2,221 research outputs found

    Tactile Interactions with a Humanoid Robot : Novel Play Scenario Implementations with Children with Autism

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    Acknowledgments: This work has been partially supported by the European Commission under contract number FP7-231500-ROBOSKIN. Open Access: This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits any use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author(s) and the source are credited.The work presented in this paper was part of our investigation in the ROBOSKIN project. The project has developed new robot capabilities based on the tactile feedback provided by novel robotic skin, with the aim to provide cognitive mechanisms to improve human-robot interaction capabilities. This article presents two novel tactile play scenarios developed for robot-assisted play for children with autism. The play scenarios were developed against specific educational and therapeutic objectives that were discussed with teachers and therapists. These objectives were classified with reference to the ICF-CY, the International Classification of Functioning – version for Children and Youth. The article presents a detailed description of the play scenarios, and case study examples of their implementation in HRI studies with children with autism and the humanoid robot KASPAR.Peer reviewedFinal Published versio

    Designing Virtuous Sex Robots

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    We propose that virtue ethics can be used to address ethical issues central to discussions about sex robots. In particular, we argue virtue ethics is well equipped to focus on the implications of sex robots for human moral character. Our evaluation develops in four steps. First, we present virtue ethics as a suitable framework for the evaluation of human–robot relationships. Second, we show the advantages of our virtue ethical account of sex robots by comparing it to current instrumentalist approaches, showing how the former better captures the reciprocal interaction between robots and their users. Third, we examine how a virtue ethical analysis of intimate human–robot relationships could inspire the design of robots that support the cultivation of virtues. We suggest that a sex robot which is equipped with a consent-module could support the cultivation of compassion when used in supervised, therapeutic scenarios. Fourth, we discuss the ethical implications of our analysis for user autonomy and responsibility

    Virtual Reality Games for Motor Rehabilitation

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    This paper presents a fuzzy logic based method to track user satisfaction without the need for devices to monitor users physiological conditions. User satisfaction is the key to any product’s acceptance; computer applications and video games provide a unique opportunity to provide a tailored environment for each user to better suit their needs. We have implemented a non-adaptive fuzzy logic model of emotion, based on the emotional component of the Fuzzy Logic Adaptive Model of Emotion (FLAME) proposed by El-Nasr, to estimate player emotion in UnrealTournament 2004. In this paper we describe the implementation of this system and present the results of one of several play tests. Our research contradicts the current literature that suggests physiological measurements are needed. We show that it is possible to use a software only method to estimate user emotion

    A biologically inspired architecture for an autonomous and social robot

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    Lately, lots of effort has been put into the construction of robots able to live among humans. This fact has favored the development of personal or social robots, which are expected to behave in a natural way. This implies that these robots could meet certain requirements, for example, to be able to decide their own actions (autonomy), to be able to make deliberative plans (reasoning), or to be able to have an emotional behavior in order to facilitate human-robot interaction. In this paper, the authors present a bioinspired control architecture for an autonomous and social robot, which tries to accomplish some of these features. In order to develop this new architecture, authors have used as a base a prior hybrid control architecture (AD) that is also biologically inspired. Nevertheless, in the later, the task to be accomplished at each moment is determined by a fix sequence processed by the Main Sequencer. Therefore, the main sequencer of the architecture coordinates the previously programmed sequence of skills that must be executed. In the new architecture, the main sequencer is substituted by a decision making system based on drives, motivations, emotions, and self-learning, which decides the proper action at every moment according to robot's state. Consequently, the robot improves its autonomy since the added decision making system will determine the goal and consequently the skills to be executed. A basic version of this new architecture has been implemented on a real robotic platform. Some experiments are shown at the end of the paper.This work has been supported by the Spanish Government through the project called “Peer to Peer Robot-Human Interaction” (R2H), of MEC (Ministry of Science and Education), the project “A new approach to social robotics” (AROS), of MICINN (Ministry of Science and Innovation), the CAM Project S2009/DPI-1559/ROBOCITY2030 II, developed by the research team RoboticsLab at the University Carlos III of Madrid

    A Pilot Study with a Novel Setup for Collaborative Play of the Humanoid Robot KASPAR with children with autism

