606 research outputs found

    Analysis of Fiber Network Architecture in Blood Vessels and Blood Clots

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    Fibrous networks, including collagen and fibrin, provide strength and support, and are critical for maintaining homeostasis. In this study, we have developed algorithms to define the structural properties of collagen and fibrin networks from microscopic images of these networks in abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA) and blood clots, respectively. AAA is a biomechanical disease characterized by significant changes in the structure and strength of the arterial wall due to differential changes in the composition of fibrillar collagen in adventitial and medial layers. Using bright-field and polarized microscopic images of histological sections of mouse aorta stained with Picrosirius red (PSR) stain, we developed MATLAB code to locally quantify collagen content within the vessel wall. The method was benchmarked against manual quantification, and the superiority of the automated analysis was established by statistical analyses of accuracy and reproducibility. Fibrin networks form the structural and functional basis of blood clots. We developed an algorithm using a combination of ImageJ plugins and a custom MATLAB code to analyze the ultrastructure of blood clots from the scanning electron microscopic images of fibrin networks. This morphometric profile was used to correlate clot structure to mechanics, which has implications for our understanding of hemostasis and thrombosis

    Machine learning-based automated segmentation with a feedback loop for 3D synchrotron micro-CT

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    Die Entwicklung von Synchrotronlichtquellen der dritten Generation hat die Grundlage für die Untersuchung der 3D-Struktur opaker Proben mit einer Auflösung im Mikrometerbereich und höher geschaffen. Dies führte zur Entwicklung der Röntgen-Synchrotron-Mikro-Computertomographie, welche die Schaffung von Bildgebungseinrichtungen zur Untersuchung von Proben verschiedenster Art förderte, z.B. von Modellorganismen, um die Physiologie komplexer lebender Systeme besser zu verstehen. Die Entwicklung moderner Steuerungssysteme und Robotik ermöglichte die vollständige Automatisierung der Röntgenbildgebungsexperimente und die Kalibrierung der Parameter des Versuchsaufbaus während des Betriebs. Die Weiterentwicklung der digitalen Detektorsysteme führte zu Verbesserungen der Auflösung, des Dynamikbereichs, der Empfindlichkeit und anderer wesentlicher Eigenschaften. Diese Verbesserungen führten zu einer beträchtlichen Steigerung des Durchsatzes des Bildgebungsprozesses, aber auf der anderen Seite begannen die Experimente eine wesentlich größere Datenmenge von bis zu Dutzenden von Terabyte zu generieren, welche anschließend manuell verarbeitet wurden. Somit ebneten diese technischen Fortschritte den Weg für die Durchführung effizienterer Hochdurchsatzexperimente zur Untersuchung einer großen Anzahl von Proben, welche Datensätze von besserer Qualität produzierten. In der wissenschaftlichen Gemeinschaft besteht daher ein hoher Bedarf an einem effizienten, automatisierten Workflow für die Röntgendatenanalyse, welcher eine solche Datenlast bewältigen und wertvolle Erkenntnisse für die Fachexperten liefern kann. Die bestehenden Lösungen für einen solchen Workflow sind nicht direkt auf Hochdurchsatzexperimente anwendbar, da sie für Ad-hoc-Szenarien im Bereich der medizinischen Bildgebung entwickelt wurden. Daher sind sie nicht für Hochdurchsatzdatenströme optimiert und auch nicht in der Lage, die hierarchische Beschaffenheit von Proben zu nutzen. Die wichtigsten Beiträge der vorliegenden Arbeit sind ein neuer automatisierter Analyse-Workflow, der für die effiziente Verarbeitung heterogener Röntgendatensätze hierarchischer Natur geeignet ist. Der entwickelte Workflow basiert auf verbesserten Methoden zur Datenvorverarbeitung, Registrierung, Lokalisierung und Segmentierung. Jede Phase eines Arbeitsablaufs, die eine Trainingsphase beinhaltet, kann automatisch feinabgestimmt werden, um die besten Hyperparameter für den spezifischen Datensatz zu finden. Für die Analyse von Faserstrukturen in Proben wurde eine neue, hochgradig parallelisierbare 3D-Orientierungsanalysemethode entwickelt, die auf einem neuartigen Konzept der emittierenden Strahlen basiert und eine präzisere morphologische Analyse ermöglicht. Alle entwickelten Methoden wurden gründlich an synthetischen Datensätzen validiert, um ihre Anwendbarkeit unter verschiedenen Abbildungsbedingungen quantitativ zu bewerten. Es wurde gezeigt, dass der Workflow in der Lage ist, eine Reihe von Datensätzen ähnlicher Art zu verarbeiten. Darüber hinaus werden die effizienten CPU/GPU-Implementierungen des entwickelten Workflows und der Methoden vorgestellt und der Gemeinschaft als Module für die Sprache Python zur Verfügung gestellt. Der entwickelte automatisierte Analyse-Workflow wurde erfolgreich für Mikro-CT-Datensätze angewandt, die in Hochdurchsatzröntgenexperimenten im Bereich der Entwicklungsbiologie und Materialwissenschaft gewonnen wurden. Insbesondere wurde dieser Arbeitsablauf für die Analyse der Medaka-Fisch-Datensätze angewandt, was eine automatisierte Segmentierung und anschließende morphologische Analyse von Gehirn, Leber, Kopfnephronen und Herz ermöglichte. Darüber hinaus wurde die entwickelte Methode der 3D-Orientierungsanalyse bei der morphologischen Analyse von Polymergerüst-Datensätzen eingesetzt, um einen Herstellungsprozess in Richtung wünschenswerter Eigenschaften zu lenken

