48 research outputs found


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    Beberapa faktor yang menunjang keberhasilan siswa dalam memahami representasi visual berbentuk diagram dalam buku pelajaran diantarannya adalah aktivitas kognitif dan strategi membaca visual. Pada pelajaran Biologi diagram merupakan salah satu media visual yang digunakan untuk merepresentasikan bentuk sebenarnya seperti pada morfologi tumbuhan. Saat ini masih banyak ditemukan siswa yang gagal dalam memahami diagram morfologi tumbuhan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis aktivitas kognitif, strategi membaca visual serta hubungannya dengan pemahaman siswa SMA terhadap diagram morfologi tumbuhan Magnoliophyta. Jenis penelitian menggunakan metode deskriptif yang melibatkan 20 orang siswa dari salah satu SMA swasta di Kota Bandung. Proses penelitian meliputi pengumpulan data aktivitas kognitif melalui laporan verbal dengan instrumen Think aloud protocol, selanjutnya data strategi membaca visual diperoleh melalui hasil analisis aktivitas siswa berdasarkan hasil rekaman video dan hasil coretan siswa pada lembar diagram yang disajikan. sementara itu pada data pemahaman siswa dikumpulkan melalui hasil pengskoran jawaban siswa berdasarkan tes soal berbentuk uraian. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diketahui sebanyak 90% siswa memunculkan aktivitas kognitif mengidentifikasi detail gambar saat mempelajari diagram. Selanjutnya hasil pengamatan strategi membaca visual saat mempelajari diagram sebanyak 90% siswa mengunakan aktivitas menghafal yang merupakan bagian dari strategi tingkat rendah. Hasil temuan terkait pemahaman siswa tentang materi morfologi tumbuhan masih dikategorikan rendah dan belum mencapai nilai standar kelulusan. Data hubungan korelasi positif dan negatif ditemukan pada data aktivitas kognitif dan strategi membaca visual dengan pemahaman siswa. Hasil ini mengindikasikan rendahnya pemahaman siswa terkait materi morfologi tumbuhan di tingkat SMA dikarenakan materi yang dipelajari siswa masih didominasi dalam bentuk hafalan.;--Several factors that increase students' success in understanding diagrammatic visual representations in textbooks are cognitive activity and visual reading strategies. In Biology, the diagram is one of the visual media used to represent its true form, as in plant morphology. At present, there are still many students who fail to understand plant morphology diagrams. This study aims to analyze cognitive activity, visual reading strategies and their relationship with high school students comprehension of Magnoliophyta plant morphology diagrams. Descriptive method used in this study involved 20 students from one private high school in the city of Bandung. The research process includes the collection of cognitive activity data through verbal reports with Think Aloud protocol instruments, then visual reading strategies data obtained through the analysis of student activity based on video recordings and student activity results on the diagram sheet presented. meanwhile the students' understanding data were collected through the results of scoring student answers based on essay test questions. Based on the results of the study found that as many as 90% of students gave rise to cognitive activities identifying detailed images when studying diagrams. Furthermore, the results of observing visual reading strategies when studying diagrams as much as 90% of students use memorization activities that are part of low-level strategies. The findings related to students' comprehension of plant morphology material are still categorized as low and have not yet reached the graduation standard value. Data on positive and negative correlations were found in cognitive activity data and visual reading strategies with student comprehension. These results indicate the low understanding of students related to plant morphology material at the high school level because the material student's study is still dominated in the form of memorization

    Vocational College's Students Preferences on Practical Teaching Methods for Electronic Subject

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    Practical teaching approaches in the classroom or workshop plays an important role in teaching and learning process especially for hands-on subjects. The practical teaching methods that teach according to the ability of the students can give them better understanding in a specific subject. Hence, this paper will look at the practical teaching methods that are preferred by the Malaysian Vocational College's student for electronic subject. Quantitative studies approach has been employed which adopted the survey design using questionnaires as the instrument for data collection.  The respondents of this research were selected from 306 students in 58 Vocational Colleges which offer Electrical and Electronics Engineering Technology courses. Descriptive analysis has been carried out for this study and the data such as mean, standard deviation and ranking were analysed. The result showed that student preferred teaching method that provide easy understanding on the hands-on topic based on the Needham 5 phase constructivism model.  In the beginning phase, the student preferred demonstration, practical activities use video clips, diagram and hand note.  However in Idea Generation, Strengthening of Ideas and Applying Ideas phase, they preferred the teaching that focusing on group rather than individual such as practical work, discussion, mind map and invention. In the reflection phase, the students most preferred using question and answer openly in class and small group. Based on this study, the findings will help the teachers to use the specific teaching methods that provide easy understanding for the students' especially for the hands-on subject

