14 research outputs found

    Determinants of E-Logistic Customer Satisfaction: A Mediating Role of Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

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    In the recent decade, with the increase in e logistic services, the problem of e-logistic customer satisfaction is raised.E-logistic services spread so rapidly worldwide which overlook the significant segment of customer satisfaction.Therefore, the prime objective of the current research study is to develop a comprehensive framework for e-logistics customer satisfaction.Various studies highlighted the area of e-logistic customer satisfaction, however, in a rare case, literature formally documented the problem of e-logistic customer satisfaction. Hence, less attention has been paid to the aspect of customer satisfaction in e-logistic.To address this gap, four hypotheses are proposed concerning the relationship of e-payment, e-traceability, website design with information communication technology (ICT) and e-logistic customer satisfaction.By using the convenience sampling technique, 500 questionnaires were distributed among the e-logistic users.The results of the current study found that e-payment, e traceability, and website design has a significant positive relationship with ICT and ICT has a significant positive relationship with e-logistic customer satisfaction.This study is contributing to the body of knowledge by developing a comprehensive framework to solve various e-logistic problems.Hence, the current study is helpful for e-logistic companies to mitigate e-logistic customer satisfaction problems

    Determinants of e-logistic customer satisfaction: a mediating role of Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

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    In the recent decade, with the increase in e logistic services, the problem of e-logistic customer satisfaction is raised. E-logistic services spread so rapidly worldwide which overlook the significant segment of customer satisfaction. Therefore, the prime objective of the current research study is to develop a comprehensive framework for e-logistics customer satisfaction. Various studies highlighted the area of e-logistic customer satisfaction, however, in a rare case, literature formally documented the problem of e-logistic customer satisfaction. Hence, less attention has been paid to the aspect of customer satisfaction in e-logistic. To address this gap, four hypotheses are proposed concerning the relationship of e-payment, e-traceability, website design with information communication technology (ICT) and e-logistic customer satisfaction. By using the convenience sampling technique, 500 questionnaires were distributed among the e-logistic users. The results of the current study found that e-payment, e-traceability, and website design has a significant positive relationship with ICT and ICT has a significant positive relationship with e-logistic customer satisfaction. This study is contributing to the body of knowledge by developing a comprehensive framework to solve various e-logistic problems. Hence, the current study is helpful for e-logistic companies to mitigate e-logistic customer satisfaction problems

    [[alternative]]An Application of Grey System on the Prediction of Financial Ratio Indexes in Taiwan Electronic Industry

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    [[abstract]]為因應企業供應鏈激烈的競爭環境,如何強化供應鏈協同合作關係,以降低供應鏈成本、提昇整體供應鏈效率,已成為供應鏈競爭致勝的關鍵課題。目前供應鏈「協同規劃、預測與補貨系統Collaborative Planning Forecasting Replenishment, CPFR® )」最新的發展為延伸整合物流運輸環節的「協同運輸管理(Collaborative Transportation Management, CTM)」。CTM係解決供應鏈中運輸程序的無效率性,影響層面涵蓋存貨、運輸效率與成本,也因其具有資訊共享的特性,更可降低不確定性,提昇物流效率。過去相關研究大多僅針對供應鏈或是物流績效進行衡量與評估,而CTM相關研究則大多針對其理論概念與架構進行分析,較少探討物流運送業導入協同運輸管理、加入供應鏈協同合作一環中,對其物流能力與競爭優勢之影響。本研究探討物流運送業導入CTM對其物流能力與競爭優勢之影響與關係,提出「CTM協同合作(CTM collaboration)」、「物流能力(logistics capabilities)」與「競爭優勢(competitive advantages)」三構面間相互影響關係架構,利用結構方程模式進行分析,並以交互作用分析探討協同合作與物流能力整合時對競爭優勢之交互影響。結果顯示物流運送業導入CTM對其物流能力、競爭優勢皆有正向影響關係,協同合作對競爭優勢較屬間接影響,並發現加強關係和資訊整合及提高顧客服務能力,對提昇競爭優勢影響較大。本研究建議物流運送業者除提昇本身物流能力外,亦可透過導入CTM來強化其競爭優勢。[[journaltype]]國外[[ispeerreviewed]]Y[[booktype]]電子版[[countrycodes]]HK


