18 research outputs found

    A model to understand digital capabilities, shadow IT and individual performance in the context of remote work

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    In recent years, remote work has grown enormously, as has the adoption of digital technologies and shadow IT. There has never been a situation where workers could choose to use their own devices and cloud-based applications. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, large numbers of workers suddenly found themselves at home. Understanding how this shift to remote working has impacted digital resources, the use of shadow IT and individual performance is of great importance to academics and professionals. This study seeks to analyze the relationship between digital capabilities and shadow IT usage on the one hand and individual performance on the other in the context of remote working. To do so, a survey was carried out among a sample of 188 IT and non-IT executives from Brazil working remotely. The resulting data were analyzed using IBM-SPSS 24 exploratory analysis and PLS-SEM software to test the measurement and structural model. In the study we identified that shadow IT usage is positively related both to digital capabilities and individual performance. The main findings reveal that to understand the behavior of employees and how these systems are being used is essential for the individual performance of company employees to be maintained or even improved

    The Social Side of Shadow It and its Impacts: Investigating the Relationship with Social Influence and Social Presence

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    The use of shadow IT within organizations may offer an interesting context to analyze individual behavior in the contemporary society. Considering that social factors profoundly influence user behavior, we aim to investigate the relationship of perceived social influence and perceived social presence on shadow IT usage and its impacts based on the assumption that social factors influence individuals towards the use of shadow IT. We performed a survey among employees from different companies. The results show that shadow IT usage has a strong positive relationship with the social factors investigated here, which positively impacts employee’s work performance. Our findings suggest that shadow IT is a collective solution used and socially recognized by workgroups. In addition, we found that shadow IT can lead to optimized communication and collaboration among employees, teams or departments

    Plausible Pictures For Data Governance: A Narrative Network Approach

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    Workaround-centric data activities (WCDA) can impact data integrity/quality. Despite this, one can view WCDA as an enhancement to organisational Data Governance (DG) maturity. However, these WCDA are primarily undocumented and poorly understood. Therefore, we need a means of creating plausible pictures for DG – by modelling WCDA visually. This study draws on the theory of organisational routines to develop WCDA modelling rules. It is the first study to leverage the Narrative Network (NN) approach as a conceptual lens to model WCDA visually. We identify five WCDA modelling rules: 1) a narrative fragment must come from a process actor, 2) a narrative fragment has three attributes: actor, action & resource, 3) all attributes in a narrative fragment establish the action type, 4) a narrative fragment must contain a data activity, and 5) a narrative fragment data activity must follow a standard naming convention. In conclusion, we discuss the advantages of our approach

    Shadow IT and computer-mediated collaboration : developing a framework based on social presence theory

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    The use of unauthorized technologies in the workplace, called shadow IT (SIT), is increasing within organizations. Previous research identified that Shadow technologies are often collaborative systems used by employees to communicate and share content with colleagues, clients, or external partners. Therefore, we aim to develop a framework for the influence of shadow IT usage on computer-mediated collaboration based on Social Presence Theory. We conducted a literature review that resulted in a framework and the development of research propositions. The literature suggests that there is a positive influence of shadow IT usage on employee collaboration and communications. This paper presents theoretical and practical contributions. Analyzing shadow IT and collaboration through a theoretical lens makes progress on the discussion about the consequences of these unauthorized technologies for individuals and organizations. It is important for organizations to comprehend these impacts, such as on collaboration, which, in turn, can facilitate improvements in employee productivity.A utilização de tecnologias não autorizadas no local de trabalho, chamadas de Shadow IT (SIT), está aumentando nas organizações. Pesquisas anteriores identificam que tecnologias Shadow são frequentemente sistemas colaborativos utilizados pelos funcionários para se comunicar e compartilhar conteúdo com colegas de trabalho, clientes ou parceiros externos. O objetivo deste trabalho é desenvolver um framework, à luz da Teoria da Presença Social, de como o uso de shadow IT pode influenciar a colaboração mediada pela tecnologia. Para tanto, foi realizada uma revisão de literatura, culminando no desenvolvimento de um framework e em proposições de pesquisa. A literatura sugere que há uma influência positiva do uso de shadow IT na colaboração dos funcionários. Este trabalho traz contribuições teóricas e práticas. A análise da relação Shadow IT e colaboração a partir de uma lente teórica corrobora para a discussão dos impactos destas tecnologias não autorizadas. Para as organizações, é importante conhecer estes impactos, como por exemplo na colaboração, o que, por sua vez, pode viabilizar melhorias na produtividade dos funcionários

