9 research outputs found

    Sorting genomes with rearrangements and segmental duplications through trajectory graphs

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    We study the problem of sorting genomes under an evolutionary model that includes genomic rearrangements and segmental duplications. We propose an iterative algorithm to improve any initial evolutionary trajectory between two genomes in terms of parsimony. Our algorithm is based on a new graphical model, the trajectory graph, which models not only the final states of two genomes but also an existing evolutionary trajectory between them. We show that redundant rearrangements in the trajectory correspond to certain cycles in the trajectory graph, and prove that our algorithm converges to an optimal trajectory for any initial trajectory involving only rearrangements

    Comparing genomes with rearrangements and segmental duplications

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    Motivation: Large-scale evolutionary events such as genomic rearrange. ments and segmental duplications form an important part of the evolution of genomes and are widely studied from both biological and computational perspectives. A basic computational problem is to infer these events in the evolutionary history for given modern genomes, a task for which many algorithms have been proposed under various constraints. Algorithms that can handle both rearrangements and content-modifying events such as duplications and losses remain few and limited in their applicability. Results: We study the comparison of two genomes under a model including general rearrangements (through double-cut-and-join) and segmental duplications. We formulate the comparison as an optimization problem and describe an exact algorithm to solve it by using an integer linear program. We also devise a sufficient condition and an efficient algorithm to identify optimal substructures, which can simplify the problem while preserving optimality. Using the optimal substructures with the integer linear program (ILP) formulation yields a practical and exact algorithm to solve the problem. We then apply our algorithm to assign in-paralogs and orthologs (a necessary step in handling duplications) and compare its performance with that of the state-of-the-art method MSOAR, using both simulations and real data. On simulated datasets, our method outperforms MSOAR by a significant margin, and on five well-annotated species, MSOAR achieves high accuracy, yet our method performs slightly better on each of the 10 pairwise comparisons

    Representing and decomposing genomic structural variants as balanced integer flows on sequence graphs

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    The study of genomic variation has provided key insights into the functional role of mutations. Predominantly, studies have focused on single nucleotide variants (SNV), which are relatively easy to detect and can be described with rich mathematical models. However, it has been observed that genomes are highly plastic, and that whole regions can be moved, removed or duplicated in bulk. These structural variants (SV) have been shown to have significant impact on the phenotype, but their study has been held back by the combinatorial complexity of the underlying models. We describe here a general model of structural variation that encompasses both balanced rearrangements and arbitrary copy-numbers variants (CNV). In this model, we show that the space of possible evolutionary histories that explain the structural differences between any two genomes can be sampled ergodically

    A Unifying Model of Genome Evolution Under Parsimony

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    We present a data structure called a history graph that offers a practical basis for the analysis of genome evolution. It conceptually simplifies the study of parsimonious evolutionary histories by representing both substitutions and double cut and join (DCJ) rearrangements in the presence of duplications. The problem of constructing parsimonious history graphs thus subsumes related maximum parsimony problems in the fields of phylogenetic reconstruction and genome rearrangement. We show that tractable functions can be used to define upper and lower bounds on the minimum number of substitutions and DCJ rearrangements needed to explain any history graph. These bounds become tight for a special type of unambiguous history graph called an ancestral variation graph (AVG), which constrains in its combinatorial structure the number of operations required. We finally demonstrate that for a given history graph GG, a finite set of AVGs describe all parsimonious interpretations of GG, and this set can be explored with a few sampling moves.Comment: 52 pages, 24 figure

    Approximating the edit distance for genomes with duplicate genes under DCJ, insertion and deletion

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Computing the edit distance between two genomes under certain operations is a basic problem in the study of genome evolution. The double-cut-and-join (DCJ) model has formed the basis for most algorithmic research on rearrangements over the last few years. The edit distance under the DCJ model can be easily computed for genomes without duplicate genes. In this paper, we study the edit distance for genomes with duplicate genes under a model that includes DCJ operations, insertions and deletions. We prove that computing the edit distance is equivalent to finding the optimal cycle decomposition of the corresponding adjacency graph, and give an approximation algorithm with an approximation ratio of 1.5 + <it>∈</it>.</p

    Models and Algorithms for Comparative Genomics

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    The deluge of sequenced whole-genome data has motivated the study of comparative genomics, which provides global views on genome evolution, and also offers practical solutions in deciphering the functional roles of components of genomes. A fundamental computational problem in whole-genome comparison is to infer the most likely large-scale events~(rearrangements and content-modifying events) of given genomes during their history of evolution. Based on the principle of parsimony, such inference is usually formulated as the so called edit distance problems~(for two genomes) or median problems~(for multiple genomes), i.e., to compute the minimum number of certain types of large-scale events that can explain the differences of the given genomes. In this dissertation, we develop novel algorithms for edit distance problems and median problems and also apply them to analyze and annotate biological datasets. For pairwise whole-genome comparison, we study the most challenging cases of edit distance problems---the given genomes contain duplicate genes. We proposed several exact algorithms and approximation algorithms under various combinations of large-scale events. Specifically, we designed the first exact algorithm to compute the edit distance under the DCJ~(double-cut-and-join) model, and the first exact algorithm to compute the edit distance under a model including DCJ operations and segmental duplications. We devised a (1.5+ϵ)(1.5 + \epsilon)-approximation algorithm to compute the edit distance under a model including DCJ operations, insertions, and deletions. We also proposed a very fast and exact algorithm to compute the exemplar breakpoint distance. For multiple whole-genome comparison, we study the median problem under the DCJ model. We designed a polynomial-time algorithm using a network flow formulation to compute the so called adequate subgraphs---a central phase in computing the median. We also proved that an existing upper bound of the median distance is tight. These above algorithms determine the correspondence between functional elements~(for instance, genes) across genomes, and thus can be used to systematically infer functional relationships and annotate genomes. For example, we applied our methods to infer orthologs and in-paralogs between a pair of genomes---a key step in analyzing the functions of protein-coding genes. On biological whole-genome datasets, our methods run very fast, scale up to whole genomes, and also achieve very high accuracy