VisĂŁo 2030 do QuĂȘnia. A produção de petrĂłleo a partir do abacate queniano Ă© um caso de diversificação de produtos de abacate, que atĂ© agora nĂŁo estava disponĂ­vel na China. Por isso, Ă© um empreendimento atraente para uma start-up chinesa crescer e preencher esse nicho de mercado

    System requirement report for Level 2 – national management institutions, for the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources in the Philippines

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    This report presents the findings from a thorough literature review, workshops, and group and individual interviews conducted by STREAM in the Philippines in November and December 2003. The ambitious scope of the report combined with the limited time frame and funding available to compile it necessitated the extensive use of secondary data, including both published and unpublished material written by staff of the agencies / organisations involved, with very limited editing of material used. All possible efforts were made to generate information in participation with the government institutions responsible for managing the fisheries, and all contributors (as well as many other stakeholders) were provided with multiple opportunities to comment on the report content. The contributors are listed on the front page of the report. (Pdf contains 56 pages)

    Prospects for Using Entomopathogenic Nematodes to Control the Vine Mealybug, Planococcus ficus, in South African Vineyards

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    In South Africa, the most common method of mealybug control has been the use of chemical insecticides.Entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs) of the of the families Heterorhabditidae and Steinernematidaepotentially can be used within an integrated pest management scheme to control Planococcus ficus, the vinemealybug, which occurs on all parts of grapevine, including the roots. When Steinernema yirgalemensewas applied to the soil of two vineyards with P. ficus, contained in pierced Eppendorf tubes, buried ata depth of 15 cm in the soil, mortalities of up to 50% were obtained after 48 h. The persistence of S.yirgalemense, measured using codling moth larval mortality was found to be zero in one vineyard, whilein the other it was 70%, 12 weeks after application. Tests were conducted to establish the production ofscavenger deterrent factors by H. zealandica and S. yirgalemense. Of the cadavers that were presentedsix days after nematode infection, 49% of the H. zealandica- and 60% of the S. yirgalemense-infectedcadavers were left intact. Olfactometry tests indicated a significant difference concerning the number ofS. yirgalemense infective juveniles (IJs) that were attracted to damaged Vitis vinifera roots and P. ficus,indicating active movement of the IJs and the attractive ability of organic compounds produced by theroots. This study shows that EPNs, and specifically S. yirgalemense, have promising potential as biologicalcontrol agents for the control of P. ficus soil populations, and investigates some influential factors affectingEPNs as biocontrol agents in the agro-ecosystem

    Biology, ecology, control and management of the invasive Indo-Pacific lionfish: An updated integrated assessment

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    Venomous Indo-Pacific lionfish (Pterois miles and P. volitans) are now established along the Southeast U.S.A. and parts of the Caribbean and pose a serious threat to reef fish communities of these regions. Lionfish are likely to invade the Gulf of Mexico and potentially South America in the near future. Introductions of lionfish were noted since the 1980s along south Florida and by 2000 lionfish were established off the coast of North Carolina. Lionfish are now one of the more numerous predatory reef fishes at some locations off the Southeast U.S.A. and Caribbean. Lionfish are largely piscivores that feed occasionally on economically important reef fishes. The trophic impacts of lionfish could alter the structure of native reef fish communities and potentially hamper stock rebuilding efforts of the Snapper –Grouper Complex. Additional effects of the lionfish invasion are far-reaching and could increase coral reef ecosystem stress, threaten human health, and ultimately impact the marine aquarium industry. Control strategies for lionfish are needed to mitigate impacts, especially in protected areas. This integrated assessment provides a general overview of the biology and ecology of lionfish including genetics, taxonomy, reproductive biology, early life history and dispersal, venom defense and predation, and feeding ecology. In addition, alternative management actions for mitigating the negative impacts of lionfish, approaches for reducing the risk of future invasions, and directions for future research are provided

    Center for Research on Sustainable Forests 2019 Annual Report

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    The Center for Research on Sustainable Forests (CRSF) continued its evolution as University of Maine research center in FY21 with several new and ongoing initiatives. Despite the continual challenges created by the global pandemic, dedicated CRSF faculty, staff and students have furthered our collaborations and generated numerous outcomes for our stakeholders. Of particular note this past FY, the Northeastern States Research Cooperative (NSRC) awarded 13 new projects across the region, including three involving the University of Maine; the Forest Climate Change Initiative’s Science and Practice monthly webinar series organized with the Forest Stewardship Guild attracted strong participation both internal/external to Maine; and release of th Natural Climate Solutions for Forestry & Agriculture Final Report outlining the potential of alternative management strategies for increasing carbon sequestration. In addition, several external grants were received in FY21 from NASA Carbon Monitoring Systems, a NASA GEDI, several from the USDA, and one from the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife, which help to continue grow the CRSF research program and build capacity within the center

    Gender Differences in the Multiple Intelligence Skills of Library and Information Science Professionals in Universities in Tamil Nadu, India

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    This article examine the male and female Library and Information Science (LIS) professionals working in universities in Tamil Nadu. The study reveals that out of 441 respondents surveyed under the study, 73.7% (325) are male respondents and 26.3% (116) are female respondents. This study reveals that the male LIS professionals are very good and good at many skills while female LIS professionals are OK at many skills. The results of levene’s test for equality of variances along with descriptive statistics. The test reveals that the p-values for all the nine multiple intelligences are less than 0.05. So, null hypothesis i.e. there is no variation between the male and female respondents with regard to the respective intelligence, is rejected and alternative hypothesis is accepted. Since the population variances are relatively not equal, the research should look at the ‘Equal variances not assumed’ row for the t-test results. This study suggested the well groomed library professional good at many skills is an asset any institution he/she works in. His/her multiple intelligence skills may bring drastic changes and positive impacts both in the library landscape and library services
