351 research outputs found

    Optical Intensity Interferometry with the Cherenkov Telescope Array

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    With its unprecedented light-collecting area for night-sky observations, the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) holds great potential for also optical stellar astronomy, in particular as a multi-element intensity interferometer for realizing imaging with sub-milliarcsecond angular resolution. Such an order-of-magnitude increase of the spatial resolution achieved in optical astronomy will reveal the surfaces of rotationally flattened stars with structures in their circumstellar disks and winds, or the gas flows between close binaries. Image reconstruction is feasible from the second-order coherence of light, measured as the temporal correlations of arrival times between photons recorded in different telescopes. This technique (once pioneered by Hanbury Brown and Twiss) connects telescopes only with electronic signals and is practically insensitive to atmospheric turbulence and to imperfections in telescope optics. Detector and telescope requirements are very similar to those for imaging air Cherenkov observatories, the main difference being the signal processing (calculating cross correlations between single camera pixels in pairs of telescopes). Observations of brighter stars are not limited by sky brightness, permitting efficient CTA use during also bright-Moon periods. While other concepts have been proposed to realize kilometer-scale optical interferometers of conventional amplitude (phase-) type, both in space and on the ground, their complexity places them much further into the future than CTA, which thus could become the first kilometer-scale optical imager in astronomy.Comment: Astroparticle Physics, in press; 47 pages, 10 figures, 124 reference

    Stellar Intensity Interferometry: Prospects for sub-milliarcsecond optical imaging

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    Using kilometric arrays of air Cherenkov telescopes, intensity interferometry may increase the spatial resolution in optical astronomy by an order of magnitude, enabling images of rapidly rotating stars with structures in their circumstellar disks and winds, or mapping out patterns of nonradial pulsations across stellar surfaces. Intensity interferometry (pioneered by Hanbury Brown and Twiss) connects telescopes only electronically, and is practically insensitive to atmospheric turbulence and optical imperfections, permitting observations over long baselines and through large airmasses, also at short optical wavelengths. The required large telescopes with very fast detectors are becoming available as arrays of air Cherenkov telescopes, distributed over a few square km. Digital signal handling enables very many baselines to be synthesized, while stars are tracked with electronic time delays, thus synthesizing an optical interferometer in software. Simulated observations indicate limiting magnitudes around m(v)=8, reaching resolutions ~30 microarcsec in the violet. The signal-to-noise ratio favors high-temperature sources and emission-line structures, and is independent of the optical passband, be it a single spectral line or the broad spectral continuum. Intensity interferometry provides the modulus (but not phase) of any spatial frequency component of the source image; for this reason image reconstruction requires phase retrieval techniques, feasible if sufficient coverage of the interferometric (u,v)-plane is available. Experiments are in progress; test telescopes have been erected, and trials in connecting large Cherenkov telescopes have been carried out. This paper reviews this interferometric method in view of the new possibilities offered by arrays of air Cherenkov telescopes, and outlines observational programs that should become realistic already in the rather near future.Comment: New Astronomy Reviews, in press; 101 pages, 11 figures, 185 reference

    Robustness analysis and station-keeping control of an interferometer formation flying mission in low Earth orbit

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    The impact of formation flying on interferometry is growing over the years for the potential performance it could offer. However, it is still an open field, and many studies are still required. This article presents the basic principles behind interferometry focusing first on a single array and secondly on a formation of satellites. A sensitivity analysis is carried out to evaluate how the performance of the interferometry is affected by an error in the relative position in the formation geometry. This is estimated by computing the loss of the performance in terms of percentage deviation due to a non-nominal relative trajectory, including two-dimensional errors and defining a payload index. The main goal of this study is to estimate whether some errors in the relative state are more impacting than others. The final objective is to compute the link between a position error and a specific loss of performance, to foresee the origin of the the error. Furthermore, a dynamical model is developed to describe the relative motion in the Low Earth Orbit environment, considering both the unperturbed and the J2 and drag contributions. A Proportional, Integral and Derivative controller is implemented for the position control of a multiple satellite formation flying, considering a low thrust control profile. The Formation Flying L-band Aperture Synthesis study is taken as the case scenario, analysing both nominal and non-nominal configurations. This study serves as a starting point for the development of a combined tool to assess the performance of the interferometry and the control on the relative state for future remote sensing studies involving relative motion