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    Supply and demand prediction by 3PL for assortment planning

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    To underscore the critical role of predictive capabilities in third-party logistics (3PL) companies for assortment planning, particularly within the rapidly evolving e-commerce sector and business to business (B2B) flows. This study employs a comprehensive literature review on the forecasting capabilities of 3PL firms, enriched by empirical research across nine logistics facilities. It leverages statistical tools and the ARIMA_PLUS algorithm to evaluate the precision and dependability of demand and supply forecasts generated by these companies. The research reveals that 3PLs possess the ability to generate accurate demand and supply forecasts utilizing advanced forecasting tools. The effectiveness of these forecasts is closely linked to the quality of data available, and the expertise of the personnel involved. Challenges arise in forecasting for smaller order volumes, which are more common in e-commerce flows. The study also highlights that technological advancements and investments in data analytics are pivotal in enhancing forecast accuracy. The investigation focuses on a select group of 3PL companies, potentially limiting the generalizability of the findings. Moreover, the study underscores the necessity for further exploration into how technological innovations impact forecasting capabilities. By emphasizing the significance of 3PL firms' predictive abilities, also for e-commerce assortment planning, this paper addresses a notable gap in existing research. Its insights are invaluable for businesses contemplating logistics outsourcing and for 3PL providers aiming to advance their forecasting proficiency. The findings stress the importance of integrating advanced forecasting models and analytics to stay competitive in the dynamic e-commerce landscape

    Prácticas Colaborativas en la Cadena de Suministro: Una Revisión Conceptual.

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    In this article, a systematic literature review was conducted; academic articles published in English-language indexed journals were analyzed on the subject of collaborative practices in the supply chain. Using a defined analytical approach, the objective of the article was to describe a comprehensive conceptual framework of the most recurrent collaborative practices reported by the literature. The unit of analysis used was collaborative practice. The methodology used was to select articles that included the keywords: collaboration, cooperation and collaborative practices following these research questions: (i) How are generate collaborative advantages in such practices? (ii) How are obtain competitive advantage through collaborative practice? Among the main conclusions of the review we find that: (i) the competitive advantage cannot be obtained in isolation; (ii) nowadays, competition does not occur between companies but between supply chains; (iii) inter-firms collaboration is an evolutionary process that requires high standards of organization of the parties. In summary, collaborative practices in the supply chain have been carried out among suppliers, logistics operators, manufacturers and customers in the industry and services for more than twice decades; however, the conceptual study of these practices is a still emerging field of research and lacking a unified theoretical framework.En el presente artículo se realizó una revisión sistemática de literatura, en la cual se analizaron artículos académicos publicados en revistas indexadas en idioma inglés en el tema de prácticas colaborativas en la cadena de suministro. El objetivo del artículo fue describir un marco conceptual comprensivo de las más recurrentes prácticas colaborativas reportadas por la literatura con un enfoque analítico definido. La unidad de análisis utilizada fue la práctica colaborativa. La metodología utilizada fue seleccionar artículos que incluyeran las palabras clave: colaboración, cooperación y prácticas colaborativas siguiendo las preguntas de investigación: (i) ¿Cómo se generan ventajas colaborativas en tales prácticas? (ii) ¿Cómo se obtiene ventaja competitiva mediante la práctica colaborativa? Entre las principales conclusiones de la revisión encontramos que: (i) la ventaja competitiva no se puede obtener aisladamente; (ii) la competencia actual no se da entre empresas sino entre cadenas de suministro; (iii) la colaboración interempresarial es un proceso evolutivo que requiere altos estándares de organización de las partes. En síntesis, las prácticas colaborativas en la cadena de suministro se han venido realizando entre proveedores, operadores logísticos, fabricantes y clientes de la industria y servicios desde hace un par de décadas; sin embargo, el estudio conceptual de estas prácticas es un campo de investigación aún incipiente y carente de un marco teórico unificado

