27 research outputs found

    Are there any good digraph width measures?

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    Several different measures for digraph width have appeared in the last few years. However, none of them shares all the "nice" properties of treewidth: First, being \emph{algorithmically useful} i.e. admitting polynomial-time algorithms for all \MS1-definable problems on digraphs of bounded width. And, second, having nice \emph{structural properties} i.e. being monotone under taking subdigraphs and some form of arc contractions. As for the former, (undirected) \MS1 seems to be the least common denominator of all reasonably expressive logical languages on digraphs that can speak about the edge/arc relation on the vertex set.The latter property is a necessary condition for a width measure to be characterizable by some version of the cops-and-robber game characterizing the ordinary treewidth. Our main result is that \emph{any reasonable} algorithmically useful and structurally nice digraph measure cannot be substantially different from the treewidth of the underlying undirected graph. Moreover, we introduce \emph{directed topological minors} and argue that they are the weakest useful notion of minors for digraphs

    Are there any good digraph width measures?

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    Many width measures for directed graphs have been proposed in the last few years in pursuit of generalizing (the notion of) treewidth to directed graphs. However, none of these measures possesses, at the same time, the major properties of treewidth, namely, 1. being algorithmically useful , that is, admitting polynomial-time algorithms for a large class of problems on digraphs of bounded width (e.g. the problems definable in MSO1MSO1); 2. having nice structural properties such as being (at least nearly) monotone under taking subdigraphs and some form of arc contractions (property closely related to characterizability by particular cops-and-robber games). We investigate the question whether the search for directed treewidth counterparts has been unsuccessful by accident, or whether it has been doomed to fail from the beginning. Our main result states that any reasonable width measure for directed graphs which satisfies the two properties above must necessarily be similar to treewidth of the underlying undirected graph

    Computing cutwidth and pathwidth of semi-complete digraphs via degree orderings

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    The notions of cutwidth and pathwidth of digraphs play a central role in the containment theory for tournaments, or more generally semi-complete digraphs, developed in a recent series of papers by Chudnovsky, Fradkin, Kim, Scott, and Seymour (Maria Chudnovsky, Alexandra Fradkin, and Paul Seymour, 2012; Maria Chudnovsky, Alex Scott, and Paul Seymour, 2011; Maria Chudnovsky and Paul D. Seymour, 2011; Alexandra Fradkin and Paul Seymour, 2010; Alexandra Fradkin and Paul Seymour, 2011; Ilhee Kim and Paul Seymour, 2012). In this work we introduce a new approach to computing these width measures on semi-complete digraphs, via degree orderings. Using the new technique we are able to reprove the main results of (Maria Chudnovsky, Alexandra Fradkin, and Paul Seymour, 2012; Alexandra Fradkin and Paul Seymour, 2011) in a unified and significantly simplified way, as well as obtain new results. First, we present polynomial-time approximation algorithms for both cutwidth and pathwidth, faster and simpler than the previously known ones; the most significant improvement is in case of pathwidth, where instead of previously known O(OPT)-approximation in fixed-parameter tractable time (Fedor V. Fomin and Michal Pilipczuk, 2013) we obtain a constant-factor approximation in polynomial time. Secondly, by exploiting the new set of obstacles for cutwidth and pathwidth, we show that topological containment and immersion in semi-complete digraphs can be tested in single-exponential fixed-parameter tractable time. Finally, we present how the new approach can be used to obtain exact fixed-parameter tractable algorithms for cutwidth and pathwidth, with single-exponential running time dependency on the optimal width.publishedVersio

    Embedding Phylogenetic Trees in Networks of Low Treewidth

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    Given a rooted, binary phylogenetic network and a rooted, binary phylogenetic tree, can the tree be embedded into the network? This problem, called Tree Containment, arises when validating networks constructed by phylogenetic inference methods. We present the first algorithm for (rooted) Tree Containment using the treewidth t of the input network N as parameter, showing that the problem can be solved in 2O(t2) |N| time and space.Optimizatio