    Book of Abstracts 15th International Symposium on Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering and 3rd Conference on Imaging and Visualization

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    In this edition, the two events will run together as a single conference, highlighting the strong connection with the Taylor & Francis journals: Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering (John Middleton and Christopher Jacobs, Eds.) and Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Imaging and Visualization (JoãoManuel R.S. Tavares, Ed.). The conference has become a major international meeting on computational biomechanics, imaging andvisualization. In this edition, the main program includes 212 presentations. In addition, sixteen renowned researchers will give plenary keynotes, addressing current challenges in computational biomechanics and biomedical imaging. In Lisbon, for the first time, a session dedicated to award the winner of the Best Paper in CMBBE Journal will take place. We believe that CMBBE2018 will have a strong impact on the development of computational biomechanics and biomedical imaging and visualization, identifying emerging areas of research and promoting the collaboration and networking between participants. This impact is evidenced through the well-known research groups, commercial companies and scientific organizations, who continue to support and sponsor the CMBBE meeting series. In fact, the conference is enriched with five workshops on specific scientific topics and commercial software.info:eu-repo/semantics/draf

    Examining the development of brain structure in utero with fetal MRI, acquired as part of the Developing Human Connectome Project

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    The human brain is an incredibly complex organ, and the study of it traverses many scales across space and time. The development of the brain is a protracted process that begins embryonically but continues into adulthood. Although neural circuits have the capacity to adapt and are modulated throughout life, the major structural foundations are laid in utero during the fetal period, through a series of rapid but precisely timed, dynamic processes. These include neuronal proliferation, migration, differentiation, axonal pathfinding, and myelination, to name a few. The fetal origins of disease hypothesis proposed that a variety of non-communicable diseases emerging in childhood and adulthood could be traced back to a series of risk factors effecting neurodevelopment in utero (Barker 1995). Since this publication, many studies have shown that the structural scaffolding of the brain is vulnerable to external environmental influences and the perinatal developmental window is a crucial determinant of neurological health later in life. However, there remain many fundamental gaps in our understanding of it. The study of human brain development is riddled with biophysical, ethical, and technical challenges. The Developing Human Connectome Project (dHCP) was designed to tackle these specific challenges and produce high quality open-access perinatal MRI data, to enable researchers to investigate normal and abnormal neurodevelopment (Edwards et al., 2022). This thesis will focus on investigating the diffusion-weighted and anatomical (T2) imaging data acquired in the fetal period, between the second to third trimester (22 – 37 gestational weeks). The limitations of fetal MR data are ill-defined due to a lack of literature and therefore this thesis aims to explore the data through a series of critical and strategic analysis approaches that are mindful of the biophysical challenges associated with fetal imaging. A variety of analysis approaches are optimised to quantify structural brain development in utero, exploring avenues to relate the changes in MR signal to possible neurobiological correlates. In doing so, the work in this thesis aims to improve mechanistic understanding about how the human brain develops in utero, providing the clinical and medical imaging community with a normative reference point. To this aim, this thesis investigates fetal neurodevelopment