15 research outputs found

    Protection and Monitoring System for LPG Leaks and Fires in Arduino-Based Rooms

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    This research is a development of previous research in overcoming of LPG gas leaks that cause fires. The system is designed using the main sensor MQ-6 and DHT22 sensors which will detect the gas concentration and temperature in the room, the protection system is equipped with an exhaust as a room freshener and a buzzer as a direct warning alarm and a water pump to extinguish a fire. And all of data will be displayed on the application Blynk and will send a notification on email users by using a Wi-Fi network. This system has succeeded in detecting the concentration of LPG gas with a sensor detection distance of 1 cm to 7 cm getting an average time of 1.6 seconds and percentage of error comparison 2.52%. In normal temperature detection, the percentage error is 1.14% and normal humidity is 2.98%, As for detection of rising temperature by using of wax media, the percentage error is 1.84% and humidity 1.87%. From these tests and getting results with a small percentage value this system can already be used and runs as well

    Integrated healthcare monitoring device for obese adults using internet of things (IoT)

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    Obesity is a global epidemic, often considered an impending disaster for the world’s population. Healthcare organizations and professionals repeatedly emphasize the negative impacts on obesity in the development of cardiovascular diseases, hypertension and diabetes. The continuous monitoring of physiological parameters; namely SpO2, blood pressure, body temperature and pulse rate are imperative for obese adult patients. IoT is a dynamic field, used extensively in all fields: agriculture, automobile, manufacturing and retail industry primarily for automated remote real-time monitoring. This paper focuses on the implementation of IoT in the healthcare industry for monitoring and evaluating health conditions of obese adults, along with emphasis on the importance of medical data storage. Furthermore, a device is developed with a novel design and system, which not only allows real-time monitoring but also the storage of medical records for multiple patients simultaneously. The device facilitates measurements of these parameters using an Arduino environment and then transmits the data onto an IoT dashboard using a Wi-fi module for remote monitoring for healthcare professionals. The main aim is to provide a suitable device recommended by doctors for patients suffering from obesity, such that doctors can examine patient’s health trends over a period from the stored data for monitoring any changes that could be a symptom of an underlying unnoticed health condition

    Design of remote temperature monitoring system on automatic filling R125 Shinva machine using LM35 sensor and Arduino Uno microcontroller

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    This paper proposed the design of a remote temperature monitoring system of R125 Shinva's automatic filling machine. The R125 Shinva’s automatic filling machine is one of the machines on SF company which main function is fulfilling the infusion liquid into the infusion packaging, this infusion liquid is mainly used for the human medical treatment. Based on the failure history data, this machine has the highest downtime among the others and one of the fatal failures is caused by the overheating of the heating element in the infusion liquid bag's transfer system. Using the proposed design, the temperature of the heating element can be monitored in real-time condition and also giving notification to the maintenance team for the next maintenance action. With the power of cloud-based technology, the monitoring system not only on-site monitoring but also can use a web server monitoring, and mobile monitoring system

    Design of remote temperature monitoring system on automatic filling R125 Shinva machine using LM35 sensor and Arduino Uno microcontroller

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    This paper proposed the design of a remote temperature monitoring system of R125 Shinva's automatic filling machine. The R125 Shinva’s automatic filling machine is one of the machines on SF company which main function is fulfilling the infusion liquid into the infusion packaging, this infusion liquid is mainly used for the human medical treatment. Based on the failure history data, this machine has the highest downtime among the others and one of the fatal failures is caused by the overheating of the heating element in the infusion liquid bag's transfer system. Using the proposed design, the temperature of the heating element can be monitored in real-time condition and also giving notification to the maintenance team for the next maintenance action. With the power of cloud-based technology, the monitoring system not only on-site monitoring but also can use a web server monitoring, and mobile monitoring system

