24 research outputs found

    Risks and Uncertainties in Citizens’ Trust and Adoption of E-Government: A Proposed Framework

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    This paper presents a conceptual framework to identify risks and uncertainty as relevant factors for assessing citizens’ trusts and their adoption intention of e-government. To strengthen the arguments on the effects of risk aversion and uncertainty avoidance on trust in the adoption intention of egovernment, a research model grounded in trust, perceived risk and uncertainty, risk aversion and uncertainty avoidance framework is proposed based on a review of an extensive literature. This study will be conducted by using an online survey questionnaire. The study findings are expected to enhance our knowledge on the factors associated with citizen’s intention to adopt e-government

    Analisis Penggunaan Sistem Informasi Laboratorium Pada Pegawai Balai Besar Teknik Kesehatan Lingkungan Dan Pengendalian Penyakit (BBTKLPP) Yogyakarta

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    Latar Belakang: Sistem Informasi Laboratorium BBTKLPP Yogyakarta merupakan suatu usaha untuk menyajikan informasi yang akurat, tepat waktu dan sesuai kebutuhan guna menunjang proses fungsi-fungsi manajemen dan pengambilan keputusan dalam memberikan pelayanan di BBTKL Yogyakarta. Dengan penerapan Sistem Informasi ini diharapkan nantinya dapat meningkatkan mutu khususnya pelayanan laboratorium, dan menunjang tugas pokok dan fungsi BBTKLPP Yogyakarta. Selain itu, penerapan sistem informasi ini juga diharapkan dapat meningkatkan motivasi pegawai dalam melaksanakan tugas sehari-hari, pelayanan dan penyebaran informasi kepada publik menjadi lebih cepat dan hasil pengolahan data dari sistem informasi ini dapat menjadi dasar dalam pengambilan keputusan. Tahapan kritis dalam penerapan teknologi informasi adalah saat kondisi dimana kehadiran sistem tersebut diterima atau ditolak oleh calon pengguna. Penghambat proses adaptasi ini terjadi disebabkan adanya kecenderungan perbedaan persepsi mengenai manfaat dan kemudahan dari teknologi informasi baru untuk digunakan. TAM merupakan sebuah konsep yang dianggap paling baik dalam menjelaskan perilaku user terhadap sistem teknologi informasi baru.Tujuan Penelitian: Untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pegawai Balai Besar Teknik Kesehatan Lingkungan dan Pemberantasan Penyakit (BBTKLPP) Yogyakarta dalam menggunakan Sistem Informasi Laboratorium.Metode Penelitian: Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif menggunakan Metode survei dengan rancangan cross-sectional. Sampel   penelitian berjumlah 33 responden yang merupakan total dari keseluruhan populasi. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah teknik analisis SEM-PLS dengan model TAM menggunakan software SmartPLS versi 3.2.6.Hasil: Berdasarkan outer model diketahui bahwa konstruk telah memenuhi validitas dan reliabilitas, sedangkan hasil iner model didapatkan nilai path-coeficient dan p-values yang menjadi dasar pengambilan kesimpulan. Dari hasil pengujian dan analisia didapatkan beberapa hipotesis yang tidak berpengaruh secara signifikan yaitu variable keterkaitan pekerjaan terhadap manfaat/kegunaan, terminology dan desain layar terhadap kemudahan, dan kondisi fasilitas pendukung terhadap penggunaan sistem. Sedangkan variable yang berpangaruh secara signifikan adalah kualitas keluaran, result demonstrability, dan persepsi kemudahan terhadap manfaat/kegunaan, complexity terhadap persepsi kemudahan, persepsi manfaat/kegunaan terhadap ketertarikan untuk menggunakan, persepsi kemudahan terhadap ketertarikan untuk menggunakan dan ketertarikan untuk menggunakan terhadap penggunaan system.Kesimpulan: Tidak semua variabel yang diteliti berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap penggunaan Sistem Informasi Laboratorium (SIL) pada pegawai BBTKL Yogyakarta. Dari 11 variabel yang diteliti, diketahui 7 variabel memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap penggunaan

    Perspectives on Open Educational Resources by University Students in Jiangxi Province of China: An Interview Analysis With UTAUT2 Model Framework

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    Open educational resources (OER) have become crucial for university students to explore as a shared digital resource. Although some accomplishments have been made in the research on OER adoption domestically and globally, there are three persistent limitations. It is limited from the perspective of university students, more focused on technology diffusion, university information system, digital library, high-quality course website, online learning, and mobile learning technology. Based on the grounded theory, this study took university students in Jiangxi province, China, as the research object to probe the phenomenon of adoption and use of OER. It preliminarily constructed the model of influencing the use of OERs by university students and initiated the application of the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) model in a new field. The findings show that perceived value, perceived risk, facilitation conditions, social influence, habit, and hedonic motivation directly influence willingness to use. While facilitating needs and desire to use directly influence user behavior. It provides a new research idea and reference basis for educational management researchers to carry out similar related research in the future

