17 research outputs found

    Estimating Illumination Chromaticity via Support Vector Regression

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    The technique of support vector regression is applied to the problem of estimating the chromaticity of the light illuminating a scene from a color histogram of an image of the scene. Illumination estimation is fundamental to white balancing digital color images and to understanding human color constancy. Under controlled experimental conditions, the support vector method is shown to perform better than the neural network and color by correlation methods

    Multiresolution Tensor Learning for Efficient and Interpretable Spatial Analysis

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    Efficient and interpretable spatial analysis is crucial in many fields such as geology, sports, and climate science. Large-scale spatial data often contains complex higher-order correlations across features and locations. While tensor latent factor models can describe higher-order correlations, they are inherently computationally expensive to train. Furthermore, for spatial analysis, these models should not only be predictive but also be spatially coherent. However, latent factor models are sensitive to initialization and can yield inexplicable results. We develop a novel Multi-resolution Tensor Learning (MRTL) algorithm for efficiently learning interpretable spatial patterns. MRTL initializes the latent factors from an approximate full-rank tensor model for improved interpretability and progressively learns from a coarse resolution to the fine resolution for an enormous computation speedup. We also prove the theoretical convergence and computational complexity of MRTL. When applied to two real-world datasets, MRTL demonstrates 4 ~ 5 times speedup compared to a fixed resolution while yielding accurate and interpretable models

    Approximate Bayesian techniques for inference in stochastic dynamical systems

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    This thesis is concerned with approximate inference in dynamical systems, from a variational Bayesian perspective. When modelling real world dynamical systems, stochastic differential equations appear as a natural choice, mainly because of their ability to model the noise of the system by adding a variant of some stochastic process to the deterministic dynamics. Hence, inference in such processes has drawn much attention. Here two new extended frameworks are derived and presented that are based on basis function expansions and local polynomial approximations of a recently proposed variational Bayesian algorithm. It is shown that the new extensions converge to the original variational algorithm and can be used for state estimation (smoothing). However, the main focus is on estimating the (hyper-) parameters of these systems (i.e. drift parameters and diffusion coefficients). The new methods are numerically validated on a range of different systems which vary in dimensionality and non-linearity. These are the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process, for which the exact likelihood can be computed analytically, the univariate and highly non-linear, stochastic double well and the multivariate chaotic stochastic Lorenz '63 (3-dimensional model). The algorithms are also applied to the 40 dimensional stochastic Lorenz '96 system. In this investigation these new approaches are compared with a variety of other well known methods such as the ensemble Kalman filter / smoother, a hybrid Monte Carlo sampler, the dual unscented Kalman filter (for jointly estimating the systems states and model parameters) and full weak-constraint 4D-Var. Empirical analysis of their asymptotic behaviour as a function of observation density or length of time window increases is provided

    Exchange rate forecasting: an application of radial basis function neural networks

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    The purpose of this research is to investigate the forecasting performance of Artificial Neural Network models applied to foreign exchange rates. The study concentrates on the behavior of forecasts of exchange rates generated from the radial basis function (RBF) network models where little previous work exists;Exchange rates examined are the German mark/US dollar, Japanese yen/US dollar, and Italian lira/US dollar. One-step-ahead forecasts from univariate and multivariate RBF models are compared with those generated from ARIMA models, random walk forecasts and the forward rates. Interest rates and the money supply (M1) are used as explanatory variables in the multivariate analyses;Out-of-sample evaluation criteria include root mean squared error, correct direction , and speculative direction . Hypothesis tests are used to assess if differences in forecast accuracy from different models are significant and to assess if models can predict the direction of change with statistical significance. The tests employed are the Modified Diebold Marino test [Harvey et al. (1997)], the Pesaran-Timmerman (1992, 1994) non-parametric market timing test, and the chi2 test of independence [see Swanson and White (1997)];The main results of the study indicate that RBF models may be a useful alternative to the other models considered for forecasting exchange rates. In particular, out-of-sample forecasting results indicate that some multivariate RBF models using interest rates as economic variables do have forecasting value for some exchange rates. In the presence of interest rates, the M1 variable does not seem to possess much explanatory power for forecasting the three exchange rates

