212 research outputs found

    Edge-partitioning regular graphs for ring traffic grooming with a priori placement od the ADMs

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    We study the following graph partitioning problem: Given two positive integers C and Δ, find the least integer M(C,Δ) such that the edges of any graph with maximum degree at most Δ can be partitioned into subgraphs with at most C edges and each vertex appears in at most M(C,Δ) subgraphs. This problem is naturally motivated by traffic grooming, which is a major issue in optical networks. Namely, we introduce a new pseudodynamic model of traffic grooming in unidirectional rings, in which the aim is to design a network able to support any request graph with a given bounded degree. We show that optimizing the equipment cost under this model is essentially equivalent to determining the parameter M(C, Δ). We establish the value of M(C, Δ) for almost all values of C and Δ, leaving open only the case where Δ ≥ 5 is odd, Δ (mod 2C) is between 3 and C − 1, C ≥ 4, and the request graph does not contain a perfect matching. For these open cases, we provide upper bounds that differ from the optimal value by at most one.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Traffic engineering in dynamic optical networks

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    Traffic Engineering (TE) refers to all the techniques a Service Provider employs to improve the efficiency and reliability of network operations. In IP over Optical (IPO) networks, traffic coming from upper layers is carried over the logical topology defined by the set of established lightpaths. Within this framework then, TE techniques allow to optimize the configuration of optical resources with respect to an highly dynamic traffic demand. TE can be performed with two main methods: if the demand is known only in terms of an aggregated traffic matrix, the problem of automatically updating the configuration of an optical network to accommodate traffic changes is called Virtual Topology Reconfiguration (VTR). If instead the traffic demand is known in terms of data-level connection requests with sub-wavelength granularity, arriving dynamically from some source node to any destination node, the problem is called Dynamic Traffic Grooming (DTG). In this dissertation new VTR algorithms for load balancing in optical networks based on Local Search (LS) techniques are presented. The main advantage of using LS is the minimization of network disruption, since the reconfiguration involves only a small part of the network. A comparison between the proposed schemes and the optimal solutions found via an ILP solver shows calculation time savings for comparable results of network congestion. A similar load balancing technique has been applied to alleviate congestion in an MPLS network, based on the efficient rerouting of Label-Switched Paths (LSP) from the most congested links to allow a better usage of network resources. Many algorithms have been developed to deal with DTG in IPO networks, where most of the attention is focused on optimizing the physical resources utilization by considering specific constraints on the optical node architecture, while very few attention has been put so far on the Quality of Service (QoS) guarantees for the carried traffic. In this thesis a novel Traffic Engineering scheme is proposed to guarantee QoS from both the viewpoint of service differentiation and transmission quality. Another contribution in this thesis is a formal framework for the definition of dynamic grooming policies in IPO networks. The framework is then specialized for an overlay architecture, where the control plane of the IP and optical level are separated, and no information is shared between the two. A family of grooming policies based on constraints on the number of hops and on the bandwidth sharing degree at the IP level is defined, and its performance analyzed in both regular and irregular topologies. While most of the literature on DTG problem implicitly considers the grooming of low-speed connections onto optical channels using a TDM approach, the proposed grooming policies are evaluated here by considering a realistic traffic model which consider a Dynamic Statistical Multiplexing (DSM) approach, i.e. a single wavelength channel is shared between multiple IP elastic traffic flows

    Traffic Grooming in Unidirectional WDM Rings with Bounded Degree Request Graph

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    Traffic grooming is a major issue in optical networks. It refers to grouping low rate signals into higher speed streams, in order to reduce the equipment cost. In SONET WDM networks, this cost is mostly given by the number of electronic terminations, namely ADMs. We consider the case when the topology is a unidirectional ring. In graph-theoretical terms, the traffic grooming problem in this case consists in partitioning the edges of a request graph into subgraphs with a maximum number of edges, while minimizing the total number of vertices of the decomposition. We consider the case when the request graph has bounded maximum degree Δ\Delta, and our aim is to design a network being able to support any request graph satisfying the degree constraints. The existing theoretical models in the literature are much more rigid, and do not allow such adaptability. We formalize the problem, and solve the cases Δ=2\Delta=2 (for all values of CC) and Δ=3\Delta = 3 (except the case C=4C=4). We also provide lower and upper bounds for the general case

    Routing Reconfiguration/Process Number: Coping wih Two Classes of Services

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    In WDM backbone networks, the traffic pattern evolves constantly due to the nature of the demand itself or because of equipment failures leading to reroute affected connections. In this context, requests are routed greedily using available resources without changing the routing of pre-established connections. However, such a policy leads to a poor usage of resources and so higher blocking probability: new connection requests might be rejected while network resources are sufficient to serve all the traffic. Therefore, it is important to regularly reconfigure the network by rerouting established connections in order to optimize the usage of network resources. In this paper, we consider the network reconfiguration problem that consists in switching existing connections one after the other from the current routing to a new pre-computed routing. Due to cyclic dependencies between connections, some requests may have to be temporarily interrupted during this process. Clearly, the number of requests simultaneously interrupted has to be minimized. Furthermore, it might be impossible for the network operator to interrupt some connections because of the contract signed with the corresponding clients. In this setting, the network reconfiguration problem consists in going from a routing to another one given that some priority connections cannot be interrupted. The network reconfiguration problem without priority connections has previously been modeled as a cops-and-robber game in [5, 6]. Here, we first extend this model to handle priority connections. Then we identify cases where no solution exists. Using a simple transformation, we prove that the reconfiguration problem with priority connections can be reduced to the problem without this constraint. Finally, we propose a new heuristic algorithm that improves upon previous proposals