    Improving Irrigation by Using a Cloud Based IoT System

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    Palestine is a fertile country, and the agriculture system is a significant part of its economy. In Palestine, farming depends on rainfall, however, the rainfall amount has been decreasing over the years and springs are drying out. Therefore, the irrigation system is considered one of the most used systems in the agriculture field. However, there are many factors that should be taken into consideration to control the right amount of water that should be provided to the plant when using the irrigation system, like the soil type, the fertility of the soil, the moisture level, humidity, and temperature of the soil. Our proposed irrigation system takes into account those factors to automate the amount of water dispensed to the plants. The project employs a microcontroller module (ESP8266) which connects the system to the internet by WiFi. This module controls two relays for supplying water to the field, and triggers the fans based on the information obtained from the soil moisture and temperature humidity sensor. This entire system is monitored and controlled by a Blynk server

    Análisis comparativo del consumo de energía de sistemas embebidos avanzados entre WiFi y Ble para el envío de datos hacia plataformas en la nube

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    El presente artículo académico se basa en el análisis y comparación del consumo de energía de sistemas embebidos avanzados haciendo uso de módulos wifi y bluetooth que están conectados a las plataformas IoT. El objetivo de realizar el análisis, es definir el módulo que consume menos energía. Se implementó diferentes escenarios experimentales (WIFI y BLE), donde se realizó la medición mediante el método invasivo de la resistencia shunt, aplicada en la entrada de corriente de cada módulo. De los resultados obtenidos, se observó que el dispositivo con mayor consumo de energía en la transmisión de datos es el ESP32 con un 89% con respecto al módulo BLE que es mejor en cuanto ahorro de energía se trata. El bluetooth HC-05 es el segundo dispositivo con mayor consumo seguido del ESP8266, por consiguiente, es el HC-06 que consume el doble de energía que el BLE (3 mW), en condición de transmisión de datos a la nube despreciando el consumo del módulo. Dando como resultado que el dispositivo con menor consumo de energía es el BLE gracias a sus protocolos que solo recogen y envían información mas no la procesan.This academic article is based on the analysis and comparison of the energy consumption of advanced embedded systems using Wi-Fi and Bluetooth modules that are connected to IoT platforms. The objective of the analysis is to define the module that consumes the least energy. Different experimental scenarios (WIFI and BLE) were implemented, where the measurement was carried out using the invasive method of the shunt resistance, applied to the current input of each module. From the results obtained, it was observed that the device with the highest energy consumption in data transmission is the ESP32 with 89% compared to the BLE module, which is better in terms of energy saving. The bluetooth HC-05 is the second device with the highest consumption followed by the ESP8266, therefore, it is the HC-06 that consumes twice as much energy as the BLE (3 mW), in a condition of data transmission to the cloud, neglecting the consumption of the module. Resulting in that the device with the lowest energy consumption is the BLE thanks to its protocols that only collect and send information but do not process it

    Development of a mobile automated air quality monitoring system for use in places of technogenic accidents on railway transport

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    A mobile air quality monitoring system (MAQMS) has been designed and implemented at railway infrastructure facilities. The system (or MAQMS) consists of two main parts: a single data processing server and information collection devices. The transmitter is based on the ATmega328 microcontroller. For component devices of MAQMS, the operation of which depends on Wi-Fi, a transmitter based on an ESP8266 microcontroller is used, which ensures stable communication according to the 802.11n standard. This standard is the main data transfer protocol between environmental data collection devices and the MQTT server. In the implemented MAQMS, the data processing server receives information via the MQTT protocol from all devices about the status of each sensor and the location of the device at the site of a railway accident accompanied by environmental pollution. All data with a certain periodicity is written to the database on the server in the appropriate format with timestamps. To access the stored data, a WEB interface is used, which allows you to administer the MAQMS from all devices that have a web browser

