45 research outputs found

    Computer Vision Techniques for Transcatheter Intervention

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    Minimally invasive transcatheter technologies have demonstrated substantial promise for the diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular diseases. For example, TAVI is an alternative to AVR for the treatment of severe aortic stenosis and TAFA is widely used for the treatment and cure of atrial fibrillation. In addition, catheter-based IVUS and OCT imaging of coronary arteries provides important information about the coronary lumen, wall and plaque characteristics. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of these cross-sectional image data will be beneficial for the evaluation and treatment of coronary artery diseases such as atherosclerosis. In all the phases (preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative) during the transcatheter intervention procedure, computer vision techniques (e.g., image segmentation, motion tracking) have been largely applied in the field to accomplish tasks like annulus measurement, valve selection, catheter placement control, and vessel centerline extraction. This provides beneficial guidance for the clinicians in surgical planning, disease diagnosis, and treatment assessment. In this paper, we present a systematical review on these state-of-the-art methods.We aim to give a comprehensive overview for researchers in the area of computer vision on the subject of transcatheter intervention. Research in medical computing is multi-disciplinary due to its nature, and hence it is important to understand the application domain, clinical background, and imaging modality so that methods and quantitative measurements derived from analyzing the imaging data are appropriate and meaningful. We thus provide an overview on background information of transcatheter intervention procedures, as well as a review of the computer vision techniques and methodologies applied in this area