    Ship steering control using feedforward neural networks

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    One significant problem in the design of ship steering control systems is that the dynamics of the vessel change with operating conditions such as the forward speed of the vessel, the depth of the water and loading conditions etc. Approaches considered in the past to overcome these difficulties include the use of self adaptive control systems which adjust the control characteristics on a continuous basis to suit the current operating conditions. Artificial neural networks have been receiving considerable attention in recent years and have been considered for a variety of applications where the characteristics of the controlled system change significantly with operating conditions or with time. Such networks have a configuration which remains fixed once the training phase is complete. The resulting controlled systems thus have more predictable characteristics than those which are found in many forms of traditional self-adaptive control systems. In particular, stability bounds can be investigated through simulation studies as with any other form of controller having fixed characteristics. Feedforward neural networks have enjoyed many successful applications in the field of systems and control. These networks include two major categories: multilayer perceptrons and radial basis function networks. In this thesis, we explore the applicability of both of these artificial neural network architectures for automatic steering of ships in a course changing mode of operation. The approach that has been adopted involves the training of a single artificial neural network to represent a series of conventional controllers for different operating conditions. The resulting network thus captures, in a nonlinear fashion, the essential characteristics of all of the conventional controllers. Most of the artificial neural network controllers developed in this thesis are trained with the data generated through simulation studies. However, experience is also gained of developing a neuro controller on the basis of real data gathered from an actual scale model of a supply ship. Another important aspect of this work is the applicability of local model networks for modelling the dynamics of a ship. Local model networks can be regarded as a generalized form of radial basis function networks and have already proved their worth in a number of applications involving the modelling of systems in which the dynamic characteristics can vary significantly with the system operating conditions. The work presented in this thesis indicates that these networks are highly suitable for modelling the dynamics of a ship

    Approximate Bayesian techniques for inference in stochastic dynamical systems

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    This thesis is concerned with approximate inference in dynamical systems, from a variational Bayesian perspective. When modelling real world dynamical systems, stochastic differential equations appear as a natural choice, mainly because of their ability to model the noise of the system by adding a variant of some stochastic process to the deterministic dynamics. Hence, inference in such processes has drawn much attention. Here two new extended frameworks are derived and presented that are based on basis function expansions and local polynomial approximations of a recently proposed variational Bayesian algorithm. It is shown that the new extensions converge to the original variational algorithm and can be used for state estimation (smoothing). However, the main focus is on estimating the (hyper-) parameters of these systems (i.e. drift parameters and diffusion coefficients). The new methods are numerically validated on a range of different systems which vary in dimensionality and non-linearity. These are the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process, for which the exact likelihood can be computed analytically, the univariate and highly non-linear, stochastic double well and the multivariate chaotic stochastic Lorenz '63 (3-dimensional model). The algorithms are also applied to the 40 dimensional stochastic Lorenz '96 system. In this investigation these new approaches are compared with a variety of other well known methods such as the ensemble Kalman filter / smoother, a hybrid Monte Carlo sampler, the dual unscented Kalman filter (for jointly estimating the systems states and model parameters) and full weak-constraint 4D-Var. Empirical analysis of their asymptotic behaviour as a function of observation density or length of time window increases is provided.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Statistical modeling and analysis of audio-visual association in speech

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, February 2005.Includes bibliographical references (p. 183-186).Currently, most dialog systems are restricted to single user environments. This thesis aims to promote an un-tethered multi-person dialog system by exploring approaches to help solve the speech correspondence problem (i.e. who, if anyone, is currently speaking). We adopt a statistical framework in which this problem is put in the form of a hypothesis test and focus on the subtask of discriminating between associated and non-associated audio-visual observations. Various methods for modeling our audio-visual observations and ways of carrying out this test are studied and their relative performance is compared. We discuss issues that arise from the inherently high dimensional nature of audio-visual data and address these issues by exploring different techniques for finding low-dimensional informative subspaces in which we can perform our hypothesis tests. We study our ability to learn a person-specific as well as a generic model for measuring audio-visual association and evaluate performance oil multiple subjects taken from MIT's AVTIMIT database.by Michael Richard Siracusa.S.M