    Vocational College's Students Preferences on Practical Teaching Methods for Electronic Subject

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    Practical teaching approaches in the classroom or workshop plays an important role in teaching and learning process especially for hands-on subjects. The practical teaching methods that teach according to the ability of the students can give them better understanding in a specific subject. Hence, this paper will look at the practical teaching methods that are preferred by the Malaysian Vocational College's student for electronic subject. Quantitative studies approach has been employed which adopted the survey design using questionnaires as the instrument for data collection.  The respondents of this research were selected from 306 students in 58 Vocational Colleges which offer Electrical and Electronics Engineering Technology courses. Descriptive analysis has been carried out for this study and the data such as mean, standard deviation and ranking were analysed. The result showed that student preferred teaching method that provide easy understanding on the hands-on topic based on the Needham 5 phase constructivism model.  In the beginning phase, the student preferred demonstration, practical activities use video clips, diagram and hand note.  However in Idea Generation, Strengthening of Ideas and Applying Ideas phase, they preferred the teaching that focusing on group rather than individual such as practical work, discussion, mind map and invention. In the reflection phase, the students most preferred using question and answer openly in class and small group. Based on this study, the findings will help the teachers to use the specific teaching methods that provide easy understanding for the students' especially for the hands-on subject

    Science and non-science teachers’ interpretation of physics diagrammes

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    This paper discusses teachers’ interpretations of physics diagrammes. The study based on 55 science and non-science teachers, where a qualitative approach was adopted. First, 12 fundamental physics diagrammes were revealed to the teachers, who were asked to think aloud about them. Science teachers and non-science teachers gave similar answers. It has been observed that only the science teacher cohort extended their explanations. When interpreting the diagrammes, the participants in both groups did not notice certain elements that it was expected they would see. The result of this study can inform how teachers interpret physics diagrammes. This paper contributes to the growing interest in international literature as well as national literature regarding the use of diagrammes for teacher training, because interpreting diagrammes is a comprehensive process, which contains certain elements, such as lines, arrows, curves, colour, and objects with boundaries.Keywords: diagrammes; physics learning; physics teaching; science educatio

    Diagramas em 'Motores de jogos' com simbologia específica e terminologia

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    Introducción: Si nos centramos en los Juegos Motores observamos que tienen un gran componente espacial con movimientos de personas, móviles, en espacios pequeños y en espacios grandes. Si además queremos que se produzca una comunicación precisa indicando acciones, lugares, espacios, etc. vemos que es imprescindible la comunicación a través de diagramas gráficos. La idea es unificar la simbología haciendo una propuesta basada en símbolos utilizados tradicionalmente, fácil escritura a mano, y fácil escritura en formato digital. Objetivos: Proponer unos símbolos que indiquen acciones en los juegos motores con el fin de hacer diagramas explicativos de forma gráfica. Conclusiones: Hemos propuesto unos símbolos básicos para indicar acciones en juegos motores, los símbolos son: lanzamiento, desplazamiento sin balón en línea recta, desplazamientos sin balón en curva, desplazamientos con balón, finta en el desplazamiento, bloqueo, pase recto, pase curvo, pase con bote, posibilidad de pase o asistencia, posibilidad de pase o asistencia curva, posibilidad de pase con bote, y resaltar un espacio.Introduction: If we focus on the Motor Games we see that they have a large spatial component with movements of people, mobile, in small spaces and in large spaces. If we also want to produce an accurate communication indicating actions, places, spaces, etc ... we see that it is essential to communicate through graphic diagrams. The idea is to unify the symbology by making a proposal based on traditionally used symbols, easy handwriting, and easy writing in digital format. Aims: Propose some symbols that indicate actions in the motor games to make explanatory diagrams in graphic form. Conclusions: We have proposed some basic symbols to indicate actions in motor games, the symbols are: throwing, displacement without the ball in a straight line, displacements without the ball in a curve, displacements with the ball, feint in the displacement, blocking, straight pass, curved pass, pass with boat, possibility of pass or assistance, possibility of pass or curved assistance, possibility of pass with boat, and highlight a space.Introdução: Se nos concentramos nos Jogos de Motor, vemos que possuem um grande componente espacial com movimentos de pessoas, móveis, em espaços pequenos e em grandes espaços. Se também queremos produzir uma comunicação precisa, indicando ações, lugares, espaços, etc. ... vemos que é essencial se comunicar através de diagramas gráficos. A idéia é unificar a simbologia fazendo uma proposta com base em símbolos tradicionalmente usados, fácil de manusear e escrever facilmente em formato digital.Objectivos: Propor alguns símbolos que indicam ações nos jogos de motor, a fim de fazer diagramas explicativos em forma gráfica. Conclusões: Nós propusemos alguns símbolos básicos para indicar ações em jogos de motor, os símbolos são: jogando, deslocando sem bola em linha reta, deslocamentos sem a bola em uma curva, deslocamentos com a bola, feta no deslocamento, bloqueio, passagem direta, passagem curva, passagem com barco, possibilidade de passagem ou assistência, possibilidade de passagem ou assistência curvada, possibilidade de passear com barco e destacar um espaço.Universidad de Granada. Grupo Investigación "Formación del Profesorado como mediador del conocimiento" (Hum238)