    Interfaces for Modular Surgical Planning and Assistance Systems

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    Modern surgery of the 21st century relies in many aspects on computers or, in a wider sense, digital data processing. Department administration, OR scheduling, billing, and - with increasing pervasion - patient data management are performed with the aid of so called Surgical Information Systems (SIS) or, more general, Hospital Information Systems (HIS). Computer Assisted Surgery (CAS) summarizes techniques which assist a surgeon in the preparation and conduction of surgical interventions. Today still predominantly based on radiology images, these techniques include the preoperative determination of an optimal surgical strategy and intraoperative systems which aim at increasing the accuracy of surgical manipulations. CAS is a relatively young field of computer science. One of the unsolved "teething troubles" of CAS is the absence of technical standards for the interconnectivity of CAS system. Current CAS systems are usually "islands of information" with no connection to other devices within the operating room or hospital-wide information systems. Several workshop reports and individual publications point out that this situation leads to ergonomic, logistic, and economic limitations in hospital work. Perioperative processes are prolonged by the manual installation and configuration of an increasing amount of technical devices. Intraoperatively, a large amount of the surgeons'' attention is absorbed by the requirement to monitor and operate systems. The need for open infrastructures which enable the integration of CAS devices from different vendors in order to exchange information as well as commands among these devices through a network has been identified by numerous experts with backgrounds in medicine as well as engineering. This thesis contains two approaches to the integration of CAS systems: - For perioperative data exchange, the specification of new data structures as an amendment to the existing DICOM standard for radiology image management is presented. The extension of DICOM towards surgical application allows for the seamless integration of surgical planning and reporting systems into DICOM-based Picture Archiving and Communication Systems (PACS) as they are installed in most hospitals for the exchange and long-term archival of patient images and image-related patient data. - For the integration of intraoperatively used CAS devices, such as, e.g., navigation systems, video image sources, or biosensors, the concept of a surgical middleware is presented. A c++ class library, the TiCoLi, is presented which facilitates the configuration of ad-hoc networks among the modules of a distributed CAS system as well as the exchange of data streams, singular data objects, and commands between these modules. The TiCoLi is the first software library for a surgical field of application to implement all of these services. To demonstrate the suitability of the presented specifications and their implementation, two modular CAS applications are presented which utilize the proposed DICOM extensions for perioperative exchange of surgical planning data as well as the TiCoLi for establishing an intraoperative network of autonomous, yet not independent, CAS modules.Die moderne Hochleistungschirurgie des 21. Jahrhunderts ist auf vielerlei Weise abhängig von Computern oder, im weiteren Sinne, der digitalen Datenverarbeitung. Administrative Abläufe, wie die Erstellung von Nutzungsplänen für die verfügbaren technischen, räumlichen und personellen Ressourcen, die Rechnungsstellung und - in zunehmendem Maße - die Verwaltung und Archivierung von Patientendaten werden mit Hilfe von digitalen Informationssystemen rationell und effizient durchgeführt. Innerhalb der Krankenhausinformationssysteme (KIS, oder englisch HIS) stehen für die speziellen Bedürfnisse der einzelnen Fachabteilungen oft spezifische Informationssysteme zur Verfügung. Chirurgieinformationssysteme (CIS, oder englisch SIS) decken hierbei vor allen Dingen die Bereiche Operationsplanung sowie Materialwirtschaft für spezifisch chirurgische Verbrauchsmaterialien ab. Während die genannten HIS und SIS vornehmlich der Optimierung administrativer Aufgaben dienen, stehen die Systeme der Computerassistierten Chirugie (CAS) wesentlich direkter im Dienste der eigentlichen chirugischen Behandlungsplanung und Therapie. Die CAS verwendet Methoden der Robotik, digitalen Bild- und Signalverarbeitung, künstlichen Intelligenz, numerischen Simulation, um nur einige zu nennen, zur patientenspezifischen Behandlungsplanung und zur intraoperativen Unterstützung des OP-Teams, allen voran des Chirurgen. Vor allen Dingen Fortschritte in der räumlichen Verfolgung von Werkzeugen und Patienten ("Tracking"), die Verfügbarkeit dreidimensionaler radiologischer Aufnahmen (CT, MRT, ...) und der Einsatz verschiedener Robotersysteme haben in den vergangenen Jahrzehnten den Einzug des Computers in den Operationssaal - medienwirksam - ermöglicht. Weniger prominent, jedoch keinesfalls von untergeordnetem praktischen Nutzen, sind Beispiele zur automatisierten Überwachung klinischer Messwerte, wie etwa Blutdruck oder Sauerstoffsättigung. Im Gegensatz zu den meist hochgradig verteilten und gut miteinander verwobenen Informationssystemen für die Krankenhausadministration und Patientendatenverwaltung, sind die Systeme der CAS heutzutage meist wenig oder überhaupt nicht miteinander und mit Hintergrundsdatenspeichern vernetzt. Eine Reihe wissenschaftlicher Publikationen und interdisziplinärer Workshops hat sich in den vergangen ein bis zwei Jahrzehnten mit den Problemen des Alltagseinsatzes von CAS Systemen befasst. Mit steigender Intensität wurde hierbei auf den Mangel an infrastrukturiellen Grundlagen für die Vernetzung intraoperativ eingesetzter CAS Systeme miteinander und mit den perioperativ eingesetzten Planungs-, Dokumentations- und Archivierungssystemen hingewiesen. Die sich daraus ergebenden negativen Einflüsse auf die Effizienz perioperativer Abläufe - jedes Gerät muss manuell in Betrieb genommen und mit den spezifischen Daten des nächsten Patienten gefüttert werden - sowie die zunehmende Aufmerksamkeit, welche der Operateur und sein Team auf die Überwachung und dem Betrieb der einzelnen Geräte verwenden muss, werden als eine der "Kinderkrankheiten" dieser relativ jungen Technologie betrachtet und stehen einer Verbreitung über die Grenzen einer engagierten technophilen Nutzergruppe hinaus im Wege. Die vorliegende Arbeit zeigt zwei parallel von einander (jedoch, im Sinne der Schnittstellenkompatibilität, nicht gänzlich unabhängig voneinander) zu betreibende Ansätze zur Integration von CAS Systemen. - Für den perioperativen Datenaustausch wird die Spezifikation zusätzlicher Datenstrukturen zum Transfer chirurgischer Planungsdaten im Rahmen des in radiologischen Bildverarbeitungssystemen weit verbreiteten DICOM Standards vorgeschlagen und an zwei Beispielen vorgeführt. Die Erweiterung des DICOM Standards für den perioperativen Einsatz ermöglicht hierbei die nahtlose Integration chirurgischer Planungssysteme in existierende "Picture Archiving and Communication Systems" (PACS), welche in den meisten Fällen auf dem DICOM Standard basieren oder zumindest damit kompatibel sind. Dadurch ist einerseits der Tatsache Rechnung getragen, dass die patientenspezifische OP-Planung in hohem Masse auf radiologischen Bildern basiert und andererseits sicher gestellt, dass die Planungsergebnisse entsprechend der geltenden Bestimmungen langfristig archiviert und gegen unbefugten Zugriff geschützt sind - PACS Server liefern hier bereits wohlerprobte Lösungen. - Für die integration intraoperativer CAS Systeme, wie etwa Navigationssysteme, Videobildquellen oder Sensoren zur Überwachung der Vitalparameter, wird das Konzept einer "chirurgischen Middleware" vorgestellt. Unter dem Namen TiCoLi wurde eine c++ Klassenbibliothek entwickelt, auf deren Grundlage die Konfiguration von ad-hoc Netzwerken während der OP-Vorbereitung mittels plug-and-play Mechanismen erleichtert wird. Nach erfolgter Konfiguration ermöglicht die TiCoLi den Austausch kontinuierlicher Datenströme sowie einzelner Datenpakete und Kommandos zwischen den Modulen einer verteilten CAS Anwendung durch ein Ethernet-basiertes Netzwerk. Die TiCoLi ist die erste frei verfügbare Klassenbibliothek welche diese Funktionalitäten dediziert für einen Einsatz im chirurgischen Umfeld vereinigt. Zum Nachweis der Tauglichkeit der gezeigten Spezifikationen und deren Implementierungen, werden zwei modulare CAS Anwendungen präsentiert, welche die vorgeschlagenen DICOM Erweiterungen zum perioperativen Austausch von Planungsergebnissen sowie die TiCoLi zum intraoperativen Datenaustausch von Messdaten unter echzeitnahen Anforderungen verwenden