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    This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits any use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author(s) and the source are credited.This article describes a pilot study in which a novel experimental setup, involving an autonomous humanoid robot, KASPAR, participating in a collaborative, dyadic video game, was implemented and tested with children with autism, all of whom had impairments in playing socially and communicating with others. The children alternated between playing the collaborative video game with a neurotypical adult and playing the same game with the humanoid robot, being exposed to each condition twice. The equipment and experimental setup were designed to observe whether the children would engage in more collaborative behaviours while playing the video game and interacting with the adult than performing the same activities with the humanoid robot. The article describes the development of the experimental setup and its first evaluation in a small-scale exploratory pilot study. The purpose of the study was to gain experience with the operational limits of the robot as well as the dyadic video game, to determine what changes should be made to the systems, and to gain experience with analyzing the data from this study in order to conduct a more extensive evaluation in the future. Based on our observations of the childrens’ experiences in playing the cooperative game, we determined that while the children enjoyed both playing the game and interacting with the robot, the game should be made simpler to play as well as more explicitly collaborative in its mechanics. Also, the robot should be more explicit in its speech as well as more structured in its interactions. Results show that the children found the activity to be more entertaining, appeared more engaged in playing, and displayed better collaborative behaviours with their partners (For the purposes of this article, ‘partner’ refers to the human/robotic agent which interacts with the children with autism. We are not using the term’s other meanings that refer to specific relationships or emotional involvement between two individuals.) in the second sessions of playing with human adults than during their first sessions. One way of explaining these findings is that the children’s intermediary play session with the humanoid robot impacted their subsequent play session with the human adult. However, another longer and more thorough study would have to be conducted in order to better re-interpret these findings. Furthermore, although the children with autism were more interested in and entertained by the robotic partner, the children showed more examples of collaborative play and cooperation while playing with the human adult.Peer reviewe

    An autonomous social robot in fear

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    Currently artificial emotions are being extensively used in robots. Most of these implementations are employed to display affective states. Nevertheless, their use to drive the robot's behavior is not so common. This is the approach followed by the authors in this work. In this research, emotions are not treated in general but individually. Several emotions have been implemented in a real robot, but in this paper, authors focus on the use of the emotion of fear as an adaptive mechanism to avoid dangerous situations. In fact, fear is used as a motivation which guides the behavior during specific circumstances. Appraisal of fear is one of the cornerstones of this work. A novel mechanism learns to identify the harmful circumstances which cause damage to the robot. Hence, these circumstances elicit the fear emotion and are known as fear releasers. In order to prove the advantages of considering fear in our decision making system, the robot's performance with and without fear are compared and the behaviors are analyzed. The robot's behaviors exhibited in relation to fear are natural, i.e., the same kind of behaviors can be observed on animals. Moreover, they have not been preprogrammed, but learned by real interactions in the real world. All these ideas have been implemented in a real robot living in a laboratory and interacting with several items and people.The funds have been provided by the Spanish Government through the project called "A new approach to social robotics" (AROS), of MICINN (Ministry of Science and Innovation) and through the RoboCity2030- II-CM project (S2009/DPI-1559), funded by Programas de Actividades I+D en la Comunidad de Madrid and cofunded by Structural Funds of the EU

    How do Consumers' Gender and Rational Thinking Affect the Acceptance of Entertainment Social Robots?

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    In recent years, the rapid ageing of the population, a longer life expectancy and elderly people's desire to live independently are social changes that put pressure on healthcare systems. This context is boosting the demand for companion and entertainment social robots on the market and, consequently, producers and distributors are interested in knowing how these social robots are accepted by consumers. Based on technology acceptance models, a parsimonious model is proposed to estimate the intention to use this new advanced social robot technology and, in addition, an analysis is performed to determine how consumers' gender and rational thinking condition the precedents of the intention to use. The results show that gender differences are more important than suggested by the literature. While women gave greater social influence and perceived enjoyment as the main motives for using a social robot, in contrast, men considered their perceived usefulness to be the principal reason and, as a differential argument, the ease of use. Regarding the reasoning system, the most significant differences occurred between heuristic individuals, who stated social influence as the main reason for using a robot, and the more rational consumers, who gave ease of use as a differential argument

