36 research outputs found

    A Semantic Similarity Measurement Method Based on Information Quality in the Structure of the Gene Ontology

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    Gene ontology (GO) which described a biological concept of gene has attracted attention as an index for measuring semantic similarity of gene. This paper considers a new method for measuring the semantic similarity of GO through an extension and combination of two existing methods by Resnik and Wang et al. in order to improve their drawbacks of effects of shallow annotation. It is shown that the proposed method is superior to existing methods through experiments with pathway data

    FunSimMat: a comprehensive functional similarity database

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    Functional similarity based on Gene Ontology (GO) annotation is used in diverse applications like gene clustering, gene expression data analysis, protein interaction prediction and evaluation. However, there exists no comprehensive resource of functional similarity values although such a database would facilitate the use of functional similarity measures in different applications. Here, we describe FunSimMat (Functional Similarity Matrix, http://funsimmat.bioinf.mpi-inf.mpg.de/), a large new database that provides several different semantic similarity measures for GO terms. It offers various precomputed functional similarity values for proteins contained in UniProtKB and for protein families in Pfam and SMART. The web interface allows users to efficiently perform both semantic similarity searches with GO terms and functional similarity searches with proteins or protein families. All results can be downloaded in tab-delimited files for use with other tools. An additional XML–RPC interface gives automatic online access to FunSimMat for programs and remote services

    Towards optimize-ESA for text semantic similarity: A case study of biomedical text

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    Explicit Semantic Analysis (ESA) is an approach to measure the semantic relatedness between terms or documents based on similarities to documents of a references corpus usually Wikipedia. ESA usage has received tremendous attention in the field of natural language processing NLP and information retrieval. However, ESA utilizes a huge Wikipedia index matrix in its interpretation by multiplying a large matrix by a term vector to produce a high-dimensional vector. Consequently, the ESA process is too expensive in interpretation and similarity steps. Therefore, the efficiency of ESA will slow down because we lose a lot of time in unnecessary operations. This paper propose enhancements to ESA called optimize-ESA that reduce the dimension at the interpretation stage by computing the semantic similarity in a specific domain. The experimental results show clearly that our method correlates much better with human judgement than the full version ESA approach

    SubpathwayMiner: a software package for flexible identification of pathways

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    With the development of high-throughput experimental techniques such as microarray, mass spectrometry and large-scale mutagenesis, there is an increasing need to automatically annotate gene sets and identify the involved pathways. Although many pathway analysis tools are developed, new tools are still needed to meet the requirements for flexible or advanced analysis purpose. Here, we developed an R-based software package (SubpathwayMiner) for flexible pathway identification. SubpathwayMiner facilitates subpathway identification of metabolic pathways by using pathway structure information. Additionally, SubpathwayMiner also provides more flexibility in annotating gene sets and identifying the involved pathways (entire pathways and sub-pathways): (i) SubpathwayMiner is able to provide the most up to- date pathway analysis results for users; (ii) SubpathwayMiner supports multiple species (~100 eukaryotes, 714 bacteria and 52 Archaea) and different gene identifiers (Entrez Gene IDs, NCBI-gi IDs, UniProt IDs, PDB IDs, etc.) in the KEGG GENE database; (iii) the system is quite efficient in cooperating with other R-based tools in biology. SubpathwayMiner is freely available at http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/SubpathwayMiner/

    An integrative approach to inferring biologically meaningful gene modules

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The ability to construct biologically meaningful gene networks and modules is critical for contemporary systems biology. Though recent studies have demonstrated the power of using gene modules to shed light on the functioning of complex biological systems, most modules in these networks have shown little association with meaningful biological function. We have devised a method which directly incorporates gene ontology (GO) annotation in construction of gene modules in order to gain better functional association.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We have devised a method, Semantic Similarity-Integrated approach for Modularization (SSIM) that integrates various gene-gene pairwise similarity values, including information obtained from gene expression, protein-protein interactions and GO annotations, in the construction of modules using affinity propagation clustering. We demonstrated the performance of the proposed method using data from two complex biological responses: 1. the osmotic shock response in <it>Saccharomyces cerevisiae</it>, and 2. the prion-induced pathogenic mouse model. In comparison with two previously reported algorithms, modules identified by SSIM showed significantly stronger association with biological functions.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The incorporation of semantic similarity based on GO annotation with gene expression and protein-protein interaction data can greatly enhance the functional relevance of inferred gene modules. In addition, the SSIM approach can also reveal the hierarchical structure of gene modules to gain a broader functional view of the biological system. Hence, the proposed method can facilitate comprehensive and in-depth analysis of high throughput experimental data at the gene network level.</p

