96 research outputs found

    Recherche locale haute performance pour la planification des interventions à France Télécom

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    National audienceDans cette note, nous présentons les travaux de recherche et développement que nous avons réalisés dans le cadre du Challenge ROADEF 2007. Le sujet de la compétition, proposé par France Télécom, consiste en la planification des interventions de maintenance et des équipes de techniciens nécessaires à leurs réalisations. Le problème considéré est un problème d'optimisation combinatoire difficile à plusieurs titres : il contient plusieurs sous-problèmes NP-difficiles et son échelle (des centaines d'interventions et de techniciens) induit une combinatoire gigantesque. Nous décrivons une heuristique à base de recherche locale permettant de résoudre ce problème de manière effective et efficace ; cet algorithme a été classé 2ème du challenge toutes catégories confondues (sur les 35 équipes ayant soumis leurs travaux). En outre, de ce travail transparaît une méthodologie pour la mise en œuvre d'heuristiques à base de recherche locale hautement performantes

    Solving Many-Objective Car Sequencing Problems on Two-Sided Assembly Lines Using an Adaptive Differential Evolutionary Algorithm

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    The car sequencing problem (CSP) is addressed in this paper. The original environment of the CSP is modified to reflect real practices in the automotive industry by replacing the use of single-sided straight assembly lines with two-sided assembly lines. As a result, the problem becomes more complex caused by many additional constraints to be considered. Six objectives (i.e. many objectives) are optimised simultaneously including minimising the number of colour changes, minimising utility work, minimising total idle time, minimising the total number of ratio constraint violations and minimising total production rate variation. The algorithm namely adaptive multi-objective evolutionary algorithm based on decomposition hybridised with differential evolution algorithm (AMOEA/D-DE) is developed to tackle this problem. The performances in Pareto sense of AMOEA/D-DE are compared with COIN-E, MODE, MODE/D and MOEA/D. The results indicate that AMOEA/D-DE outperforms the others in terms of convergence-related metrics

    Efficiency and Robustness in Railway Operations

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    Shortest Paths and Vehicle Routing

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    The Use of Persistent Explorer Artificial Ants to Solve the Car Sequencing Problem

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    Ant Colony Optimisation is a widely researched meta-heuristic which uses the behaviour and pheromone laying activities of foraging ants to find paths through graphs. Since the early 1990’s this approach has been applied to problems such as the Travelling Salesman Problem, Quadratic Assignment Problem and Car Sequencing Problem to name a few. The ACO is not without its problems it tends to find good local optima and not good global optima. To solve this problem modifications have been made to the original ACO such as the Max Min ant system. Other solutions involve combining it with Evolutionary Algorithms to improve results. These improvements focused on the pheromone structures. Inspired by other swarm intelligence algorithms this work attempts to develop a new type of ant to explore different problem paths and thus improve the algorithm. The exploring ant would persist throughout the running time of the algorithm and explore unused paths. The Car Sequencing problem was chosen as a method to test the Exploring Ants. An existing algorithm was modified to implement the explorers. The results show that for the car sequencing problem the exploring ants did not have any positive impact, as the paths they chose were always sub-optimal

    MEMOTS : a memetic algorithm integrating tabu search for combinatorial multiobjective optimization

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    We present in this paper a new multiobjective memetic algorithm scheme called MEMOX. In current multiobjective memetic algorithms, the parents used for recombination are randomly selected. We improve this approach by using a dynamic hypergrid which allows to select a parent located in a region of minimal density. The second parent selected is a solution close, in the objective space, to the first parent. A local search is then applied to the offspring. We experiment this scheme with a new multiobjective tabu search called PRTS, which leads to the memetic algorithm MEMOTS. We show on the multidimensional multiobjective knapsack problem that if the number of objectives increase, it is preferable to have a diversified research rather using an advanced local search. We compare the memetic algorithm MEMOTS to other multiobjective memetic algorithms by using different quality indicators and show that the performances of the method are very interesting
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