16 research outputs found

    Placenames analysis in historical texts: tools, risks and side effects

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    International audienceThis article presents an approach combining linguistic analysis, geographic information retrieval and visualization in order to go from toponym extraction in historical texts to projection on customizable maps. The toolkit is released under an open source license, it features bootstrapping options, geocod-ing and disambiguation algorithms, as well as cartographic processing. The software setting is designed to be adaptable to various historical contexts, it can be extended by further automatically processed or user-curated gazetteers, used directly on texts or plugged-in on a larger processing pipeline. I provide an example of the issues raised by generic extraction and show the benefits of integrated knowledge-based approach, data cleaning and filtering

    A Survey of Volunteered Open Geo-Knowledge Bases in the Semantic Web

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    Over the past decade, rapid advances in web technologies, coupled with innovative models of spatial data collection and consumption, have generated a robust growth in geo-referenced information, resulting in spatial information overload. Increasing 'geographic intelligence' in traditional text-based information retrieval has become a prominent approach to respond to this issue and to fulfill users' spatial information needs. Numerous efforts in the Semantic Geospatial Web, Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI), and the Linking Open Data initiative have converged in a constellation of open knowledge bases, freely available online. In this article, we survey these open knowledge bases, focusing on their geospatial dimension. Particular attention is devoted to the crucial issue of the quality of geo-knowledge bases, as well as of crowdsourced data. A new knowledge base, the OpenStreetMap Semantic Network, is outlined as our contribution to this area. Research directions in information integration and Geographic Information Retrieval (GIR) are then reviewed, with a critical discussion of their current limitations and future prospects

    A Coherent Unsupervised Model for Toponym Resolution

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    Toponym Resolution, the task of assigning a location mention in a document to a geographic referent (i.e., latitude/longitude), plays a pivotal role in analyzing location-aware content. However, the ambiguities of natural language and a huge number of possible interpretations for toponyms constitute insurmountable hurdles for this task. In this paper, we study the problem of toponym resolution with no additional information other than a gazetteer and no training data. We demonstrate that a dearth of large enough annotated data makes supervised methods less capable of generalizing. Our proposed method estimates the geographic scope of documents and leverages the connections between nearby place names as evidence to resolve toponyms. We explore the interactions between multiple interpretations of mentions and the relationships between different toponyms in a document to build a model that finds the most coherent resolution. Our model is evaluated on three news corpora, two from the literature and one collected and annotated by us; then, we compare our methods to the state-of-the-art unsupervised and supervised techniques. We also examine three commercial products including Reuters OpenCalais, Yahoo! YQL Placemaker, and Google Cloud Natural Language API. The evaluation shows that our method outperforms the unsupervised technique as well as Reuters OpenCalais and Google Cloud Natural Language API on all three corpora; also, our method shows a performance close to that of the state-of-the-art supervised method and outperforms it when the test data has 40% or more toponyms that are not seen in the training data.Comment: 9 pages (+1 page reference), WWW '18 Proceedings of the 2018 World Wide Web Conferenc

    Newsmap: semi-supervised approach to geographical news classification

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    This paper presents the results of an evaluation of three different types to geographical news classification methods: (1) simple keyword matching, a popular method in media and communications research; (2) geographical information extraction systems equipped with named-entity recognition and place name disambiguation mechanisms (Open Calais and Geoparser.io); (3) semi-supervised machine learning classifier developed by the author (Newsmap). Newsmap substitutes manual coding of news stories with dictionarybased labelling in creation of large training sets to extracts large number of geographical words without human involvement, and it also identifies multi-word names to reduce the ambiguity of the geographical traits fully automatically. The evaluation of classification accuracy of the three types of methods against 5,000 human-coded news summaries reveals that Newsmap outperforms the geographical information extraction systems in overall accuracy, while the simple keyword matching suffers from ambiguity of place names in countries with ambiguous place names

    Transformer based named entity recognition for place name extraction from unstructured text

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    Place names embedded in online natural language text present a useful source of geographic information. Despite this, many methods for the extraction of place names from text use pre-trained models that were not explicitly designed for this task. Our paper builds five custom-built Named Entity Recognition (NER) models and evaluates them against three popular pre-built models for place name extraction. The models are evaluated using a set of manually annotated Wikipedia articles with reference to the F1 score metric. Our best performing model achieves an F1 score of 0.939 compared with 0.730 for the best performing pre-built model. Our model is then used to extract all place names from Wikipedia articles in Great Britain, demonstrating the ability to more accurately capture unknown place names from volunteered sources of online geographic information

