1,018 research outputs found

    Compressive Sensing for PAN-Sharpening

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    Based on compressive sensing framework and sparse reconstruction technology, a new pan-sharpening method, named Sparse Fusion of Images (SparseFI, pronounced as sparsify), is proposed in [1]. In this paper, the proposed SparseFI algorithm is validated using UltraCam and WorldView-2 data. Visual and statistic analysis show superior performance of SparseFI compared to the existing conventional pan-sharpening methods in general, i.e. rich in spatial information and less spectral distortion. Moreover, popular quality assessment metrics are employed to explore the dependency on regularization parameters and evaluate the efficiency of various sparse reconstruction toolboxes

    Target-adaptive CNN-based pansharpening

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    We recently proposed a convolutional neural network (CNN) for remote sensing image pansharpening obtaining a significant performance gain over the state of the art. In this paper, we explore a number of architectural and training variations to this baseline, achieving further performance gains with a lightweight network which trains very fast. Leveraging on this latter property, we propose a target-adaptive usage modality which ensures a very good performance also in the presence of a mismatch w.r.t. the training set, and even across different sensors. The proposed method, published online as an off-the-shelf software tool, allows users to perform fast and high-quality CNN-based pansharpening of their own target images on general-purpose hardware

    Multi-Fusion algorithms for Detecting Land Surface Pattern Changes Using Multi-High Spatial Resolution Images and Remote Sensing Analysis

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    Producing accurate Land-Use and Land-Cover (LU/LC) maps using low-spatial-resolution images is a difficult task. Pan-sharpening is crucial for estimating LU/LC patterns. This study aimed to identify the most precise procedure for estimating LU/LC by adopting two fusion approaches, namely Color Normalized Brovey (BM) and Gram-Schmidt Spectral Sharpening (GS), on high-spatial-resolution Multi-sensor and Multi-spectral images, such as (1) the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) system, (2) the WorldView-2 satellite system, and (3) low-spatial-resolution images like the Sentinel-2 satellite, to generate six levels of fused images with the three original multi-spectral images. The Maximum Likelihood method (ML) was used for classifying all nine images. A confusion matrix was used to evaluate the accuracy of each single classified image. The obtained results were statistically compared to determine the most reliable, accurate, and appropriate LU/LC map and procedure. It was found that applying GS to the fused image, which integrated WorldView-2 and Sentinel-2 satellite images and was classified by the ML method, produced the most accurate results. This procedure has an overall accuracy of 88.47% and a kappa coefficient of 0.85. However, the overall accuracies of the three classified multispectral images range between 86.84% to 76.49%. Furthermore, the accuracy assessment of the fused images by the Brovey method and the rest of the GS method and classified by the ML method ranges between 85.75% to 76.68%. This proposed procedure shows a lot of promise in the academic sphere for mapping LU/LC. Previous researchers have mostly used satellite images or datasets with similar spatial and spectral resolution, at least for tropical areas like the study area of this research, to detect land surface patterns. However, no one has previously investigated and examined the use and application of different datasets that have different spectral and spatial resolutions and their accuracy for mapping LU/LC. This study has successfully adopted different datasets provided by different sensors with varying spectral and spatial levels to investigate this. Doi: 10.28991/ESJ-2023-07-04-013 Full Text: PD

    Tree Aboveground Carbon Mapping in an Indian Tropical Moist Deciduous Forest Using Object-Based Image Analysis and Very High Resolution Satellite Imagery

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    Forests’ capability to sequester and store a large amount of carbon makes it imperative to assess the carbon stocked in them. The present study aimed to map the tree aboveground carbon stock of sal (Shorea robusta) forests of Doon valley, India using object-based image analysis (OBIA) of WorldView-2, a very high resolution satellite imagery (VHRS). The study evaluated different pan-sharpening techniques for improving the spatial resolution of WorldView-2 multispectral imagery and found that the high pass filter resolution merge technique was better compared to others. OBIA was used for image segmentation and classification. It enabled the delineation of tree crowns and canopy projection area (CPA) calculation. The overall accuracy of image segmentation and classification were found to be 72.12% and 84.82% respectively. The study unveiled that there exists a strong relationship between diameter at breast height and the CPA of trees as well as CPA and tree carbon. The average forest carbon density in the study area was found to be 108 Mg ha−1. The study highlighted that OBIA of VHRS imagery coupled with field inventory can be efficiently used to quantify and map the tree carbon stock.</p

    Information Loss-Guided Multi-Resolution Image Fusion

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    Spatial downscaling is an ill-posed, inverse problem, and information loss (IL) inevitably exists in the predictions produced by any downscaling technique. The recently popularized area-to-point kriging (ATPK)-based downscaling approach can account for the size of support and the point spread function (PSF) of the sensor, and moreover, it has the appealing advantage of the perfect coherence property. In this article, based on the advantages of ATPK and the conceptualization of IL, an IL-guided image fusion (ILGIF) approach is proposed. ILGIF uses the fine spatial resolution images acquired in other wavelengths to predict the IL in ATPK predictions based on the geographically weighted regression (GWR) model, which accounts for the spatial variation in land cover. ILGIF inherits all the advantages of ATPK, and its prediction has perfect coherence with the original coarse spatial resolution data which can be demonstrated mathematically. ILGIF was validated using two data sets and was shown in each case to predict downscaled images more accurately than the compared benchmark methods
