12 research outputs found

    A Suitable MAC Protocol for Transmit-Only Sensor Nodes in a Housing Community Wireless Network

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    This paper investigates the development of a suitable Medium Access Control (MAC) protocol for a housing community wireless network that consists of both wireless infrastructural mesh nodes and wireless sensor nodes. In this network, transmit-only sensor nodes are employed in order to obtain a low cost, easy to deploy and low power solution. However, such sensor nodes have no way of verifying successful data transfer and it is, therefore, imperative that the associated MAC protocol provides a high level of confidence for transferring this data. In this paper, we examine methods of packaging and transmitting sensor node data in order to obtain such a MAC protocol for the aforementioned housing community wireless network. Microchipâs rfPIC is used as the platform for the sensor node. Some preliminary analysis and results are presented within

    A Suitable MAC Protocol for Transmit-Only Sensor Nodes in a Housing Community Wireless Network

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    This paper investigates the development of a suitable Medium Access Control (MAC) protocol for a housing community wireless network that consists of both wireless infrastructural mesh nodes and wireless sensor nodes. In this network, transmit-only sensor nodes are employed in order to obtain a low cost, easy to deploy and low power solution. However, such sensor nodes have no way of verifying successful data transfer and it is, therefore, imperative that the associated MAC protocol provides a high level of confidence for transferring this data. In this paper, we examine methods of packaging and transmitting sensor node data in order to obtain such a MAC protocol for the aforementioned housing community wireless network. Microchipâs rfPIC is used as the platform for the sensor node. Some preliminary analysis and results are presented within

    Using Rugby MSF Broadcast for Time Division Multiplexing Synchronisation in a Housing Community Sensor Network

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    This paper presents the design of a new approach to networking a housing community, through the use of a mesh sensor network that consists of both wireless infrastructural mesh nodes and wireless sensor nodes. One key issue with such networks is the development of a suitable Medium Access Control (MAC) protocol for the purpose of transferring data from the sensor nodes to the infrastructural nodes. Here, we use a MAC protocol based on Time Division Multiplexing (TDM) and propose the use of the Rugby MSF broadcast as a synchronisation signal. This novel technique is investigated and some preliminary analysis is outlined

    Clustering dinámico para tiempo de encendido mínimo en redes inalámbricas de sensores (CLUDITEM) : Definición del árbol de encaminamiento

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    Las Redes Inalámbricas de Sensores Inteligentes (RISI) son particularmente útiles en ambientes hostiles o de difícil acceso, donde el mantenimiento de los nodos que las constituyen es muy dificultoso. Estas redes se auto-organizan para adaptarse a topologías cambiantes, y deben trabajar bajo fuertes restricciones de energía, tratando de maximizar su tiempo de vida útil. En este trabajo se analiza la definición del árbol de encaminamiento de un algoritmo jerárquico para adquisición periódica de datos en aplicaciones de supervisión ambiental. Sus objetivos son disminuir y distribuir adecuadamente el consumo de energía, para lo cual se utiliza clustering dinámico y se mantienen apagados los transceptores de los nodos el mayor tiempo posible. En el trabajo se describen las simulaciones realizadas y se reportan los resultados alcanzados. Además, se proponen líneas de trabajo futuro teniendo en cuenta las conclusiones obtenidas.Intelligent Wireless Sensors Networks (IWSN) are particularly useful in hard access or hostile environments, where constitutive node maintenance is very difficult. These Networks are self organized to adapt to changing topologies, and shall work under strong energy constraints trying to maximize its life time. A hierarchical algorithm routing tree definition for periodical data acquisition in environmental supervision applications is analyzed in this work. The main objectives are to diminish and to adequately distribute the energy consumption using dynamic clustering and keeping shutted off the nodes transceptors as long as possible. Simulations made and achieved results are reported in this work. Future works are proposed based on the conclusionsWorkshop de Arquitecturas, Redes y Sistemas Operativos (WARSO)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Clustering dinámico para tiempo de encendido mínimo en redes inalámbricas de sensores (CLUDITEM) : Definición del árbol de encaminamiento

