16,416 research outputs found

    Approximations of the generalized cascade model

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    The study of infection processes is an important field of science both from the theoretical and the practical point of view, and has many applications. In this paper we focus on the popular Independent Cascade model and its generalization. Unfortunately the exact computation of infection probabilities is a #P-complete problem [8], so one cannot expect fast exact algorithms. We propose several methods to efficiently compute infection patterns with acceptable accuracy. We will also examine the possibility of substituting the Independent Cascade model with a computationally more tractable model

    Time Quasilattices in Dissipative Dynamical Systems

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    We establish the existence of `time quasilattices' as stable trajectories in dissipative dynamical systems. These tilings of the time axis, with two unit cells of different durations, can be generated as cuts through a periodic lattice spanned by two orthogonal directions of time. We show that there are precisely two admissible time quasilattices, which we term the infinite Pell and Clapeyron words, reached by a generalization of the period-doubling cascade. Finite Pell and Clapeyron words of increasing length provide systematic periodic approximations to time quasilattices which can be verified experimentally. The results apply to all systems featuring the universal sequence of periodic windows. We provide examples of discrete-time maps, and periodically-driven continuous-time dynamical systems. We identify quantum many-body systems in which time quasilattices develop rigidity via the interaction of many degrees of freedom, thus constituting dissipative discrete `time quasicrystals'.Comment: 38 pages, 14 figures. This version incorporates "Pell and Clapeyron Words as Stable Trajectories in Dynamical Systems", arXiv:1707.09333. Submission to SciPos

    A LES-Langevin model for turbulence

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    We propose a new model of turbulence for use in large-eddy simulations (LES). The turbulent force, represented here by the turbulent Lamb vector, is divided in two contributions. The contribution including only subfilter fields is deterministically modeled through a classical eddy-viscosity. The other contribution including both filtered and subfilter scales is dynamically computed as solution of a generalized (stochastic) Langevin equation. This equation is derived using Rapid Distortion Theory (RDT) applied to the subfilter scales. The general friction operator therefore includes both advection and stretching by the resolved scale. The stochastic noise is derived as the sum of a contribution from the energy cascade and a contribution from the pressure. The LES model is thus made of an equation for the resolved scale, including the turbulent force, and a generalized Langevin equation integrated on a twice-finer grid. The model is validated by comparison to DNS and is tested against classical LES models for isotropic homogeneous turbulence, based on eddy viscosity. We show that even in this situation, where no walls are present, our inclusion of backscatter through the Langevin equation results in a better description of the flow.Comment: 18 pages, 14 figures, to appear in Eur. Phys. J.

    Separable time-causal and time-recursive spatio-temporal receptive fields

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    We present an improved model and theory for time-causal and time-recursive spatio-temporal receptive fields, obtained by a combination of Gaussian receptive fields over the spatial domain and first-order integrators or equivalently truncated exponential filters coupled in cascade over the temporal domain. Compared to previous spatio-temporal scale-space formulations in terms of non-enhancement of local extrema or scale invariance, these receptive fields are based on different scale-space axiomatics over time by ensuring non-creation of new local extrema or zero-crossings with increasing temporal scale. Specifically, extensions are presented about parameterizing the intermediate temporal scale levels, analysing the resulting temporal dynamics and transferring the theory to a discrete implementation in terms of recursive filters over time.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures, 2 tables. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1404.203

    CEM03 and LAQGSM03 - new modeling tools for nuclear applications

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    An improved version of the Cascade-Exciton Model (CEM) of nuclear reactions realized in the code CEM2k and the Los Alamos version of the Quark-Gluon String Model (LAQGSM) have been developed recently at LANL to describe reactions induced by particles and nuclei for a number of applications. Our CEM2k and LAQGSM merged with the GEM2 evaporation/fission code by Furihata have predictive powers comparable to other modern codes and describe many reactions better than other codes; therefore both our codes can be used as reliable event generators in transport codes for applications. During the last year, we have made a significant improvements to the intranuclear cascade parts of CEM2k and LAQGSM, and have extended LAQGSM to describe photonuclear reactions at energies to 10 GeV and higher. We have produced in this way improved versions of our codes, CEM03.01 and LAQGSM03.01. We present a brief description of our codes and show illustrative results obtained with CEM03.01 and LAQGSM03.01 for different reactions compared with predictions by other models, as well as examples of using our codes as modeling tools for nuclear applications.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figures, to be published in Journal of Physics: Conference Series: Proc. Europhysics Conf. on New Trends in Nuclear Physics Applications and Technologies (NPDC19), Pavia, Italy, September 5-9, 200