    AIGO: towards a unified framework for the analysis and the inter-comparison of GO functional annotations

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    BACKGROUND: In response to the rapid growth of available genome sequences, efforts have been made to develop automatic inference methods to functionally characterize them. Pipelines that infer functional annotation are now routinely used to produce new annotations at a genome scale and for a broad variety of species. These pipelines differ widely in their inference algorithms, confidence thresholds and data sources for reasoning. This heterogeneity makes a comparison of the relative merits of each approach extremely complex. The evaluation of the quality of the resultant annotations is also challenging given there is often no existing gold-standard against which to evaluate precision and recall. RESULTS: In this paper, we present a pragmatic approach to the study of functional annotations. An ensemble of 12 metrics, describing various aspects of functional annotations, is defined and implemented in a unified framework, which facilitates their systematic analysis and inter-comparison. The use of this framework is demonstrated on three illustrative examples: analysing the outputs of state-of-the-art inference pipelines, comparing electronic versus manual annotation methods, and monitoring the evolution of publicly available functional annotations. The framework is part of the AIGO library (http://code.google.com/p/aigo) for the Analysis and the Inter-comparison of the products of Gene Ontology (GO) annotation pipelines. The AIGO library also provides functionalities to easily load, analyse, manipulate and compare functional annotations and also to plot and export the results of the analysis in various formats. CONCLUSIONS: This work is a step toward developing a unified framework for the systematic study of GO functional annotations. This framework has been designed so that new metrics on GO functional annotations can be added in a very straightforward way

    Biological Process Linkage Networks

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    BACKGROUND. The traditional approach to studying complex biological networks is based on the identification of interactions between internal components of signaling or metabolic pathways. By comparison, little is known about interactions between higher order biological systems, such as biological pathways and processes. We propose a methodology for gleaning patterns of interactions between biological processes by analyzing protein-protein interactions, transcriptional co-expression and genetic interactions. At the heart of the methodology are the concept of Linked Processes and the resultant network of biological processes, the Process Linkage Network (PLN). RESULTS. We construct, catalogue, and analyze different types of PLNs derived from different data sources and different species. When applied to the Gene Ontology, many of the resulting links connect processes that are distant from each other in the hierarchy, even though the connection makes eminent sense biologically. Some others, however, carry an element of surprise and may reflect mechanisms that are unique to the organism under investigation. In this aspect our method complements the link structure between processes inherent in the Gene Ontology, which by its very nature is species-independent. As a practical application of the linkage of processes we demonstrate that it can be effectively used in protein function prediction, having the power to increase both the coverage and the accuracy of predictions, when carefully integrated into prediction methods. CONCLUSIONS. Our approach constitutes a promising new direction towards understanding the higher levels of organization of the cell as a system which should help current efforts to re-engineer ontologies and improve our ability to predict which proteins are involved in specific biological processes.Lynn and William Frankel Center for Computer Science; the Paul Ivanier center for robotics research and production; National Science Foundation (ITR-048715); National Human Genome Research Institute (1R33HG002850-01A1, R01 HG003367-01A1); National Institute of Health (U54 LM008748

