81 research outputs found

    Development of Indicators for Assessing Km Input, Km Process, Km Effectiveness and Their Relationship

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    This research study aimed to propose the knowledge management (KM) indicators for assessing knowledge management success in higher education institutions in Thailand. The study also focused on developing and validating the knowledge management effectiveness model via 3 indicators: KM input, KM process, and KM effectiveness (explained by KM performance, performance effectiveness, and knowledge asset). This study was conducted through the employment of a survey method. The subjects for model testing were 442 KM practitioners from 40 universities in Thailand. The results of the research suggested that there are 26 indicators for assessing KM Effectiveness in higher education context, which can be divided as follows: 4 input indicators; 7 process indicators; 2 output indicators; and 13 outcome indicators. The proposed 2nd order confirmatory factor analysis model and causal model of KM effectiveness both fit with the empirical data set (X2= 82.78, df = 68,X2/df = 1.217, p-value = 0.107, CFI = 0.999, NNFI =0.999, AGF I= 0.957, RMSEA = 0.022 and X2=265.43, df = 230, X2/df = 1.154, p-value = 0.054, CFI = 0.999, NNFI = 0.999, AGFI = 0.932, RMSEA = 0.019). The coefficient of determination of the KM process and KM effectiveness were 0.78 and 0.99, respectively

    Knowledge Management Practice at a Bulgarian Bank: A Case Study

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    This paper reports on knowledge management (KM) practices in the customer service and lending departments of one of Bulgaria's top retail banks and investigates how KM processes can be further improved. The Bank's KM activities have been studied using observations, interviews and informal discussions for data collection. Findings were compared and contrasted with existing literature in similar contexts. Although rudiments of knowledge sharing are evident from the KM activities in different departments of the bank, the limitations such as resistance to change of the implemented KM systems are impeding the effectiveness of the knowledge management process. More training and incentives are needed to increase knowledge creation and sharing. Moreover, a clearly articulated KM strategy along with success criteria and commitment and support from senior management is needed. There is a severe lack of knowledge management studies in Bulgarian context in general and Bulgarian banking sector in particular. The authors' findings will potentially help in improving knowledge sharing practice as well as provide a valuable insight into knowledge management related issues in the Bulgarian context. The findings from this research can be useful to companies from Eastern Europe and other regions in improving their knowledge sharing practice

    An Approach to Satisfy Managerial Awareness of Strategic Events in the Field of M-Commerce

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    Continued success in business relies on the capability to notice changes in the market before others and to access expert experience and knowledge that has been built over many years. Today the increased usage of mobile commerce (M-commerce) in business produces opportunities to access these changes and information anywhere, anytime, and any place. The opportunities that arise from M-Commerce not only support increased engagement through multiple channels, but enable the development of a thriving market sector which is shifting how businesses make strategic decisions. The present study introduces a new approach to create managerial awareness of strategic events in the field of mobile commerce. Specifically, a new method including a tool is presented and validated using expert interviews

    IT Operations and Firm Performance: A Review Paper

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    This article emphasises the competencies in IT market, and how IT affects the development of companies Performance by the financial ratios. This piece of work is a review paper and reviews the literature on the IT Operations and Firms Performance. Most of the firms just invest on IT operation and just focus on new skills by their workforce without caring about other important factors such as the way they should transfer the knowledge, human capitals and organisation learning. Improved training programs help employees to be familiar with the new technological advancement. The Review of the Literature has allowed us to conclude that the value of human capital can generate to the customers derived from skills about the costs incurred. Regarding the uniqueness of human capital, it is a derived fact that, if an asset or skill cannot be duplicated or imitated by another firm, it provides a potential source of competitive advantage to the business.The paper proceeds as follows. The first section is about Introduction. Next three section reviews the empirical literature on the IT Operations, Information Sharing, and Human Capital respectively. Part five,  we will present our analysis of  Firm Performance and IT Operation.part six will introduce an organisational performance, and  Finally, Section seven concludes. Keywords: IT Operations, Information Sharing, Firm performance, and Human

    Knowledge based emergency management information systems: Mapping DERMIS principles