    Structural Properties and Constant Factor-Approximation of Strong Distance-r Dominating Sets in Sparse Directed Graphs

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    Bounded expansion and nowhere dense graph classes, introduced by Nesetril and Ossona de Mendez, form a large variety of classes of uniformly sparse graphs which includes the class of planar graphs, actually all classes with excluded minors, and also bounded degree graphs. Since their initial definition it was shown that these graph classes can be defined in many equivalent ways: by generalised colouring numbers, neighbourhood complexity, sparse neighbourhood covers, a game known as the splitter game, and many more. We study the corresponding concepts for directed graphs. We show that the densities of bounded depth directed minors and bounded depth topological minors relate in a similar way as in the undirected case. We provide a characterisation of bounded expansion classes by a directed version of the generalised colouring numbers. As an application we show how to construct sparse directed neighbourhood covers and how to approximate directed distance-r dominating sets on classes of bounded expansion. On the other hand, we show that linear neighbourhood complexity does not characterise directed classes of bounded expansion

    Faster Subgraph Counting in Sparse Graphs

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    A fundamental graph problem asks to compute the number of induced copies of a k-node pattern graph H in an n-node graph G. The fastest algorithm to date is still the 35-years-old algorithm by Nesetril and Poljak [Nesetril and Poljak, 1985], with running time f(k) * O(n^{omega floor[k/3] + 2}) where omega <=2.373 is the matrix multiplication exponent. In this work we show that, if one takes into account the degeneracy d of G, then the picture becomes substantially richer and leads to faster algorithms when G is sufficiently sparse. More precisely, after introducing a novel notion of graph width, the DAG-treewidth, we prove what follows. If H has DAG-treewidth tau(H) and G has degeneracy d, then the induced copies of H in G can be counted in time f(d,k) * O~(n^{tau(H)}); and, under the Exponential Time Hypothesis, no algorithm can solve the problem in time f(d,k) * n^{o(tau(H)/ln tau(H))} for all H. This result characterises the complexity of counting subgraphs in a d-degenerate graph. Developing bounds on tau(H), then, we obtain natural generalisations of classic results and faster algorithms for sparse graphs. For example, when d=O(poly log(n)) we can count the induced copies of any H in time f(k) * O~(n^{floor[k/4] + 2}), beating the Nesetril-Poljak algorithm by essentially a cubic factor in n

    Width Parameterizations for Knot-Free Vertex Deletion on Digraphs

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    A knot in a directed graph G is a strongly connected subgraph Q of G with at least two vertices, such that no vertex in V(Q) is an in-neighbor of a vertex in V(G)V(Q). Knots are important graph structures, because they characterize the existence of deadlocks in a classical distributed computation model, the so-called OR-model. Deadlock detection is correlated with the recognition of knot-free graphs as well as deadlock resolution is closely related to the Knot-Free Vertex Deletion (KFVD) problem, which consists of determining whether an input graph G has a subset S subseteq V(G) of size at most k such that G[VS] contains no knot. Because of natural applications in deadlock resolution, KFVD is closely related to Directed Feedback Vertex Set. In this paper we focus on graph width measure parameterizations for KFVD. First, we show that: (i) KFVD parameterized by the size of the solution k is W[1]-hard even when p, the length of a longest directed path of the input graph, as well as kappa, its Kenny-width, are bounded by constants, and we remark that KFVD is para-NP-hard even considering many directed width measures as parameters, but in FPT when parameterized by clique-width; (ii) KFVD can be solved in time 2^{O(tw)} x n, but assuming ETH it cannot be solved in 2^{o(tw)} x n^{O(1)}, where tw is the treewidth of the underlying undirected graph. Finally, since the size of a minimum directed feedback vertex set (dfv) is an upper bound for the size of a minimum knot-free vertex deletion set, we investigate parameterization by dfv and we show that (iii) KFVD can be solved in FPT-time parameterized by either dfv+kappa or dfv+p. Results of (iii) cannot be improved when replacing dfv by k due to (i)