6,640 research outputs found

    Financial Feasibility and Sensitivity of Arabica Coffee Farming In Simalungun District, Sumatra Utara Province

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    Arabica coffee productivity in Simalungun Regency has the highest value, namely 1.25 tons/ha, among other arabica coffee producing districts in Sumatra Utara Province. However, the level of feasibility of return on investment made by farmers of arabica coffee has not been measured. The research method used to determine the feasibility and sensitivity of arabica coffee farming is Net B/C ratio, Gross B/C ratio, Profitability Ratio, Net Present Value and Internal Rate of Return. The results of the research show that arabica coffee farming is financially feasible based on the criteria of Net B/C Ratio (2.33), Gross B/C Ratio (1.38), Profitability Ratio (2.31), NPV (Rp. 23,194,329), and IRR (25.06%). The sensitivity of arabica coffee farming occurs if fertilizer and labor costs increase by 55% and production prices fall, then arabica coffee farming is not worth pursuing. Arabica coffee farming in Raya Huluan Village is financially feasible but farmers have not been able to independently cultivate arabica coffee properly. Therefore, farmers are given assistance on how to cultivate arabica coffee farming, types of fertilizer and dosage of fertilizer, timing of fertilizer application so that the economic life of arabica coffee is more than 10 years

    Financial Feasibility of Arabica Coffee Plantation Business Through Partnership Pattern in Solok Regency, West Sumatra

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    Lembah Gumanti District has the largest area of Arabica coffee in Solok Regency, with a production of 2588.8 tons in 2019. Some problems farmers face in developing Arabika coffee farming include a lack of knowledge of cultivation techniques and low selling price of coffee (cherry) beans at the farm gate. The Solok Radjo Cooperative emerged to solve farmers' problems and is willing to help develop Arabica coffee plantations in partnership. This study aims to: (1) describe the implementation of partnerships in Arabica coffee farming and (2) analyze the feasibility of arabica coffee farming with partnership pattern. A survey method was used involving 40 sample farmers selected using simple random sampling. Data analysis was carried out qualitatively to determine the implementation and benefits obtained by the partnering parties (farmers and Solok Radjo Cooperative). Quantitative analysis is intended to determine the financial feasibility of developing Arabica coffee with a partnership pattern. In the partnership system, the Solok Radjo Cooperative provides farmers assistance to use superior seeds, socialization of Arabica coffee cultivation and harvesting techniques, and willingness to buy coffee beans (cherry) from farmers with higher prices than local collectors. The benefit obtained by the Solok Radjo Cooperative is the guaranteed supply of Arabica coffee production with better quality. Arabica coffee plantation business through this partnership is feasible with a Net BC ratio of 2.43

    Interpretive Structural Modeling in the Development of Arabica Coffee Agrotourism in Kintamani, Bangli Regency, Bali, Indonesia

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    Located in the highlands and has beautiful nature, Bangli Regency has a high potential for the development of agrotourism. One of the agro-tourisme developed in this area is agrotourism based on Arabica coffee located at Kintamani area which is known as Kintamani Arabica coffee agrotouism. Agrotourism in Bangli Regency has a land area and tracking path for tourists with safe and comfortable road conditions, beautiful natural panoramas of coffee plantations and there is a coffee processing business that produces specialty arabica coffee products of Kintamani. The purpose of this study is to create a planning structure (design) for the development of agro-tourism based on arabica coffee in terms of structural relationships and inter-relationships between research elements. The research used the computerized arabica coffee agrotourism development method using Interpretative Structural Modeling (ISM) software. ISM analysis focuses on 4 (four) structural elements of Kintamani Arabica coffee agrotourism development in Bangli Regency, namely 1) institutional elements, 2) constraint elements, 3) objective elements, and 4) activity or program elements. Keywords: interpretative structural modeling, Arabica coffee, agro-tourism DOI: 10.7176/JBAH/13-10-03 Publication date:June 30th 202

