12 research outputs found

    DM model transformations framework

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    Metamodelling produces a \u27metamodel\u27 capable of generalizing the domain. A metamodel gathers all domain concepts and their relationships. It enables partitioning a domain problem into sub-problems. Decision makers can then develop a variety of domain solutions models based on mixing and matching solutions for sub-problems indentified using the metamodel. A repository of domain knowledge structured using the metamodel would allow the transformation of models generated from a higher level to a lower level according to scope of the problem on hand. In this paper, we reveal how a process of mixing and matching disaster management actions can be accomplished using our Disaster Management Metamodel (DMM). The paper describes DM model transformations underpinned by DMM. They are illustrated benefiting DM users creating appropriate DM solution models from extant partial solutions

    Disaster Management (DM) Model Transformations Framework

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    Metamodelling produces a ‘metamodel’ capable of generalizing the domain. A metamodel gathers all domain concepts and their relationships. It enables partitioning a domain problem into sub-problems. Decision makers can then develop a variety of domain solutions models based on mixing and matching solutions for sub-problems indentified using the metamodel. A repository of domain knowledge structured using the metamodel would allow the transformation of models generated from a higher level to a lower level according to scope of the problem on hand. In this paper, we reveal how a process of mixing and matching disaster management actions can be accomplished using our Disaster Management Metamodel (DMM). The paper describes DM model transformations underpinned by DMM. They are illustrated benefiting DM users creating appropriate DM solution models from extant partial solutions


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    By being holistically preoccupied with coherency among organizational elements such as organizational strategy, business needs and the IT functions role in supporting the business, enterprise architecture (EA) has grown to become a core competitive advantage. Though EA is a maturing research area, little has been done to understand how e.g. projects, application or other organizational elements contribute to the overall EA. The current paper presents a literature review on EA evaluation. Different types of evaluation are a necessity in order to ensure that EA demands are being met by disparate IT initiatives. Still, EA evaluation has attracted little attention within academic literature. Thus, the aim of the current review is to get an overview of the topic, which can serve as a foundation for further development of the field. Overall, the study shows that while little research has been done within this area, research is especially lacking regarding empirical studies of how EA evaluation unfolds in practice, while holistic views on EA evaluation is almost non-existin

    Metamodel-based framework in designing fault management in network management system

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    Fault management is the first element that matters in network management to ensure the high availability of the network. The existing fault management models are mostly specific to an organization’s standard. The proposed model can guide and help network managers to perform their routine task. Thus, the purpose of this research is to develop a generic and unified Fault Management Metamodel (FMM) that would create a fault management model, which in turn could be referred to as to better understand the flow of fault management. The FMM is developed by extracting and reconciling the fault management components from various fault management models. Then, the FMM is validated to ensure the correctness and logic of the proposed FMM. The FMM is validated using three validation techniques, which are the Frequency-based Selection, Face Validity and Tracing. The metamodelling framework that was used in this research is the Meta Object Facilities (MOF), and it was chosen because of its wide acceptance and coverage in many domains. The outcome of this research is the final validated FMM v1.2, which would guide network managers and other network users to better understand the fault management concepts flow and issues for their network. As for the future work, besides fault management, there are four other functional areas in network management that should be developed. The other areas are configuration management, accounting management, performance management and security management

    A Methodology for Operationalizing Enterprise Architecture and Evaluating Enterprise IT Flexibility

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    We propose a network-based methodology for analyzing a firm’s enterprise architecture. Our methodology uses “Design Structure Matrices” (DSMs) to capture the coupling between components in the architecture, including both business and technology-related elements. It addresses the limitations of prior work, in that it i) is based upon the actual architecture “in-use” as opposed to planned or “idealized” versions; ii) identifies discrete layers in a firm’s architecture associated with different technologies (e.g., applications, servers and databases); iii) reveals the main “flow of control” within an architecture (i.e., the set of inter-connected components); and iv) generates measures of architecture that can be used to predict performance. We demonstrate the application of our methodology using a novel dataset developed with the division of a large pharmaceutical firm. The dataset consists of all components in the enterprise architecture, the observed dependencies between them, and estimated costs of change for software applications within this architecture. We show that measures of the architecture derived from a DSM predict the cost of change for software applications. In particular, applications that are tightly coupled to other components in the architecture cost more to change. The analysis also shows that the measure of coupling that best predicts the cost of change is one that captures all direct and indirect connections between components (i.e., it captures the potential for changes to propagate via all possible paths between components). Our work represents an important step in making the concept of enterprise architecture more operational, thereby improving a firm’s ability to understand and improve its architecture over time

    Modeling Enterprise Authorization: A Unified Metamodel and Initial Validation

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    Arquitectura empresarial de referencia para una biblioteca digital. Caso: Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia

