15 research outputs found

    Arithmetic Classification of Perfect Models of Stratified Programs (Addendum)

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    RECURSION-FREE PROGRAMS The following section completes the analysis of arithmetic complexity of perfect models and has been inadvertently omitted in the previous version of the paper. We say that a general program P is recursion-free if in its dependency graph Dp there is no cycle. Clearly recursion-free programs form a subclass of stratified programs. Recursion-free programs form a very simple generalization of the class of hierarchical programs introduced in [C78]. Hierarchical programs satisfy an additional condition on variable occurrences in clauses that prevents floundering, i.e. a forced selection of a non-ground negative literal in an SLDNF- derivation. In this section we study the complexity of perfect models of recursion-free programs

    The Expressiveness of Locally Stratified Programs

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    This paper completes an investigation of the logical expressibility of finite, locally stratified, general logic programs. We show that every hyperarithmetic set can be computed by a suitably chosen locally stratified logic program (as a set of values of a predicate over its perfect model). This is an optimal result, since the perfect model of a locally stratified program is itself an implicitly definable hyperarithmetic set (under a recursive coding of the Herbrand base); hence to obtain all hyperarithmetic sets requires something new, in this case selecting one predicate from the model. We find that the expressive power of programs does not increase when one considers the programs which have a unique stable model or a total well-founded model. This shows that all these classes of structures (perfect models of locally stratified logic programs, well-founded models which turn out to be total, and stable models of programs possessing a unique stable model) are all closely connected with Kleene\u27s hyperarithmetical hierarchy. Thus, for general logic programming, negation with respect to two-valued logic is related to the hyperarithmetic hierarchy in the same way as Horn logic is to the class of recursively enumerable sets

    Logic programming and software maintenance

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    The main objective of this short paper is to describe the relationship between software maintenance and logic programming (both declarative and procedural), and to show how ideas and methods from logic programming (in particular, methods invented by M. Gelfond) can be used in software maintenance. The material presented in this paper partly appeared in (Luqi and Cooke, 1995). The main difference is that (Luqi and Cooke, 1995) is aimed mainly at software engineers, so it only briefly touches on the software engineering problems, while describing in great detail the basics of logic programming. In contrast, in this paper, we assume that the corresponding logic programming notions are well known, but describe the corresponding software engineering applications in greater detail

    The Complexity of Local Stratification

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    The class of locally stratified logic programs is shown to be Π11-complete by the construction of a reducibility of the class of infinitely branching nondeterministic finite register machines.nondeterministic finite register machines

    Acyclic Programs

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