27 research outputs found

    Pengelolaan Pembelajaran Berbasis Multimedia di SD Muhammadiyah 1 Alternatif Kota Magelang

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    The need for learning in the emerging technological era demands an adjustment and becomes a challenge in media management. Research on the management of multimedia-based learning aims to: (1) describe multimedia-based learning planning; (2) to describe the implementation of multimedia-based learning, and (3) to describe evaluation of multimedia-based curriculum at SD Muhammadiyah 1 Alternative of Magelang City. The research method is qualitative with ethnography approach through the effort to capture a series of learning activities with the use of various media and combinations used in routine teaching and learning activities. The study was conducted by looking at the formation of learning atmosphere that focuses on the application of multimedia begins from learning planning, activities through multimedia-based learning models conducted in the classroom to all activities outside school until the evaluation process. The results showed that (1) learning planning with multimedia-based learning focus has not been fully described clearly through a guideline or implication. Preparation in writing, programmed and systematic in learning and curriculum with specific multimedia-based has not been done; (2) the availability of facilities and the activities of teaching and learning activities with all the methods and initiatives of the way done in the classroom or outside the school has supported the process of multimedia-based learning. (3) evaluation of learning by focusing on multimedia-based learning still needs attention to produce effective, innovative and able to build new ideas and understanding in teaching and learning activities. Improvement of multimedia-based learning requires systematic efforts to optimize the facilities that have begun planning until the evaluation of learning

    Exploring computer assisted learning for low achieving children: A comparative analysis study

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    Learning assistance or support is essential for a learner regardless of their cognitive ability and learning preference. Computer assisted learning (CAL) is one of the facilitation that widely explored as alternative learning assistances with different concepts, approaches, contents and target users. The main concern of this study is to explore and identify learning concepts and approaches that have been employed in previous research for normal and learning disabilities learners. In relation with the intention, 15 articles from past five years (2010-2015) are selected for review and analysis processes in this comparative analysis study.The finding shows some similarities and differences of CAL concept and approach for both type of learners. Some insights and suggestions are drawn based on the extracted concepts and approaches specifically for low achieving children as their learning assistance in primary school

    Veterinary Students' Recollection Methods for Surgical Procedures:A Qualitative Study

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    When veterinary students face their first live animal surgeries, their level of anxiety is generally high and this can affect their ability to recall the procedure they are about to undertake. Multimodal teaching methods have previously been shown to enhance learning and facilitate recall; however, student preferences for recollection methods when translating theory into practice have not been documented. The aim of this study was to investigate veterinary students' experience with recollection of a surgical procedure they were about to perform after using multiple methods for preparation. From a group of 171 veterinary students enrolled in a basic surgery course, 26 students were randomly selected to participate in semi-structured interviews. Results showed that 58% of the students used a visual, dynamic method of recollection, mentally visualizing the video they had watched as part of their multimodal preparation. A mental recipe was used by 15%, whereas 12% mentally visualized their own notes. The study provides new information regarding veterinary students' methods of recollection of surgical procedures and indicates that in Danish veterinary students, a visual dynamic method is the most commonly used. This is relevant information in the current educational situation, which uses an array of educational tools, and it stresses the importance of supporting the traditional surgical teaching methods with high-quality instructional videos. </jats:p

    Peran mobile learning pada pergeseran lingkungan belajar terhadap motivasi dan minat belajar mahasiswa pada saat pandemik

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    Tujuan dari Penelitian ini adalah untk mengetahui pengaruh lingkungan belajar dan motivasi terhadap minat belajar mahasiswa manajemen fakultas ekonomi dan bisnis islam uin alauddin makassar. Peneliti menggunakan 2 (dua) pendekatan, yakni deskriptif dan eksploratif. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data Primer. Data diperoleh langsung dari Informan yang dipilih secara Purposive, sementara Responden yang terpilih secara acak (Random Sampling) pemilihan responden didasarkan pada asumsi bahwa populasi relatif homogen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa adanya hubungan positif dan signifikan antara lingkungan belajar terhadap motivasi, dan lingkungan belajar terhadap minar belajar mahasiswa. Begitupula motivasi mampu memengaruhi minat belajar

    Video-based multimedia on learners’ attitude towards astrophysics: Gender equity and school location

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    Educational literature is richly provided with research confirming the benefits of video-based multimedia (VBM) in education. So, understanding learners’ attitude about learning using video-based multimedia makes sense. A convergent parallel mixed methods research design was used to analyze and interpret learners’ attitudes in the context of learning astrophysics using video-based multimedia. The research involved 294 students (168 male and 126 female) of senior five (grade 11) who purposively selected from eight public secondary schools in Rutsiro and Rubavu districts, Rwanda. Data were collected using a questionnaire (Cronbach alpha=.87), a semi-structured interview, and class observation. Quantitative data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and t-test (P  level of significance) while content analysis was employed to analyze qualitative data. The findings revealed that there is no significant difference between male and female attitudes towards the use of video-based multimedia in learning astrophysics. Besides, the geographical location of the school influences the learners’ attitude. The results revealed some factors that affect learners’ attitudes towards learning astrophysics using video-based multimedia. Moreover, the findings recommend how the identified challenges could be alleviated not only in the Rwandan but in other science subjects worldwide.