    Shadow Systems, Risk, and Shifting Power Relations in Organizations

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    Drawing on notions of power and the social construction of risk, we build new theory to understand the persistence of shadow systems in organizations. From a single case study in a mid-sized savings bank, we derive two feedback cycles that concern shifting power relations between business units and central IT associated with shadow systems. A distant business-IT relationship and changing business needs can create repeated cost and time pressures that make business units draw on shadow systems. The perception of risk can trigger an opposing power shift back through the decommissioning and recentralization of shadow systems. However, empirical findings suggest that the weakening tendency of formal risk-management programs may not be sufficient to stop the shadow systems cycle spinning if they fail to address the underlying causes for the emergence of shadow systems. These findings highlight long-term dynamics associated with shadow systems and pose “risk” as a power-shifting construct


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    The stage of post-adoption of an enterprise system (ES) implementation has been in the focus of recent information systems research. However, a thorough understanding of how users effectively use an enterprise system to complete their tasks is still missing. Prior research has implied that adaptive use is of great importance to facilitate effective use of a system. We investigate adaptive use solutions, which are outside the original system. This behavior is known as workaround. We conduct an interpretive case study to investigate the impact of workarounds and explain why workarounds can lead to an advance in effective use of a standard ES. We expand the theory of effective use with an explanation why workarounds can improve transparent interaction, representation fidelity and informed action via alleviating users’ issues with the surface structure and the faithfulness in representations of an implemented standard ES

    Modelling data activities in workarounds: a narrative network approach

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    Workarounds are non-standard processes in organisations to accomplish work-based tasks. They can lead to various data issues, such as data loss, data breach, and data privacy. These data issues are the outcomes of the data activities that constitute a workaround (e.g., store data, transfer data). The problems with workarounds are that they are unique and situational. One way to unpack these data activities is to model them as patterns of action. Thus, this research aims to demonstrate the use of a narrative network to model data activities within workarounds and discuss both the benefits and drawbacks of using this modelling approach. We expect that this research is valuable for researchers to represent, observe, and analyse workaround-centric data activities. It is an essential first step towards revealing the actual cost of workaround-centric data activities. Also, we envisage that this research is useful for managers to establish organisational awareness of workarounds

    Contribution du shadow IT à la construction de la légitimité de l'acteur métier

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    International audienceThe increasing use of unauthorized Information Technology (IT) has consequences that go beyond the organizational framework. These unofficial and creative practices are grouped under the name of shadow IT (Information Technology) and are beyond the control of IT departments.Previous research on the impact of shadow IT has highlighted its positive effects on user motivation and performance, on strengthening innovation in organizations, and on the negative influence on the stability and security of the official IT system. Our analysis, through neo-institutional theories, would make it possible to consider this phenomenon as contributing to the construction, at different levels, of the legitimacy of the professional actor, institutional entrepreneur. This phenomenon would also be able to spread into the institutional field of the organization through isomorphic processes, modifying its logic.L'utilisation croissante de Technologies de l'Information (TI) non autorisées a des conséquences qui dépassent le cadre organisationnel. Ces pratiques, non officielles et créatives, sont regroupées sous le nom de shadow IT (Information Technology), et échappent au contrôle des directions informatiques. Les recherches antérieures menées sur les répercussions du shadow IT ont souligné ses effets positifs sur la motivation et la performance des utilisateurs, sur le renforcement de l'innovation dans les organisations, et l'influence négative sur la stabilité comme sur la sécurité du système informatique officiel. Notre analyse, au travers des théories néo-institutionnelles, permettrait de considérer ce phénomène comme contribuant à la construction, à différents niveaux, de la légitimité de l'acteur métier, entrepreneur institutionnel. Ce phénomène serait également capable de se diffuser dans le champ institutionnel de l'organisation par l'entremise de processus isomorphiques, modifiant sa logique