with advanced in utero MRI methods, with a particular emphasis on diffusion MRI. Initially, the first chapter outlines a descriptive, average trajectory of diffusion metrics in different white matter fiber bundles across the second to third trimester. This work identified unique polynomial trajectories in diffusion metrics that characterise white matter development (Wilson et al., 2021). Guided by previous literature on the sensitivity of DWI to cellular processes, I formulated a hypothesis about the biophysical correlates of diffusion signal components that might underpin this trend in transitioning microstructure. This hypothesis accounted for the high sensitivity of the diffusion signal to a multitude of simultaneously occurring processes, such as the dissipating radial glial scaffold, commencement of pre-myelination and arborization of dendritic trees. In the next chapter, the methods were adapted to address this hypothesis by introducing another dimension, and charting changes in diffusion properties along developing fiber pathways. With this approach it was possible to identify compartment-specific microstructural maturation, refining the spatial and temporal specificity (Wilson et al., 2023). The results reveal that the dynamic fluctuations in the components of the diffusion signal correlate with observations from previous histological work. Overall, this work allowed me to consolidate my interpretation of the changing diffusion signal from the first chapter. It also serves to improve understanding about how diffusion signal properties are affected by processes in transient compartments of the fetal brain. The third chapter of this thesis addresses the hypothesis that cortical gyrification is influenced by both underlying fiber connectivity and cytoarchitecture. Using the same fetal imaging dataset, I analyse the tissue microstructural change underlying the formation of cortical folds. I investigate correlations between macrostructural surface features (curvature, sulcal depth) and tissue microstructural measures (diffusion tensor metrics, and multi-shell multi-tissue decomposition) in the subplate and cortical plate across gestational age, exploring this relationship both at the population level and within subjects. This study provides empirical evidence to support the hypotheses that microstructural properties in the subplate and cortical plate are altered with the development of sulci. The final chapter explores the data without anatomical priors, using a data-driven method to extract components that represent coordinated structural maturation. This analysis aims to examine if brain regions with coherent patterns of growth over the fetal period converge on neonatal functional networks. I extract spatially independent features from the anatomical imaging data and quantify the spatial overlap with pre-defined neonatal resting state networks. I hypothesised that coherent spatial patterns of anatomical development over the fetal period would map onto the functional networks observed in the neonatal period. Overall, this thesis provides new insight about the developmental contrast over the second to third trimester of human development, and the biophysical correlates affecting T2 and diffusion MR signal. The results highlight the utility of fetal MRI to research critical mechanisms of structural brain maturation in utero, including white matter development and cortical gyrification, bridging scales from neurobiological processes to whole brain macrostructure. their gendered constructions relating to women

    Advanced Sensing and Image Processing Techniques for Healthcare Applications

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    This Special Issue aims to attract the latest research and findings in the design, development and experimentation of healthcare-related technologies. This includes, but is not limited to, using novel sensing, imaging, data processing, machine learning, and artificially intelligent devices and algorithms to assist/monitor the elderly, patients, and the disabled population

    Proceedings of ICMMB2014

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