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    Penyampaian konsep dalam pembelajaran biologi seringkali direpresentasikan melalui sebuah diagram untuk memudahkan siswa memahami materi biologi. Salah satu cara mengetahui pemahaman siswa terhadap diagram dapat dilihat dari bagaimana siswa menghubungkan komponen informasi pada diagram melalui jaringan kausal berupa representasi jejaring proposisi. Proposisi sebagai konsep representasi berperan dalam model pemrosesan informasi melibatkan memori kerja untuk memperoleh pengalaman (pengetahuan) yang disimpan dalam memori jangka panjang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap kecenderungan pola representasi jejaring proposisi siswa saat dihadapkan dengan diagram struktur dan fungsi pada materi sistem indera dan hubungannya dengan kemampuan siswa dalam menyelesaikan soal diagram tersebut. Penelitian deskriptif ini melibatkan 32 siswa kelas XI IPA di salah satu SMA Negeri kota Bandung. Pola representasi jejaring proposisi dijaring menggunakan soal essai di dalam lembar tugas yang dikembangkan berdasarkan information processing standards Marzano et al. (1993) dan pengukuran kemampuan siswa dalam menyelesaikan soal diagram diukur menggunakan soal multiple choice yang diadaptasi dari framework complex thinking standards Marzano et al. (1993). Hasil penelitian mengungkap empat pola umum representasi jejaring proposisi siswa dengan kemampuan memproses informasi yang bervariasi saat disajikan diagram struktur dan fungsi pada materi sistem indera. Hasil uji korelasi menunjukkan adanya hubungan yang searah antara representasi jejaring proposisi siswa dengan kemampuannya dalam menyelesaikan soal diagram. Temuan ini mengungkap siswa yang mampu menghubungkan komponen informasi secara kompleks akan mampu menyelesaikan soal diagram dengan baik. Untuk meningkatkan kemampuan siswa dalam menyelesaikan soal diagram, diperlukan representasi mental secara kompleks dalam bentuk jejaring proposisi yang didukung oleh kapasitas working memory siswa.;---The delivery of concept in Biology learning is often represented through a diagram to make student easy to understand the Biology materials. One way to knowing the student understanding about the diagram can be seen from how student connecting information component in diagram trough causal network in form of proposition network representation. Proposition as the concept of representation play a role in information processing model involve working memory to earn experience (knowledge) that is saved in long-term memory. This research aim to reveal the trend of student proposition network representation patterns when are faced with structure diagram and function in sense system materials and the connection with the student ability in solving the diagram problem. This descriptive research involve 32 student from XI IPA class in one of many highschool in Bandung. Proposition network representation patterns is netted using essay in the worksheet that is developed based in information processing standards Marzano et al. (1993) and the student ability measurement in solve the diagram problem is measured using multiple choice question that is adapted from framework complex thinking standards Marzano et al. (1993). The result reveal four student proposition network representation general pattern with ability to process the information that is variated when presented structure diagram and function in sense system material. The result of correlation test shows that there is a direct relationship between the representation of the student's proposition network and the ability to solve the problem diagram. These findings reveal students who are able to connect complex components of information will be able to solve the problem diagram well. To improve students' ability in solving diagram problems, requaired a complex mental representation in the form of network propositions supported by working memory capacity of students