    Combinaison de la collaboration horizontale et verticale pour l'optimisation de la chaîne d'approvisionnement internationale

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    De nos jours, la gestion de la chaîne d’approvisionnement internationale (CAI) est devenue inévitable, car les entreprises élargissent leurs chaînes d’approvisionnement à des localisations internationales. Afin de satisfaire la demande du client de la chaîne d’approvisionnement internationale au bon moment et à un coût total minimal, la planification des livraisons et le dimensionnement des lots sont nécessaires. De plus, les entreprises adoptent de nouvelles techniques de gestion, dont la collaboration verticale et horizontale pour atteindre la durabilité. Ceci rend la gestion du transport collaboratif un facteur important dans la gestion de la CAI. Dans ce travail, nous analysons l’impact de la collaboration horizontale et verticale sur la gestion de la chaîne d’approvisionnement internationale. Le réseau étudié est constitué de plusieurs fournisseurs, clients et produits avec un horizon de planification multi période. Un modèle d’aide à la décision basé sur deux modèles d’optimisation mathématiques linéaires en nombre mixte (MILP), qui traduit la collaboration entre les clients et les fournisseurs par la consolidation des livraisons, est présenté

    Parcerias logisticas: estudos de caso

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    O processo de globalização tem contribuído para o desenvolvimento da reestruturação das firmas, por vezes são necessárias alianças, o que implica alterações na cadeia de valor, sendo fundamentais novas formas de relacionamento interpessoal e de operação. Os Pólos Industriais representam a presença física de entidades em determinadas posições geográficas, responsáveis pelo desenvolvimento económico, tecnológico e social da região. Este trabalho de investigação tem como intuito geral verificar o contributo efetivo para o aumento de vantagem competitiva das firmas parceiras na logística e produção de componentes para o setor automóvel, tendo como estudo do caso Caetano Coatings Automotive. O estudo foi realizado no Pólo Industrial do Carregado, com base numa pesquisa empírica, cumulativamente com revisão da literatura inerente às parcerias em cluster no sector automóvel e várias visitas ao local. Para a realização deste objetivo foi utilizado o método do estudo do caso por permitir ao investigador através da observação direta e entrevista analisar fenómenos atuais. Tal recolha de dados demonstra que alterações de localização e o fator proximidade contribuem para aumento de competitividade do Pólo Industrial através da redução do espaço e tempo e consequentemente redução de custos e lead-time. Foram analisadas de forma comparativa o desenvolvimento das firmas que detinham e detêm parcerias no Pólo Industrial, tendo sido identificado de forma significativa as contribuições para o aumento da vantagem competitiva. Os resultados obtidos evidenciam fatores que contribuem para novos tipos de relacionamento e aumento de vantagem competitiva foi devida à deslocalização das firmas parceiras integradas no Pólo Industrial.The globalization process has contributed to the development of the restructuring of firms, sometimes alliances are necessary, which implies changes in the value chain, with key new forms of interpersonal and operation. Industrial Poles represent the physical presence of entities in certain geographic locations, responsible for economic development, technological and social region. This research has as objective to verify the overall effective contribution to increasing competitive advantage of firms partner in logistics and production of components for the automotive sector, with the case study Caetano Automotive Coatings. The study was conducted in the Industrial Pole of the loaded, based on empirical research, cumulatively with literature review inherent in cluster partnerships in the automotive sector and several site visits. To accomplish this goal we used the case study method because it allows the researcher through direct observation and interviews to analyze current events. This collection of data shows those changes in location and proximity factor contributing to increased competitiveness of the industrial pole through the reduction of space and time and consequently reduce costs and lead time Were analyzed in a comparative way the development of firms that held and holds partnerships in the Industrial Pole, has been identified as significant contributions to increasing the competitive advantage. The results show factors that contribute to new relationships and increased competitive advantage was due to the relocation of firms integrated partner in the Industrial Pole