6 research outputs found

    Defining the Competence of Abstract Thinking and Evaluating CS-Students\u27 Level of Abstraction

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    Although it is commonly agreed that the competence of abstraction and abstract thinking is one of the most important competences in Computer Science, only a few of these sources define this competence and its processes in a precise manner. Furthermore there is a lack of instruments to test the competence of abstract thinking and to integrate it into teaching. This work will start to close the gap concerning the competence of abstract thinking by deriving a theoretical description of the competence construct of abstract thinking, focusing on a Computer Science perspective. Furthermore, we will present a coding manual based on the model, which can be used to evaluate student assignments. This coding manual is applied to examples of our teaching practice in order to demonstrate its validity

    Teaching Abstraction

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    [EN] Many technical disciplines require abstraction skills, such as the ability to deduce general rules and principles from sets of examples. These skills are the basis for creating solutions that address a whole class of similar problems, rather than merely focusing a single specific instance. Experience shows that many freshmen students are ill equipped with these skills. Therefore, we developed an intervention that systematically teaches abstraction skills to students, and applied our approach to a cohort of freshmen students in computer science.Böttcher, A.; Schlierkamp, K.; Thurner, V.; Zehetmeier, D. (2016). Teaching Abstraction. En 2nd. International conference on higher education advances (HEAD'16). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 357-364. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAD16.2015.2770OCS35736

    Transformative Pedagogy: Investigating the Impact of Online Jigsaw Model on Motivation and Academic Achievement in High School Mathematics

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    Several earlier research investigated the use of Jigsaw to improve the quality of the online mathematics teaching-learning process. However, few studies have used the Jigsaw approach to improve the quality of online mathematics education, particularly in terms of motivation and learning results. To address this research gap, the goal is to outline the process of integrating the Jigsaw model in online learning and to demonstrate the importance of enhancing student motivation during the learning process. This study used the classroom action research approach, which involved 36 students from a high school in Central Java Province, Indonesia. The results of this investigation indicate that the application of Jigsaw can be done online using numerous procedures indicated in this study. Furthermore, the results indicate a considerable improvement in motivation and learning outcomes. The findings of this study are expected to serve as a reference for teachers on how to implement the Jigsaw model online

    Posibles aportes del razonamiento analógico al problema de la abstracción y transferencia en la enseñanza de programación

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    This review article explores a possible contribution of research on analogical reasoning to the problem of transfer in programming -in the transition between the learning of concepts in middle school and their application at university. The ease with which students construct programs in multimedia environments carries the disadvantage of translating these concepts into “real” text-based languages, probably because not enough work has been done on the problem level. According to research in teaching programming, students tend to have greater difficulty at higher levels of abstraction (understanding the problem) than at lower levels (such as coding). Comparing problems through analogical reasoning is a strategy from cognitive psychology extended to various disciplines. We suggest that its application in programming teaching could contribute to solving the problem of the difficulty of abstraction at the problem level and facilitate the transfer.En este artículo de revisión se explora una posible contribución de las investigaciones sobre razonamiento analógico al problema de la transferencia en programación -en la transición entre el aprendizaje de conceptos en la escuela media y su aplicación en la universidad. La facilidad con que los alumnos construyen programas en entornos multimedia conlleva la desventaja de una dificultad para trasladar esos conceptos a los lenguajes “reales” basados en texto, probablemente porque no se ha trabajado suficiente en promover abstracciones en el nivel del problema. Según investigaciones en enseñanza de la programación, los alumnos suelen tener mayor dificultad en los niveles de abstracción superior (la comprensión del problema) que en los niveles inferiores (como la codificación). La comparación de problemas mediante razonamiento analógico es una estrategia proveniente de la psicología cognitiva extendida a diversas disciplinas. Sugerimos que su aplicación en el campo de la enseñanza de la programación podría contribuir a solucionar el problema de la dificultad de abstracción en el nivel del problema, y facilitar la transferencia

    Technologiebasierte Unterstützungsmaßnahmen in der akademischen Software Engineering-Ausbildung. Konzeption, Entwicklung und Evaluation einer lernerzentrierten Analyse- und Designumgebung

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    Die Fähigkeit der Modellbildung, das Modellieren stellt nicht nur eine zentrale, sondern auch eine sehr komplexe, Aufgabe für Software- Ingenieure dar. Durch die Tätigkeit des Abstrahierens wird ein Modell der realen Welt erstellt, das dabei helfen soll Probleme zu verstehen. Die Lehre zur Modellierung von Softwaresystemen nimmt für Studierende wie Lehrende daher eine herausfordernde Bedeutung ein. Diese Arbeit beschreibt einen Ansatz zur problembasierten Initiierung von Hilfsmitteln (sog. Scaffolds) zur Unterstützung Studierender bei der Modellierung mit der Unified Modeling Language (UML). Als Ausgangsbasis wurden Probleme Studierender bei der Modellierung von Softwaresystemen mit der UML erfasst und katalogisiert. Auf Basis der identifizierten Probleme wurden verschiedene Scaffolds abgeleitet und konzeptioniert. Dazu gehören sowohl Unterlagen und Tutorials als klassische Hilfsmittel wie auch technologiebasierte Ansätze, wie die Verwendung von Augmented Reality, Eye-Movement Modeling Examples und Hilfsmittel zur Identifikation von Use-Cases sowie Klassenkandidaten. Die verschiedenen Scaffolds wurden in eine Modellierungsumgebung prototypisch integriert und evaluiert. Die Evaluationen mit Studierenden sowie eine Expertenbegutachtung zeigen erfolgsversprechende Ergebnisse. Die Arbeit bestätigt, dass evidenzbasierte Scaffolds und deren Integration in den Lehreinsatz die praktische Hochschuldidaktik bereichern können

    Assessing abstraction skills

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