18 research outputs found

    Emerg Infect Dis

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    Emerging infectious diseases

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    Emerging Infectious Diseases is providing access to these abstracts on behalf of the ICEID 2012 program committee (www.iceid.org), which performed peer review. Emerging Infectious Diseases has not edited or proofread these materials and is not responsible for inaccuracies or omissions. All information is subject to change. Comments and corrections should be brought to the attention of the authors.Influenza preparedness: lessons learned -- Policy implications and infectious diseases -- Improving preparedness for infectious diseases -- New or rapid diagnostics -- Foodborne and waterborne infections -- Effective and sustainable surveillance platforms -- Healthcare-associated infections -- Molecular epidemiology -- Antimicrobial resistance -- Tropical infections and parasitic diseases -- H1N1 influenza -- Risk Assessment -- Laboratory Support -- Zoonotic and Animal Diseases -- Viral Hepatitis -- E1. Zoonotic and animal diseases -- E2. Vaccine issues -- E3. H1N1 influenza -- E4. Novel surveillance systems -- E5. Antimicrobial resistance -- E6. Late-breakers I -- Antimicrobial resistance -- Influenza preparedness: lessons learned -- Zoonotic and animal diseases -- Improving preparedness for infectious diseases -- Laboratory support -- Early warning systems -- H1N1 influenza -- Policy implications and infectious diseases -- Modeling -- Molecular epidemiology -- Novel surveillance systems -- Tropical infections and parasitic diseases -- Strengthening public health systems -- Immigrant and refugee health -- Foodborne and waterborne infections -- Healthcare-associated infections -- Foodborne and waterborne infections -- New or rapid diagnostics -- Improving global health equity for infectious diseases -- Vulnerable populations -- Novel agents of public health importance -- Influenza preparedness: lessons learned -- Molecular epidemiology -- Zoonotic and animal diseases -- Vaccine-preventable diseases -- Outbreak investigation: lab and epi response -- H1N1 influenza -- laboratory support -- effective and sustainable surveillance platforms -- new vaccines -- vector-borne diseases and climate change -- travelers' health -- J1. Vectorborne diseases and climate change -- J2. Policy implications and infectious diseases -- J3. Influenza preparedness: lessons learned -- J4. Effective and sustainable surveillance platforms -- J5. Outbreak investigation: lab and epi response I -- J6. Late-breakers II -- Strengthening public health systems -- Bacterial/viral coinfections -- H1N1 influenza -- Novel agents of public health importance -- Foodborne and waterborne infections -- New challenges for old vaccines -- Vectorborne diseases and climate change -- Novel surveillance systems -- Geographic information systems (GIS) -- Improving global health equity for infectious diseases -- Vaccine preventable diseases -- Vulnerable populations -- Laboratory support -- Prevention challenges for respiratory diseases -- Zoonotic and animal diseases -- Outbreak investigation: lab and epi response -- Vectorborne diseases and climate change -- Outbreak investigation: lab and epi response -- Laboratory proficiency testing/quality assurance -- Effective and sustainable surveillance platforms -- Sexually transmitted diseases -- H1N1 influenza -- Surveillance of vaccine-preventable diseases -- Foodborne and waterborne infections -- Role of health communication -- Emerging opportunistic infections -- Host and microbial genetics -- Respiratory infections in special populations -- Zoonotic and animal diseases -- Laboratory support -- Antimicrobial resistance -- Vulnerable populations -- Global vaccine initiatives -- Tuberculosis -- Prevention challenges for respiratory diseases -- Infectious causes of chronic diseases -- O1. Outbreak investigation: lab and epi response II -- O2. Prevention challenges for respiratory diseases -- O3. Populations at high risk for infectious diseases -- O4. Foodborne and waterborne infections -- O5. Laboratory support: surveillance and monitoring infections -- O6. Late-breakers IIIAbstracts published in advance of the conference

    Emerg Infect Dis

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    Spatial epidemiological approaches to monitor and measure the risk of human leptospirosis

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    Strategic development of hospitals for infectious diseases: a dynamic capability approach

