22 research outputs found

    ESCOM 2017 Book of Abstracts

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    Der Zusammenhang zwischen Struktur und Funktion des hippocampalen Gedächtnissystems bei amnestischen Patienten

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    This cumulative thesis deals with the role of the hippocampus in memory consolidation. In the hippocampus converges information from several brain areas, which is binded into an integrated representation. For a long time the hippocampus was deemed to be the top of the information processing hierarchy within the declarative, episodic memory system. Recently, there is also growing evidence of the hippocampus being involved in procedural memory. This is the topic of the first study, which reveals the differentiated dynamic of a motor skill task without hippocampal contribution by the example of TGA patients. Transient global amnesia is a benign amnestic syndrome, which is accompanied by lesions within the CA1 region of the cornu ammonis and served as natural lesion model. The TGA is described in detail in a review. Although the TGA is associated with certain precipitating events, such as emotional and physical strain, abrupt temperature change and sexual intercourse, the etiopathological mechanisms remain unclear. Our contribution consisted in the investigation of stress being involved in the manifestation of TGA.Diese kumulative Dissertation ist dem Thema „die Rolle des Hippocampus bei der Gedächtnisbildung“ gewidmet. Im Hippocampus konvergieren Informationen aus unterschiedlichen Hirnarealen, welche dort zu einer integrierten Repräsentation gebündelt werden („binding“). Lange galt der Hippocampus als Spitze der Informationsverarbeitungshierarchie innerhalb des deklarativen, episodischen Gedächtnissystems. In den letzten Jahren häuften sich Studien, aus denen hervorgeht, dass der Hippocampus auch am prozeduralen Gedächtnis beteiligt ist. Dies ist Gegenstand der ersten Studie, die am Beispiel von TGA- Patienten die differenzierte Dynamik einer motorischen Lernaufgabe ohne hippocampalen Einfluss aufzeigt. Die transiente globale Amnesie ist ein benignes amnestisches Syndrom, welches mit Läsionen in der CA1- Region des cornu ammonis einher geht und als natürliches Läsionsmodell diente. Die TGA wird in einem Review- Artikel ausführlich beschrieben. Obwohl die TGA mit diversen Vorereignissen wie emotionaler und physischer Belastung, abruptem Temperaturwechsel und Geschlechtsverkehr in Verbindung gebracht wird, sind die ätiopathologischen Mechanismen noch nicht geklärt. Unser Beitrag bestand in der Untersuchung der Auswirkungen von Stress auf die Manifestation einer TGA

    Building on Progress - Expanding the Research Infrastructure for the Social, Economic, and Behavioral Sciences. Vol. 1

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    The publication provides a comprehensive compendium of the current state of Germany's research infrastructure in the social, economic, and behavioural sciences. In addition, the book presents detailed discussions of the current needs of empirical researchers in these fields and opportunities for future development. The book contains 68 advisory reports by more than 100 internationally recognized authors from a wide range of fields and recommendations by the German Data Forum (RatSWD) on how to improve the research infrastructure so as to create conditions ideal for making Germany's social, economic, and behavioral sciences more innovative and internationally competitive. The German Data Forum (RatSWD) has discussed the broad spectrum of issues covered by these advisory reports extensively, and has developed general recommendations on how to expand the research infrastructure to meet the needs of scholars in the social and economic sciences

    Child Obesity and Nutrition Promotion Intervention

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    Childhood obesity continues to be a global problem, with several regions showing increasing rates and others having one in every three children overweight despite an apparent halt or downward trend. Children are exposed to nutritional, social, and obesogenic environmental risks from different settings, and this affects their lifelong health. There is a consensus that high-quality multifaceted smart and cost-effective interventions enable children to grow with a healthy set of habits that have lifelong benefits to their wellbeing. The literature has shown that dietary approaches play key roles in improving children’s health, not only on a nutritional level but also in diet quality and patterns. An association between the nutritional strategy and other lifestyle components promotes a more comprehensive approach and should be envisioned in intervention studies. This Special Issue entitled “Child Obesity and Nutrition Promotion Intervention” combines original research manuscripts or reviews of the scientific literature concerning classic or innovative approaches to tackle this public health issue. It presents several nutritional interventions alongside lifestyle health factors, and outcome indicators of effectiveness and sustainability from traditional to ground-breaking methods to exploit both qualitative and quantitative approaches in tackling child obesity