    Numerical Optimization of the Neochord Mitral Valve Repair Procedure

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    The heart has four heart valves (HV), and correct HV function is the main prerogative for the vital of cardiovascular health. The mitral valve (MV), the largest valve of the heart, regulates unidirectional flow between the left atrium and left ventricle. During the systolic phase the MV function is to sustain the maximum ventricle pressure and prevent the reversal flow; during the diastole, the MV is open allowing the blood flow from the atrium and the ventricle filling. The physiological function of the left heart is partly guaranteed by the perfect sealing of the mitral valve in the systole. In presence of disease due to the prolapse of the valve leaflets, instead, there is a persistent regurgitation from the ventricle to the atrium. The degenerative mitral valve regurgitation (DMR) is one of the most common valvular heart diseases that affects about 4% of the population over 70; the natural history of severe MR is adverse, leading to worsening of left ventricle (LV) function, pulmonary hypertension, atrial fibrillation, and death. A variety of less invasive treatment for degenerative MV has been developed. Among these, the NeoChord procedure has emerged as the most promising intervention to repair MV. In NeoChord technique, artificial chords are placed through percutaneous access to restore the proper closure of the leaflets and consequently mitigate the regurge. The present work focuses on the numerical investigation of the Neochord procedure by means of a finite element model, which firstly analyses an idealized anatomy of prolapsing MV and, subsequently, investigates the procedure on three patient-specific MV anatomies. For the first time, the intraoperative phase of the procedure was studied considering two modes of chords tensioning. In additions, we studied on the patients-specific domains the role of both the access site correlated to the suture trajectories inside the left ventricle and the different stitching points on the prolapsed leaflet, by performing a consistent number of simulations. Numerical simulations are commonly used to assess the effectiveness and capability of surgical procedures. For this reason, the proposed study get an insight also on the commonly reported procedural complications, such as i) the leaflet rupture, ii) the interference of the artificial suture with the MV structures, and iii) the neochords overloading/unloading. The present model lays the basis for the realization of a numerical tool dedicated for the surgical planning, which would like to support the surgeons to point out the potential critical issues due to the patient-specific features of the MV undergoing treatment, making it possible the optimum design of the procedure

    Aortic valve disease : novel imaging insights from diagnosis to therapy

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    The general introduction of this thesis outlines the epidemiology and the impact of aortic valve disease in the western world. The thesis further discusses the current and future role of advanced cardiac imaging modalities, using 3D echocardiography and speckle tracking echocardiography strain imaging in the diagnostic and clinical management of patients with aortic regurgitation. In addition, the clinical applications of multimodality cardiac imaging in (transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) for the treatment of severe aortic stenosis will be discussed: from pre-procedural patient evaluation, to the understanding of complications post-TAVI such as paravalvular regurgitation, and the assessment and monitoring of patients after TAVI.Ministry of Health Training Scholarship, SingaporeUBL - phd migration 201