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    Public health emergencies have the characteristics of sudden, devastating and unpredictable. The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has spread worldwide in 2019, posing enormous threats to human health, global politics, and economy. The whole world is encountering a severe situation of responding to emerging epidemics. Chinese hospitals for infectious diseases undertake the special responsibilities for emergency response and treatment to emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases, and make contributions to safeguarding people's health and social stability. However, affected by the continuous decline of the incidence of infectious diseases and the insufficient government compensation mechanism, the survival and development of specialized hospitals for infectious diseases are severely restricted and generally facing survival crisis. In terms of data collection, this study combined dynamic capability theory, resource-based view theory and strategic alliance theory. Through multiple-case study, the qualitative data are processed with QSR NVivo 12 software. This thesis comprehensively analyzes the development status, hospital resources, core competitiveness, dynamic capabilities, strategic alliances (Medical Treatment Alliance), strategic adjustment and performance of infectious disease hospitals in China. On the basis of data analysis, this research constructs the development strategy model of infectious disease hospitals in the rapidly changing environment, and puts forward the coping strategies for the survival and development of infectious disease hospitals. The research conclusion is consistent with the propositions and the existing literature, and considers that the competitive advantage is the concrete embodiment of the dynamic capability, and the capability of public health events’ emergency response and disposal is the most important dynamic capability of Chinese infectious disease hospitals. The research results provide scientific basis and useful reference for the infectious disease hospitals to formulate the sustainable development strategies and the government to formulate public health policies.As emergências da saúde pública não só são inesperadas, como são devastadoras e imprevisíveis. A nova pandemia (COVID 19), ao espalhar-se por todo o mundo, colocou novos e enormes desafios à saúde pública, à economia e à política internacional. Todo o mundo necessita de preparar-se para responder às epidemias emergentes. Os hospitais chineses para doenças infeciosas têm como missão dar uma resposta rápida às doenças infeciosas emergentes e re-emergentes e contribuir para a salvaguarda da saúde pública e da estabilidade social. Contudo, devido ao declínio, nos últimos anos, das doenças infeciosas e ao insuficiente mecanismo de compensação governamental, os hospitais chineses viviam numa permanente crise de sobrevivência. Para a recolha de dados, esta tese combinou a teoria das capacidades dinâmicas com a teoria baseada nos recursos e a teoria das alianças estratégicas. Os dados foram posteriormente tratados com o software NVivo 12. Esta tese analisa de um modo compreensivo os recursos, as competências nucleares e as capacidades dinâmicas, assim como as alianças estratégicas dos hospitais chineses de doenças infeciosas. Baseando-se na análise dos dados, esta tese propõe uma estratégia de desenvolvimento para os hospitais de doenças infeciosas para os tempos de mudança que vivemos. As conclusões estão de acordo com as proposições extraídas da revisão de literatura e uma das conclusões é que vantagem competitiva é a personificação das capacidades dinâmicas. Os resultados desta tese podem contribuir para a formulação de uma estratégia sustentada para os hospitais de doenças infeciosas e ajudar o governo na formulação de políticas públicas

    Fleas of fleas: The potential role of bacteriophages in Salmonella diversity and pathogenicity.

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    Non-typhoidal salmonellosis is an important foodborne and zoonotic infection, that causes significant global public health concern. Diverse serovars are multidrug-resistant and encode several virulence indicators, however, little is known on the role prophages play in driving these characteristics. Here, we extracted prophages from 75 Salmonella genomes, which represent the 15 most important serovars in the United Kingdom. We analysed the genomes of the intact prophages for the presence of virulence factors which were associated with; diversity, evolution and pathogenicity of Salmonella and to establish their genomic relationships. We identified 615 prophage elements from the Salmonella genomes, from which 195 prophages are intact, 332 being incomplete while 88 are questionable. The average prophage carriage was found to be more prevalent in S. Heidelberg, S. Inverness and S. Newport (10.2-11.6 prophages/strain), compared to S. Infantis, S. Stanley, S. Typhimurium and S. Virchow (8.2-9 prophages/strain) and S. Agona, S. Braenderup, S. Bovismorbificans, S. Choleraesuis, S. Dublin, and S. Java (6-7.8 prophages/strain), and S. Javiana and S. Enteritidis (5.8 prophages/strain). Cumulatively, 2760 virulence factors were detected from the intact prophages and associated with cellular functionality being linked to effector delivery/secretion system (73%), adherence (22%), magnesium uptake (2.7%), resistance to antimicrobial peptides (0.94%), stress/survival (0.4%), exotoxins (0.32%) and antivirulence (0.18%). Close and distant clusters were formed among the prophage genomes suggesting different lineages and associations with bacteriophages of other Enterobacteriaceae. We show that diverse repertoire of Salmonella prophages are associated with numerous virulence factors, and may contribute to diversity, pathogenicity and success of specific serovars