    Diagramas em Games Motors para simbolizar os jogadores

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    Introducción: Este trabajo es una continuación del trabajo previo con el cual se quieren representar tanto para planificación y análisis acciones motrices mediante gráficos y diagramas. Teniendo en cuenta la importancia de la comunicación narrativa oral y escrita que en muchos casos es más sencilla y directa para utilizarla, entras ocasiones por la complejidad de las acciones motrices la utilización de las palabras es más compleja y por esta razón se utiliza la expresión gráfica. Objetivos: Proponer unos símbolos o diagramas explicativos de los jugadores que participan en los juegos motores en función de su orientación, participación en ataque o defensa con la forma, y colores y la participación en una determinada posición en función del número. Conclusiones: Hemos propuesto unos símbolos básicos para mostrar a los jugadores que participan en los juegos motores en función de su orientación, participación en ataque o defensa con la forma, y colores y la participación en una determinada posición en función del número.Introduction: This work is a continuation of the previous work with which they want to represent both for planning and analysis motor actions through graphs and diagrams. Considering the importance of oral and written narrative communication, which in many cases is simpler and more direct to use, sometimes because of the complexity of the motor actions, the use of words is more complex and for this reason graphic expression is used. Aims: Propose symbols or explanatory diagrams of the players participating in the motor games according to their orientation, participation in attack or defense with the form, and colors and participation in a certain position depending on the number. Conclusions: We have proposed some basic symbols to show the players that participate in the motor games according to their orientation, participation in attack or defense with the form, and colors and participation in a certain position depending on the number.Este trabalho é uma continuação do trabalho anterior com o qual eles querem representar tanto para planejar e analisar ações motoras através de gráficos e diagramas. Levando em conta a importância da comunicação narrativa oral e escrita, que em muitos casos é mais simples e direta, por vezes devido à complexidade das ações motoras, o uso das palavras é mais complexo e por isso a expressão gráfica é utilizada. Objectivos: Proponha símbolos ou diagramas explicativos dos jogadores que participam dos jogos a motor de acordo com sua orientação, participação no ataque ou defesa com o formulário, e cores e participação em uma determinada posição, dependendo do número. Conclusões: Propusemos alguns símbolos básicos para mostrar aos jogadores que participam dos jogos automobilísticos de acordo com sua orientação, participação no ataque ou defesa com o formulário, e cores e participação em uma determinada posição, dependendo do número.Universidad de Granada. Grupo Investigación "Formación del Profesorado como mediador del conocimiento" (Hum238

    Diagramas para representar material esportivo de Educação Física e Jogos de Motores

