740 research outputs found

    Fuzzy Decision Tree to Predict Student Success in Their Studies

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    The number of students graduating on time is one of the important aspects in the assessment of accreditation of a university. But the problem is still a lot of students who exceed the target time of graduation. Therefore, the prediction of graduation on time can serve as an early warning for the university management to prepare strategies related to the prevention of cases of drop out. The purpose of this research is to build a model using fuzzy decision tree to form the classification rules are used to predict the success of a student's study using fuzzy inference system. Results of this study was generated model of the number of classification rules are 28 rules when the value θr is 98% and θn is 3%, with the level of accuracy is 95.85%. Accuracy of Fuzzy ID3 algorithm is higher than ID3 algorithms in predicting the timely graduation of students

    Predicting Fault-prone Software Module Using Data Mining Technique and Fuzzy Logic

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    This paper discusses a new model towards reliability and quality improvement of software systems by predicting fault-prone module before testing. Model utilizes the classification capability of data mining techniques and knowledge stored in software metrics to classify the software module as fault-prone or not fault-prone. A decision tree is constructed using ID3 algorithm for existing project data in order to gain information for the purpose of decision making whether a particular module id fault-prone or not. The gained information is converted into fuzzy rules and integrated with fuzzy inference system to predict fault-prone or not fault-prone software module for target data. The model is also able to predict fault-proneness degree of faulty module. The goal is to help software manager to concentrate their testing efforts to fault-prone modules in order to improve the reliability and quality of the software system. We used NASA projects data set from the PROMOSE repository to validate the predictive accuracy of the model

    A machine learning approach with verification of predictions and assisted supervision for a rule-based network intrusion detection system

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    Network security is a branch of network management in which network intrusion detection systems provide attack detection features by monitorization of traffic data. Rule-based misuse detection systems use a set of rules or signatures to detect attacks that exploit a particular vulnerability. These rules have to be handcoded by experts to properly identify vulnerabilities, which results in misuse detection systems having limited extensibility. This paper proposes a machine learning layer on top of a rule-based misuse detection system that provides automatic generation of detection rules, prediction verification and assisted classification of new data. Our system offers an overall good performance, while adding an heuristic and adaptive approach to existing rule-based misuse detection systems

    EEF-CAS: An Effort Estimation Framework with Customizable Attribute Selection

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    Existing estimation frameworks generally provide one-size-fits-all solutions that fail to produce accurate estimates in most environments. Research has shown that the accomplishment of accurate effort estimates is a long-term process that, above all, requires the extensive collection of effort estimation data by each organization. Collected data is generally characterized by a set of attributes that are believed to affect the development effort. The attributes that most affect development effort vary widely depending on the type of product being developed and the environment in which it is being developed. Thus, any new estimation framework must offer the flexibility of customizable attribute selection. Moreover, such attributes could provide the ability to incorporate empirical evidence and expert judgment into the effort estimation framework. Finally, because software is virtual and therefore intangible, the most important software metrics are notorious for being subjective according to the experience of the estimator. Consequently, a measurement and inference system that is robust to subjectivity and uncertainty must be in place. The Effort Estimation Framework with Customizable Attribute Selection (EEF-CAS) presented in this paper has been designed with the above requirements in mind. It is accompanied with four preparation process steps that allow for any organization implementing it to establish an estimation process. This estimation process facilitates data collection, framework customization to the organization’s needs, its calibration with the organization’s data, and the capability of continual improvement. The proposed framework described in this paper was validated in a real software development organization


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    In this paper, we depict some of the most widely used data mining algorithms that have an overwhelming utility and influence in the research community. A data mining algorithm can be regarded as a tool that creates a data mining model. After analyzing a set of data, an algorithm searches for specific trends and patterns, then defines the parameters of the mining model based on the results of this analysis. The above defined parameters play a significant role in identifying and extracting actionable patterns and detailed statistics. The most important algorithms within this research refer to topics like clustering, classification, association analysis, statistical learning, link mining. In the following, after a brief description of each algorithm, we analyze its application potential and research issues concerning the optimization of the data mining process. After the presentation of the data mining algorithms, we will depict the most important data mining algorithms included in Microsoft and Oracle software products, useful suggestions and criteria in choosing the most recommended algorithm for solving a mentioned task, advantages offered by these software products.data mining optimization, data mining algorithms, software solutions

    An overview of decision table literature 1982-1995.

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    This report gives an overview of the literature on decision tables over the past 15 years. As much as possible, for each reference, an author supplied abstract, a number of keywords and a classification are provided. In some cases own comments are added. The purpose of these comments is to show where, how and why decision tables are used. The literature is classified according to application area, theoretical versus practical character, year of publication, country or origin (not necessarily country of publication) and the language of the document. After a description of the scope of the interview, classification results and the classification by topic are presented. The main body of the paper is the ordered list of publications with abstract, classification and comments.

    A CASE Study on Software Project Development Cost, Schedule & Effort Estimation

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    This paper theme is to provide a case study of Software Project Development cost, effort, and schedule estimation. From recent past, a remarkable research takes place in developing different techniques on software effort and cost estimation. Making estimation before start of any project is necessary to be able to plan and manage any project. The estimate is an intelligent guess for the project resources. Nowadays, software has become a major contributor to economic growth for any nation. Making an estimate before starting any software project is vital for the project managers and key stakeholders. Major project milestones such as project schedules, budgeting, resource allocation, and project delivery dates are set on theeffort and cost estimates. Thus, the reliability of the estimation leads any project success or otherwise fail. In this article, author's idea is to work with function point analysis and include the concept of workforce scheduling in a better way while taking the decision in the contract phase. That leads to strengthening the relations between the developer and the customer. Basically, size is a main measured unit of the software project. Based on the size and other functionalities, the software managers estimate the total effort required to develop the project. From the effort and work schedule, the total cost can be estimated.Â

    Data Mining

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    Data mining is a branch of computer science that is used to automatically extract meaningful, useful knowledge and previously unknown, hidden, interesting patterns from a large amount of data to support the decision-making process. This book presents recent theoretical and practical advances in the field of data mining. It discusses a number of data mining methods, including classification, clustering, and association rule mining. This book brings together many different successful data mining studies in various areas such as health, banking, education, software engineering, animal science, and the environment