    Uncanniliy Human - Experimental Investigation of the Uncanny Valley Phenomenon

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    Seit seiner Einführung in den wissenschaftlichen Diskurs im Jahr 1970 (Mori, 1970; Mori et al., 2012) ist das Uncanny Valley eine der meist diskutierten und referenzierten Theorien in der Robotik. Obwohl die Theorie vor mehr als 40 Jahren postuliert wurde, wurde sie kaum empirisch untersucht. Erst in den letzten sieben Jahren haben Wissenschaftler aus dem Bereich Robotik, aber auch aus anderen Disziplinen, angefangen, das Uncanny Valley systematischer zu erforschen. Allerdings blieben bisher viele Fragen offen. Einiger dieser Fragen wurden in dem vorliegenden Forschungsprojekt im Rahmen von vier aufeinander aufbauenden Studien untersucht. Der Schwerpunkt der Arbeit liegt auf der systematischen Untersuchung des Einflusses von statischen und dynamischen Merkmalen von Robotern, wie etwa dem Design bzw. Erscheinungsbild und der Bewegung, auf die Wahrnehmung und Evaluation von diesen Robotern. Eine Besonderheit der vorliegenden Arbeit ist der multi-methodologische Ansatz, bei dem die durch verschiedenste Methoden und Messinstrumente beobachteten Effekte auf ihre Relevanz für die Uncanny Valley Theorie hin untersucht wurden. Zudem wurden die in der bisherigen Literatur postulierten Erklärungsansätze für den Uncanny Valley Effekt empirisch getestet. In der ersten Studie wurde anhand von qualitativen Interviews, in denen Probanden Bilder und Videos von humanoiden und androiden Robotern gezeigt wurden, untersucht, wie Probanden sehr menschenähnliche Roboter evaluieren, ob sie emotionale Reaktionen zeigen, und wie ihre Einstellungen gegenüber diesen Robotern sind. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass emotionale Reaktion, wenn überhaupt vorhanden, individuell sehr verschieden ausfallen. Das Erscheinungsbild der Roboter war sehr wichtig, denn bestimmte Designmerkmale wurden mit bestimmten Fähigkeiten gleichgesetzt. Ein menschliches Erscheinungsbild ohne Funktionalität wurde eher negativ bewertet. Zudem schienen die Probanden bei androiden Robotern dieselben Maßstäbe zur Bewertung von Attraktivität anzulegen wie sie dies bei Menschen tun. Die Analyse zeigte auch die Relevanz der Bewegungen der Roboter und des Kontextes, in welchem der jeweilige Roboter präsentiert wurde. Es wurde erste Evidenz gefunden für die Annahme, dass Menschen Unsicherheit verspüren bei der Kategorisierung von androiden Robotern als entweder Roboter oder Mensch. Zudem fühlten sich die Probanden unwohl bei dem Gedanken, dass Roboter sie ersetzten könnten. Die zweite Studie untersuchte den Einfluss von robotischer Bewegung. In einem quasi-experimentellen Feldexperiment wurden Passanten mit dem androiden Roboter Geminoid HI-1 konfrontiert, der sich entweder still verhielt oder Bewegungsverhalten zeigte. Die Interaktionen wurden analysiert hinsichtlich des nonverbalen Verhaltens der Passanten (z.B. auf den Roboter gerichtete Aufmerksamkeit, interpersonale Distanz zum Roboter). Die Resultate zeigen, dass das Verhalten der Passanten von dem Verhalten des Roboters beeinflusst wurde, zum Beispiel waren die Interaktionen länger, die Probanden stellten mehr Blickkontakt her und testeten die Fähigkeiten des Roboters wenn dieser Bewegungsverhalten zeigte. Zudem diente das Verhalten des Roboters als Hinweisreiz für die richtige Kategorisierung des Roboters als solchen. Der Aspekt des Erscheinungsbildes wurde in der dritten Studie systematisch untersucht. Zu diesem Zweck wurden in einem webbasierten Fragebogen 40 standardisierte Bilder von Robotern evaluiert, um die Evaluation beeinflussende Designmerkmale zu identifizieren. Eine Clusteranalyse ergab sechs Cluster von Robotern, die auf sechs Dimensionen unterschiedlich bewertet wurden. Mögliche Beziehungen zwischen Designmerkmalen und Evaluationen der Cluster wurden aufgezeigt und diskutiert. Zudem wurde die Aussagekraft des Uncanny Valley Graphen untersucht. Ausgehend von Mori’s Überlegungen ist der Uncanny Valley Effekt eine kubische Funktion. Demnach müssten sich die Daten am besten durch eine kubische Funktion erklären lassen. Die Ergebnisse zeigten allerdings eine bessere Modellpassung für lineare oder quadratische Zusammenhänge. In der letzten Studie wurden perzeptions-orientiert und evolutionsbiologische Erklärungsansätze für das Uncanny Valley systematisch getestet. In dieser Studie wurden Daten aus Selbstauskunft, Verhaltensdaten und funktionelle Bildgebung kombiniert, um zu untersuchen ob sich die Effekte auf Basis der Selbstauskunft und der Verhaltensdaten erklären lassen durch a) zusätzliche Verarbeitungsleistung während der Perzeption von Gesichtern, b) automatisch ablaufende Prozesse sozialer Kognition, oder c) eine Überempfindlichkeit des sogenannten Verhaltensimmunsystems (behavioral immune system). Die Ergebnisse unterstützen die perzeptions-orientierten Erklärungen für den Uncanny Valley Effekt. Zum einen scheinen die Verhaltenseffekte durch neuronale Prozesse während der Wahrnehmung von Gesichtern begründet zu sein. Zum anderen gibt es Befunde, die auf eine kategoriale Wahrnehmung von Robotern und Menschen hinweisen. Evolutionsbiologische Erklärungen