5,129 research outputs found

    On Routing Disjoint Paths in Bounded Treewidth Graphs

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    We study the problem of routing on disjoint paths in bounded treewidth graphs with both edge and node capacities. The input consists of a capacitated graph GG and a collection of kk source-destination pairs M={(s1,t1),,(sk,tk)}\mathcal{M} = \{(s_1, t_1), \dots, (s_k, t_k)\}. The goal is to maximize the number of pairs that can be routed subject to the capacities in the graph. A routing of a subset M\mathcal{M}' of the pairs is a collection P\mathcal{P} of paths such that, for each pair (si,ti)M(s_i, t_i) \in \mathcal{M}', there is a path in P\mathcal{P} connecting sis_i to tit_i. In the Maximum Edge Disjoint Paths (MaxEDP) problem, the graph GG has capacities cap(e)\mathrm{cap}(e) on the edges and a routing P\mathcal{P} is feasible if each edge ee is in at most cap(e)\mathrm{cap}(e) of the paths of P\mathcal{P}. The Maximum Node Disjoint Paths (MaxNDP) problem is the node-capacitated counterpart of MaxEDP. In this paper we obtain an O(r3)O(r^3) approximation for MaxEDP on graphs of treewidth at most rr and a matching approximation for MaxNDP on graphs of pathwidth at most rr. Our results build on and significantly improve the work by Chekuri et al. [ICALP 2013] who obtained an O(r3r)O(r \cdot 3^r) approximation for MaxEDP

    The Densest k-Subhypergraph Problem

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    The Densest kk-Subgraph (DkkS) problem, and its corresponding minimization problem Smallest pp-Edge Subgraph (SppES), have come to play a central role in approximation algorithms. This is due both to their practical importance, and their usefulness as a tool for solving and establishing approximation bounds for other problems. These two problems are not well understood, and it is widely believed that they do not an admit a subpolynomial approximation ratio (although the best known hardness results do not rule this out). In this paper we generalize both DkkS and SppES from graphs to hypergraphs. We consider the Densest kk-Subhypergraph problem (given a hypergraph (V,E)(V, E), find a subset WVW\subseteq V of kk vertices so as to maximize the number of hyperedges contained in WW) and define the Minimum pp-Union problem (given a hypergraph, choose pp of the hyperedges so as to minimize the number of vertices in their union). We focus in particular on the case where all hyperedges have size 3, as this is the simplest non-graph setting. For this case we provide an O(n4(43)/13+ϵ)O(n0.697831+ϵ)O(n^{4(4-\sqrt{3})/13 + \epsilon}) \leq O(n^{0.697831+\epsilon})-approximation (for arbitrary constant ϵ>0\epsilon > 0) for Densest kk-Subhypergraph and an O~(n2/5)\tilde O(n^{2/5})-approximation for Minimum pp-Union. We also give an O(m)O(\sqrt{m})-approximation for Minimum pp-Union in general hypergraphs. Finally, we examine the interesting special case of interval hypergraphs (instances where the vertices are a subset of the natural numbers and the hyperedges are intervals of the line) and prove that both problems admit an exact polynomial time solution on these instances.Comment: 21 page

    Minimum Makespan Multi-vehicle Dial-a-Ride

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    Dial a ride problems consist of a metric space (denoting travel time between vertices) and a set of m objects represented as source-destination pairs, where each object requires to be moved from its source to destination vertex. We consider the multi-vehicle Dial a ride problem, with each vehicle having capacity k and its own depot-vertex, where the objective is to minimize the maximum completion time (makespan) of the vehicles. We study the "preemptive" version of the problem, where an object may be left at intermediate vertices and transported by more than one vehicle, while being moved from source to destination. Our main results are an O(log^3 n)-approximation algorithm for preemptive multi-vehicle Dial a ride, and an improved O(log t)-approximation for its special case when there is no capacity constraint. We also show that the approximation ratios improve by a log-factor when the underlying metric is induced by a fixed-minor-free graph.Comment: 22 pages, 1 figure. Preliminary version appeared in ESA 200