3 research outputs found

    Ensemble learning using multi-objective optimisation for arabic handwritten words

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    Arabic handwriting recognition is a dynamic and stimulating field of study within pattern recognition. This system plays quite a significant part in today's global environment. It is a widespread and computationally costly function due to cursive writing, a massive number of words, and writing style. Based on the literature, the existing features lack data supportive techniques and building geometric features. Most ensemble learning approaches are based on the assumption of linear combination, which is not valid due to differences in data types. Also, the existing approaches of classifier generation do not support decision-making for selecting the most suitable classifier, and it requires enabling multi-objective optimisation to handle these differences in data types. In this thesis, new type of feature for handwriting using Segments Interpolation (SI) to find the best fitting line in each of the windows with a model for finding the best operating point window size for SI features. Multi-Objective Ensemble Oriented (MOEO) formulated to control the classifier topology and provide feedback support for changing the classifiers' topology and weights based on the extension of Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm (NSGA-II). It is designated as the Random Subset based Parents Selection (RSPS-NSGA-II) to handle neurons and accuracy. Evaluation metrics from two perspectives classification and Multiobjective optimization. The experimental design based on two subsets of the IFN/ENIT database. The first one consists of 10 classes (C10) and 22 classes (C22). The features were tested with Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Extreme Learning Machine (ELM). This work improved due to the SI feature. SI shows a significant result with SVM with 88.53% for C22. RSPS for C10 at k=2 achieved 91% accuracy with fewer neurons than NSGA-II, and for C22 at k=10, accuracy has been increased 81% compared to NSGA-II 78%. Future work may consider introducing more features to the system, applying them to other languages, and integrating it with sequence learning for more accuracy

    Arabic Bank Cheque Words Recognition Using Gabor Features

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    Arabic cheque processing is one of the important applications of handwriting recognition. The recognition of Arabic Cheque bank is still awaiting lots of work in its constituent stages, which include pre-processing, feature extraction and classification. Several feature extraction methods used to recognize handwritten digits and words. The stroke direction is one important feature of Arabic handwriting which Gabor filter proved its ability to detect this local structural feature. On the other hand, investigating different classifiers can improve the recognition accuracy. In this paper, Gabor features are investigated with ELM and SMO classifiers. Two Arabic Cheque datasets, AHDB and CENPARMI, are used for evaluation. The results from Gabor features with SMO classifier outperform previous studies.This paper was made possible by a QUCP award [QUCP-CENG-CSE-15-16-1] from the Qatar University. The statements made herein are solely the responsibility of the authors

    Recognizing Visual Object Using Machine Learning Techniques

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    Nowadays, Visual Object Recognition (VOR) has received growing interest from researchers and it has become a very active area of research due to its vital applications including handwriting recognition, diseases classification, face identification ..etc. However, extracting the relevant features that faithfully describe the image represents the challenge of most existing VOR systems. This thesis is mainly dedicated to the development of two VOR systems, which are presented in two different contributions. As a first contribution, we propose a novel generic feature-independent pyramid multilevel (GFIPML) model for extracting features from images. GFIPML addresses the shortcomings of two existing schemes namely multi-level (ML) and pyramid multi-level (PML), while also taking advantage of their pros. As its name indicates, the proposed model can be used by any kind of the large variety of existing features extraction methods. We applied GFIPML for the task of Arabic literal amount recognition. Indeed, this task is challenging due to the specific characteristics of Arabic handwriting. While most literary works have considered structural features that are sensitive to word deformations, we opt for using Local Phase Quantization (LPQ) and Binarized Statistical Image Feature (BSIF) as Arabic handwriting can be considered as texture. To further enhance the recognition yields, we considered a multimodal system based on the combination of LPQ with multiple BSIF descriptors, each one with a different filter size. As a second contribution, a novel simple yet effcient, and speedy TR-ICANet model for extracting features from unconstrained ear images is proposed. To get rid of unconstrained conditions (e.g., scale and pose variations), we suggested first normalizing all images using CNN. The normalized images are fed then to the TR-ICANet model, which uses ICA to learn filters. A binary hashing and block-wise histogramming are used then to compute the local features. At the final stage of TR-ICANet, we proposed to use an effective normalization method namely Tied Rank normalization in order to eliminate the disparity within blockwise feature vectors. Furthermore, to improve the identification performance of the proposed system, we proposed a softmax average fusing of CNN-based feature extraction approaches with our proposed TR-ICANet at the decision level using SVM classifier