23 research outputs found


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    Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have been considered as a promising method for reliably monitoring both civil and military environments under hazardous or dangerous conditions. Due to such environments ,the power supplies for sensors in the network are not usually rechargeable or replaceable. Therefore, the energy efficiency is critical for the lifetime and cost of WSN. Numerous mechanisms have been proposed to reduce the impact of communication protocols on the overall energy dissipation of WSN and communicating it with other nodes, moving on to the sink via transceiver. Efficiency of protocol can only be beneficial if the network is alive otherwise what to do for the novel ideas with the dead network. In this paper, Our proposed cluster based routing algorithm has exploited threshold level based load balancing and role transfer techniques along with multi-assistant cluster heads to cope with the aforementioned power hungry issues. Combination of multihop and direct routing has improved our protocol energy utilization

    Heuristic Approach to Select Opportunistic Routing Forwarders (HASORF) to Enhance Throughput for Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Biological schemes provide useful resources for designing adaptive routing protocols for wireless sensor networks (WSNs). The key idea behind using bioinspired routing is to find the optimal path to the destination. Similarly, the idea of opportunistic routing (OR) is to find the least number of hops to deliver the data to the destination. Numerous routing schemes have been proposed in WSNs while targeting various performance goals, such as throughput, delay, and link quality. Recently, OR schemes have come onto the scene in comparison with the traditional routing algorithms. The performance of OR schemes, however, highly depends on the selection of forwarder nodes. In this paper, we consider a chain network topology, where nodes are separated by an equal distance. The throughput of the chain network is analyzed mathematically, and based on the analysis results, a heuristic algorithm is proposed to choose the forwarder nodes. We evaluate the performance of the proposed Heuristic Approach to Select Opportunistic Routing Forwarders (HASORF) by using the ns-2 simulator and compare it with previous schemes, such as random routing, Extremely Opportunistic Routing (ExOR), and Simple Opportunistic Adaptive Routing (SOAR). The empirical results show that our proposed scheme achieves the best performance among them

    Towards Assistive Healthcare: prototyping advances in wireless sensor network (WSN) system integration and application

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    The large increase in Australia’s aging population promises to be major economic and social issue for local, state and federal Government bodies. The healthcare budget is expected to increase dramatically and the burden on healthcare services will require not only a massive injection of capital funds but an increase in qualified care givers. The authors believe that assistive healthcare monitoring is one viable and cost-effective solution to alleviate the burden of the healthcare system today and in the future. The authors in this paper describe their third Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) prototype called MoteCare and anticipate the implementation of the next, more advanced prototype. Details of the improvements are covered followed by an objective system evaluation and conclusion

    The Internet of Things for Natural Risk Management (Inte.Ri.M.)

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    This chapter deals with the development of a management system, which integrates the use of IoT in natural risk detection, revention, and management with economic evaluation of each stage. In the introductory part, recent data are presented that document the importance that natural disasters have for the environment and for the Italian economy. Section 2 presents the Inte.Ri.M. project—the Internet of Things for Natural Risk Management—its purpose, activity plan, and bodies involved. Technical aspects are treated in Section 3 with the choice of hardware and software components and the solutions for collecting and transmitting data. Section 4 is about the economic aspects considering the stages of prevention, intervention, and restoration and the relation between the intensity of human activity and environment to define a range of situations. These scenarios call for different economic methodologies useful to estimate economic implications of each stage in the short, medium, and long term. Section 5 describes the structure of the Inte.Ri.M. management system and the foreseen functionalities. In the conclusion, the critical points are discussed, and the steps for the transposition of the work carried out on the territory are outlined, according to the provisions of the work program

    Error Prevention in Sensors and Sensor Systems

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    Achievements in all fields of engineering and fabrication methods have led towards optimization and integration of multiple sensing devices into a concise system. These advances have caused significant innovation in various commercial, industrial, and research efforts. Integrations of subsystems have important applications for sensor systems in particular. The need for reporting and real time awareness of a device’s condition and surroundings have led to sensor systems being implemented in a wide variety of fields. From environmental sensors for agriculture, to object characterization and biomedical sensing, the application for sensor systems has impacted all modern facets of innovation. With these innovations, however, additional sources of errors can occur, that can cause new but exciting challenges for such integrated devices. Such challenges range from error correction and accuracy to power optimization. Researchers have invested significant time and effort to improve the applicability and accuracy of sensors and sensor systems. Efforts to reduce inherent and external noise of sensors can range from hardware to software solutions, focusing on signal processing and exploiting the integration of multiple signals and/or sensor types. My research work throughout my career has been focused on deployable and integrated sensor systems. Their integration not only in hardware and components but also in software, machine learning, pattern recognition, and overall signal processing algorithms to aid in error correction and noise tailoring in all their hardware and software components