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    Las Redes Inalámbricas de Sensores Inteligentes (RISI) son particularmente útiles en ambientes hostiles o de difícil acceso, donde el mantenimiento de los nodos que las constituyen es muy dificultoso. Estas redes se auto-organizan para adaptarse a topologías cambiantes, y deben trabajar bajo fuertes restricciones de energía, tratando de maximizar su tiempo de vida útil. En este trabajo se analiza la definición del árbol de encaminamiento de un algoritmo jerárquico para adquisición periódica de datos en aplicaciones de supervisión ambiental. Sus objetivos son disminuir y distribuir adecuadamente el consumo de energía, para lo cual se utiliza clustering dinámico y se mantienen apagados los transceptores de los nodos el mayor tiempo posible. En el trabajo se describen las simulaciones realizadas y se reportan los resultados alcanzados. Además, se proponen líneas de trabajo futuro teniendo en cuenta las conclusiones obtenidas.Intelligent Wireless Sensors Networks (IWSN) are particularly useful in hard access or hostile environments, where constitutive node maintenance is very difficult. These Networks are self organized to adapt to changing topologies, and shall work under strong energy constraints trying to maximize its life time. A hierarchical algorithm routing tree definition for periodical data acquisition in environmental supervision applications is analyzed in this work. The main objectives are to diminish and to adequately distribute the energy consumption using dynamic clustering and keeping shutted off the nodes transceptors as long as possible. Simulations made and achieved results are reported in this work. Future works are proposed based on the conclusionsWorkshop de Arquitecturas, Redes y Sistemas Operativos (WARSO)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    An Energy-Efficient Medium Access Control Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks V-MAC

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    Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are composed of hundreds of wireless sensors which collaborate to perform a common task. Because of the small size of wireless sensors, they have some serious limitations including very low computation capability and battery reserve. Such resource limitations require that WSN protocols to be extremely efficient. In this thesis, we focus on the Medium Access Control (MAC) layer in WSNs. We propose a MAC scheme, V-MAC, for WSNs that extends that lifetime of the network. We compare V-MAC with other MAC schemes. V-MAC uses a special mechanism to divide sensors in different groups and then all the members of a group go to sleep at the same time. V-MAC protects WSNs against denial of sleep and broadcast attacks. We present the V-MAC scheme in details and evaluate it with simulations. Our simulations show that V-MAC enjoys significantly higher throughput and network lifetime compared to other schemes

    An Energy-Efficient Medium Access Control Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks V-MAC

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    Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are composed of hundreds of wireless sensors which collaborate to perform a common task. Because of the small size of wireless sensors, they have some serious limitations including very low computation capability and battery reserve. Such resource limitations require that WSN protocols to be extremely efficient. In this thesis, we focus on the Medium Access Control (MAC) layer in WSNs. We propose a MAC scheme, V-MAC, for WSNs that extends that lifetime of the network. We compare V-MAC with other MAC schemes. V-MAC uses a special mechanism to divide sensors in different groups and then all the members of a group go to sleep at the same time. V-MAC protects WSNs against denial of sleep and broadcast attacks. We present the V-MAC scheme in details and evaluate it with simulations. Our simulations show that V-MAC enjoys significantly higher throughput and network lifetime compared to other schemes

    Smart Sensing System for Real-time Automatic Traffic Analysis of Highway Rest Areas

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    State transportation agency spends millions of dollars annually to maintain and improve the service provided to the drivers in the highway rest areas. In order to collect traffic data in real-time, Researchers can use the vehicle data in the rest areas. Therefore, it is helpful immensely to update the existing safety policies in the rest areas. Transportation agencies don\u2019t have any automated systems to perform \u201cautomatic\u201d and \u201creal-time\u201d vehicle identification and classification in the highway rest areas. Motivated by a dire need to enhance and modernize the transportation system, the author proposes an advanced modular system that will integrate a smart sensor to extract a rest area traffic pattern in real-time. Currently, Caltrans collects traffic data from Automated Vehicle Classification (AVC) stations and also manual census collected in the specific locations. However, this technology is too expensive, time consuming, and disruptive; therefore it has not been used widely in many different locations. In recent years, There have been many significant improvements in MEMS sensors domain with respect to size, cost and accuracy. Moreover, extreme miniaturization of RF transceivers and low power micro-controllers have motivated researchers to develop small and low power sensors and radio equipped modules. These sensors are gradually replacing traditional wired sensor systems. These modules which are often called \u201csensor mote\u201d (size of a quarter) communicate with other sensor nodes and build an intelligent network of sensors. Because of the miniaturization and low power consumption, these sensor motes are extremely efficient due to their low power budget. The authors propose a wireless MEMS sensor based automatic vehicle classification and identification system for highways rest areas. The author's developed Automatic Vehicle Classification and Identification (AVCI) system consists of two parts, AVCI sensor nodes containing magneto-resistive and accelerometer sensors. These sensors calculate speed and axles respectively. The next part, the system proposes a Access Point (AP) which collects data from sensor motes and calculate speed, axles counts and then it classifies the collected data based on Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) 13-categories Scheme-F[5]. The AP includes a RF transceiver to communicate with the sensor motes and also a GPRS (General Packet Radio Service) shield to transmit aggregated traffic data to the county or regional traffic data collection center

