160,415 research outputs found

    A New Gateway: Asian American Political Power in the 21st Century

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    Don T. Nakanishi\u27s prescient 1985 Amerasia Journal essay, Asian American Politics: An Agenda for Research argued for an interdisciplinary approach to gain a better understanding of Asian American politics. His essay provided an integrated micro/macro and a domestic/transnational approach that was well ahead of its time. Nakanishi\u27s timely essay would prove influential in defining future research parameters of the political behavior of Asian Americans. At the time of the essay\u27s publication, Asians, compared to African Americans and Latinos, were not found in the extant political science literature. Nearly twenty-five years later, however, Nakanishi\u27s interdisciplinary approach has become even more useful for studying Asian American politics. What follows is my incorporation and application of Nakanishi\u27s earlier ideas to looking at Asian American political power today

    American Culture: A Sociological Perspectives

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    The culture of the United States of America is primarily of Western origin but is influenced by a multicultural ethos that includes African, Native American, Asian, Pacific Island, and Latin American people and their cultures. American culture encompasses the customs and traditions of the United States. The United States is sometimes described as a "melting pot" in which different cultures have contributed their own distinct "flavors" to American culture. The United States of America is a North American nation that is the world\u27s most dominant economic and military power. Likewise, its cultural imprint spans the world, led in large part by its popular culture expressed in music, movies and television. The culture of the United States of America is primarily of Western culture (European) origin and form but is influenced by a multicultural ethos that includes African, Native American, Asian, Polynesian, and Latin American people and their cultures. The American way of life or simply the American way is the unique lifestyle of the people of the United States of America. It refers to a nationalist ethos that adheres to the principle of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness

    Social service and disability in immigrant families: professionals views and strategies

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    Immigrant families with a member with disability represent a social group particularly at risk: their vulnerability, in fact, depends on both the disability and the migration experience. The paper presents a research work starting from a scoping study (Arksey & O'Malley, 2005), realized by analysing 94 scientific works collected through Scopus with the aim of highlighting the specific problems which immigrant families with disabilities have to deal with, what to do and the culturally sensitive intervention strategies effectively used by the services. Often, they lack informal support networks, they have social and/or economic disadvantages, they do not know how the educational, social and health institutions work. Therefore, they live in a multi-problem situation that requires health and social services to activate personalized assistance that takes into account cultural difference. Results from a quanti-qualitative research study conducted in the context of the Adult Disability Service in Padova will be also presented

    Afghan EFL Lecturers’ Assessment Practices in the Classroom

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    The current study is conducted with the aim to explore the practices and perceptions of Afghan EFL lecturers toward assessment. A second aim of the study is to explore the challenges the lecturers encounter in the implementation of formative assessments in their classes. To serve these basic objectives, a qualitative case study method design was employed with three English language lectures as the participants. Semi-structured interviews were used as the main instrument to collect data. The findings of the study indicated that all three lecturers maintained positive perceptions toward formative assessment and favored it over summative assessment. However, the study also discovered that the lecturers practice summative assessments more than formative assessments in their classrooms. This, as indicated by the lecturers, was due to the fact that their choices of employing certain assessment practices were dictated in terms of certain challenges such as university rules and policies, large classes, and time constraints. Lastly, some suggestions are made that may prove useful to effectively apply formative assessment in Afghan EFL context

    Japan's quest for energy security : risks and opportunities in a changing geopolitical landscape

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    For much of the 20th century, economic growth was fueled by cheap oil-based energy supply. Due to increasing resource constraints, however, the political and strategic importance of oil has become a significant part of energy and foreign policy making in East and Southeast Asian countries. In Japan, the rise of China’s economic and military power is a source of considerable concern. To enhance energy security, the Japanese government has recently amended its energy regulatory framework, which reveals high political awareness of risks resulting from the looming key resources shortage and competition over access. An essential understanding that national energy security is a politically and economically sensitive area with a clear international dimension affecting everyday life is critical in shaping a nation’s energy future

    Why there was need of Asian Journal of Agriculture and Biology?

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    Knowledge is exploding with every moment and science is discovering new horizons with every passing day. To encompass this knowledge and, particularly disseminate it to the scientific community free of cost, was the major inspiring force behind the launch of Asian Journal of Agriculture and Biology (AJAB). Another factor that motivated us was the narrow spectrum of the most of existing journals which cover only one or two specific fields and do not focus on interdisciplinary approach. The need was deeply felt by our team members and we decided to start a journal which would focus on all interrelated disciplines of agricultural and other biological sciences. From here we perceived the idea of the name of our new journal “Asian Journal of Agriculture and Biology”. We also decided that this would be online only to save the wastage of paper as most of the scientific literature is accessed through internet and people are least interested in printed copies of the articles. We deliberated a lot over free access of the journal and concluded in its favor, keeping in view the basic right of every human being to have free access to the knowledge of scientific discoveries and literature. It was also decided that AJAB will publish original research manuscripts, short communications and review articles on environmental, plant, animal and human sciences. Environmental sciences will cover areas of soil related research, residues and food quality. Plant sciences will focus on plant diversity, distribution, genetics, bioinformatics and biotechnology related issues. Animal sciences will deal with the health and diseases of vertebrate and invertebrate animals and their treatment related research. Human sciences will relate to different aspects of health and diseases of humans and various issues arising in medical sciences. The first issue of AJAB is before you and we hope your constructive feedback to improve its matter and quality

    The Faculty Notebook, December 2004

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    The Faculty Notebook is published periodically by the Office of the Provost at Gettysburg College to bring to the attention of the campus community accomplishments and activities of academic interest. Faculty are encouraged to submit materials for consideration for publication to the Associate Provost for Faculty Development. Copies of this publication are available at the Office of the Provost