    Quantitative imaging in cardiovascular CT angiography

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    In de afgelopen decennia is computertomografie (CT) een prominente niet-invasieve modaliteit om hart- en vaatziekten te evalueren geworden. Dit proefschrift heeft als doel de rol van CT in de therapeutische behandeling van coronaire hartziekte (CAD) en klepaandoeningen te onderzoeken.De relatie tussen kransslagadergeometrie (statisch en dynamisch) en aanwezigheid en omvang van CAD met CT werd onderzocht. De resultaten suggereren dat de statische geometrie van de kransslagader significant gerelateerd is aan de aanwezigheid van plaque en stenose. Er was echter geen verband tussen dynamische verandering van de coronaire arterie-geometrie en de ernst van CAD. Een algoritme om de invloed van intraluminair contrastmiddel op niet-verkalkte atherosclerotische plaque Hounsfield-Unit-waarden te corrigeren werd gepresenteerd en gevalideerd met behulp van fantomen.Diagnose en operatieplanning kunnen cruciale gevolgen hebben voor de klinische uitkomst van chirurgische ingrepen. In dit proefschrift wordt beschreven dat halfautomatische softwareprogramma’s het kwantificeren van het aortaklepgebied betere reproduceerbare resultaten toonden in vergelijking met handmatige metingen, en vergelijkbare resultaten met de huidige gouden standaard, de echocardiografie. Een systematische review over het dynamische gedrag van de aorta-annulus toont aan dat de vorm van de aorta-annulus tijdens de hartcyclus verandert, wat impliceert dat er bij het bepalen van een prothese rekening moet worden gehouden met meerdere fasen. Een andere review beschrijft het gebruik van 3D-printen in de chirurgische planning samen met andere toepassingen voor de behandeling van hartklepaandoeningen.CT is de belangrijkste beeldvormingsmodaliteit in deze onderzoeken, die gericht waren op de therapeutische behandeling van hart- en vaatziekten, van vroege risicobepaling tot diagnose en chirurgische planning.In the recent decades computed tomography (CT) has emerged as a dominant non-invasive modality to evaluate cardiovascular diseases. This thesis aimed to explore the role of CT in the therapeutic management of coronary artery disease (CAD) and valvular diseases.The relationship between both static and dynamic coronary artery geometry and presence and extent of CAD using CT was investigated. The results suggest that the static coronary artery geometry is significantly related to presence of plaque and significant stenosis. However, there were no such relationship between dynamic change of coronary artery geometry and severity of CAD. As part of this thesis an algorithm to correct the influence of lumen contrast enhancement on non-calcified atherosclerotic plaque Hounsfield-Unit values was presented. The algorithm was validated using phantoms. The diagnosis and surgical planning may have crucial impact on clinical outcome. Semi-automatic software for aortic valve area quantification presented in this thesis was proven to be more repeatable and similar to gold standard echocardiography in comparison to manual measurements. The systematic review regarding the dynamic behavior of aortic annulus revealed that aortic annulus geometry changes throughout the cardiac cycle which implies that multiple phases should be taken into account for prosthesis sizing. Another review in this thesis discusses the use of 3D printing in the surgical planning along with other applications for the treatment of valvular diseases.CT is the main imaging modality in these studies which were focused on the therapeutic management of cardiovascular diseases from early risk determination to diagnosis and surgical planning

    Traitement et exploration d'images TDM pour l'évaluation des bioprothèses valvulaires aortiques

