8 research outputs found

    3D Line textures and the visualization of confidence in Architecture

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    technical reportThis work introduces a technique for interactive walkthroughs of non-photorealistically rendered (NPR) scenes using 3D line primitives to define architectural features of the model, as well as indicate textural qualities. Line primitives are not typically used in this manner in favor of texture mapping techniques which can encapsulate a great deal of information in a single texture map, and take advantage of GPU optimizations for accelerated rendering. However, texture mapped images may not maintain the visual quality or aesthetic appeal that is possible when using 3D lines to simulate NPR scenes such as hand-drawn illustrations or architectural renderings. In addition, line textures can be modi ed interactively, for instance changing the sketchy quality of the lines, and can be exported as vectors to allow the automatic generation of illustrations and further modi cation in vector-based graphics programs. The technique introduced here extracts feature edges from a model, and using these edges, generates a reduced set of line textures which indicate material properties while maintaining interactive frame rates. A clipping algorithm is presented to enable 3D lines to reside only in the interior of the 3D model without exposing the underlying triangulated mesh. The resulting system produces interactive illustrations with high visual quality that are free from animation artifacts


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    Pembuatan gambar dua dimensi membutuhkan suatu perangkat lunak yang mendukung. Seringkali perangkat lunak tersebut membutuhkan kemampuan pengguna dalam hal menggambar, sehingga sulit bagi pengguna biasa untuk menghasilkan suatu bentuk sesuai keinginan. Penelitian ini membuat suatu perangkat lunak editor gambar yang dapat memudahkan pengguna untuk membentuk suatu gambar baru. Gambar ini direpresentasikan ke dalam bentuk kurva. Perangkat lunak dapat membuat kurva contoh dan membentuk kurva baru mirip dengan kurva contoh yang diberikan pada suatu bentuk dasar. Metode pembentukan kurva baru dari kurva contoh yang diberikan menggunakan suatu metode yang dinamakan metode Curve Analogies. Metode Curve Analogies merupakan metode pembentukan kurva baru dari kurva contoh yang diberikan dengan mengikuti suatu bentuk tertentu, selain itu kurva yang dihasilkan mirip dengan kurva contoh. Kurva contoh yang diberikan merupakan kurva B-Spline Kubik multiresolusi sehingga dengan representasi multiresolusi akan mendapatkan beberapa bentuk kurva yang berbeda. Kurva B-Spline yang digunakan merupakan kurva B-Spline kubik sedangkan kurva polylines digunakan sebagai bentuk dasar dalam pembentukan kurva baru. Perangkat lunak dibuat dengan menggunakan bahasa pemrograman Borland Delphi 5 pada sistem operasi Windows XP. Berdasarkan ujicoba yang dilakukan, perangkat lunak dapat bekerja dengan baik.. Perangkat lunak mampu membentuk pustaka kurva dan membuat kurva baru yang mirip dengan kurva contoh yang diberikan. Perangkat lunak mampu mensintesa kurva contoh pada bentuk dasar yang diberikan. Perangkat lunak juga mampu melakukan representasi multiresolusi pada kurva B-Spline yang dibuat.   Kata Kunci : Curve Analogies, B-Spline Curve, Multiresolution Curve

    An Approach To Painterly Rendering

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    An often overlooked key component of 3D animations is the rendering engine. However, some rendering techniques are hard to implement or are too restrictive in terms of the imagery they can produce. The goal of this thesis is to make easy-to-use software that artists can use to create stylistic animations and that also minimizes technical constraints placed on the art. For this project, I present a tool that allows artists to create temporally coherent, painterly animations using Autodesk Maya and Corel Painter. I then use that tool to create proof of concept animations. This new rendering technique offers artists a different avenue through which they can showcase their art and also offers certain freedoms that current computer graphics techniques lack. Accompanying this paper are some animations demonstrating possible outcomes, and they are located on the Texas A&M online library catalog system. The painting system used for this project expands upon an algorithm designed by Barbara Meier of the Disney Research Group that involves spreading particles across a surface and using those particles to define brush strokes. The first step is to infer the general syntax of Painter’s commands by using Painter and its ability to record a painting made by an artist. The next step is to use the commands and syntax that Painter uses in the automated creation of scripts to generate paintings used for the animation. As this thesis is designed to showcase a rendering technique, I found animations made by fellow candidates for the Master of Science and Master of Fine Arts degrees in Visualization bearing qualities accented by a painterly treatment and rendered them using this technique

    Digital compositing with traditional artwork

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    This thesis presents a general method and guidelines for compositing digital characters into traditional artwork by matching a character to the perspective, lighting, style, and complexity of the particular work of art. The primary goal of this integration is to make the resulting image believable, but not necessarily to create an exact match. As a result, the approach used here is not limited to a single rendering style or medium, but can be used to create a very close match for almost any artistic image. To develop and test this method and set of guidelines I created composites using a variety of styles and mediums

    Procedural Generation and Rendering of Trees and Landscapes in the Style of Eyvind Earle

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    In this thesis I develop methods of generating digital 3D landscapes in the style of the artist, Eyvind Earle, who is perhaps most well-known for his art direction and background paintings on Sleeping Beauty. I develop a variety of trees and other terrain elements, each tailored to match the graphic shapes and rendered accordingly to match the style of reference artwork. Creation of both terrain and trees can be highly generative in nature – complex in a way that lends to being defined by a logical systematic approach. I provide procedural methods for matching the shapes of the objects, relying on noise, L-systems, and other constraints. In general, the process is divided into base geometry generation and shading details. Shading methods include simple custom shaders and geometry-based stippling and linework. The various systems are implemented in Side Effects Software’s Houdini as its procedural capabilities allows the creation of many scenes with the same tools

    5th SC@RUG 2008 proceedings:Student Colloquium 2007-2008

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    Art-based Rendering with Continuous Levels of Detail

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    In previous work [6], we presented an algorithm for rendering virtual scenes using art-based styles. We demonstrated the ability to render fur, grass, and trees in a stylized manner that evoked the complexity of these textures without representing all their components explicitly. We achieved this with stroke-based procedural textures that generated detail elements, or graftals, just as needed. Our implementation had several drawbacks. First, each new graftal texture required a procedural implementation that included writing code. Also, graftals were regenerated in each frame in a way that led to excessive introduction and elimination of graftals even for small changes in camera parameters. Lastly, our system provided no way to continuously vary the properties of graftals, including color, size, or stroke width. Such an ability could be used to achieve better frame-to-frame coherence, or more generally to animate graftals. In this paper, we present a new framework for graftal textures..