    Highly reliable, low-latency communication in low-power wireless networks

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    Low-power wireless networks consist of spatially distributed, resource-constrained devices – also referred to as nodes – that are typically equipped with integrated or external sensors and actuators. Nodes communicate with each other using wireless transceivers, and thus, relay data – e. g., collected sensor values or commands for actuators – cooperatively through the network. This way, low-power wireless networks can support a plethora of different applications, including, e. g., monitoring the air quality in urban areas or controlling the heating, ventilation and cooling of large buildings. The use of wireless communication in such monitoring and actuating applications allows for a higher flexibility and ease of deployment – and thus, overall lower costs – compared to wired solutions. However, wireless communication is notoriously error-prone. Message losses happen often and unpredictably, making it challenging to support applications requiring both high reliability and low latency. Highly reliable, low-latency communication – along with high energy-efficiency – are, however, key requirements to support several important application scenarios and most notably the open-/closed-loop control functions found in e. g., industry and factory automation applications. Communication protocols that rely on synchronous transmissions have been shown to be able to overcome this limitation. These protocols depart from traditional single-link transmissions and do not attempt to avoid concurrent transmissions from different nodes to prevent collisions. On the contrary, they make nodes send the same message at the same time over several paths. Phenomena like constructive interference and capture then ensure that messages are received correctly with high probability. While many approaches relying on synchronous transmissions have been presented in the literature, two important aspects received only little consideration: (i) reliable operation in harsh environments and (ii) support for event-based data traffic. This thesis addresses these two open challenges and proposes novel communication protocols to overcome them

    Congestion and medium access control in 6LoWPAN WSN

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    In computer networks, congestion is a condition in which one or more egressinterfaces are offered more packets than are forwarded at any given instant [1]. In wireless sensor networks, congestion can cause a number of problems including packet loss, lower throughput and poor energy efficiency. These problems can potentially result in a reduced deployment lifetime and underperforming applications. Moreover, idle radio listening is a major source of energy consumption therefore low-power wireless devices must keep their radio transceivers off to maximise their battery lifetime. In order to minimise energy consumption and thus maximise the lifetime of wireless sensor networks, the research community has made significant efforts towards power saving medium access control protocols with Radio Duty Cycling. However, careful study of previous work reveals that radio duty cycle schemes are often neglected during the design and evaluation of congestion control algorithms. This thesis argues that the presence (or lack) of radio duty cycle can drastically influence the performance of congestion control mechanisms. To investigate if previous findings regarding congestion control are still applicable in IPv6 over low power wireless personal area and duty cycling networks; some of the most commonly used congestion detection algorithms are evaluated through simulations. The research aims to develop duty cycle aware congestion control schemes for IPv6 over low power wireless personal area networks. The proposed schemes must be able to maximise the networks goodput, while minimising packet loss, energy consumption and packet delay. Two congestion control schemes, namely DCCC6 (Duty Cycle-Aware Congestion Control for 6LoWPAN Networks) and CADC (Congestion Aware Duty Cycle MAC) are proposed to realise this claim. DCCC6 performs congestion detection based on a dynamic buffer. When congestion occurs, parent nodes will inform the nodes contributing to congestion and rates will be readjusted based on a new rate adaptation scheme aiming for local fairness. The child notification procedure is decided by DCCC6 and will be different when the network is duty cycling. When the network is duty cycling the child notification will be made through unicast frames. On the contrary broadcast frames will be used for congestion notification when the network is not duty cycling. Simulation and test-bed experiments have shown that DCCC6 achieved higher goodput and lower packet loss than previous works. Moreover, simulations show that DCCC6 maintained low energy consumption, with average delay times while it achieved a high degree of fairness. CADC, uses a new mechanism for duty cycle adaptation that reacts quickly to changing traffic loads and patterns. CADC is the first dynamic duty cycle pro- tocol implemented in Contiki Operating system (OS) as well as one of the first schemes designed based on the arbitrary traffic characteristics of IPv6 wireless sensor networks. Furthermore, CADC is designed as a stand alone medium access control scheme and thus it can easily be transfered to any wireless sensor network architecture. Additionally, CADC does not require any time synchronisation algorithms to operate at the nodes and does not use any additional packets for the exchange of information between the nodes (For example no overhead). In this research, 10000 simulation experiments and 700 test-bed experiments have been conducted for the evaluation of CADC. These experiments demonstrate that CADC can successfully adapt its cycle based on traffic patterns in every traffic scenario. Moreover, CADC consistently achieved the lowest energy consumption, very low packet delay times and packet loss, while its goodput performance was better than other dynamic duty cycle protocols and similar to the highest goodput observed among static duty cycle configurations