    O ciclo de vida do uso da shadow it no contexto da governança de TI

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    As pessoas têm adotado, cada vez mais, soluções tecnológicas não fornecidas pelo departamento de Tecnologia da Informação (TI) da organização, para realizar tarefas de trabalho. Essa utilização de tecnologias não autorizadas ou desconhecidas pelo TI é chamado da Shadow IT (SIT), que é um fenômeno que pode ser considerado emergente e está trazendo uma série de desafios para a gestão, além de riscos para a segurança organizacional. Estudos ressaltam a necessidade de se conhecer os tipos de inicialização, transições potenciais, descontinuidade e outras transições do ciclo de vida do uso da SIT. Esta pesquisa trata-se de uma dissertação de mestrado que teve por objetivo analisar o ciclo de vida do uso da SIT no contexto de governança de TI e foi estruturada em dois artigos. O primeiro é uma revisão sistemática de literatura que buscou trazer à luz o que já se conhece sobre os antecedentes e consequentes do uso da SIT nas organizações e apresentar um modelo que represente o seu ciclo de vida. Foram avaliados, de forma quantitativa e qualitativa, 114 artigos dos principais journals e conferências da área de SI. Os resultados demonstraram que os principais antecedentes do uso da SIT são a experiência do usuário, a utilidade percebida e os fatores sociais; e os consequentes são a continuidade e a descontinuidade de uso. O segundo artigo teve como intuito avaliar o modelo proposto por meio de uma survey, para validá-lo de forma quantitativa e medir as relações e os impactos entre dos comportamentais de adoção, o uso da SIT e a continuidade e descontinuidade de uso, moderados pela governança de TI. Os construtos medidos foram: experiência do usuário, utilidade percebida, imitação, risco percebido, neutralização, o uso da SIT, a continuidade e descontinuidade de uso e a governança de TI. Foram obtidas 321 respostas de usuários da SIT, atuantes, predominantemente, no setor financeiro e de TI. Entre os principais resultados foi possível verificar que a experiência do usuário, a utilidade percebida e a imitação afetam positivamente o uso da SIT; e se confirmou a moderação da neutralização nas relações entre os construtos utilidade percebida e imitação. Por fim, constatou-se o efeito positivo do uso da SIT na continuidade de sua utilização, sendo essa relação moderada pela governança de TI.People have increasingly adopted technological solutions not provided by the organization's IT department to conduct work tasks. This use of unauthorized or unknown technologies by the IT department IT is called Shadow IT (SIT). This phenomenon can be considered emerging and is bringing a series of challenges to management and risks to organizational security. Previous studies highlight the need to understand the types of startups, potential transitions, discontinuities, and other transitions in the SIT life cycle. This dissertation aims to analyze the life cycle of SIT usage in the context of IT governance. The research is structured in two articles. The first is a systematic literature review that aimed to bring to light what is already known about the antecedents and consequences of the SIT usage in organizations and to present a model that represents its life cycle. 114 articles from the main IS journals and conferences were evaluated quantitatively and qualitatively. The results showed that the main antecedents of SIT use are user experience, perceived usefulness and social factors. The consequences are continuity and discontinuity of use. The second article sought to analyze the proposed model through a survey in order to validate it quantitatively and measure the relationship between the behavioral factors of adoption, the use of SIT and the continuity and discontinuity of use, moderated by the IT governance. The measured constructs were user experience, perceived usefulness, imitation, perceived risk, neutralization, SIT usage, continuity and discontinuity of use and IT governance. A total of 321 responses were obtained from SIT users, acting in the financial and IT sectors. Among the main results, it was possible to verify that the user experience, perceived usefulness and imitation positively affect the use of SIT. The moderation of neutralization in the relationships between perceived usefulness and imitation constructs with the use of SIT was also confirmed. Finally, the positive effect of using SIT on continuity of use was verified, with this relationship being moderated by IT governance

    Does the Ability to Choose Matter? On the Relationship between Bring-your-own Behavior and IT Satisfaction

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    Employees increasingly complete organizational tasks using privately owned consumer technologies such as private devices (e.g., smartphones) or private Internet accounts (e.g., email accounts). Higher satisfaction constitutes a major reason for this bring-your-own behavior (BYOB). However, little research has theoretically explored and empirically tested this assumption. This study sheds light on this phenomenon by analyzing the effect of BYOB on IT satisfaction. Drawing from social cognitive theory, we propose choice self-efficacy as a new construct that intermediates the relationship between BYOB and IT satisfaction. Building on results from survey data (n = 400), we provide new evidence that BYOB has a positive effect on IT satisfaction whereby choice self-efficacy plays a vital element as it mediates this relationship. Since IT satisfaction shapes how people use technology and how they perform with it, we derive important implications for future research on IT consumerization. Furthermore, we provide several conclusions for practitioners and discuss how to enhance IT satisfaction and choice self-efficacy