    PeppeRecycle: Improving Children’s Attitude Toward Recycling by Playing with a Social Robot

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    In this paper, we investigate the use of a social robot as an engaging interface of a serious game intended to make children more aware and well disposed towards waste recycle. The game has been designed as a competition between the robot Pepper and a child. During the game, the robot simultaneously challenges and teaches the child how to recycle waste materials. To endow the robot with the capability to play as a game opponent in a real-world context, it is equipped with an image recognition module based on a Convolutional Neural Network to detect and classify the waste material as a child would do, i.e. by simply looking at it. A formal experiment involving 51 primary school students is carried out to evaluate the effectiveness of the game in terms of different factors such as the interaction with the robot, the users’ cognitive and affective dimensions towards ecological sustainability, and the propensity to recycle. The obtained results are encouraging and draw promising scenarios for educational robotics in changing children’s attitudes toward recycling. Indeed Pepper turns out to be positively evaluated by children as a trustful and believable companion and this allows children to be concentrated on the “memorization” task during the game. Moreover, the use of real objects as waste items during the game turns out to be a successful approach not only for perceived learning effectiveness but also for the children’s engagement

    Design for Children’s Playful Learning with Robots

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    This article presents an investigation of the implications of designing for children’s playful learning with robots. This study was carried out by adopting a Research through Design approach that resulted in the development of a novel low-anthropomorphic robot called Shybo. The article reports the main phases of the project: the preliminary and exploratory research that was carried out to define a list of design requirements; the design of the robot and its supplementary materials for carrying out playful learning experiences; and the evaluation of the project that involved both parents and children. The robot, in fact, was finally tested as part of a two-hour experience that engaged children in activities related to the associations between sounds and colours. The article presents and discusses the results of this evaluation to point out positive aspects of the experience, emerging issues and hints for future works. These are documented to share lessons learned that might be supportive of the general development of children’s playful learning and cognitive experiences with robots

