514 research outputs found

    Options for Climate-Smart Agriculture at Kaptumo Site in Kenya

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    This report identifies and assesses climate-smart agricultural practices through participatory appraisal tools with experts and farmers, as part of the MICCA pilot project in Kaptumo, Kenya. The aim is to highlight and add climate-smart practices within the ongoing development programme which aims to integrate climate change adaptation and mitigation with improving livelihoods and productivity of the dairy farming system

    Grass Silage for Biogas Production

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    Renewable energy resources of part of the Asian region are not only able to fight against climate change issues but also could contribute to economic growth, employment, and energy safety. Biogas production and use are generally regarded as a sustainable practice that can guarantee high greenhouse gas savings. Thailand is an agricultural area suitable for growing of many plants, especially annual crops that can be used as an energy crop or raw material for biogas plant. In addition, grassland biomass is suitable in numerous ways for producing energy and is the most common material for producing biogas in the present scenario. There are several types of grasses popularly growing in Thailand. Grasses are converted to silage which will be used as feedstock for anaerobic digestion. Consequently, this chapter addresses the advances in silage preparations and utilization for efficient biogas production with several digestion methods including dry and wet fermentation processes, monodigestions, and co-digestions

    Biofuel Development in Sub-Saharan Africa

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    The quest for renewable and sustainable energy generation is fast becoming widespread across Africa due to the understanding that there is a need to seek an alternative to fuels of fossil origin, which currently sustains the largest portion of the world’s energy need. Research into the generation of renewable fuels had been on-going in continents like Europe, South America, Asia, and other developed countries bearing in mind the extinction nature of fossil fuels. Globally, attentions are being drawn to fuel generation from biomass and its derivatives such as lignin, triglycerides, cellulose, and hemicelluloses. The aim is to use such fuels for cooking and heating and in vehicles, jet engines, and other applications. Therefore, the integration of the African continent in the race for biofuel production is germane in the quest for survival and developments considering favorable factors like climate, soil, and land mass among other environmental-friendly resources in different African countries

    Anaerobic Digestion Biorefinery to Produce Bioenergy and Biobased Products using High Yielding Tropical Feedstock.

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    Ph.D. Thesis. University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa 2017

    Teise pÔlvkonna bioetanooli tootmine: kÔrvalvoogude valoriseerimine jÀtkusuutliku ringmajanduse kontseptsioonis

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    A thesis for applying for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering Sciences.Due to the increase of the energy production mainly from non–renewable energy sources, there is a need for alternative sources of energy. Second–generation biofuel production, using lignocellulosic biomass as a feedstock, is emerging as an important liquid biofuel for the transportation sector. However, its production is still very costly, and inefficient mainly due to the large quantity of sidestreams that are generated. Sidestreams from bioethanol production process bring environmental, economic and energetic constraints. a. Environment From the environmental point of view, sidestreams from bioethanol production are highly pollutant. There are several handling options for these residues and it includes: discharge; marine outfall; agricultural fields; sewage treatment; lagoon treatment; anaerobic digestion; incineration; and drying. From all these solutions, anaerobic digestion can be used to reduce the pollution potential of the production waste, and to reduce CO2 and other greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. b. Economics From the economic point of view, the high costs of bioethanol production require additional valorisation of its stillage to create new revenue streams. Pretreatment and enzymatic hydrolysis are the two most costly parts of the production process. Anaerobic digestion of bioethanol stillage is a prospective solution to offset the costs of bioethanol production and add value to the production chain. c. Energetics Finally, stillage has a high energetic value and can be used to produce energy in the form of methane. Its utilization can give higher net energy outputs and improve the efficiency of the production chain. In addition, ethanol from biomass has an energy return on energy invested (ERoEI) lower than for fossil fuels. Thus, stillage and bioethanol sidestreams can be used for processing energy, through anaerobic digestion to add value to the production chain and improve the energy balance. To sum up, there is a continuous search for strategies that make use of the high energy content of bioethanol sidestreams. Anaerobic digestion to produce energy in the form of methane has been reported as an effective strategy to increase the energy output from the biomass, help to balance the costs of bioethanol production and as an environmental solution to this highly pollutant residues.Vajadus alternatiivsete energia allikate jĂ€rele kasvab pidevalt kuna ĂŒldine energia tarbimine kasvab ning see vajadus rahuldatakse fossiilsete allikate arvelt. Lignotselluoossel biomassil pĂ”hinevad teise pĂ”lvkonna biokĂŒtused on esile kerkinud kui vĂ”imalik lahendus transpordi sektori vajaduse katmiseks. Siiski on biokĂŒtuste tootmine lignotselluloossest biomassist vĂ”rreldes fossiilsete kĂŒtustega endiselt vĂ€ga kulukas. Lisaks tekib nende tootmisel kĂ”rvalvoogusid, mis hetkel ei ole kasutust leidnud ning vajavad eraldi tĂ€helepanu, et vĂ€ltida nende keskkonna, majanduslikke ja energeetilisi mĂ”jusid. a. Keskkond KeskkonnamĂ”jult on bioetanooli tootmisel tekkivad kĂ”rvalvood kĂ”rge reostuspotentsiaaliga. Nende neutraliseerimiseks on mitmeid strateegiaid. NĂ€iteks: bioloogiline puhastamine, laguunpuhastamine, pĂ”letamine, merre pumpamine, kuivatamine, anaeroobne kÀÀritamine jne. Neist kĂ€itlemisvĂ”imalustest anaeroobne kÀÀritamine vĂ”imaldab samaaegselt vĂ€hendada nii kĂ”rvalvoogude reostuspotentsiaali, kui sĂŒsihappegaasi ja teiste kasvuhoonegaaside emissioone. b. Majandus Majanduslikust vaatepunktist lĂ€htudes on vajadus vÀÀrindada bioetanooli tootmise kĂ”rvalvoogusid, et parandada selle ĂŒldist tasuvust ja tekitada lisavÀÀrtust. Eeltöötlus ja ensĂŒmaatiline hĂŒdrolĂŒĂŒs on kaks kĂ”ige kulukamat protsessi nii bioetanooli kui ka biogaasi tootmises. Bioetanooli tootmise kĂ”rvalvoogude anaeroobne kÀÀritamine vĂ”imaldab vĂ€hese lisakuluga tekitada lisavÀÀrtus, mis parandab ka bioetanooli tootmisprotsessi tasuvust. c. Energeetika Bioetanooli tootmise kĂ”rvalvoogude kĂ”rge energeetiline vÀÀrtus vĂ”imaldab neid kasutada anaeroobses kÀÀritamises biometaani tootmiseks. KĂ”rvalvoogude kasutamine biokĂŒtuse tootmiseks vĂ”imaldab efektiivsemalt Ă€ra kasutada kogu biomassis sisalduvat energiat, tĂ”sta kogu tootmisahela efektiivsust ning parandada energia vĂ€ljundit sisendenergia suhtes (ERoEI) sedavĂ”rd, et see oleks vĂ”imeline konkureerima fossiilsete kĂŒtustega. Seega on vĂ”imalik bioetanooli tootmisprotsessi energeetilist tasakaalu parandada tootmise kĂ”rvalvoogude kasutamisega anaeroobses kÀÀritamises. KokkuvĂ”tteks vĂ”ib öelda, et teadus otsib ĂŒha uusi strateegiaid ja lahendusi kuidas parandada bioetanooli tootmisprotsessi efektiivsust kĂ”igist kolmest vaatepunktist lĂ€htuvalt. Tootmise kĂ”rvalvoogude kasutamine biometaani tootmiseks anaeroobses kÀÀritusprotsessis on vĂ€lja toodud kui ĂŒks vĂ”imalikest strateegiatest, mis parandaks bioetanooli tootmise energeetilist ja majanduslikku efektiivsust ning vĂ€hendaks selle mĂ”ju keskkonnale.The publication of this thesis is supported by the Estonian University of Life Sciences. It had the financial support of the European Regional Development Fund via the Mobilitas Pluss (project MOBERA1) of the Estonian Research Council and the base financed projects of EULS P170025 TIPT and PM180260 TIPT; Smart Specialization scholarship for PhD students, funded by the European Regional Development Fund and Estonian government; Dora Plus programme provided by the European Regional Development Fund and Estonian Government; and the Doctoral School of Energy and Geotechnology III, (Estonian University of Life Sciences ASTRA project „Value-chain based bio-economy“)