    Arabica Coffee Development Model in Alleviating Poverty in West Sumatra

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    Arabica coffee has promising market potential in the world market, which reaches 85%. However, national coffee commodity production has been dominated by Robusta coffee which reaches 90% and only 10% of production is Arabica coffee. Given the opportunity of this Arabica coffee market, the West Sumatra government tried to develop this type of coffee. Solok Regency is an area that develops Arabica Coffee rapidly so that it can become the second largest Arabica coffee growing area in the last 3 years. The study aims to: (1) Measure the proportion of smallholder farmers whose income is below the poverty line and the severity of the poverty situation; (2) Analyze the influence of economic and non-economic factors on the poverty rate of coffee farmers. This research will be conducted in Solok Regency which is selected purposively with the consideration that this area has a high poverty rate and has a rapid growth in arabica coffee growing area. The results showed that the poverty rate of Arabica coffee farmers is quite large with a Head-count index of 0.50 meaning that as many as 50% of farmers have incomes that are below the poverty line. Arabica coffee farmers who are members of cooperatives have a higher poverty rate compared to non-cooperative farmers both from the Headcount Index and from the Poverty Gap Index and Poverty Severity Index. This is because cooperative farmers have no other source of income and are very dependent on coffee farming on narrow land. Factors that affect the poverty rate of Arabica coffee farmers are assets and being members of cooperatives. The existence of cooperatives will be able to increase opportunities for farmers to gain access to economic facilities, one of which is access to financing sources, so that it will be able to encourage farmers to develop their businesses and open new businesses to increase their income.To increase the income of Arabica coffee farmers, there needs to be policies to encourage farmers to open other businesses so as to increase farmers' incomes. Diversification of business becomes very important because it will be able to help farmers to get out of poverty

    Formulasi Sediaan Masker Gel Pell- Off Ekstrak Etanol Daun Kopi Arabika (Coffea Arabica) Sebagai Anti- Aging

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    Background: Arabica coffee leaves contain phenolic compounds and flavonoid compounds which act as antioxidants. Purpose: To find out whether arabica coffee leaf extract can be formulated in the form of an anti-aging pell-off gel mask. To find out at what concentration the arabica coffee leaf extract pell-off gel mask provides the best activity. Method: Arabica coffee leaf extract is made by maceration. Extract tested screening. Preparation of pell-off gel masks with concentrations of F0 (blanko), F1 (1%), F2 (3%), F3 (5%). Evaluation of the pell-off mask preparation included preparation stability, homogeneity, PH, irritation to volunteer skin, drying time, viscosity, spreadability, and anti-aging effectiveness using a skin analyzer. Results: Simplicia contains alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins, saponins, phenols, steroids. The resulting pell-off mask preparation of ethanol extract of Arabica coffee leaves is homogeneous, PH 5.1-6.1 stable in 4 weeks storage, does not irritate the skin and takes 22- 30 minutes to dry, spreadability is 5-7.5 cm and viscosity 7500- 27050cp. Conclusion: Arabica coffee leaf ethanol extract pell-off gel mask provides better anti- aging effectiveness for 4 weeks. F3(5%) pell-off gelmask provides better anti-aging effects than other formulas


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    Arabica coffee leaves (coffea Arabica L.) are known to contain flavonoids which have antioxidant activity. This study aims to find out whether arabica coffee leaf extract can be formulated in the form of anti-meat pell-off gel mask preparations. The gel dosage formula is made by comparing the concentration of arabica coffee leaf ethanol extract with formulas 1%, 3% and 5% . The gel that is formed is tested for physical properties and stability. viscosity value of viscosity of 7500-27050cps, spread power of 5-.7.5 cm. Pell-off mask preparation for homogeneous produced arabica coffee leaf ethanol extract, PH 5.1-6.1 stable in 4 weeks storage, non-irritating to the skin and long drying 22-30 minutes, Arabica coffee leaf ethanol pell-off gel mask provides better anti-aging effectiveness for 4 weeks compared to blank. The F3 pell-off gel mask (5%) provides a better anti-aging effect than other formulas

    Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Kinerja Kewirausahaan Petani Kopi Arabika di Kecamatan Dolog Masagal, Kabupaten Simalungun, Provinsi Sumatera Utara: Factors Affecting the Entrepreneurial Performance of Arabica Coffee Farmers in Dolog Masagal District, Simalungun Regency, North Sumatra Province

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    Arabica coffee is a leading commodity in Simalungun Regency, where entrepreneurship becomes one of the important aspects in arabica coffee farming management. This study aims to understand the influence of internal factors (farmer age, education, experience, number of family members, family motivation, and work culture) and external factors (government support, community support, access to production facilities, and climatic conditions) on entrepreneurial performance of arabica coffee farmers. The research was conducted in two villages (Bangun Pane village and Bintang Mariah village) in Dolog Masagal district, Simalungun Regency, North Sumatra Province during March to May 2018. The study sample covers 60 farmer households who have Arabica coffee farming with at least 300 arabica coffee plants and minimum plant age of three years, determined by snowball sample method. The study used ratio and scale data (Likert scale), which was analyzed using multiple regression equations. Data were processed using SPSS 24. Results show that internal factors have positive and significant effect on the entrepreneurial performance of arabica coffee farmers (value Sig.=0.005), while external factors have positive and insignificant effect (value Sig.=0.313). Local governments through relevant technical agencies are recommended to provide facilitation in improving farmers' access to production factors, increasing quantity and quality of extension, technical guidance, and relevant training