konnten durch die vorliegenden Daten nicht gestützt werden.Since its introduction into scientific discourse in 1970 (Mori, 1970; Mori et al., 2012) the uncanny valley has been a highly discussed and referenced theory in the field of robotics. Although the theory was postulated more than 40 years ago, it has barely been tested empirically. However, in the last seven years robot scientists addressed themselves to the task of investigating the uncanny valley more systematically. But there are still open questions, some of which have been addressed within this research in the course of four consecutive studies. This project focussed on the systematic investigation of how static and dynamic characteristics of robots such as appearance and movement determine evaluations of and behavior towards robots. The work applied a multi-methodological approach and the various observed effects were examined with regard to their importance for the assumed uncanny valley. In addition, previously proposed explanations for the uncanny valley effect were tested. The first study utilized qualitative interviews in which participants were presented with pictures and videos of humanoid and android robots to explore participants’ evaluations of very human-like robots, their attitudes about these robots, and their emotional reactions towards these robots. Results showed that emotional experiences, if existent, were very individual. The robots’ appearance was of great importance for the participants, because certain characteristics were equalized with certain abilities, merely human appearance without a connected functionality was not appreciated, and human rules of attractiveness were applied to the android robots. The analysis also demonstrated the importance of the robots’ movements and the social context they were placed in. First evidence was found supporting the assumption that participants experienced uncertainty how to categorize android robots (as human or machine) and that they felt uncomfortable at the thought to be replaced by robots. The influence of movement, as one of the important factors in the uncanny valley hypothesis, was examined in the second study. In a quasi-experimental observational field study people were confronted with the android robot Geminoid HI-1 either moving or not moving. These interactions between humans and the android robot were analyzed with regard to the participants’ nonverbal behavior (e.g. attention paid to the robot, proximity). Results show that participants’ behavior towards the android robot was influenced by the behavior the robot displayed. For instance, when the robot established eye-contact participants engaged in longer interactions, also established more eye-contact and tried to test the robots’ capabilities. The robot’s behavior served as cue for the participants to categorize the robot as such. The aspect of robot appearances was examined systematically in the third study in order to identify certain robot attractiveness indices or design characteristics which determine how people perceive robots. A web-based survey was conducted with standardized pictures of 40 different mechanoid, humanoid and android robots. A cluster analysis revealed six clusters of robots which were rated significantly different on six dimensions. Possible relationships of design characteristics and the evaluation of robots have been outlined. Moreover, it has been tested whether the data of this study can best be explained by a cubic funtion as would be suggested by the graph proposed by Mori. Results revealed that the data can be best explained by linear or quadratic relationships. The last study systematically tested perception-oriented and evolutionary-biological approaches for the uncanny valley. In this multi-methodological study, self-report and behavioral data were combined with functional magnetic resonance imaging techniques in order to examine whether the observed effects in self-report and behavior occur due to a) additional processing during face perception of human and robotic stimuli, b) automatically elicited processes of social cognition, or c) oversensitivity of the behavioral immune system. The study found strong support for perception-oriented explanations for the uncanny valley effect. First, effects seem to be driven by face perception processes. Further, there were indicators for the assumption that categorical perception takes place. In the contrary, evolutionary-biological driven explanations assuming that uncanny valley related reactions are due to oversensitivity of the behavioral immune system were not supported by this work. Altogether, this dissertation explored the importance of characteristics of robots which are relevant for the uncanny valley hypothesis. Uncanny valley related responses were examined using a variety of measures, for instance, self-reporting, behavior, and brain activation, allowing conclusions with regard to the influence of the choice of measurements on the detection of uncanny valley related responses. Most importantly, explanations for the uncanny valley were tested systematically and support was found for cognitive-oriented and perception-oriented explanations