    Evaluasi simrs menggunakan metode technology acceptance model (tam) pada bagian rawat inap rsud abepura jayapura provinsi papua

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    Latar Belakang : RSUD Abepura memiliki lokasi yang strategis di jantung Kota Jayapura, Provinsi Papua dan mempunyai peran yang vital. SIMRS yang berjalan baru dalam tahap implementasi dini, dimana belum semua ruangan menggunakan sistem ini, oleh karena itu evaluasi formatif perlu dilakukan terhadap Sistem Informasi Manajemen Rumah Sakit Abepura Jayapura Provinsi Papua.Tujuan : Melakukan evaluasi tentang penerapan SIM RS yang sedang berjalan pada RSUD Abepura Jayapura di Provinsi Papua dengan menggunakan Metode Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)Metode Penelitian : Jenis penelitian ini deskriptif analitik yang bersifat menganalisis dan menyajikan secara sistematik. Subyek dalam penelitian berjumlah 50 orang yang merupakan total populasi. Teknik analisis data dengan SEM menggunakan Stata 13.1.Hasil :. Terdapat  hubungan positif dan signifikan antara perceived ease of  use dengan  perceived of usefulness yaitu nilai koefisien positif (0.4862), p value 0.000, CI 95% (0.329-0.642), terdapat hubungan  positif dan signifikan antara perceived of usefulness dengan attitude toward using  yaitu nilai koefisien positif (0.4481), p value 0.010, CI 95% (0.108-0.787), terdapat hubungan positif tetapi tidak signifikan secara statistik antara perceived ease of  use dengan attitude toward using, yaitu nilai koefisien positif (0.2211), p value 0.086, CI 95% (-0.031-0.474), terdapat hubungan  positif dan signifikan antara attitude toward using dengan actual usage  yaitu nilai koefisien positif (0.6849), p value 0.001, CI 95% (0.278-1.091.Kesimpulan :. Keyakinan bahwa SIMRS dapat diaplikasikan dengan mudah atau tanpa kesulitan berpengaruh positif tetapi tidak signifikan terhadap sikap terhadap penggunaan SIMRS, menunjukkan bahwa para pengguna masih merasa kesulitan untuk mamakai SIMRS. Keyakinan bahwa SIMRS dapat diaplikasikan dengan mudah atau tanpa kesulitan berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap  keyakinan bahwa SIMRS akan meningkatkan performa pekerjaan. Keyakinan bahwa SIMRS akan meningkatkan performa pekerjaan berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap sikap terhadap penggunaan SIMRS. Sikap terhadap penggunaan SIMRS berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap penggunaan SIMRS secara aktual.Kata Kunci : Evaluasi, SIMRS, TA

    Penerapan metode case-based reasoning untuk mendiagnosa penyakit gizi buruk

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    Latar Belakang : Penelitian ini mengembangkan sistem pakar dengan memanfaatkan metode case-based reasoning (CBR) sebagai proses dalam mendiagnosa penyakit gizi buruk kekurangan energi protein (KEP) pada anak.Tujuan : Dengan adanya website sistem pakar ini, para orang tua akan mendapatkan informasi mengenai gizi buruk dengan mudah dan dapat mengetahui apakah anak-anak mereka salah satu penderita gizi buruk atau tidak.Metode : Dalam proses ini digunakan beberapa gejala-gejala untuk menentukan penyakit gizi buruk yang dialami anak dengan usia di bawah lima tahun. Penelitian skripsi ini lebih menitik beratkan kepada bagaimana merancang dan mengimplementasikan program serta dimaksudkan agar memudahkan dalam hal mendiagnosa penyakit gizi buruk KEP. CBR digunakan sebagai metode dalam perhitungan untuk mendiagnosa penyakit gizi buruk KEP untuk anak yang berusia di bawah lima tahun ini. Cara kerja metode CBR ini adalah dengan membandingkan kasus lama dan kasus baru pada gejala-gejala setiap penyakit, setiap gejala penyakit pada kasus lama diberi nilai bobot yang berfungsi untuk menghitung perbandingan kasus lama dan kasus baru dari setiap penyakit.  Hasil : Hasil perhitungan yang memiliki nilai terbesar itulah penyakit yang dialami oleh anak yang berusia di bawah lima tahun tersebut