    Enhanced Place Name Search Using Semantic Gazetteers

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    With the increased availability of geospatial data and efficient geo-referencing services, people are now more likely to engage in geospatial searches for information on the Web. Searching by address is supported by geocoding which converts an address to a geographic coordinate. Addresses are one form of geospatial referencing that are relatively well understood and easy for people to use, but place names are generally the most intuitive natural language expressions that people use for locations. This thesis presents an approach, for enhancing place name searches with a geo-ontology and a semantically enabled gazetteer. This approach investigates the extension of general spatial relationships to domain specific semantically rich concepts and spatial relationships. Hydrography is selected as the domain, and the thesis investigates the specification of semantic relationships between hydrographic features as functions of spatial relationships between their footprints. A Gazetteer Ontology (GazOntology) based on ISO Standards is developed to associate a feature with a Spatial Reference. The Spatial Reference can be a GeoIdentifier which is a text based representation of a feature usually a place name or zip code or the spatial reference can be a Geometry representation which is a spatial footprint of the feature. A Hydrological Features Ontology (HydroOntology) is developed to model canonical forms of hydrological features and their hydrological relationships. The classes modelled are endurant classes modelled in foundational ontologies such as DOLCE. Semantics of these relationships in a hydrological context are specified in a HydroOntology. The HydroOntology and GazOntology can be viewed as the semantic schema for the HydroGazetteer. The HydroGazetteer was developed as an RDF triplestore and populated with instances of named hydrographic features from the National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) for several watersheds in the state of Maine. In order to determine what instances of surface hydrology features participate in the specified semantic relationships, information was obtained through spatial analysis of the National Hydrography Dataset (NHD), the NHDPlus data set and the Geographic Names Information System (GNIS). The 9 intersection model between point, line, directed line, and region geometries which identifies sets of relationship between geometries independent of what these geometries represent in the world provided the basis for identifying semantic relationships between the canonical hydrographic feature types. The developed ontologies enable the HydroGazetteer to answer different categories of queries, namely place name queries involving the taxonomy of feature types, queries on relations between named places, and place name queries with reasoning. A simple user interface to select a hydrological relationship and a hydrological feature name was developed and the results are displayed on a USGS topographic base map. The approach demonstrates that spatial semantics can provide effective query disambiguation and more targeted spatial queries between named places based on relationships such as upstream, downstream, or flows through

    Identifying toponyms and location references in residential real estate listings in Zurich City

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    Naive geography, and vernacular geography as a subset of it, are crucial concepts that delve into human perceptions of the spatial environment. This knowledge is accumulated over a lifetime and is inherently extensive for places where individuals reside or spend prolonged durations. Vernacular geography primarily concerns itself with places and spatial relationships. Such places are often termed as "fuzzy” places or toponyms since their boundaries, unlike administrative units, are indistinct. For instance, where precisely does the "Midwest" lie? Similarly, spatial relationships are not explicitly quantifiable: what exactly does "nearby" imply? In human-to-human communication, such vague concepts generally pose no challenges since we intuitively grasp and interpret them. However, this is not the case in human-machine interactions. An example can be seen in web search queries, which have popularized information extraction. Most search queries encompass a spatial component, vital to our daily activities. Thus, studies aimed at better understanding vernacular toponyms and spatial expressions are essential to enhance the efficiency of human-machine interactions. Understanding vernacular toponyms and spatial relation expressions is a core focus of Geographical Information Retrieval (GIR), an extension of classic Information Retrieval. Central processes in this field include Toponym Recognition, which detects place references from unstructured sources, typically text, and Toponym Resolution, where identified toponyms are mapped to specific places. For this thesis, named entity recognition is conducted using the freely available spaCy model to detect place references in a dataset of residential property listings in Zurich. The identified locations are subsequently mapped and spatially analyzed using kernel density estimation. The analysis revealed that the most commonly used place references pertain to generic location descriptions (such as 'central' or 'quiet' locations), significant landmarks (transport hubs or places of high renown), natural landmarks like bodies of water and mountains, as well as wellknown neighborhoods and public squares. The spatial analysis indicated that certain prominent terms are used excessively, resulting in a lack of discernible spatial pattern, as they appear ubiquitously across the entire urban area. In contrast, other terms allowed for the analysis of the perimeter within which a place or transport hub is deemed significant, the perceived proximity to specific sites, or viewpoints from where certain landmarks, like the Alps, can be observed

    Knowledge-Driven Methods for Geographic Information Extraction in the Biomedical Domain

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    abstract: Accounting for over a third of all emerging and re-emerging infections, viruses represent a major public health threat, which researchers and epidemiologists across the world have been attempting to contain for decades. Recently, genomics-based surveillance of viruses through methods such as virus phylogeography has grown into a popular tool for infectious disease monitoring. When conducting such surveillance studies, researchers need to manually retrieve geographic metadata denoting the location of infected host (LOIH) of viruses from public sequence databases such as GenBank and any publication related to their study. The large volume of semi-structured and unstructured information that must be reviewed for this task, along with the ambiguity of geographic locations, make it especially challenging. Prior work has demonstrated that the majority of GenBank records lack sufficient geographic granularity concerning the LOIH of viruses. As a result, reviewing full-text publications is often necessary for conducting in-depth analysis of virus migration, which can be a very time-consuming process. Moreover, integrating geographic metadata pertaining to the LOIH of viruses from different sources, including different fields in GenBank records as well as full-text publications, and normalizing the integrated metadata to unique identifiers for subsequent analysis, are also challenging tasks, often requiring expert domain knowledge. Therefore, automated information extraction (IE) methods could help significantly accelerate this process, positively impacting public health research. However, very few research studies have attempted the use of IE methods in this domain. This work explores the use of novel knowledge-driven geographic IE heuristics for extracting, integrating, and normalizing the LOIH of viruses based on information available in GenBank and related publications; when evaluated on manually annotated test sets, the methods were found to have a high accuracy and shown to be adequate for addressing this challenging problem. It also presents GeoBoost, a pioneering software system for georeferencing GenBank records, as well as a large-scale database containing over two million virus GenBank records georeferenced using the algorithms introduced here. The methods, database and software developed here could help support diverse public health domains focusing on sequence-informed virus surveillance, thereby enhancing existing platforms for controlling and containing disease outbreaks.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Biomedical Informatics 201