753 research outputs found

    Swarm intelligence for scheduling: a review

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    Swarm Intelligence generally refers to a problem-solving ability that emerges from the interaction of simple information-processing units. The concept of Swarm suggests multiplicity, distribution, stochasticity, randomness, and messiness. The concept of Intelligence suggests that problem-solving approach is successful considering learning, creativity, cognition capabilities. This paper introduces some of the theoretical foundations, the biological motivation and fundamental aspects of swarm intelligence based optimization techniques such Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) and Artificial Bees Colony (ABC) algorithms for scheduling optimization

    Modeling and Solving Flow Shop Scheduling Problem Considering Worker Resource

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    In this paper, an uninterrupted hybrid flow scheduling problem is modeled under uncertainty conditions. Due to the uncertainty of processing time in workshops, fuzzy programming method has been used to control the parameters of processing time and preparation time. In the proposed model, there are several jobs that must be processed by machines and workers, respectively. The main purpose of the proposed model is to determine the correct sequence of operations and assign operations to each machine and each worker at each stage, so that the total completion time (Cmax) is minimized. Also this paper, fuzzy programming method is used for control unspecified parameter has been used from GAMS software to solve sample problems. The results of problem solving in small and medium dimensions show that with increasing uncertainty, the amount of processing time and consequently the completion time increases. Increases from the whole work. On the other hand, with the increase in the number of machines and workers in each stage due to the high efficiency of the machines, the completion time of all works has decreased. Innovations in this paper include uninterrupted hybrid flow storage scheduling with respect to fuzzy processing time and preparation time in addition to payment time. The allocation of workers and machines to jobs is another innovation of this article

    Energy-Efficient Flexible Flow Shop Scheduling With Due Date and Total Flow Time

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    One of the most significant optimization issues facing a manufacturing company is the flexible flow shop scheduling problem (FFSS). However, FFSS with uncertainty and energy-related elements has received little investigation. Additionally, in order to reduce overall waiting times and earliness/tardiness issues, the topic of flexible flow shop scheduling with shared due dates is researched. Using transmission line loadings and bus voltage magnitude variations, an unique severity function is formulated in this research. Optimize total energy consumption, total agreement index, and make span all at once. Many different meta-heuristics have been presented in the past to find near-optimal answers in an acceptable amount of computation time. To explore the potential for energy saving in shop floor management, a multi-level optimization technique for flexible flow shop scheduling and integrates power models for individual machines with cutting parameters optimisation into energy-efficient scheduling issues is proposed. However, it can be difficult and time-consuming to fine-tune algorithm-specific parameters for solving FFSP

    Adaptive fuzzy particle swarm optimization for flow-shop scheduling problem

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    Ovaj rad razmatra novi pristup problemu raspoređivanja u protočnoj proizvodnji korištenjem kombinacije neizrazite logike i optimizacije rojevima čestica u cilju postizanja sub-optimalnog rješenja. Predlaže se upotreba Tip-1 i Tip-2 modela neizrazite logike u kombinaciji s adaptivnim modelom rojeva čestica. Razvijeni model je uspoređen na standardiziranim testnim funkcijama za stohastičke algoritme (prvo jednokriterijske, a zatim višekriterijske postavljene funkcije cilja) kako bi se utvrdila njegova upotrebljivost na opće postavljenim problemima. Zatim je testiran na standardiziranim testnim zadacima za probleme protočne proizvodnje te konačno na dva praktična problema protočne proizvodnje (linije montaže i linije pakiranja). Rezultati ostvareni novim modelom su uspoređeni s konvencionalnim pravilima prioriteta te je pokazan kvantitativan i kvalitativan napredak primjenom hibrida neizrazite logike i rojeva čestica.This paper describes the application of a hybrid of fuzzy logic and swarm intelligence in order to achieve sub-optimal solutions for flow-shop scheduling problem. A novel adaptive approach with fuzzy particle swarm optimization is proposed. The developed model is tested with the standardized test functions and compared with selected stochastic algorithms (first with one objective functions and later with multi objective functions) to determine its applicability to general problems. Benchmark examples were utilized to evaluate the approach and determine the optimal number of the algorithm evaluations. Finally, the proposed model is applied on two practical problems of flow production problems (assembly lines and packaging lines). The results achieved were compared with the conventional priority rules and the effectiveness of the application of hybrid fuzzy logic and adaptive particle swarm optimization algorithm was demonstrated

    Bio-inspired multi-agent systems for reconfigurable manufacturing systems

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    The current market’s demand for customization and responsiveness is a major challenge for producing intelligent, adaptive manufacturing systems. The Multi-Agent System (MAS) paradigm offers an alternative way to design this kind of system based on decentralized control using distributed, autonomous agents, thus replacing the traditional centralized control approach. The MAS solutions provide modularity, flexibility and robustness, thus addressing the responsiveness property, but usually do not consider true adaptation and re-configuration. Understanding how, in nature, complex things are performed in a simple and effective way allows us to mimic nature’s insights and develop powerful adaptive systems that able to evolve, thus dealing with the current challenges imposed on manufactur- ing systems. The paper provides an overview of some of the principles found in nature and biology and analyses the effectiveness of bio-inspired methods, which are used to enhance multi-agent systems to solve complex engineering problems, especially in the manufacturing field. An industrial automation case study is used to illustrate a bio-inspired method based on potential fields to dynamically route pallets

    Hybrid ant colony system algorithm for static and dynamic job scheduling in grid computing

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    Grid computing is a distributed system with heterogeneous infrastructures. Resource management system (RMS) is one of the most important components which has great influence on the grid computing performance. The main part of RMS is the scheduler algorithm which has the responsibility to map submitted tasks to available resources. The complexity of scheduling problem is considered as a nondeterministic polynomial complete (NP-complete) problem and therefore, an intelligent algorithm is required to achieve better scheduling solution. One of the prominent intelligent algorithms is ant colony system (ACS) which is implemented widely to solve various types of scheduling problems. However, ACS suffers from stagnation problem in medium and large size grid computing system. ACS is based on exploitation and exploration mechanisms where the exploitation is sufficient but the exploration has a deficiency. The exploration in ACS is based on a random approach without any strategy. This study proposed four hybrid algorithms between ACS, Genetic Algorithm (GA), and Tabu Search (TS) algorithms to enhance the ACS performance. The algorithms are ACS(GA), ACS+GA, ACS(TS), and ACS+TS. These proposed hybrid algorithms will enhance ACS in terms of exploration mechanism and solution refinement by implementing low and high levels hybridization of ACS, GA, and TS algorithms. The proposed algorithms were evaluated against twelve metaheuristic algorithms in static (expected time to compute model) and dynamic (distribution pattern) grid computing environments. A simulator called ExSim was developed to mimic the static and dynamic nature of the grid computing. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithms outperform ACS in terms of best makespan values. Performance of ACS(GA), ACS+GA, ACS(TS), and ACS+TS are better than ACS by 0.35%, 2.03%, 4.65% and 6.99% respectively for static environment. For dynamic environment, performance of ACS(GA), ACS+GA, ACS+TS, and ACS(TS) are better than ACS by 0.01%, 0.56%, 1.16%, and 1.26% respectively. The proposed algorithms can be used to schedule tasks in grid computing with better performance in terms of makespan