    Factors for extending e-government adoption in Jordan

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    This article establishes an e-government adoption structure to survey the mediating roles of perceived usefulness (PU), perceived ease of use (PEOU), & trust, as well as the moderating role of transparency, in citizens' adoption of e-government services in the Jordanian public sector institutes. A quantitative approach using the questionnaire method was employed to test this model. Based on a snowball sampling, 423 questionnaires were staff of public universities in Jordan. Structural Equation Modelling was used to analyze the data. The findings show that PU and PEOU have a significant impact on service quality (SQ). Furthermore, PU, PEOU has a significant association with the adoption of e-government. More likely, the study found a link between SQ and e-government adoption through PU and PEOU. Also; trust plays a mediating role among PEOU and e-government adoption. It also shows that accountability enhances the PEOU’s commitment to e-government adoption. This article adds to e-government analysis from a theoretical as well as practical viewpoint. Theoretically, this research established a conceptual context for a greater understanding of e-government implementation in Jordanian public universities. Nonetheless, this article provides a comprehensive review of the acute causes for e-government adoption to provide practical input to Jordanian decision-makers on how to convince Jordanians to embrace e-government

    Integrating IS success model with cybersecurity factors for e-government implementation in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

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    The electronic government (E-Gov) Systems are currently getting recognized as an authentic strategically tool in delivering E-services. Considering the development of information system (IS) as well as the expanding of the internet-based applications in KSA, E-Gov has always been a significant aspect in delivering governmental services. This research has adopted the (IS) success model by both DeLone and McLean (D&M), moreover, it adopted technology acceptance model (TAM) with cybersecurity factors, both models were implemented to discover the status of the IS success then investigate cybersecurity aspects that impact the service efficiency and effectiveness in KSA. Consequently, this research aims to create a model to investigate the IS success model along with cybersecurity factors that influence E-Gov services effectiveness and usage. Therefore, a survey has been applied as the major data gathering approach; the survey has been distributed among 211 users of E-Gov services consistently. Moreover, all research findings were attained through a quantitative method using the structural equation modelling (SEM). Findings revealed that the constructs fundamental of the (IS) success model are strongly influencing users' satisfaction (US) of the E-Gov services; correspondingly, the fundamental constructs factors of cybersecurity with TAM appear to have a strong impacts on perceived risk (PR), in addition, both which affect the E-Gov services towards usage and effectiveness

    Privacy, security, trust, risk and optimism bias in e-government use: The case of two Southern African Development Community countries

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    Background: Many Southern African Development Community (SADC) countries are adopting and implementing e-government systems to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of their service delivery systems, and Zimbabwe and Zambia are not an exception. However, scholars have noted that the acceptance and utilisation of e-government systems by citizens in Zimbabwe and Zambia is affected by many factors, among others, perceived privacy, perceived security, perceived trust, perceived risk and optimism bias. Objectives: The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of privacy, security, trust, optimism bias and perceived risk on citizens’ use behaviour of e-government systems in the SADC. Method: This study proposes an e-government utilisation model. A quantitative design was employed to collect data from a survey of 489 e-government users in Zambia and Zimbabwe to test the model fit using structural equation modelling. Results: Perceived lack of privacy, security, trust; perceived risk and optimism bias were all confirmed as salient factors affecting the utilisation of e-government systems by citizens in Zambia and Zimbabwe. The structural equation model results confirmed the model fit of the proposed e-government research model. All eight hypotheses for this study were confirmed. Conclusion: The findings of this study provide pointers to practitioners, decision-makers and policymakers on e-government matters on the need to seriously consider privacy, security, risk and trust issues of e-government systems to encourage the utilisation of such systems by citizens

    E-voting system adoption and its impact on voter turnout in Nigeria

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    There are numerous problems ascribed to the existing ballot paper voting system in Nigeria. Some of the identified problems include multiple voting, under aged voting, intimidation of voters and miscomputation or falsification of election results. The consequences of the flawed voting system often lead to political apathy as well as decreased voter turnout. Consequently, the government plans to introduce e-voting system in order to enhance fiee, fair and credible elections as well as improve voter turnout. However, the e-voting system could be a solution to the problem of low turnout if it influences the electorates to participate in elections. Thus, this study is aimed at investigating factors that influence e-voting system adoption and its impact on voter turnout. By blending theories of Rational Choice, Diffusion of Innovation, Trust Model and Self-efficacy construct, the study conceptualized a model of election participation using e-voting system. Using combined methods of survey instrument and semi-structured interviews, data were collected from voters, government officials and political party officials across three States of the Northeastern Nigeria. Using PLS-SEM approach, the model demonstrated significant influence of technological attributes, trust and computer self-efficacy variables as determinants of intention to adopt e-voting system. In addition, the study demonstrated the significance of the adoption variables in influencing voter rational decision to participate in election using e-voting system. Potential challenges of evoting adoption identified through thematic analysis include institutional, sociopsychological, technological and infrastructural challenges, while strengthening institutional framework, technological proficiency, effective information dissemination and provision of adequate requisite facilities were identified among other remedies to the challenges of e-voting adoption. The study has significant contributions to theory and practice of information system, participatory public policy and democracy. It also provides policy makers and practitioners with the understanding of e-voting adoption for strategic planning and decisions towards the desired voting system