4 research outputs found

    Applying configurational theory to understand mobile app success

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    Mestrado em Gestão de Sistemas de InformaçãoOs smartphones estão a atingir novos recordes de vendas, e o número de aplicações disponíveis nas lojas continuam a crescer tendo atingido um total combinado de 3.4 milhões de aplicações (Statista, 2015), tornando este mercado apetecível para investidores, empresas, e developers. No entanto, de todas estas aplicações, apenas algumas são bem sucedidas. Este estudo baseia-se no conhecimento existente sobre sucesso de aplicações móveis e contribui para o conhecimento propondo uma teoria configuracional para o sucesso de aplicações móveis. Para atingir este objetivo é utilizada a análise comparativa qualitativa, na sua variante difusa (fsQCA), de modo a identificar as condições antecedentes para o sucesso de aplicações móveis. Foram extraídos os dados das 100 aplicações melhores classificadas no ranking da Apple App Store, e os resultados obtidos na análise fsQCA foram os seguintes: (i) aplicação pequena, (ii) baixa pontuação dos utilizadores com muitas línguas suportadas e poucas versões suportadas, (iii) categorias populares com alta pontuação dos utilizadores e poucas línguas suportadas, (iv) categorias populares com muitas versões suportadas e poucas línguas suportadas, e (v) categorias populares com alta pontuação dos utilizadores e muitas versões suportadas, são condições suficientes para o sucesso de aplicações móveis. Curiosamente, uma aplicação pequena é uma condição tanto necessária e suficiente para o sucesso de aplicações móveis.Smartphones are setting new sales records, and the number of apps available in online stores continues to grow, having reached a combined figure of 3.4 million apps (Statista, 2015), making this a desirable market for investors, companies, and developers. However, among all those apps, only a limited number succeeds. This study builds on the existing knowledge of mobile app success and contributes to enhance the existing literature proposing a configurational theory for mobile app success. To accomplish this, the fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA) was applied to identify the antecedent conditions for mobile app success. Data from the top 100 ranked apps at App Store was collected. The fsQCA results supported the following propositions: (i) smaller package size, (ii) lower user reviews scores with higher languages supported and fewer versions supported, (iii) highly popular categories with higher user review scores and fewer languages supported, (iv) highly popular categories with higher number of versions supported and fewer languages supported, and (v) highly popular categories with higher user review scores and higher number of versions supported, are sufficient conditions for mobile app success. Interestingly, it was found that small package size is both a necessary and sufficient condition for mobile app success.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Trust Recipes for Enhancing the Intention to Adopt Conversational Agents for Disease Diagnosis: An fsQCA Approach

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    In this study, we examine the configurations of trust-enhancing factors that determine the intention to adopt conversational agents (CAs) for disease diagnosis. After identifying trust factors influencing the behavioral intent to adopt CAs based on the information systems acceptance research field, we assigned 201 participants to use the mobile Ada application and surveyed them about their experience. Ada is a medical diagnostic CA that combines patients’ symptoms with their medical history and provides diagnostic suggestions. The collected data was analyzed using a fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis to capture the causal complexity of trust. We identified several configurations of trust-enhancing factors affecting the intention to adopt the CA. In particular, our results show that the adoption intentions are strongly determined by trust factors associated with the performance dimension. Furthermore, we derived two propositions for the development of CAs for healthcare purposes and elaborated implications for research and practice

    Appgazdaság : a mobilapplikációs ökoszisztéma vizsgálata = App economy : exploring the mobile app ecosystem

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    A mobilapplikációs piac a 2008-ban történt megszületése óta folyamatosan fejlődik. A tanulmány a mobilapplikációs ökoszisztéma mikroökonómiai tényezőinek vizsgálatára fókuszál a nemzetközi kutatási eredményeken keresztül, ami a magyar szakirodalomban hiánypótlónak tekinthető. Áttekintést ad az appgazdaság szereplőiről (felhasználók, fejlesztők és alkalmazás-áruházak) és a köztük kialakult viszonyrendszerről. Azonosítja az ökoszisztémában előállított javak jellemzőit és sikertényezőit. A mobilalkalmazások az elérendő gazdasági-társadalmi haszontól függően több szempont alapján (technológiai, motivációs, felhasználás célja, üzleti modell) csoportosíthatók. A piac jellemzően rugalmas és reszponzív a gyorsan kialakuló és hirtelen változó trendekre. E jellemzője miatt könnyebb belépni a piacra, mint ott eredményesen versenyben maradni. A tanulmány kiemeli az appgazdaságban rejlő potenciált, és rámutat arra, hogy más, nagyobb üzleti ágazatok számára miért jövedelmező az applikációfejlesztésbe való befektetés. = The mobile app market has been evolving since its birth in 2008. This study focuses on the microeconomic factors of the mobile app ecosystem through international research results. The paper can be considered a gap-filling study in the Hungarian literature. It provides an overview of the players in the app economy (users, developers, and app stores) and the relationships between them. It identifies the characteristics and success factors of the goods produced in the ecosystem. Mobile applications can be grouped according to several aspects (technological, motivational, purpose of use, business model) depending on the socio-economic benefits to be achieved. The market is typically flexible and responsive to rapidly emerging and abruptly changing trends. This characteristic makes it easier to enter the market than to compete effectively. The study highlights the potential of the app economy and shows why other, larger business sectors find it profitable to invest in app development


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    Smartphones are setting new sales records, and the number of apps available in online stores continues to grow, having reached a combined figure of 3.4 million apps (Statista, 2015), making this a desirable market for investors, companies and developers. However, among all those apps, only a limited number succeeds. The present study builds on the existing knowledge of mobile apps success and contributes to enhance the existing literature on mobile app success proposing a configurational theory for mobile app success. To accomplish this, we applied the fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA) to identify the antecedent conditions for mobile apps success. We collected data from the top 100 ranked apps at App Store. The fsQCA results supported the following propositions: (i) smaller package size, (ii) lower user reviews scores with higher languages supported and fewer versions supported, (iii) highly popular categories with higher user review scores and fewer languages supported, (iv) highly popular categories with higher number of versions supported and fewer languages supported and (v) highly popular categories with higher user review scores and higher number of versions supported, are sufficient conditions for mobile app success. Interestingly, we found that smaller package sizes and highly popular category is a necessary condition for mobile app success