    Environmental Planning and Modeling

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    The focus of this reprint is on environmental planning and modeling. It examines articles on green consumption, biodiversity, and household waste recycling, as well as presenting a review of the trend in publications on household waste recycling. A number of country-based applications are presented and models are used to show how multiple perspectives can be considered in policy making. This reprint will be of special interest to researchers and readers involved in sustainability management. Further, although some chapters present models to solve sustainability problems, they also share policy and decision-making frameworks for applying such models

    The Bioenergy Potentials of Lignocelluloses

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    Lignocellulosic biomass is abundant resources accrued from agricultural, municipal and other sources. Their high fermentable carbohydrate contents make them suitable candidates for bioenergy generation. The global increase in the generation of these resources is phenomenal, thus culminating in huge environmental disasters with its attendant global warming and climate change menace. Their improper management has equally been reported to cause several environmental challenges such as water, land and air pollution and the spread of pathogenic organisms which causes diverse diseases within the human and animal population. However, the proper and adequate management/utilization of these materials can improve human’s living standards as well as ensuring environmental protecting via the production of environmental-friendly biofuels. In this regard, research on the use of lignocellulosic biomass as alternative energy feedstock to fossil fuels has gained considerable attention over the last few decades majorly because of their abundance and significant roles in greenhouse gas emissions reduction

    Sustainable bio-economy that delivers the environment-food-energy-water nexus objectives::the current status in Malaysia

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    Biomass is a promising resource in Malaysia for energy, fuels, and high value-added products. However, regards to biomass value chains, the numerous restrictions and challenges related to the economic and environmental features must be considered. The major concerns regarding the enlargement of biomass plantation is that it requires large amounts of land and environmental resources such as water and soil that arises the danger of creating severe damages to the ecosystem (e.g. deforestation, water pollution, soil depletion etc.). Regarded concerns can be diminished when all aspects associated with palm biomass conversion and utilization linked with environment, food, energy and water (EFEW) nexus to meet the standard requirement and to consider the potential impact on the nexus as a whole. Therefore, it is crucial to understand the detail interactions between all the components in the nexus once intended to look for the best solution to exploit the great potential of biomass. This paper offers an overview regarding the present potential biomass availability for energy production, technology readiness, feasibility study on the techno-economic analyses of the biomass utilization and the impact of this nexus on value chains. The agro-biomass resources potential and land suitability for different crops has been overviewed using satellite imageries and the outcomes of the nexus interactions should be incorporated in developmental policies on biomass. The paper finally discussed an insight of digitization of the agriculture industry as future strategy to modernize agriculture in Malaysia. Hence, this paper provides holistic overview of biomass competitiveness for sustainable bio-economy in Malaysia