    Imaging stellar surfaces with intensity interferometry

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    Context. Intensity interferometry was invented and used by R.Hanbury Brown and R.Q.Twiss in the 1960's to measure stellar angular diameters. Its main advantage over conventional interferometry is that it enables very long baselines and is insensitive to poor seeing. However, because it requires very large light collectors, it was never pursued further. The Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) is a new upcoming facility that will detect rapid flashes of optical Cherenkov light induced by extraterrestrial gamma-rays. Its large telescopes could very well be used part-time for intensity interferometry. With its 2 km maximum baseline, it could image surfaces of hot stars at an unprecedented sub-milliarcsecond resolution. Aim. To experimentally simulate intensity interferometry in the laboratory with an array analogous to the planned CTA. Methods. Small pinhole apertures were illuminated by experimentally produced light with appropriate quantum statistics to simulate stars. High-speed single-photon counting avalanche diode detectors mounted on laboratory telescopes made up the array, enabling more than 100 baselines. A digital data processor was used to calculate the spatial coherence of the stars. Results. Intensity interferometry was successfully performed for stars of different sizes and shapes. With all the baselines available, it was possible to reconstruct two-dimensional maps of the spatial coherence required for image restoration. Conclusions. The results experimentally demonstrated the validity and potential of a multi-telescope array similar to the CTA for stellar surface imaging.StjĂ€rnorna pĂ„ himlen syns vara smĂ„ eftersom de Ă€r avlĂ€gsna objekt, solar pĂ„ enorma avstĂ„nd. Den nĂ€rmaste stjĂ€rnan Ă€r Alfa Centauri pĂ„ ett avstĂ„nd av 4,4 ljusĂ„r, cirka 41 miljon miljoner kilometer. Solen Ă€r den enda stjĂ€rna vars yta vi kan se i detalj medan andra stjĂ€rnor Ă€r sĂ„ avlĂ€gsna att de inte ens i de största teleskopen syns som mer Ă€n smĂ„ ljusa prickar. De skarpaste bilder som i dag erhĂ„lls av himmelsobjekt fĂ„s med sĂ„ kallade interferometrar. Dessa Ă€r anlĂ€ggningar dĂ€r flera teleskop kopplas ihop för att bilda ett gemensamt större instrument. Kraftfullast bland dessa Ă€r Europeiska Sydobservatoriets interferometer i Chile och dess amerikanska motsvarighet i Kalifornien. Med dessa har man lyckats avbilda ett fĂ„tal stora stjĂ€rnor. NĂ„gon visade sig inte vara rund utan kraftigt avplattad eftersom den snurrar jĂ€ttesnabbt kring sin axel. Andra stjĂ€rnor kan tĂ€nkas ha andra former eller kan bestĂ„ av flera stjĂ€rnor i omloppsbanor tĂ€tt kring varandra. Att se stjĂ€rnor som utstrĂ€ckta objekt kan lĂ€ra oss mycket om dem men ocksĂ„ om vĂ„r egen stjĂ€rna, solen. De stjĂ€rnor som hittills kunnat avbildas Ă€r jĂ€ttestjĂ€rnor, mycket större Ă€n solen, och det finns tusentals ljusa stjĂ€rnor som fortfarande bara kan ses som prickar. BildskĂ€rpan i en interferometer bestĂ€ms av avstĂ„ndet mellan de teleskop som ingĂ„r i anlĂ€ggningen: större avstĂ„nd ger bĂ€ttre skĂ€rpa. FastĂ€n man sedan lĂ€nge drömt om att lĂ€nka teleskop över mĂ„nga kilometrar, Ă€r det Ă€nnu inte möjligt över mer Ă€n ett par hundra meter. BegrĂ€nsningarna sĂ€tts av kraven pĂ„ extrem precision i hur ljuset mellan teleskopen mĂ„ste kombineras, samt av luftoron i jordens atmosfĂ€r. En annan teknik, sĂ„ kallad intensitets-interferometri, tillĂ„ter lĂ€ngre avstĂ„nd mellan teleskopen och dĂ€rmed en högre bildskĂ€rpa. Metoden innebĂ€r att det synliga ljuset i teleskopet omvandlas till elektroniska signaler som överförs i kablar utan att störas av luftens turbulens. Nackdelen Ă€r att viss information gĂ„r förlorad, vilket gör det svĂ„rare att Ă„terskapa bilder av himmelsobjekten. Dessutom krĂ€ver denna teknik mycket ljus och dĂ€rför ocksĂ„ stora teleskop. Genom en historisk tillfĂ€llighet uppförs nu en anlĂ€ggning med sĂ„dana stora teleskop, CTA, ”Cherenkov Telescope Array”, för ett helt annat huvudĂ€ndamĂ„l, att observera gammastrĂ„lning frĂ„n vĂ€rldsrymden. NĂ€r energirika gammastrĂ„lar trĂ€nger in i jordens atmosfĂ€r, skapas partiklar som utsĂ€nder blixtar av blĂ„aktigt ljus, sĂ„ kallad TjerenkovstrĂ„lning. Eftersom denna Ă€r mycket ljussvag, mĂ„ste teleskopen vara bĂ„de stora och mĂ„nga. Teleskopens prestanda rĂ„kar motsvara vad som krĂ€vs för intensitets-interferometri och möjligheten till denna tillĂ€mpning har uppmĂ€rksammats inom projektet. Teleskopen kommer att ligga pĂ„ avstĂ„nd upp till ett par kilometrar vilket möjliggör en bildskĂ€rpa som Ă€r storleksordningen bĂ€ttre Ă€n med dagens anlĂ€ggningar. Detta kommer att möjliggöra avbildning av frĂ€mst stjĂ€rnor som Ă€r hetare Ă€n solen (tekniken fungerar bĂ€st för varmare stjĂ€rnor). Möjligen kommer man till och med att kunna se silhuetter av planeter nĂ€r de syns passera över stjĂ€rnskivan! Eftersom tekniken aldrig anvĂ€nts med modern digital elektronik, mĂ„ste metoderna utvecklas och testas innan observationer i full skala kan pĂ„börjas. Detta Ă€r vad som gjorts i detta examensarbete. MĂ„nga smĂ„ teleskop sattes upp i ett laboratorium i ett mönster motsvarande det kommande CTA. Med denna installation mĂ€ttes olika konstgjorda stjĂ€rnor. Efter analys av mĂ€tningarna, kunde storlek och form pĂ„ de olika ”stjĂ€rnorna” bestĂ€mmas och det kunde experimentellt visas att teorin fungerade. Detta Ă€r första gĂ„ngen som avbildande intensitets-interferometri genomförts för astronomiskt relevanta objekt. Med denna teknik torde det bli möjligt att erhĂ„lla bilder av stjĂ€rnytor nĂ€r CTA kommer i drift nĂ„gon gĂ„ng kring Ă„r 2020