    Öğrenme stilleri ile öğrenmeye yönelik tutum arasındaki ilişki

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    Bu araştırmanın amacı baskın öğrenme stili ile öğrenmeye yönelik tutum arasındaki ilişkiyi incelemektir. Araştırma Fırat Üniversitesinde öğrenim gören 164 öğrenci üzerinde yürütülmüştür. Veri toplama aracı olarak, Kolb tarafından geliştirilen Kolb Öğrenme Stili Envanteri ile Öğrenmeye Yönelik Tutum Ölçeği kullanılmıştır. Araştırma bulguları incelendiğinde, öğrencilerin en fazla Özümseyen, sonra sırasıyla Ayrıştıran, Yerleştiren ve Değiştiren öğrenme stillerine sahip oldukları tespit edilmiştir. Cinsiyet değişkenine göre baskın öğrenme stilleri arasında anlamlı düzeyde görüş farklılığı tespit edilirken öğrenmeye yönelik tutumun sadece beklenti alt boyutunda kadınların lehine anlamlı düzeyde görüş farklılığı tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca öğrenmeye yönelik tutumun yaş ve öğrenim görülen fakülte değişkenine göre anlamlı düzeyde görüş farklılığı olduğu belirlenmiştir. Sonuç olarak, değiştiren öğrenme stiline sahip bireylerin öğrenmeye yönelik tutumlarının diğer öğrenme stiline sahip olan bireylerden yüksek olduğu tespit edilmiştir.The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between the dominant learning and attitudes towards learning. The research was carried out on 164 students at Fırat University. Kolb Learning Style Inventory by Kolb and and Learning Attitude Scale were used as data collection tools. When the research findings were examined, it was determined that the students had the most assimilating, then segregating, placing and modifying learning styles respectively. When there was a significant difference in opinion among the dominant learning styles according to the gender variable, only the expectation sub-dimension of the attitude towards learning was found to be significantly different in favor of the women. In addition, the attitude towards learning was determined to be significantly different according to age and education faculty variables. As a result, it has been determined that the attitudes towards learning of individuals with a changing learning style are higher than those with other learning styles

    Effects of an Online Interactive Multimedia System on Cognitive and Affective Learning

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    This study examines the effects of an online interactive multimedia system on the cognitive and affective learning of some issues related to road safety. It employed a quasi-experimental design with two experimental modes: multimedia learning and text-based learning. This study design enables both multimedia and text-based to be compared in order to determine the differences on the learning effects of these two learning modes. The pretest and posttest scores were analyzed using Mann-Whitney U Test to compare the variances between the multimedia and text-based groups and K-means cluster analysis was used to find out whether two distinct clusters exist to represent the two learning modes. Results show that for cognitive learning, positive gain scores are obtained for both the multimedia and text-based groups but there is no significant difference on the gain scores between these two groups. On the other hand, results of affective learning show significantly higher gain scores for students using multimedia learning than students using text-based learning. Thus, it can be concluded that the online interactive multimedia system can produce desirable effects, particularly for affective learning

    Providing insights into health data science education through artificial intelligence

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    We would like to thank the Precision Medicine programme of the University of Edinburgh, as well as the Medical Research Council, for their support of this project aimed at enhancing health data science education. Additionally, we would like to express our appreciation to the Coursera platform and the students who participated in the course, whose contribution was invaluable to this research. This work was supported by the Medical Research Council [grant number MR/N013166/1].Background: Health Data Science (HDS) is a novel interdisciplinary field that integrates biological, clinical, and computational sciences with the aim of analysing clinical and biological data through the utilisation of computational methods. Training healthcare specialists who are knowledgeable in both health and data sciences is highly required, important, and challenging. Therefore, it is essential to analyse students’ learning experiences through artificial intelligence techniques in order to provide both teachers and learners with insights about effective learning strategies and to improve existing HDS course designs. Methods: We applied artificial intelligence methods to uncover learning tactics and strategies employed by students in an HDS massive open online course with over 3,000 students enrolled. We also used statistical tests to explore students’ engagement with different resources (such as reading materials and lecture videos) and their level of engagement with various HDS topics. Results: We found that students in HDS employed four learning tactics, such as actively connecting new information to their prior knowledge, taking assessments and practising programming to evaluate their understanding, collaborating with their classmates, and repeating information to memorise. Based on the employed tactics, we also found three types of learning strategies, including low engagement (Surface learners), moderate engagement (Strategic learners), and high engagement (Deep learners), which are in line with well-known educational theories. The results indicate that successful students allocate more time to practical topics, such as projects and discussions, make connections among concepts, and employ peer learning. Conclusions: We applied artificial intelligence techniques to provide new insights into HDS education. Based on the findings, we provide pedagogical suggestions not only for course designers but also for teachers and learners that have the potential to improve the learning experience of HDS students.Peer reviewe

    Anthropomorphic Graphics: How Useful Are They As An Instructional Aid To Facilitate Learning?

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    ArticleResearch has shown that decorative graphics do not contribute to learning when combined with instructional text. Some recent studies, however, indicate that decorative anthropomorphic graphics may improve comprehension during learning tasks. This article reports on an experiment involving 151 Grade 11 learners to test the potential of anthropomorphised graphics in learning material. The aim was to determine if the anthropomorphic graphics contributed to learning and whether the learners experienced the material in a positive manner. One group received text only, another received the same text but with anthropomorphised colour graphics and a third group received the text with non-anthropomorphised monochrome graphics. The anthropomorphised group did not perform significantly better than the other groups regarding comprehension and no significant difference was found regarding the enjoyment of the material. These results differ from recent studies that suggest that anthropomorphised graphics may contribute to learning and are enjoyed by learners. The non-significant results could be due to the differences in the experimental method of this study and those studies that reported positively on anthropomorphised graphics. Further research is required for instructional designers to understand better how learners process and respond to anthropomorphic graphics with a view on optimising its appearance in learning material