219 research outputs found

    Reverse engineering of CAD models via clustering and approximate implicitization

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    In applications like computer aided design, geometric models are often represented numerically as polynomial splines or NURBS, even when they originate from primitive geometry. For purposes such as redesign and isogeometric analysis, it is of interest to extract information about the underlying geometry through reverse engineering. In this work we develop a novel method to determine these primitive shapes by combining clustering analysis with approximate implicitization. The proposed method is automatic and can recover algebraic hypersurfaces of any degree in any dimension. In exact arithmetic, the algorithm returns exact results. All the required parameters, such as the implicit degree of the patches and the number of clusters of the model, are inferred using numerical approaches in order to obtain an algorithm that requires as little manual input as possible. The effectiveness, efficiency and robustness of the method are shown both in a theoretical analysis and in numerical examples implemented in Python

    www.elsevier.com/locate/cagd A local fitting algorithm for converting planar curves to B-splines

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    In this paper we present a local fitting algorithm for converting smooth planar curves to B-splines. For a smooth planar curve a set of points together with their tangent vectors are first sampled from the curve such that the connected polygon approximates the curve with high accuracy and inflexions are detected by the sampled data efficiently. Then, a G1 continuous Bézier spline curve is obtained by fitting the sampled data with shape preservation as well as within a prescribed accuracy. Finally, the Bézier spline is merged into a C2 continuous B-spline curve by subdivision and control points adjustment. The merging is guaranteed to be within another error bound and with no more inflexions than the Bézier spline. In addition to shape preserving and error control, this conversion algorithm also benefits that the knots are selected automatically and adaptively according to local shape and error bound. A few experimental results are included to demonstrate the validity and efficiency of the algorithm

    Automatic Mesh Repair and Optimization for Quality Mesh Generation

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    2D and 3D surface image processing algorithms and their applications

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    This doctoral dissertation work aims to develop algorithms for 2D image segmentation application of solar filament disappearance detection, 3D mesh simplification, and 3D image warping in pre-surgery simulation. Filament area detection in solar images is an image segmentation problem. A thresholding and region growing combined method is proposed and applied in this application. Based on the filament area detection results, filament disappearances are reported in real time. The solar images in 1999 are processed with this proposed system and three statistical results of filaments are presented. 3D images can be obtained by passive and active range sensing. An image registration process finds the transformation between each pair of range views. To model an object, a common reference frame in which all views can be transformed must be defined. After the registration, the range views should be integrated into a non-redundant model. Optimization is necessary to obtain a complete 3D model. One single surface representation can better fit to the data. It may be further simplified for rendering, storing and transmitting efficiently, or the representation can be converted to some other formats. This work proposes an efficient algorithm for solving the mesh simplification problem, approximating an arbitrary mesh by a simplified mesh. The algorithm uses Root Mean Square distance error metric to decide the facet curvature. Two vertices of one edge and the surrounding vertices decide the average plane. The simplification results are excellent and the computation speed is fast. The algorithm is compared with six other major simplification algorithms. Image morphing is used for all methods that gradually and continuously deform a source image into a target image, while producing the in-between models. Image warping is a continuous deformation of a: graphical object. A morphing process is usually composed of warping and interpolation. This work develops a direct-manipulation-of-free-form-deformation-based method and application for pre-surgical planning. The developed user interface provides a friendly interactive tool in the plastic surgery. Nose augmentation surgery is presented as an example. Displacement vector and lattices resulting in different resolution are used to obtain various deformation results. During the deformation, the volume change of the model is also considered based on a simplified skin-muscle model

