
Adaptive fuzzy particle swarm optimization for flow-shop scheduling problem


Ovaj rad razmatra novi pristup problemu raspoređivanja u protočnoj proizvodnji korištenjem kombinacije neizrazite logike i optimizacije rojevima čestica u cilju postizanja sub-optimalnog rješenja. Predlaže se upotreba Tip-1 i Tip-2 modela neizrazite logike u kombinaciji s adaptivnim modelom rojeva čestica. Razvijeni model je uspoređen na standardiziranim testnim funkcijama za stohastičke algoritme (prvo jednokriterijske, a zatim višekriterijske postavljene funkcije cilja) kako bi se utvrdila njegova upotrebljivost na opće postavljenim problemima. Zatim je testiran na standardiziranim testnim zadacima za probleme protočne proizvodnje te konačno na dva praktična problema protočne proizvodnje (linije montaže i linije pakiranja). Rezultati ostvareni novim modelom su uspoređeni s konvencionalnim pravilima prioriteta te je pokazan kvantitativan i kvalitativan napredak primjenom hibrida neizrazite logike i rojeva čestica.This paper describes the application of a hybrid of fuzzy logic and swarm intelligence in order to achieve sub-optimal solutions for flow-shop scheduling problem. A novel adaptive approach with fuzzy particle swarm optimization is proposed. The developed model is tested with the standardized test functions and compared with selected stochastic algorithms (first with one objective functions and later with multi objective functions) to determine its applicability to general problems. Benchmark examples were utilized to evaluate the approach and determine the optimal number of the algorithm evaluations. Finally, the proposed model is applied on two practical problems of flow production problems (assembly lines and packaging lines). The results achieved were compared with the conventional priority rules and the effectiveness of the application of hybrid fuzzy logic and adaptive particle swarm optimization algorithm was demonstrated

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