630 research outputs found

    Stochastic Methods for Fine-Grained Image Segmentation and Uncertainty Estimation in Computer Vision

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    In this dissertation, we exploit concepts of probability theory, stochastic methods and machine learning to address three existing limitations of deep learning-based models for image understanding. First, although convolutional neural networks (CNN) have substantially improved the state of the art in image understanding, conventional CNNs provide segmentation masks that poorly adhere to object boundaries, a critical limitation for many potential applications. Second, training deep learning models requires large amounts of carefully selected and annotated data, but large-scale annotation of image segmentation datasets is often prohibitively expensive. And third, conventional deep learning models also lack the capability of uncertainty estimation, which compromises both decision making and model interpretability. To address these limitations, we introduce the Region Growing Refinement (RGR) algorithm, an unsupervised post-processing algorithm that exploits Monte Carlo sampling and pixel similarities to propagate high-confidence labels into regions of low-confidence classification. The probabilistic Region Growing Refinement (pRGR) provides RGR with a rigorous mathematical foundation that exploits concepts of Bayesian estimation and variance reduction techniques. Experiments demonstrate both the effectiveness of (p)RGR for the refinement of segmentation predictions, as well as its suitability for uncertainty estimation, since its variance estimates obtained in the Monte Carlo iterations are highly correlated with segmentation accuracy. We also introduce FreeLabel, an intuitive open-source web interface that exploits RGR to allow users to obtain high-quality segmentation masks with just a few freehand scribbles, in a matter of seconds. Designed to benefit the computer vision community, FreeLabel can be used for both crowdsourced or private annotation and has a modular structure that can be easily adapted for any image dataset. The practical relevance of methods developed in this dissertation are illustrated through applications on agricultural and healthcare-related domains. We have combined RGR and modern CNNs for fine segmentation of fruit flowers, motivated by the importance of automated bloom intensity estimation for optimization of fruit orchard management and, possibly, automatizing procedures such as flower thinning and pollination. We also exploited an early version of FreeLabel to annotate novel datasets for segmentation of fruit flowers, which are currently publicly available. Finally, this dissertation also describes works on fine segmentation and gaze estimation for images collected from assisted living environments, with the ultimate goal of assisting geriatricians in evaluating health status of patients in such facilities

    Combined MediaPipe and YOLOv5 range of motion assessment system for spinal diseases and frozen shoulder

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    Spinal diseases and frozen shoulder are prevalent health problems in Asian populations. Early assessment and treatment are very important to prevent the disease from getting worse and reduce pain. In the field of computer vision, it is a challenging problem to assess the range of motion. In order to realize efficient, real-time and accurate assessment of the range of motion, an assessment system combining MediaPipe and YOLOv5 technologies was proposed in this study. On this basis, Convolutional Block Attention Module (CBAM) is introduced into the YOLOv5 target detection model, which can enhance the extraction of feature information, suppress background interference, and improve the generalization ability of the model. In order to meet the requirements of large-scale computing, a client/server (C/S) framework structure is adopted. The evaluation results can be obtained quickly after the client uploads the image data, providing a convenient and practical solution. In addition, a game of "Picking Bayberries" was developed as an auxiliary treatment method to provide patients with interesting rehabilitation training

    3D Human Body Pose-Based Activity Recognition for Driver Monitoring Systems

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    Pedestrian Attribute Recognition: A Survey

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    Recognizing pedestrian attributes is an important task in computer vision community due to it plays an important role in video surveillance. Many algorithms has been proposed to handle this task. The goal of this paper is to review existing works using traditional methods or based on deep learning networks. Firstly, we introduce the background of pedestrian attributes recognition (PAR, for short), including the fundamental concepts of pedestrian attributes and corresponding challenges. Secondly, we introduce existing benchmarks, including popular datasets and evaluation criterion. Thirdly, we analyse the concept of multi-task learning and multi-label learning, and also explain the relations between these two learning algorithms and pedestrian attribute recognition. We also review some popular network architectures which have widely applied in the deep learning community. Fourthly, we analyse popular solutions for this task, such as attributes group, part-based, \emph{etc}. Fifthly, we shown some applications which takes pedestrian attributes into consideration and achieve better performance. Finally, we summarized this paper and give several possible research directions for pedestrian attributes recognition. The project page of this paper can be found from the following website: \url{https://sites.google.com/view/ahu-pedestrianattributes/}.Comment: Check our project page for High Resolution version of this survey: https://sites.google.com/view/ahu-pedestrianattributes

    ConfLab: A Rich Multimodal Multisensor Dataset of Free-Standing Social Interactions in the Wild

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    Recording the dynamics of unscripted human interactions in the wild is challenging due to the delicate trade-offs between several factors: participant privacy, ecological validity, data fidelity, and logistical overheads. To address these, following a 'datasets for the community by the community' ethos, we propose the Conference Living Lab (ConfLab): a new concept for multimodal multisensor data collection of in-the-wild free-standing social conversations. For the first instantiation of ConfLab described here, we organized a real-life professional networking event at a major international conference. Involving 48 conference attendees, the dataset captures a diverse mix of status, acquaintance, and networking motivations. Our capture setup improves upon the data fidelity of prior in-the-wild datasets while retaining privacy sensitivity: 8 videos (1920x1080, 60 fps) from a non-invasive overhead view, and custom wearable sensors with onboard recording of body motion (full 9-axis IMU), privacy-preserving low-frequency audio (1250 Hz), and Bluetooth-based proximity. Additionally, we developed custom solutions for distributed hardware synchronization at acquisition, and time-efficient continuous annotation of body keypoints and actions at high sampling rates. Our benchmarks showcase some of the open research tasks related to in-the-wild privacy-preserving social data analysis: keypoints detection from overhead camera views, skeleton-based no-audio speaker detection, and F-formation detection.Comment: v2 is the version submitted to Neurips 2022 Datasets and Benchmarks Trac

    Characterizing Objects in Images using Human Context

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    Humans have an unmatched capability of interpreting detailed information about existent objects by just looking at an image. Particularly, they can effortlessly perform the following tasks: 1) Localizing various objects in the image and 2) Assigning functionalities to the parts of localized objects. This dissertation addresses the problem of aiding vision systems accomplish these two goals. The first part of the dissertation concerns object detection in a Hough-based framework. To this end, the independence assumption between features is addressed by grouping them in a local neighborhood. We study the complementary nature of individual and grouped features and combine them to achieve improved performance. Further, we consider the challenging case of detecting small and medium sized household objects under human-object interactions. We first evaluate appearance based star and tree models. While the tree model is slightly better, appearance based methods continue to suffer due to deficiencies caused by human interactions. To this end, we successfully incorporate automatically extracted human pose as a form of context for object detection. The second part of the dissertation addresses the tedious process of manually annotating objects to train fully supervised detectors. We observe that videos of human-object interactions with activity labels can serve as weakly annotated examples of household objects. Since such objects cannot be localized only through appearance or motion, we propose a framework that includes human centric functionality to retrieve the common object. Designed to maximize data utility by detecting multiple instances of an object per video, the framework achieves performance comparable to its fully supervised counterpart. The final part of the dissertation concerns localizing functional regions or affordances within objects by casting the problem as that of semantic image segmentation. To this end, we introduce a dataset involving human-object interactions with strong i.e. pixel level and weak i.e. clickpoint and image level affordance annotations. We propose a framework that utilizes both forms of weak labels and demonstrate that efforts for weak annotation can be further optimized using human context
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