    The Cellular Robustness by Genetic Redundancy in Budding Yeast

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    The frequent dispensability of duplicated genes in budding yeast is heralded as a hallmark of genetic robustness contributed by genetic redundancy. However, theoretical predictions suggest such backup by redundancy is evolutionarily unstable, and the extent of genetic robustness contributed from redundancy remains controversial. It is anticipated that, to achieve mutual buffering, the duplicated paralogs must at least share some functional overlap. However, counter-intuitively, several recent studies reported little functional redundancy between these buffering duplicates. The large yeast genetic interactions released recently allowed us to address these issues on a genome-wide scale. We herein characterized the synthetic genetic interactions for ∼500 pairs of yeast duplicated genes originated from either whole-genome duplication (WGD) or small-scale duplication (SSD) events. We established that functional redundancy between duplicates is a pre-requisite and thus is highly predictive of their backup capacity. This observation was particularly pronounced with the use of a newly introduced metric in scoring functional overlap between paralogs on the basis of gene ontology annotations. Even though mutual buffering was observed to be prevalent among duplicated genes, we showed that the observed backup capacity is largely an evolutionarily transient state. The loss of backup capacity generally follows a neutral mode, with the buffering strength decreasing in proportion to divergence time, and the vast majority of the paralogs have already lost their backup capacity. These observations validated previous theoretic predictions about instability of genetic redundancy. However, departing from the general neutral mode, intriguingly, our analysis revealed the presence of natural selection in stabilizing functional overlap between SSD pairs. These selected pairs, both WGD and SSD, tend to have decelerated functional evolution, have higher propensities of co-clustering into the same protein complexes, and share common interacting partners. Our study revealed the general principles for the long-term retention of genetic redundancy

    An improved method for scoring protein-protein interactions using semantic similarity within the gene ontology

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Semantic similarity measures are useful to assess the physiological relevance of protein-protein interactions (PPIs). They quantify similarity between proteins based on their function using annotation systems like the Gene Ontology (GO). Proteins that interact in the cell are likely to be in similar locations or involved in similar biological processes compared to proteins that do not interact. Thus the more semantically similar the gene function annotations are among the interacting proteins, more likely the interaction is physiologically relevant. However, most semantic similarity measures used for PPI confidence assessment do not consider the unequal depth of term hierarchies in different classes of cellular location, molecular function, and biological process ontologies of GO and thus may over-or under-estimate similarity.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We describe an improved algorithm, Topological Clustering Semantic Similarity (TCSS), to compute semantic similarity between GO terms annotated to proteins in interaction datasets. Our algorithm, considers unequal depth of biological knowledge representation in different branches of the GO graph. The central idea is to divide the GO graph into sub-graphs and score PPIs higher if participating proteins belong to the same sub-graph as compared to if they belong to different sub-graphs.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The TCSS algorithm performs better than other semantic similarity measurement techniques that we evaluated in terms of their performance on distinguishing true from false protein interactions, and correlation with gene expression and protein families. We show an average improvement of 4.6 times the <it>F</it><sub>1 </sub>score over Resnik, the next best method, on our <it>Saccharomyces cerevisiae </it>PPI dataset and 2 times on our <it>Homo sapiens </it>PPI dataset using cellular component, biological process and molecular function GO annotations.</p

    Finding disease similarity based on implicit semantic similarity

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    AbstractGenomics has contributed to a growing collection of gene–function and gene–disease annotations that can be exploited by informatics to study similarity between diseases. This can yield insight into disease etiology, reveal common pathophysiology and/or suggest treatment that can be appropriated from one disease to another. Estimating disease similarity solely on the basis of shared genes can be misleading as variable combinations of genes may be associated with similar diseases, especially for complex diseases. This deficiency can be potentially overcome by looking for common biological processes rather than only explicit gene matches between diseases. The use of semantic similarity between biological processes to estimate disease similarity could enhance the identification and characterization of disease similarity. We present functions to measure similarity between terms in an ontology, and between entities annotated with terms drawn from the ontology, based on both co-occurrence and information content. The similarity measure is shown to outperform other measures used to detect similarity. A manually curated dataset with known disease similarities was used as a benchmark to compare the estimation of disease similarity based on gene-based and Gene Ontology (GO) process-based comparisons. The detection of disease similarity based on semantic similarity between GO Processes (Recall=55%, Precision=60%) performed better than using exact matches between GO Processes (Recall=29%, Precision=58%) or gene overlap (Recall=88% and Precision=16%). The GO-Process based disease similarity scores on an external test set show statistically significant Pearson correlation (0.73) with numeric scores provided by medical residents. GO-Processes associated with similar diseases were found to be significantly regulated in gene expression microarray datasets of related diseases