    Analisis kelayakan usaha tani Kopi Arabika di Kabupaten Simalungun

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    This study aims to determine the feasibility of farming and analyze the sensitivity of Arabica coffee farming to the increase in costs and the decrease in the selling price of Arabica coffee in Simalungun Regency. The population of this study were Arabica coffee farmers, the number of respondents in this study was 60 people. The method used in the feasibility analysis is to calculate the R/C ratio, Return on Investment (ROI), NPV, IRR, Net B/C, and PP. Meanwhile, analyzing the sensitivity of farming is carried out using the method of increasing costs and decreasing the selling price of Arabica coffee in Simalungun Regency. Based on the feasibility analysis of the farming business carried out, Arabica coffee farming is categorized as still feasible to cultivate. Meanwhile, Arabica coffee farming is more sensitive to the decline in the selling price of Arabica coffee by 10% and 20%, respectively. The feasibility analysis and sensitivity analysis are one of the things that encourage people to continue cultivating Arabica coffee because based on the feasibility analysis and sensitivity analysis, Arabica coffee is suitable for cultivation.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kelayakan usaha tani dan menganalisis sensitifitas usaha tani kopi arabika terhadap kenaikan biaya dan penurunan harga jual kopi arabika di Kabupaten Simalungun. Populasi dari penelitian ini adalah para petani kopi arabika, jumlah responden dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 60 orang. Metode yang digunakan dalam analisis kelayakan adalah melakukan perhitungan R/C ratio, Return of Investmen (ROI), NPV, IRR, Net B/C, dan PP. Sedangkan menganalisis kepekaan usaha tani dilakukan dengan metode kenaikan biaya dan penurunan harga jual kopi arabika di Kabupaten Simalungun. Berdasarkan analisis kelayakan usaha tani yang dilakukan maka usaha tani kopi arabika di kategorikan masih layak untuk diusahakan. Sementara usaha tani kopi arabika lebih peka terhadap penurunan harga jual kopi arabika sebesar 10% dan 20%. Analisis kelayakan dan analisis sensitivitas tersebut menjadi salah satu hal yang mendorong masyarakat untuk tetap melakukan budidaya kopi arabika karena berdasarkan analisis kelayakan dan analisis sensitivitas kopi arabika layak untuk dibudidayaka


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    This study is intended to determine the income of farmers (Coffea arabica) in Sumbermanjing Wetan District, Malang Regency, and the level of efficiency or feasibility of arabica coffee farming (Coffea arabica) in Sumbermanjing Wetan District, Malang Regency.The analysis method used is farm income analysis and farm efficiency/feasibility analysis. The number of samples in this study was 25 people who were arabica coffee farmers (Coffea arabica) in Sumbermanjing Wetan District, Malang Regency. Data collection using questionnaire method as primary data source and literature related to research. The results of the analysis show that (1) The income of Arabica Coffee Farming (Coffea arabica) in Sumbermanjing District, Malang Regency which is the result of a reduction between the total average revenue (TR) and the total average production cost (TC) of Rp 18.136.800,-. This means that the first hypothesis in this study is true, namely arabica coffee farming (Coffea arabica) in Sumbermanjing Wetan District, Malang Regency, profitable; (2) The R/C ratio of arabica coffee farming (Coffea arabica) in Sumbermanjing Wetan District, Malang Regency is 2,82. Based on the R/C ratio criteria, if the R/C ratio value is more than 1, then the farm is eligible for farming. So, in accordance with these criteria, it can be known that arabica coffee farming (Coffea arabica) in Sumbermanjing Wetan District, Malang Regency is feasible for farming. This means that the second hypothesis in this study is correct, namely usahatani arabica coffee (Coffea arabica) in Sumbermanjing Wetan District, Malang Regency is worth farming


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    Coffee is one of the plantation commodities that has a fairly high economic value among other plantation crops and plays an important role as a source of foreign exchange for the country. Coffee contains important compounds such as antioxidants and caffeine which functions as anti-aging so that it can be used as an anti-aging ingredient in the form of a scrub. The purpose of this study was to determine whether coffee can be formulated in the form of cream as an anti-aging, and in the form of a body scrub cream. The research method using experimental includes the collection of Arabica coffee ingredients, making formulations of Arabica coffee scrub cream preparations, and description of the quality of Arabica coffee cream body scrub preparations. Data analysis in this study used descriptive analysis by presenting the frequency distribution table of each study. The results of the study found that the difference in the concentration of Arabica coffee (Coffea arabica) in body scrub cream preparations had an effect with the best concentration of 15% compared to 5%, 10%, and blank concentrations, and the use of body scrub cream preparations containing Arabica coffee. (Coffea arabica) 15% showed improvement in skin condition for the better, during four weeks of treatment. Thus, Arabica coffee (Coffea arabica) can be formulated in the form of body scrub cream as anti-aging
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