1,530 research outputs found

    Approximate Euclidean Ramsey theorems

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    According to a classical result of Szemer\'{e}di, every dense subset of 1,2,...,N1,2,...,N contains an arbitrary long arithmetic progression, if NN is large enough. Its analogue in higher dimensions due to F\"urstenberg and Katznelson says that every dense subset of {1,2,...,N}d\{1,2,...,N\}^d contains an arbitrary large grid, if NN is large enough. Here we generalize these results for separated point sets on the line and respectively in the Euclidean space: (i) every dense separated set of points in some interval [0,L][0,L] on the line contains an arbitrary long approximate arithmetic progression, if LL is large enough. (ii) every dense separated set of points in the dd-dimensional cube [0,L]d[0,L]^d in \RR^d contains an arbitrary large approximate grid, if LL is large enough. A further generalization for any finite pattern in \RR^d is also established. The separation condition is shown to be necessary for such results to hold. In the end we show that every sufficiently large point set in \RR^d contains an arbitrarily large subset of almost collinear points. No separation condition is needed in this case.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figure

    Ramsey-type theorems for metric spaces with applications to online problems

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    A nearly logarithmic lower bound on the randomized competitive ratio for the metrical task systems problem is presented. This implies a similar lower bound for the extensively studied k-server problem. The proof is based on Ramsey-type theorems for metric spaces, that state that every metric space contains a large subspace which is approximately a hierarchically well-separated tree (and in particular an ultrametric). These Ramsey-type theorems may be of independent interest.Comment: Fix an error in the metadata. 31 pages, 0 figures. Preliminary version in FOCS '01. To be published in J. Comput. System Sc

    On metric Ramsey-type phenomena

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    The main question studied in this article may be viewed as a nonlinear analogue of Dvoretzky's theorem in Banach space theory or as part of Ramsey theory in combinatorics. Given a finite metric space on n points, we seek its subspace of largest cardinality which can be embedded with a given distortion in Hilbert space. We provide nearly tight upper and lower bounds on the cardinality of this subspace in terms of n and the desired distortion. Our main theorem states that for any epsilon>0, every n point metric space contains a subset of size at least n^{1-\epsilon} which is embeddable in Hilbert space with O(\frac{\log(1/\epsilon)}{\epsilon}) distortion. The bound on the distortion is tight up to the log(1/\epsilon) factor. We further include a comprehensive study of various other aspects of this problem.Comment: 67 pages, published versio

    Turnpike Theory

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    Nowhere dense Ramsey sets

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    A set of points SS in Euclidean space Rd\mathbb{R}^d is called \textit{Ramsey} if any finite partition of R∞\mathbb{R}^{\infty} yields a monochromatic copy of SS. While characterization of Ramsey set remains a major open problem in the area, a stronger ``density'' concept was considered in [J. Amer. Math. Soc. 3, 1--7, 1990]: If SS is a dd-dimensional simplex, then for any μ>0\mu>0 there is an integer d:=d(S,μ)d:=d(S,\mu) and finite configuration X⊆RdX\subseteq \mathbb{R}^d such that any subconfiguration Y⊆XY\subseteq X with ∣Y∣≥μ∣X∣|Y|\geq \mu |X| contains a copy of SS. Complementing this, here we show the existence of μ:=μ(S)\mu:=\mu(S) and of an infinite configuration X⊆R∞X\subseteq \mathbb{R}^{\infty} with the property that any finite coloring of XX yields a monochromatic copy of SS, yet for any finite set of points Y⊆XY\subseteq X contains a subset Z⊆YZ\subseteq Y of size ∣Z∣≥μ∣Y∣|Z|\geq \mu |Y| without a copy of SS.Comment: Comments are welcom

    The oscillation stability problem for the Urysohn sphere: A combinatorial approach

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    We study the oscillation stability problem for the Urysohn sphere, an analog of the distortion problem for â„“2\ell_2 in the context of the Urysohn space \Ur. In particular, we show that this problem reduces to a purely combinatorial problem involving a family of countable ultrahomogeneous metric spaces with finitely many distances.Comment: 19 page
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