    Adaptive Learning and Mining for Data Streams and Frequent Patterns

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    Aquesta tesi està dedicada al disseny d'algorismes de mineria de dades per fluxos de dades que evolucionen en el temps i per l'extracció d'arbres freqüents tancats. Primer ens ocupem de cadascuna d'aquestes tasques per separat i, a continuació, ens ocupem d'elles conjuntament, desenvolupant mètodes de classificació de fluxos de dades que contenen elements que són arbres. En el model de flux de dades, les dades arriben a gran velocitat, i els algorismes que els han de processar tenen limitacions estrictes de temps i espai. En la primera part d'aquesta tesi proposem i mostrem un marc per desenvolupar algorismes que aprenen de forma adaptativa dels fluxos de dades que canvien en el temps. Els nostres mètodes es basen en l'ús de mòduls detectors de canvi i estimadors en els llocs correctes. Proposem ADWIN, un algorisme de finestra lliscant adaptativa, per la detecció de canvi i manteniment d'estadístiques actualitzades, i proposem utilitzar-lo com a caixa negra substituint els comptadors en algorismes inicialment no dissenyats per a dades que varien en el temps. Com ADWIN té garanties teòriques de funcionament, això obre la possibilitat d'ampliar aquestes garanties als algorismes d'aprenentatge i de mineria de dades que l'usin. Provem la nostre metodologia amb diversos mètodes d'aprenentatge com el Naïve Bayes, partició, arbres de decisió i conjunt de classificadors. Construïm un marc experimental per fer mineria amb fluxos de dades que varien en el temps, basat en el programari MOA, similar al programari WEKA, de manera que sigui fàcil pels investigadors de realitzar-hi proves experimentals. Els arbres són grafs acíclics connectats i són estudiats com vincles en molts casos. En la segona part d'aquesta tesi, descrivim un estudi formal dels arbres des del punt de vista de mineria de dades basada en tancats. A més, presentem algorismes eficients per fer tests de subarbres i per fer mineria d'arbres freqüents tancats ordenats i no ordenats. S'inclou una anàlisi de l'extracció de regles d'associació de confiança plena dels conjunts d'arbres tancats, on hem trobat un fenomen interessant: les regles que la seva contrapart proposicional és no trivial, són sempre certes en els arbres a causa de la seva peculiar combinatòria. I finalment, usant aquests resultats en fluxos de dades evolutius i la mineria d'arbres tancats freqüents, hem presentat algorismes d'alt rendiment per fer mineria d'arbres freqüents tancats de manera adaptativa en fluxos de dades que evolucionen en el temps. Introduïm una metodologia general per identificar patrons tancats en un flux de dades, utilitzant la Teoria de Reticles de Galois. Usant aquesta metodologia, desenvolupem un algorisme incremental, un basat en finestra lliscant, i finalment un que troba arbres freqüents tancats de manera adaptativa en fluxos de dades. Finalment usem aquests mètodes per a desenvolupar mètodes de classificació per a fluxos de dades d'arbres.This thesis is devoted to the design of data mining algorithms for evolving data streams and for the extraction of closed frequent trees. First, we deal with each of these tasks separately, and then we deal with them together, developing classification methods for data streams containing items that are trees. In the data stream model, data arrive at high speed, and the algorithms that must process them have very strict constraints of space and time. In the first part of this thesis we propose and illustrate a framework for developing algorithms that can adaptively learn from data streams that change over time. Our methods are based on using change detectors and estimator modules at the right places. We propose an adaptive sliding window algorithm ADWIN for detecting change and keeping updated statistics from a data stream, and use it as a black-box in place or counters or accumulators in algorithms initially not designed for drifting data. Since ADWIN has rigorous performance guarantees, this opens the possibility of extending such guarantees to learning and mining algorithms. We test our methodology with several learning methods as Naïve Bayes, clustering, decision trees and ensemble methods. We build an experimental framework for data stream mining with concept drift, based on the MOA framework, similar to WEKA, so that it will be easy for researchers to run experimental data stream benchmarks. Trees are connected acyclic graphs and they are studied as link-based structures in many cases. In the second part of this thesis, we describe a rather formal study of trees from the point of view of closure-based mining. Moreover, we present efficient algorithms for subtree testing and for mining ordered and unordered frequent closed trees. We include an analysis of the extraction of association rules of full confidence out of the closed sets of trees, and we have found there an interesting phenomenon: rules whose propositional counterpart is nontrivial are, however, always implicitly true in trees due to the peculiar combinatorics of the structures. And finally, using these results on evolving data streams mining and closed frequent tree mining, we present high performance algorithms for mining closed unlabeled rooted trees adaptively from data streams that change over time. We introduce a general methodology to identify closed patterns in a data stream, using Galois Lattice Theory. Using this methodology, we then develop an incremental one, a sliding-window based one, and finally one that mines closed trees adaptively from data streams. We use these methods to develop classification methods for tree data streams.Postprint (published version