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    Introducción: Esta propuesta es la continuación de simbolización de elementos y acciones del juego y de los juegos motores. Particularmente ahora tratamos el tema del material utilizado en los juegos motores. Material también utilizado en deportes, clases de educación física, actividades deportivas, etc.... De este modo se puede indicar la presencia de este tipo de material en los planteamientos didácticos que utilizan gráficos, diagramas, símbolos y también para el análisis de situaciones motoras. Las imágenes elegidas son imágenes recogidas de forma libre en internet, o dibujos realizados de material con una perspectiva cenital. Así la idea es unificar la simbología haciendo una propuesta como ya ha habido algunos intentos que cumpla varias características: Basarse en símbolos similares utilizados tradicionalmente, fácil escritura a mano, fácil escritura en formato digital Objetivos: Proponer unos símbolos o diagramas explicativos, e imágenes de material para juegos motores, educación física y material deportivo. Conclusiones: Hemos propuesto unos símbolos o diagramas explicativos, e imágenes de material para juegos motores, y material deportivo.Introduction: This proposal is the continuation of the symbolization of elements and actions of the game and of the motor games. Particularly now we are dealing with the material used in motor games. Material also used in sports, physical education classes, sports activities, etc ... This way you can indicate the presence of this type of material in the didactic approaches that use graphics, diagrams, symbols and for the analysis of situations motor. The chosen images are images collected freely on the Internet, or drawings made of material with a top-down perspective. So, the idea is to unify the symbology by making a proposal as there have been some attempts that have several characteristics: Based on similar symbols traditionally used, easy handwriting, easy writing in digital format. Aims: Propose symbols or explanatory diagrams, and images of material for motor games, physical education and sports equipment. Conclusions: We have proposed symbols or explanatory diagrams, and images of material for motor games, and sports equipment.Introdução: Esta proposta é a continuação da simbolização dos elementos e ações do jogo e dos jogos motores. Particularmente agora estamos lidando com o material usado em jogos de motor. Material também utilizado em esportes, aulas de educação física, atividades esportivas, etc ... Desta forma você pode indicar a presença deste tipo de material nas abordagens didáticas que utilizam gráficos, diagramas, símbolos e também para a análise de situações. motor As imagens escolhidas são imagens coletadas livremente na Internet ou desenhos feitos de material com uma perspectiva de cima para baixo. Então a ideia é unificar a simbologia fazendo uma proposta, pois tem havido algumas tentativas que possuem várias características: Baseada em símbolos similares tradicionalmente utilizados, caligrafia fácil, escrita fácil em formato digital. Objectivos: Proponha símbolos ou diagramas explicativos e imagens de material para jogos motorizados, educação física e equipamentos esportivos. Conclusões: Propusemos símbolos ou diagramas explicativos e imagens de material para jogos motorizados e equipamentos esportivos.Universidad de Granada. Grupo Investigación "Formación del Profesorado como mediador del conocimiento" (Hum238

    Diagramas em Games Motors para representar trilhas, campos e instalações

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    Introducción: Este estudio aborda la continuación de la simbolización de acciones y elementos del juego en juegos motores. En este caso la descripción básica de las pistas e instalaciones utilizadas para la realización de juegos motores, que habitualmente son las que se encuentra en los centros educativos y polideportivos al provenir de señalizaciones de juegos reglamentados y deporte. En estas señalizaciones puede haber simplificaciones con respecto a las líneas y señalizaciones reglamentarias para la facilitar su dibujo a mano. Así la idea es unificar la simbología haciendo una propuesta como ya ha habido algunos intentos. que cumpla varias características: Basarse en símbolos similares utilizados tradicionalmente, fácil escritura a mano, fácil escritura en formato digital. Objetivos: Proponer unos símbolos, imágenes o diagramas explicativos de las pistas, campos e instalaciones. Conclusiones: Hemos propuesto unos símbolos, imágenes o diagramas explicativos de las pistas, campos e instalaciones.Introduction: This study addresses the continuation of the symbolization of actions and elements of the game in motor games. In this case, the basic description of the tracks and facilities for the realization of motor games, which are usually those found in educational centers and sports centers at the end of the signs of regulated games and sports. This can be simplified with respect to the lines and regulatory markings to facilitate their drawing by hand. So, the idea is to unify the symbology by making a proposal as there have been some attempts. It has several characteristics: simple handwriting, easy writing in digital format. Aims: Propose some symbols, images or explanatory diagrams of the tracks, fields and facilities. Conclusions: We have proposed symbols, images or explanatory diagrams of the tracks, fields and facilities.Introdução: Este estudo aborda a continuação da simbolização de ações e elementos do jogo em jogos motorizados. Neste caso, a descrição básica das pistas e instalações para a realização de jogos a motor, que são geralmente aqueles encontrados em centros educacionais e centros esportivos no final dos sinais de jogos regulamentados e esportes. Isso pode ser simplificado em relação às linhas e marcações regulamentares para facilitar o seu desenho à mão.Então a ideia é unificar a simbologia fazendo uma proposta, pois houve algumas tentativas. Tem várias características: caligrafia simples, escrita fácil em formato digital. Objectivos: Proponha alguns símbolos, imagens ou diagramas explicativos das pistas, campos e instalações. Conclusões: Propusemos símbolos, imagens ou diagramas explicativos das pistas, campos e instalações.Universidad de Granada. Grupo Investigación "Formación del Profesorado como mediador del conocimiento" (Hum238