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    Las bibliotecas universitarias se encuentran en un contexto dinámico que exige eficiencia en la generación de valor a sus usuarios. Existen dos grandes entornos de operación, bibliotecas físicas y digitales, estas últimas se mueven en un ámbito de datos e información apoyada sobre una infraestructura tecnológica en continuo desarrollo. La Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia está en un proceso de transformación institucional con objetivos al 2022. Una de las estrategias corresponde a la construcción de una biblioteca digital que atienda las necesidades de información de la comunidad académica. Sin embargo, no se cuenta con una guía para el diseño de esta biblioteca desde el punto de vista de los datos, la información y la tecnología. Revisando publicaciones existentes tampoco existen modelos de referencia disponibles para este tipo de aplicaciones en el ámbito de las bibliotecas digitales en Colombia o la región. A partir de esta necesidad, en el presente trabajo de grado se plantea la construcción de un modelo de referencia de Arquitectura Empresarial (AE) para una Biblioteca digital. Esta propuesta se construye combinando modelos en dos ámbitos: las bibliotecas digitales y la arquitectura empresarial. Para el primero se usa el modelo DELOS y el de la Biblioteca Digital Nacional de Finlandia; para el segundo se usa el estándar TOGAF y el modelo del Ministerio de las Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones de Colombia (MinTIC). La solución se presenta bajo el estándar TOGAF limitándose a las arquitecturas de negocio, datos y aplicaciones. Como resultado se obtienen elementos en dos aspectos: 1) una arquitectura empresarial de referencia para bibliotecas digitales y 2) elementos para su aplicación en bibliotecas específicas. Con la arquitectura de referencia se entrega un modelo general del manejo de datos y aplicaciones, identificando elementos fijos y variables (opcionales o adaptables). Así mismo, se propone una guía de implementación para la aplicación de esta arquitectura. Por lo tanto, el presente trabajo de grado contiene elementos donde se aporta al campo de la arquitectura empresarial en Bibliotecas digitales definiendo un modelo de arquitectura de referencia, así como una guía de implementación que incluye un mapa de artefactos y plantillas para el desarrollo de cada uno de ellos

    An Exploration of Enterprise Architecture Research

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    Management of the enterprise architecture has become increasingly recognized as a crucial part of both business and IT management. Still, a common understanding and methodological consistency seems far from being developed. Acknowledging the significant role of research in moving the development process along, this article employs different bibliometric methods, complemented by an extensive qualitative interpretation of the research field, to provide a unique overview of the enterprise architecture literature. After answering our research questions about the collaboration via co-authorships, the intellectual structure of the research field and its most influential works, and the principal themes of research, we propose an agenda for future research based on the findings from the above analyses and their comparison to empirical insights from the literature. In particular, our study finds a considerable degree of co-authorship clustering and a positive impact of the extent of co-authorship on the diffusion of works on enterprise architecture. In addition, this article identifies three major research streams and shows that research to date has revolved around specific themes, while some of high practical relevance receive minor attention. Hence, the contribution of our study is manifold and offers support for researchers and practitioners alike

    Desenho de serviços de apoio ao cliente numa rede colaborativa de comércio electrónico: o caso vortal - teleperformance

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    O desenvolvimento das Tecnologias de Informação e da Internet permitiu a criação de um ambiente de negócios global, no qual as empresas prestadoras de serviços enfrentam situações de elevado risco. O presente projeto empresa aborda a temática da melhoria da qualidade e desempenho dos serviços de apoio ao cliente prestados pela Vortal. Para tal foi efetuado um estudo onde se identificaram os constrangimentos que afetam as diversas atividades e processos interdepartamentais envolvidos na realização dos serviços chave. O objetivo consiste na análise da forma como os diferentes departamentos se relacionam entre si e que implementações ou melhorias nos processos poderão ser programadas de forma a melhorar a qualidade e eficiência do serviço prestado pela empresa aos seus clientes. No âmbito da identificação dos serviços críticos de suporte ao cliente, foi adotado o service design toolkit. A análise destes serviços foi realizada com recurso à análise documental, reuniões semidirectivas e à observação direta. Uma Vision and Scope Table foi utilizada de forma a projetar a visão proposta relativamente às soluções de melhoria que são apresentadas. Por fim, é exposto um plano de ações que pretende oferecer um método de implementação para as mudanças apresentadas, assim como uma proposta de gestão de risco num ambiente de rede colaborativa, a ter em consideração aquando da implementação das soluções de melhoria.The Internet and IT development allowed the creation of a global business environment, in which service providers face high risk situations. The current project addresses the issue of improving the quality and performance of customer support services provided by Vortal. For such, a study was carried in order to identify the constraints that affect the various activities and interdepartmental processes involved in the realization of key services. The aim is to examine how different departments relate to each other and which implementations and process improvements can be programmed in order to improve the quality and efficiency of the service provided by the company to its customers. Within the context of the identification of critical customer support services, it was adopted the service design toolkit. The evaluation of these services was conducted using documentary analysis, semi directive meetings and direct observation. A Vision and Scope Table was used to project the proposed vision regarding the solutions presented. Finally, it`s displayed an action plan which aims to provide a method of implementation for the changes proposed, as well as a plan for risk management in an extended enterprise in order to take into consideration when implementing improvement solutions