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    Le but de cette étude est d évaluer la faisabilité de l analyse tomodensitométrique 3D des bioprothèses aortiques pour faciliter leur évaluation morphologique durant le suivi et d aider la sélection de cas et améliorer la planification d une procédure valvein-valve. Le challenge était représenté par le rehaussement des feuillets valvulaires, en raison d images très bruitées. Un angio-scanner synchronisé était réalisé chez des patients porteurs d une bioprotèses aortique dégénérée avant réintervention (images in-vivo). Différentes méthodes pour la réduction du bruit étaient proposées. La reconstruction tridimensionnelle des bioprothèses était réalisée en utilisant des méthodes de segmentation de régions par "sticks". Après réopération ces méthodes étaient appliquées aux images scanner des bioprothèses explantées (images ex-vivo) et utilisées comme référence. La réduction du bruit obtenue par le filtre stick modifié montrait meilleurs résultats en rapport signal/bruit en comparaison aux filtres de diffusion anisotropique. Toutes les méthodes de segmentation ont permis une reconstruction 3D des feuillets. L analyse qualitative a montré une bonne concordance entre les images obtenues in-vivo et les altérations des bioprothèses. Les résultats des différentes méthodes étaient comparés par critères volumétriques et discutés. Les bases d'une première approche de visualisation spatio-temporelle d'images TDM 3D+T de la prothèse valvulaire ont été proposés. Elle implique des techniques de rendu volumique et de compensation de mouvement. Son application à la valve native a aussi été envisagée. Les images scanner des bioprothèses aortiques nécessitent un traitement de débruitage et de réduction des artéfacts de façon à permettre le rehaussement des feuillets prothétiques. Les méthodes basées sticks semblent constituer une approche pertinente pour caractériser morphologiquement la dégénérescence des bioprothèses.The aim of the study was to assess the feasibility of CT based 3D analysis of degenerated aortic bioprostheses to make easier their morphological assessment. This could be helpful during regular follow-up and for case selection, improved planning and mapping of valve-in-valve procedure. The challenge was represented by leaflets enhancement because of highly noised CT images. Contrast-enhanced ECG-gated CT scan was performed in patients with degenerated aortic bioprostheses before reoperation (in-vivo images). Different methods for noise reduction were tested and proposed. 3D reconstruction of bioprostheses components was achieved using stick based region segmentation methods. After reoperation, segmentation methods were applied to CT images of the explanted prostheses (exvivo images). Noise reduction obtained by improved stick filter showed best results in terms of signal to noise ratio comparing to anisotropic diffusion filters. All segmentation methods applied to the best phase of in-vivo images allowed 3D bioprosthetic leaflets reconstruction. Explanted bioprostheses CT images were also processed and used as reference. Qualitative analysis revealed a good concordance between the in-vivo images and the bioprostheses alterations. Results from different methods were compared by means of volumetric criteria and discussed. A first approach for spatiotemporal visualization of 3D+T images of valve bioprosthesis has been proposed. Volume rendering and motion compensation techniques were applied to visualize different phases of CT data. Native valve was also considered. ECG-gated CT images of aortic bioprostheses need a preprocessing to reduce noise and artifacts in order to enhance prosthetic leaflets. Stick based methods seems to provide an interesting approach for the morphological characterization of degenerated bioprostheses.RENNES1-Bibl. électronique (352382106) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Traitement et exploration d'images TDM pour l'évaluation des bioprothèses valvulaires aortiques

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    Le but de cette étude est d évaluer la faisabilité de l analyse tomodensitométrique 3D des bioprothèses aortiques pour faciliter leur évaluation morphologique durant le suivi et d aider la sélection de cas et améliorer la planification d une procédure valvein-valve. Le challenge était représenté par le rehaussement des feuillets valvulaires, en raison d images très bruitées. Un angio-scanner synchronisé était réalisé chez des patients porteurs d une bioprotèses aortique dégénérée avant réintervention (images in-vivo). Différentes méthodes pour la réduction du bruit étaient proposées. La reconstruction tridimensionnelle des bioprothèses était réalisée en utilisant des méthodes de segmentation de régions par "sticks". Après réopération ces méthodes étaient appliquées aux images scanner des bioprothèses explantées (images ex-vivo) et utilisées comme référence. La réduction du bruit obtenue par le filtre stick modifié montrait meilleurs résultats en rapport signal/bruit en comparaison aux filtres de diffusion anisotropique. Toutes les méthodes de segmentation ont permis une reconstruction 3D des feuillets. L analyse qualitative a montré une bonne concordance entre les images obtenues in-vivo et les altérations des bioprothèses. Les résultats des différentes méthodes étaient comparés par critères volumétriques et discutés. Les bases d'une première approche de visualisation spatio-temporelle d'images TDM 3D+T de la prothèse valvulaire ont été proposés. Elle implique des techniques de rendu volumique et de compensation de mouvement. Son application à la valve native a aussi été envisagée. Les images scanner des bioprothèses aortiques nécessitent un traitement de débruitage et de réduction des artéfacts de façon à permettre le rehaussement des feuillets prothétiques. Les méthodes basées sticks semblent constituer une approche pertinente pour caractériser morphologiquement la dégénérescence des bioprothèses.The aim of the study was to assess the feasibility of CT based 3D analysis of degenerated aortic bioprostheses to make easier their morphological assessment. This could be helpful during regular follow-up and for case selection, improved planning and mapping of valve-in-valve procedure. The challenge was represented by leaflets enhancement because of highly noised CT images. Contrast-enhanced ECG-gated CT scan was performed in patients with degenerated aortic bioprostheses before reoperation (in-vivo images). Different methods for noise reduction were tested and proposed. 3D reconstruction of bioprostheses components was achieved using stick based region segmentation methods. After reoperation, segmentation methods were applied to CT images of the explanted prostheses (exvivo images). Noise reduction obtained by improved stick filter showed best results in terms of signal to noise ratio comparing to anisotropic diffusion filters. All segmentation methods applied to the best phase of in-vivo images allowed 3D bioprosthetic leaflets reconstruction. Explanted bioprostheses CT images were also processed and used as reference. Qualitative analysis revealed a good concordance between the in-vivo images and the bioprostheses alterations. Results from different methods were compared by means of volumetric criteria and discussed. A first approach for spatiotemporal visualization of 3D+T images of valve bioprosthesis has been proposed. Volume rendering and motion compensation techniques were applied to visualize different phases of CT data. Native valve was also considered. ECG-gated CT images of aortic bioprostheses need a preprocessing to reduce noise and artifacts in order to enhance prosthetic leaflets. Stick based methods seems to provide an interesting approach for the morphological characterization of degenerated bioprostheses.RENNES1-Bibl. électronique (352382106) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Magnetic Resonance Imaging in the Assessment of Surgical and Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement: The impact on neurocognitive function and myocardial reverse remodelling