    Scatternet Formation Protocol for Environmental Monitoring in a Smart Garden

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    [EN] The monitoring of different parameters in the smart garden environment requires thousands of nodes and actuators. They form a multi-hop communication network. The scatternets formed with Bluetooth protocol is a communication solution. However, there is no current algorithm that considers the different capabilities of the devices (sensors or actuators) and assigns a role according to these capabilities. In this paper, we present a network topology formation algorithm for role assignment and connection establishment which considers the capabilities of the devices and use slave-slave Bridge to communicate the piconets. We design the algorithms needed for this protocol and test it. We have simulated the algorithms in order to evaluate the time needed for role assignment and to establish the first connections of the piconet. The results include different scenarios composed by one or two masters and one to seven slaves. In addition, we evaluate the established connections in piconets and bridges in a real case of the smart garden sensor network. Finally, we present the changes in the piconet connections after the deployment of two nodes in an existing network.This work is partially found by the European Union with the “Fondo Europeo Agrícola de Desarrollo Rural (FEADER) – Europa invierte en zonas rurales”, the MAPAMA, and Comunidad de Madrid with the IMIDRA, under the mark of the PDR-CM 2014-2020” project number PDR18-XEROCESPED. This work has been partially supported by the "Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad" in the "Programa Estatal de Fomento de la Investigación Científica y Técnica de Excelencia, Subprograma Estatal de Generación de Conocimiento" within the project under Grant TIN2017-84802-C2-1-P. This work has also been partially supported by European Union through the ERANETMED (Euromediterranean Cooperation through ERANET joint activities and beyond) project ERANETMED3-227 SMARTWATIR.Parra-Boronat, L.; Marín, J.; Mauri Ablanque, PV.; Lloret, J.; Torices, V.; Massager, A. (2018). Scatternet Formation Protocol for Environmental Monitoring in a Smart Garden. Network Protocols and Algorithms. 10(3):63-84. https://doi.org/10.5296/npa.v10i3.14122S638410

    Смарт тепловізор

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    У даної дипломній роботі було розроблено смарт-тепловізор за принципом інтернету речей для використання у виробництві. У першому розділі дипломної роботи представлено теоретичні відомості теплового контролю. Наведено теоретичні відомості про застосування тепловізорів, їх переваги та недоліки в певних галузях. У другому розділі приведено вибір елементів для смарт-тепловізора та та обґрунтування їх вибору; розраховано основні параметри датчика та всієї системи смарт-тепловізора. В третьому розділі описано програмний алгоритм даної системи, розглянуто основні функції програми та в додатках приведено програмний код системи. В четвертому розділі приведено експериментальну частину. Описано роботу приладу на експериментальних зразках. Проаналізовано переваги та недоліки даного пристрою, та розглянуто перспективи вдосконалення та розвитку даної розробки.In this thesis, a smart thermal imaging camera was developed on the basis of the IoT principle for use in the production. The first part of the thesis presents theoretical information concerning thermal control. Theoretical information on the usage of thermal imaging cameras, their advantages and disadvantages in certain areas is also provided. The second part of the thesis presents a process of identifying elements for the smart thermal imaging camera and a reason of such choice; the basic parameters of a sensor and all system of the smart thermal imaging camera are calculated. The third part describes a software algorithm of this system. It considers main functions of the program and the appendices contain a program code of the system. The fourth part presents a part of the pilot. The operation of the device is described on experimental versions. All advantages and disadvantages of the smart thermal imaging camera are analyzed. Prospects for improvement and development of this device are also considered

    A Survey of Short-Range Wireless Communication for Ultra-Low-Power Embedded Systems

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    Wireless short-range communication has become widespread in the modern era, partly due to the advancement of the Internet of Things (IoT) and smart technology. This technology is now utilized in various sectors, including lighting, medical, and industrial applications. This article aims to examine the historical, present, and forthcoming advancements in wireless short-range communication. Additionally, the review will analyze the modifications made to communication protocols, such as Bluetooth, RFID and NFC, in order to better accommodate modern applications. Batteryless technology, particularly batteryless NFC, is an emerging development in short-range wireless communication that combines power and data transmission into a single carrier. This modification will significantly influence the trajectory of short-range communication and its applications. The foundation of most low-power, short-range communication applications relies on an ultra-low-power microcontroller. Therefore, this study will encompass an analysis of ultra-low-power microcontrollers and an investigation into the potential limitations they might encounter in the future. In addition to offering a thorough examination of current Wireless short-range communication, this article will also attempt to forecast future patterns and identify possible obstacles that future research may address