    TriHex: combining formation flying, general circular orbits and alias-free imaging, for high resolution L-band aperture synthesis

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    The Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) mission of the European Space Agency (ESA), together with NASA’s Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) mission, is providing a wealth of information to the user community for a wide range of applications. Although both missions are still operational, they have significantly exceeded their design life time. For this reason, ESA is looking at future mission concepts, which would adequately address the requirements of the passive L-band community beyond SMOS and SMAP. This article proposes one mission concept, TriHex, which has been found capable of achieving high spatial resolution, radiometric resolution, and accuracy, approaching the user needs. This is possible by the combination of aperture synthesis, formation flying, the use of general circular orbits, and alias-free imaging.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Sparse aperture imaging satellite

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2002.This electronic version was submitted by the student author. The certified thesis is available in the Institute Archives and Special Collections.Includes bibliographical references (p. 213-217).The quest for higher angular resolution in astronomy will inevitably lead to larger and larger apertures. Unfortunately, the diameter size of primary mirrors for space telescopes is limited by the volume and mass constraints of current launch vehicles as well as the scaling laws of manufacturing costs. Efforts are ongoing to break this trend by employing exotic technologies such as deployed segmented mirror telescopes, and sparse aperture optics using interferometry. In order to better understand the technological difficulties involved in designing and building a sparse aperture array, the challenge of building a white light Golay-3 telescope was undertaken. The MIT Adaptive Reconnaissance Golay- 3 Optical Satellite (ARGOS) project exploits wide-angle Fizeau interferometer technology with an emphasis on modularity in the optics and spacecraft subsystems. Unique design procedures encompassing the nature of coherent wavefront sensing, control and combining as well as various systems engineering aspects to achieve cost effectiveness, are developed. To demonstrate a complete spacecraft in a 1-g environment, the ARGOS system is mounted on a frictionless air-bearing, and has the ability to track fast orbiting satellites like the ISS or the planets. Wavefront sensing techniques are explored to mitigate initial misalignment and to feed back real-time aberrations into the optical control loop. This paper presents the results and the lessons learned from the conceive, design and implementation phases of ARGOS. A preliminary assessment shows that the beam combining problem is the most challenging aspect of sparse optical arrays. The need for optical control is paramount due to tight beam combining tolerances. The wavefront sensing/control requirements appear to be a major technology and cost driver.by Soon-Jo Chung.S.M

    A geostationary orbit microwave multi-channel radiometer

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    The geostationary orbit microwave multi-channel radiometer has the advantages of high real-time performance and large coverage, which plays an important role in typhoon, strong precipitation detection, and medium-to-short-term meteorological/oceanic forecasting. However, due to the difficulty in engineering development of the payload, its application on-orbit has not yet been achieved at present. To satisfy the requirements of fine and quantitative application of satellite observation data, a geostationary orbit microwave multi-channel radiometer with a 10-m-caliber is developed, in which the spatial resolution at horizontal polarization is better than 24 km at 54 GHz. In geostationary orbit microwave multi-channel radiometer, a quasi-optical feed network covering nearly 28 frequency octave bands and ranging from 23.8 to 664 GHz is proposed to solve the technical problem of multi-frequency sharing in the system. Meanwhile, a high-precision reflector preparation method and a high-precision unfolding scheme are proposed, which are considered as a solution for the large-diameter reflector with a high maintaining surface accuracy. A high-precision antenna prototype with 0.54-m is developed, and the tests are performed to verify the key technologies, such as the preparation of high-precision grating reflectors at the micron level, high surface accuracy detection, and sub-millimeter wave antenna electrical performance testing. The results indicate that measured main beam efficiency of the 664 GHz antenna is better than 95.5%. In addition, the system sensitivity is greater than 1.5 K, and the calibration accuracy is better than 1.8 K, according to the results of an analysis of the multi-channel radiometer’s essential parameters and calibration errors

    Interferometric synthetic aperture sonar system supported by satellite

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    Tese de doutoramento. Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 200