    Analysis and classification of traffic in wireless sensor networks

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    Wireless sensor networks have been widely researched for use in both military and commercial applications. They are especially of interest to the military planners as they can be deployed in hostile environments to collect vital information safely and cheaply. In view of this interest, there is a need to capture and categorize the data effectively under different operational conditions. This thesis captured traffic and data from sensor motes to analyze and present characteristics of the traffic in a meaningful manner. Specifically, this thesis studied the traffic generated by wireless sensor networks by setting up two different commonly used network topologies, namely a direct connection to the base and a daisy-chain connection to base. A total of six experiments were conducted, three for each topology. The data traffic between the nodes was captured over an extended duration of time. Using the captured information, analysis was performed to categorize and identify the information through anomalies and variations of traffic patterns. Data were also analyzed to study self-similarity and statistical distribution. The experimental results have shown that it is possible to differentiate the two different topologies by numbering the traffic distribution or by analyzing the types of messages sent. The status of the nodes can also be determined with the traffic collected. Examples include new nodes joining the network and operational status of the nodes. Statistical analysis has also been done and found that wireless sensor network traffic is not self-similar except for the interarrival time of the direct connection mode.http://archive.org/details/analysisndclassi109453609Singapore Defence Science and Technology Agency author (civilian).Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited

    In Ieee 802.15.4 Standard Guaranteed Time Slot Performance, Synchronous Data Acquisition And Synchronization Error

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    Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2008Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2008Bu çalışmada, Freescale Yarıiletken tarafından üretilen 13192 EVK ile Garantilenmiş Zaman Dilimi (GTS) başarımı ölçülmüştür. Ölçülen başarım, kuramsal üretilen iş (throughput) ve kuramsal en büyük yararlı iş (goodput) değerleri ile kıyaslanmıştır. Başarım ölçümlerinin yanında, iki algılayıcı düğümü kullanılarak eş zamanlı veri edinme (data acquisition) de başarıyla gerçekleştirilmiştir. Edinilmiş veriler eşgüdümleyiciye (coordinator) aktarılırken GTS kullanılmıştır. Ayrıca başarım ölçümlerinden elde edilen sonuçlar yardımı ile iki algılayıcı düğümün eşzamanlı hale getirilme ayarlamaları (tune) yapılmıştır. Bir eşzamanlama yöntemine ulaşabilmek için geliştirilen uygulamada IEEE 802.15.4 Standardında tanımlı parıldak haber göstergesi ilkeli (beacon notify indication primitive) kullanılmıştır. Ayrıca düğümler arası eşzamanlama hatası incelenmiştir.In this study, performance of GTS is measured on 13192 Evolution Kit modules from Freescale Semiconductor. This performance is compared with the theoretical throughput and theoretical maximum goodput values. Besides the performance measurements, synchronous data acquisition with two sensor nodes has been successfully realized. While transmitting acquisition data to the coordinator GTS is used. Furthermore, obtained results from the performance measurements used for tuning the synchronization of two nodes. In order to find a synchronization scheme beacon notification indication primitive defined in the 802.15.4 standard has been used in the developed applications. Also synchronization error introduced by the nodes is inspected.Yüksek LisansM.Sc

    Titanic smart objects

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    Energy autonomous systems : future trends in devices, technology, and systems

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    The rapid evolution of electronic devices since the beginning of the nanoelectronics era has brought about exceptional computational power in an ever shrinking system footprint. This has enabled among others the wealth of nomadic battery powered wireless systems (smart phones, mp3 players, GPS, …) that society currently enjoys. Emerging integration technologies enabling even smaller volumes and the associated increased functional density may bring about a new revolution in systems targeting wearable healthcare, wellness, lifestyle and industrial monitoring applications