    Time-causal and time-recursive spatio-temporal receptive fields

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    We present an improved model and theory for time-causal and time-recursive spatio-temporal receptive fields, based on a combination of Gaussian receptive fields over the spatial domain and first-order integrators or equivalently truncated exponential filters coupled in cascade over the temporal domain. Compared to previous spatio-temporal scale-space formulations in terms of non-enhancement of local extrema or scale invariance, these receptive fields are based on different scale-space axiomatics over time by ensuring non-creation of new local extrema or zero-crossings with increasing temporal scale. Specifically, extensions are presented about (i) parameterizing the intermediate temporal scale levels, (ii) analysing the resulting temporal dynamics, (iii) transferring the theory to a discrete implementation, (iv) computing scale-normalized spatio-temporal derivative expressions for spatio-temporal feature detection and (v) computational modelling of receptive fields in the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) and the primary visual cortex (V1) in biological vision. We show that by distributing the intermediate temporal scale levels according to a logarithmic distribution, we obtain much faster temporal response properties (shorter temporal delays) compared to a uniform distribution. Specifically, these kernels converge very rapidly to a limit kernel possessing true self-similar scale-invariant properties over temporal scales, thereby allowing for true scale invariance over variations in the temporal scale, although the underlying temporal scale-space representation is based on a discretized temporal scale parameter. We show how scale-normalized temporal derivatives can be defined for these time-causal scale-space kernels and how the composed theory can be used for computing basic types of scale-normalized spatio-temporal derivative expressions in a computationally efficient manner.Comment: 39 pages, 12 figures, 5 tables in Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, published online Dec 201

    Log-correlated Gaussian fields: an overview

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    We survey the properties of the log-correlated Gaussian field (LGF), which is a centered Gaussian random distribution (generalized function) hh on Rd\mathbb R^d, defined up to a global additive constant. Its law is determined by the covariance formula Cov[(h,ϕ1),(h,ϕ2)]=Rd×Rdlogyzϕ1(y)ϕ2(z)dydz\mathrm{Cov}\bigl[ (h, \phi_1), (h, \phi_2) \bigr] = \int_{\mathbb R^d \times \mathbb R^d} -\log|y-z| \phi_1(y) \phi_2(z)dydz which holds for mean-zero test functions ϕ1,ϕ2\phi_1, \phi_2. The LGF belongs to the larger family of fractional Gaussian fields obtained by applying fractional powers of the Laplacian to a white noise WW on Rd\mathbb R^d. It takes the form h=(Δ)d/4Wh = (-\Delta)^{-d/4} W. By comparison, the Gaussian free field (GFF) takes the form (Δ)1/2W(-\Delta)^{-1/2} W in any dimension. The LGFs with d{2,1}d \in \{2,1\} coincide with the 2D GFF and its restriction to a line. These objects arise in the study of conformal field theory and SLE, random surfaces, random matrices, Liouville quantum gravity, and (when d=1d=1) finance. Higher dimensional LGFs appear in models of turbulence and early-universe cosmology. LGFs are closely related to cascade models and Gaussian branching random walks. We review LGF approximation schemes, restriction properties, Markov properties, conformal symmetries, and multiplicative chaos applications.Comment: 24 pages, 2 figure

    Moment Approximations and Model Cascades for Shallow Flow

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    Shallow flow models are used for a large number of applications including weather forecasting, open channel hydraulics and simulation-based natural hazard assessment. In these applications the shallowness of the process motivates depth-averaging. While the shallow flow formulation is advantageous in terms of computational efficiency, it also comes at the price of losing vertical information such as the flow's velocity profile. This gives rise to a model error, which limits the shallow flow model's predictive power and is often not explicitly quantifiable. We propose the use of vertical moments to overcome this problem. The shallow moment approximation preserves information on the vertical flow structure while still making use of the simplifying framework of depth-averaging. In this article, we derive a generic shallow flow moment system of arbitrary order starting from a set of balance laws, which has been reduced by scaling arguments. The derivation is based on a fully vertically resolved reference model with the vertical coordinate mapped onto the unit interval. We specify the shallow flow moment hierarchy for kinematic and Newtonian flow conditions and present 1D numerical results for shallow moment systems up to third order. Finally, we assess their performance with respect to both the standard shallow flow equations as well as with respect to the vertically resolved reference model. Our results show that depending on the parameter regime, e.g. friction and slip, shallow moment approximations significantly reduce the model error in shallow flow regimes and have a lot of potential to increase the predictive power of shallow flow models, while keeping them computationally cost efficient