    Design of decorative 3D models: from geodesic ornaments to tangible assemblies

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    L'obiettivo di questa tesi è sviluppare strumenti utili per creare opere d'arte decorative digitali in 3D. Uno dei processi decorativi più comunemente usati prevede la creazione di pattern decorativi, al fine di abbellire gli oggetti. Questi pattern possono essere dipinti sull'oggetto di base o realizzati con l'applicazione di piccoli elementi decorativi. Tuttavia, la loro realizzazione nei media digitali non è banale. Da un lato, gli utenti esperti possono eseguire manualmente la pittura delle texture o scolpire ogni decorazione, ma questo processo può richiedere ore per produrre un singolo pezzo e deve essere ripetuto da zero per ogni modello da decorare. D'altra parte, gli approcci automatici allo stato dell'arte si basano sull'approssimazione di questi processi con texturing basato su esempi o texturing procedurale, o con sistemi di riproiezione 3D. Tuttavia, questi approcci possono introdurre importanti limiti nei modelli utilizzabili e nella qualità dei risultati. Il nostro lavoro sfrutta invece i recenti progressi e miglioramenti delle prestazioni nel campo dell'elaborazione geometrica per creare modelli decorativi direttamente sulle superfici. Presentiamo una pipeline per i pattern 2D e una per quelli 3D, e dimostriamo come ognuna di esse possa ricreare una vasta gamma di risultati con minime modifiche dei parametri. Inoltre, studiamo la possibilità di creare modelli decorativi tangibili. I pattern 3D generati possono essere stampati in 3D e applicati a oggetti realmente esistenti precedentemente scansionati. Discutiamo anche la creazione di modelli con mattoncini da costruzione, e la possibilità di mescolare mattoncini standard e mattoncini custom stampati in 3D. Ciò consente una rappresentazione precisa indipendentemente da quanto la voxelizzazione sia approssimativa. I principali contributi di questa tesi sono l'implementazione di due diverse pipeline decorative, un approccio euristico alla costruzione con mattoncini e un dataset per testare quest'ultimo.The aim of this thesis is to develop effective tools to create digital decorative 3D artworks. Real-world art often involves the use of decorative patterns to enrich objects. These patterns can be painted on the base or might be realized with the application of small decorative elements. However, their creation in digital media is not trivial. On the one hand, users can manually perform texture paint or sculpt each decoration, in a process that can take hours to produce a single piece and needs to be repeated from the ground up for every model that needs to be decorated. On the other hand, automatic approaches in state of the art rely on approximating these processes with procedural or by-example texturing or with 3D reprojection. However, these approaches can introduce significant limitations in the models that can be used and in the quality of the results. Instead, our work exploits the recent advances and performance improvements in the geometry processing field to create decorative patterns directly on surfaces. We present a pipeline for 2D and one for 3D patterns and demonstrate how each of them can recreate a variety of results with minimal tweaking of the parameters. Furthermore, we investigate the possibility of creating decorative tangible models. The 3D patterns we generate can be 3D printed and applied to previously scanned real-world objects. We also discuss the creation of models with standard building bricks and the possibility of mixing standard and custom 3D-printed bricks. This allows for a precise representation regardless of the coarseness of the voxelization. The main contributions of this thesis are the implementation of two different decorative pipelines, a heuristic approach to brick construction, and a dataset to test the latter

    Infinite Procedural Infrastructured World Generation

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    Käesolev magistritöö kirjeldab uudset algoritmi lõpmatu deterministliku maailma genereerimiseks koos üldlevinud tehislike ja looduslike struktuuridega, mis leiduvad parasvöötme asustatud piirkondades. Kuna lõpmatuid maailmu tuleb genereerida jupikaupa ning ilma ühegi naabruses oleva tüki olemasoluta, on genereeritavate struktuuride järjepidev ja deterministlik genereerimine keeruline. Kirjeldatav algoritm kasutab eksponentsiaalse genereerimise metoodikat, mis võimaldab genereerida erineva suurusega struktuure alates liiklusmärkidest kuni pikkade jõgedeni. Algoritm genereerib erinevat tüüpi lõpmatuid teede võrgustikke, nimedega linnu ja külasid, elektriliine ja levinumaid liiklusmärke nagu kiiruspiirangud ja suunamärgid. Asulatest väljaspool olev maastik genereeritakse kolme üldlevinud maakasutuse kategooria vahel – metsandus, viljakasvatus ning looduskaitsealad. Lisaks kirjeldatavale algoritmile antakse ülevaade eelnevast teadustööst lõpmatu protseduurilise maailma genereerimise valdkonnas ning kirjeldatakse edasiarendusvõimalusi lõpmatute asustatud maailmade genereerimiseks.This Master's thesis describes and provides an implementation of a novel algorithm for generating infinite deterministic worlds with both man-made and natural features commonly found in the civilized regions of the temperate climate zone. Considering that infinite worlds have to be generated in a piecewise manner without any of the neighbouring pieces necessarily existing, ensuring continuity and deterministic results for the generation of such features can be challenging. The algorithm uses an exponential generation technique, which enables the generation of varying sized features from traffic signs to rivers. The algorithm generates infinite road networks of different tiers, named cities and villages, power lines between them and common traffic signs like speed limits and navigation signs. Rural areas are generated based on three types of land usage – forestry, cultivation of crops and untouched nature reserves. The thesis also gives an overview of the previous work in the field of procedural world generation and proposes multiple new ideas for further expansion of infinite infrastructured terrain generation

    Silhouette-Informed Trajectory Generation Through a Wire Maze for Small UAS

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    Current rapidly-exploring random tree (RRT) algorithms rely on proximity query packages that often include collision checkers, tolerance verification, and distance computation algorithms for the generation of safe paths. In this paper, we broaden the information available to the path-planning algorithm by incorporating silhouette information of nearby obstacles in conflict. A silhouette-informed tree (SIT) is generated through the flight-safe region of a wire maze for a single unmanned aerial system (UAS). The silhouette is used to extract local geometric information of nearby obstacles and provide path alternatives around these obstacles. Thus, focusing the search for the generation of new tree branches near these obstacles, and decreasing the number of samples required to explore the narrow corridors within the wire maze. The SIT is then processed to extract a path that connects the initial location of the UAS with the goal, reduce the number of line segments in this path if possible, and smooth the resulting path using Pythagorean Hodograph Bezier curves. To ensure that the smoothed path remains in the flight-safe region of the configuration space, a tolerance verification algorithm for Bezier curves and convex polytopes in three dimensions is proposed. Lastly, temporal specifications are imposed on the smoothed path in the shape of an arbitrary speed profile