    Acoustic-based Smart Tactile Sensing in Social Robots

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    Mención Internacional en el título de doctorEl sentido del tacto es un componente crucial de la interacción social humana y es único entre los cinco sentidos. Como único sentido proximal, el tacto requiere un contacto físico cercano o directo para registrar la información. Este hecho convierte al tacto en una modalidad de interacción llena de posibilidades en cuanto a comunicación social. A través del tacto, podemos conocer la intención de la otra persona y comunicar emociones. De esta idea surge el concepto de social touch o tacto social como el acto de tocar a otra persona en un contexto social. Puede servir para diversos fines, como saludar, mostrar afecto, persuadir y regular el bienestar emocional y físico. Recientemente, el número de personas que interactúan con sistemas y agentes artificiales ha aumentado, principalmente debido al auge de los dispositivos tecnológicos, como los smartphones o los altavoces inteligentes. A pesar del auge de estos dispositivos, sus capacidades de interacción son limitadas. Para paliar este problema, los recientes avances en robótica social han mejorado las posibilidades de interacción para que los agentes funcionen de forma más fluida y sean más útiles. En este sentido, los robots sociales están diseñados para facilitar interacciones naturales entre humanos y agentes artificiales. El sentido del tacto en este contexto se revela como un vehículo natural que puede mejorar la Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) debido a su relevancia comunicativa en entornos sociales. Además de esto, para un robot social, la relación entre el tacto social y su aspecto es directa, al disponer de un cuerpo físico para aplicar o recibir toques. Desde un punto de vista técnico, los sistemas de detección táctil han sido objeto recientemente de nuevas investigaciones, sobre todo dedicado a comprender este sentido para crear sistemas inteligentes que puedan mejorar la vida de las personas. En este punto, los robots sociales se han convertido en dispositivos muy populares que incluyen tecnologías para la detección táctil. Esto está motivado por el hecho de que un robot puede esperada o inesperadamente tener contacto físico con una persona, lo que puede mejorar o interferir en la ejecución de sus comportamientos. Por tanto, el sentido del tacto se antoja necesario para el desarrollo de aplicaciones robóticas. Algunos métodos incluyen el reconocimiento de gestos táctiles, aunque a menudo exigen importantes despliegues de hardware que requieren de múltiples sensores. Además, la fiabilidad de estas tecnologías de detección es limitada, ya que la mayoría de ellas siguen teniendo problemas tales como falsos positivos o tasas de reconocimiento bajas. La detección acústica, en este sentido, puede proporcionar un conjunto de características capaces de paliar las deficiencias anteriores. A pesar de que se trata de una tecnología utilizada en diversos campos de investigación, aún no se ha integrado en la interacción táctil entre humanos y robots. Por ello, en este trabajo proponemos el sistema Acoustic Touch Recognition (ATR), un sistema inteligente de detección táctil (smart tactile sensing system) basado en la detección acústica y diseñado para mejorar la interacción social humano-robot. Nuestro sistema está desarrollado para clasificar gestos táctiles y localizar su origen. Además de esto, se ha integrado en plataformas robóticas sociales y se ha probado en aplicaciones reales con éxito. Nuestra propuesta se ha enfocado desde dos puntos de vista: uno técnico y otro relacionado con el tacto social. Por un lado, la propuesta tiene una motivación técnica centrada en conseguir un sistema táctil rentable, modular y portátil. Para ello, en este trabajo se ha explorado el campo de las tecnologías de detección táctil, los sistemas inteligentes de detección táctil y su aplicación en HRI. Por otro lado, parte de la investigación se centra en el impacto afectivo del tacto social durante la interacción humano-robot, lo que ha dado lugar a dos estudios que exploran esta idea.The sense of touch is a crucial component of human social interaction and is unique among the five senses. As the only proximal sense, touch requires close or direct physical contact to register information. This fact makes touch an interaction modality full of possibilities regarding social communication. Through touch, we are able to ascertain the other person’s intention and communicate emotions. From this idea emerges the concept of social touch as the act of touching another person in a social context. It can serve various purposes, such as greeting, showing affection, persuasion, and regulating emotional and physical well-being. Recently, the number of people interacting with artificial systems and agents has increased, mainly due to the rise of technological devices, such as smartphones or smart speakers. Still, these devices are limited in their interaction capabilities. To deal with this issue, recent developments in social robotics have improved the interaction possibilities to make agents more seamless and useful. In this sense, social robots are designed to facilitate natural interactions between humans and artificial agents. In this context, the sense of touch is revealed as a natural interaction vehicle that can improve HRI due to its communicative relevance. Moreover, for a social robot, the relationship between social touch and its embodiment is direct, having a physical body to apply or receive touches. From a technical standpoint, tactile sensing systems have recently been the subject of further research, mostly devoted to comprehending this sense to create intelligent systems that can improve people’s lives. Currently, social robots are popular devices that include technologies for touch sensing. This is motivated by the fact that robots may encounter expected or unexpected physical contact with humans, which can either enhance or interfere with the execution of their behaviours. There is, therefore, a need to detect human touch in robot applications. Some methods even include touch-gesture recognition, although they often require significant hardware deployments primarily that require multiple sensors. Additionally, the dependability of those sensing technologies is constrained because the majority of them still struggle with issues like false positives or poor recognition rates. Acoustic sensing, in this sense, can provide a set of features that can alleviate the aforementioned shortcomings. Even though it is a technology that has been utilised in various research fields, it has yet to be integrated into human-robot touch interaction. Therefore, in thiswork,we propose theATRsystem, a smart tactile sensing system based on acoustic sensing designed to improve human-robot social interaction. Our system is developed to classify touch gestures and locate their source. It is also integrated into real social robotic platforms and tested in real-world applications. Our proposal is approached from two standpoints, one technical and the other related to social touch. Firstly, the technical motivation of thiswork centred on achieving a cost-efficient, modular and portable tactile system. For that, we explore the fields of touch sensing technologies, smart tactile sensing systems and their application in HRI. On the other hand, part of the research is centred around the affective impact of touch during human-robot interaction, resulting in two studies exploring this idea.Programa de Doctorado en Ingeniería Eléctrica, Electrónica y Automática por la Universidad Carlos III de MadridPresidente: Pedro Manuel Urbano de Almeida Lima.- Secretaria: María Dolores Blanco Rojas.- Vocal: Antonio Fernández Caballer