    Grounding semantic cognition using computational modelling and network analysis

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    The overarching objective of this thesis is to further the field of grounded semantics using a range of computational and empirical studies. Over the past thirty years, there have been many algorithmic advances in the modelling of semantic cognition. A commonality across these cognitive models is a reliance on hand-engineering “toy-models”. Despite incorporating newer techniques (e.g. Long short-term memory), the model inputs remain unchanged. We argue that the inputs to these traditional semantic models have little resemblance with real human experiences. In this dissertation, we ground our neural network models by training them with real-world visual scenes using naturalistic photographs. Our approach is an alternative to both hand-coded features and embodied raw sensorimotor signals. We conceptually replicate the mutually reinforcing nature of hybrid (feature-based and grounded) representations using silhouettes of concrete concepts as model inputs. We next gradually develop a novel grounded cognitive semantic representation which we call scene2vec, starting with object co-occurrences and then adding emotions and language-based tags. Limitations of our scene-based representation are identified for more abstract concepts (e.g. freedom). We further present a large-scale human semantics study, which reveals small-world semantic network topologies are context-dependent and that scenes are the most dominant cognitive dimension. This finding leads us to conclude that there is no meaning without context. Lastly, scene2vec shows promising human-like context-sensitive stereotypes (e.g. gender role bias), and we explore how such stereotypes are reduced by targeted debiasing. In conclusion, this thesis provides support for a novel computational viewpoint on investigating meaning - scene-based grounded semantics. Future research scaling scene-based semantic models to human-levels through virtual grounding has the potential to unearth new insights into the human mind and concurrently lead to advancements in artificial general intelligence by enabling robots, embodied or otherwise, to acquire and represent meaning directly from the environment

    The Engaged Identity: An approach to identity, complexity, and intravation for human adaptivity and transformation

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    Human adaptive capacity is increasingly understood as an important element of human flourishing and sustainability and yet the question of how we cultivate the capacities for transformation and human flourishing remains. This thesis introduces the Engaged Identity approach and examines the intersections of how we enact and embody identity, complexity, and adaptability. As a practice, it works to build the adaptive capacity of individuals and support identity expansion in order to create sustainable relationships. Grounded in identity theory, complexity science, and contemplative practice, the approach serves as a foundation on which frameworks and methodologies for conflict transformation and peacebuilding can exist. Furthermore, it proposes that without the cultivation of these capacities, regardless of the theoretical framework or methodology used, sustainable relationships and solutions are not possible. The thesis provides an overview of the Engaged Identity approach, examines the literature that grounds the praxis, and analyzes a case study, comprised of six training workshops held in Nigeria from October 2013 through August 2014. Examining how the approach aligns with and enhances conflict transformation processes, this thesis argues for an intravative approach to conceptualizing, cultivating, and enacting human adaptive capacity and transformative processes. Through phenomenological and grounded theory methodology, the study uses survey, interview, and participatory observations to document participants experiences and observations on the effects of the approach and the implications for inclusion in the broader context for adaptive and transformative praxis

    EBook proceedings of the ESERA 2011 conference : science learning and citizenship

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    This ebook contains fourteen parts according to the strands of the ESERA 2011 conference. Each part is co-edited by one or two persons, most of them were strand chairs. All papers in this ebook correspond to accepted communications during the ESERA conference that were reviewed by two referees. Moreover the co-editors carried out a global reviewing of the papers.ESERA - European Science Education Research Associatio

    Factors Influencing Customer Satisfaction towards E-shopping in Malaysia

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    Online shopping or e-shopping has changed the world of business and quite a few people have decided to work with these features. What their primary concerns precisely and the responses from the globalisation are the competency of incorporation while doing their businesses. E-shopping has also increased substantially in Malaysia in recent years. The rapid increase in the e-commerce industry in Malaysia has created the demand to emphasize on how to increase customer satisfaction while operating in the e-retailing environment. It is very important that customers are satisfied with the website, or else, they would not return. Therefore, a crucial fact to look into is that companies must ensure that their customers are satisfied with their purchases that are really essential from the ecommerce’s point of view. With is in mind, this study aimed at investigating customer satisfaction towards e-shopping in Malaysia. A total of 400 questionnaires were distributed among students randomly selected from various public and private universities located within Klang valley area. Total 369 questionnaires were returned, out of which 341 questionnaires were found usable for further analysis. Finally, SEM was employed to test the hypotheses. This study found that customer satisfaction towards e-shopping in Malaysia is to a great extent influenced by ease of use, trust, design of the website, online security and e-service quality. Finally, recommendations and future study direction is provided. Keywords: E-shopping, Customer satisfaction, Trust, Online security, E-service quality, Malaysia