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    Recent disasters which were composed of major floods and landslides events proved that despite past experiences and strong disaster management mechanism, life and property losses are still unavoidable.Emergency managers need a robust system that can ease the challenges faced. This paper proposes a functional system based on the working principle of The Dynamic Emergency Response Management Information Systems(DERMIS): Design Premise, Conceptual Design, System Specification and Supporting Design Considerations. These four principles are coupled with specific end-user requirements derived from our on-going work. The impact of this study on disaster management is significant to the scientific group within disaster management domain, the government agencies for policy and strategy formulations to preempt, deal with and, ultimately, improve survival rate in disaster

    The Influence of Transformational Leadership Styles on Knowledge Management: The Moderating Role of Organizational Structure Among Administrators

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    The objective of this study is to determine the relationship between transformational leadership and its dimensions and knowledge management. The dimensions of transformational leadership are idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation and individualized consideration. In this study intends to look at the moderating effect of organizational structure between transformational leadership styles and knowledge management. Furthermore, the study also to examine whether any differences in knowledge management level among administrators in UiTM based on level of education and length of services. Respondents of this study were 255 administrators of Grade 41 until Grade 54 who at UiTM Shah Alam, Perlis, Perak, Terengganu, Johor and Sarawak. Data were analyzed using SPSS version 16 Windows. The tests conducted were Pearson’s Correlation, Multiple Regression, Hierarchical Regression and One-way ANOVA. The Pearson’s Correlation showed that transformational leadership, as well as each of its dimensions was correlated to knowledge management. However, multiple regression tests showed that idealized influence and individualized consideration were significant with knowledge management. On the other hand, the results showed that knowledge management significantly influenced by only two dimensions; idealized influence and individualized consideration.Besides that, the hierarchical regression was found that organizational structure was moderate the relationship between transformational leadership and knowledge management. The findings of the One-way ANOVA showed that there were no significant differences in respondents’ knowledge management level based on level of education and the length of services

    Identifying the Components of a Knowledge Management Strategy

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    What should a good knowledge management strategy incorporate? This paper uses a study that compares a proposed set of knowledge management strategy components to the outcomes of knowledge management projects/initiatives. As expected it was found that highly successful knowledge management projects/initiatives are more likely to have the proposed set of knowledge management strategy components than less successful to unsuccessful knowledge management projects/initiatives. The conclusion of the paper is that the proposed set of knowledge management strategy components is an appropriate list that knowledge management practitioners and researchers can use to construct an organization’s knowledge management strategy

    Organizational Knowledge Management Framework: The COMFENALCO Case

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    Modern organizations generate a great amount of information that stays dispersed throughout the different operating units. This makes it difficult for management to identify useful relationships among the disparate pieces of information. In an attempt to address that issue organizations implement document management systems that only resolve half of the problem: the half that deals with structuring and organizing the information linked to projects and processes carried out in the organization so that it is available and can be consulted. However, that solution does not address the issue of capturing all the information associated with the experience, tacit and explicit, associated with the processes and the people who participated in those activities and the information thus produced. The goal is that in the future users in the organization could query the knowledge management system and find out the history of the projects and processes carried out, the relationship between the different parts of the process, the role and responsibilities of the different participants and in general the lessons learned. With that in mind this paper presents a framework which serves as a guide for successful implementation of an organizational knowledge management system based on a case study of a large regional public organization in the state of Bolívar, Colombia. Note: This paper could also be considered by the KM & IS track. I´ll leave it up to the programme committee

    Managing Knowledge For ESAR: An Ontology-Based Approach

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    Most organizations face difficult challenges in managing knowledge for crisis response, particularly in the context of emergency search and rescue (ESAR) initiatives. It is crucial for response effectiveness that such challenges be overcome.  Organizational members and numerous stakeholders must share the knowledge needed to plan for such eventualities.  They also must be able during a crisis to access relevant plans and communicate about their responses to it.  This paper examines the role and relevance of knowledge management ideals (using an ontology based approach) in support of crisis response, in general, and ESAR, in particular
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