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    Background: Aortic valve stenosis is the most common degenerative valve disease affecting the Western elderly population. Medical therapy is ineffective at treating the mechanical obstruction of blood flow. Surgical Aortic Valve Replacement (SAVR) is the current recommended treatment for symptomatic severe AS but often high risk patients are declined for this. Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation (TAVI) allows the percutaneous delivery of the prosthetic valve but this novel approach is associated with complications. Aims: This thesis aims to focus on the effects of TAVI and contemporary SAVR on patients’ quality of life, neurocognitive function and the left ventricular reverse remodelling. Methods: High risk patients with symptomatic aortic stenosis were studied at baseline, 30 days, 6 month and 12 months after intervention. Cerebral MRI with diffusion weighted imaging for micro-embolism was conducted before and after intervention and again at 6 months. Cardiac MR was conducted at baseline and 6 months. Health related quality of life and a comprehensive battery of neurocognitive functional assessments were also conducted across 3 and 4 time points respectively. Results: The incidence (54(77%) vs. 17(43%), p=0.001) and number (3.4±4.9 vs. 1.2±1.8, p=0.001) of new micro-infarcts was greater after TAVI compared to SAVR. Physical component scores (PCS) in TAVI increased after 30 days (32.1±6.6 vs. 38.9±7.0, p<0.0001) and 6m (40.4±9.3, p<0.0001); the improvement occurred later in SAVR (baseline: 34.9±10.6, 30d: 35.9±10.2, 6m: 42.8±11.2, p<0.001). At 12 months, the majority of neurocognitive function tests did not show a significant change in the proportion of patients categorised as having impaired NCF compared to baseline in the TAVI or SAVR groups. After 6 months, there were significant improvements in indexed end-diastolic volumes (TAVI: 100±25mls vs. 87±26mls, p<0.001; SAVR 91±28mls vs. 82±17mls, p<0.05) Extracellular volumes were similar for both groups at baseline (range 22.8 to 24.6%). There was no significant change in ECV after 6 months (TAVI, 24.0±9% vs. 29.3±11%, SAVR, 23.8±7 vs. 23.5±9, p= 0.76). Conclusions: TAVI patients experience higher numbers of cerebral micro-infarcts than contemporary SAVR patients, but this appears to have no effect on HRQoL; TAVI patients experienced earlier improvements in quality of life than SAVR patients. There was also no evidence of neurocognitive functional decline after TAVI using a battery of very sensitive neurocognitive function tests. Both TAVI and SAVR improved cardiac imaging parameters with evidence of reverse LV remodelling but no change in diffuse myocardial fibrosis after 6 months