40 research outputs found

    Using machine learning on V2X communications data for VRU collision prediction

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    The datasets presented in this study are available in Zenodo at https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7376770 (accessed on 16 December 2022), reference number [23]. These datasets are the raw data used for the testing and training of the ML algorithms in this work.Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSs) are systems that aim to provide innovative services for road users in order to improve traffic efficiency, mobility and safety. This aspect of safety is of utmost importance for Vulnerable Road Users (VRUs), as these users are typically more exposed to dangerous situations, and their vehicles also possess poorer safety mechanisms when in comparison to regular vehicles on the road. Implementing automatic safety solutions for VRU vehicles is challenging since they have high agility and it can be difficult to anticipate their behavior. However, if equipped with communication capabilities, the generated Vehicle-to-Anything (V2X) data can be leveraged by Machine Learning (ML) mechanisms in order to implement such automatic systems. This work proposes a VRU (motorcyclist) collision prediction system, utilizing stacked unidirectional Long Short-Term Memorys (LSTMs) on top of communication data that is generated using the VEINS simulation framework (coupling the Simulation of Urban MObility (SUMO) and Network Simulator 3 (ns-3) tools). The proposed system performed well in two different scenarios: in Scenario A, it predicted 96% of the collisions, averaging 4.53 s for Average Prediction Time (s) (APT) and with a Correct Decision Percentage (CDP) of 41% and 78 False Positives (FPs); in Scenario B, it predicted 95% of the collisions, with a 4.44 s APT, while the CDP was 43% with 68 FPs. The results show the effectiveness of the approach: using ML methods on V2X data allowed the prediction of most of the simulated accidents. Nonetheless, the presence of a relatively high number of FPs does not allow for the usage of automatic safety features (e.g., emergency breaking in the passenger vehicles); thus, collision avoidance must be achieved manually by the drivers.This work has been supported by national funds through FCT—Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the Project Scope: UIDB/00319/2020

    Providing Real-time Driver Advisories in Connected Vehicles: A Data-Driven Approach Supported by Field Experimentation

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    Approximately 94\% of the annual transportation crashes in the U.S. involve driver errors and violations contributing to the $1 Trillion losses in the economy. Recent V2X communication technologies enabled by Dedicated Short Range Communication (DSRC) and Cellular-V2X (C-V2X) can provide cost-effective solutions for many of these transportation safety applications and help reduce crashes up to 85%. This research aims towards two primary goals. First, understanding the feasibility of deploying V2V-based safety critical applications under the constraints of limited communication ranges and adverse roadway conditions. Second, to develop a prototype application for providing real-time advisories for hazardous driving behaviors and to notify neighboring vehicles using available wireless communication platform. Towards accomplishing the first goal, we have developed a mathematical model to quantify V2V communication parameters and constraints pertaining to a DSRC-based “Safe pass advisory” application and validated the theoretical model using field experiments by measuring the communication ranges between two oncoming vehicles. We also investigated the impacts of varying altitudes, vehicle-interior obstacles, and OBU placement on V2V communication reliability and its implications. Along the direction of the second goal, we derived a data-driven model to characterize the acceleration/deceleration profile of a regular passenger vehicle with respect to speed and throttle position. As a proof of concept demonstration, we implemented an IoT-based communication architecture for disseminating the hazardous driving alerts to vulnerable drivers through cellular and/or V2X communication infrastructure

    Machine Learning Use-Cases in C-ITS Applications

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    In recent years, the development of Cooperative Intelligent Transportation Systems (C-ITS) have witnessed significant growth thus improving the smart transportation concept. The ground of the new C-ITS applications are machine learning algorithms. The goal of this paper is to give a structured and comprehensive overview of machine learning use-cases in the field of C-ITS. It reviews recent novel studies and solutions on CITS applications that are based on machine learning algorithms. These works are organised based on their operational area, including self-inspection level, inter-vehicle level and infrastructure level. The primary objective of this paper is to demonstrate the potential of artificial intelligence in enhancing C-ITS applications

    Safety Applications and Measurement Tools for Connected Vehicles

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    Developing a Taxonomy of Elements Adversarial to Autonomous Vehicles

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    As highly automated vehicles reach higher deployment rates, they find themselves in increasingly dangerous situations. Knowing that the consequence of a crash is significant for the health of occupants, bystanders, and properties, as well as to the viability of autonomy and adjacent businesses, we must search for more efficacious ways to comprehensively and reliably train autonomous vehicles to better navigate the complex scenarios with which they struggle. We therefore introduce a taxonomy of potentially adversarial elements that may contribute to poor performance or system failures as a means of identifying and elucidating lesser-seen risks. This taxonomy may be used to characterize failures of automation, as well as to support simulation and real-world training efforts by providing a more comprehensive classification system for events resulting in disengagement, collision, or other negative consequences. This taxonomy is created from and tested against real collision events to ensure comprehensive coverage with minimal class overlap and few omissions. It is intended to be used both for the identification of harm-contributing adversarial events and in the generation thereof (to create extreme edge- and corner-case scenarios) in training procedures.Comment: 18 pages total, 4 pages of references, initial page left blank for IEEE submission statement. Includes 4 figures and 2 tables. Written using IEEEtran document clas

    How I met your V2X sensor data : analysis of projection-based light field visualization for vehicle-to-everything communication protocols and use cases

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    The practical usage of V2X communication protocols started emerging in recent years. Data built on sensor information are displayed via onboard units and smart devices. However, perceptually obtaining such data may be counterproductive in terms of visual attention, particularly in the case of safety-related applications. Using the windshield as a display may solve this issue, but switching between 2D information and the 3D reality of traffic may introduce issues of its own. To overcome such difficulties, automotive light field visualization is introduced. In this paper, we investigate the visualization of V2X communication protocols and use cases via projection-based light field technology. Our work is motivated by the abundance of V2X sensor data, the low latency of V2X data transfer, the availability of automotive light field prototypes, the prevalent dominance of non-autonomous and non-remote driving, and the lack of V2X-based light field solutions. As our primary contributions, we provide a comprehensive technological review of light field and V2X communication, a set of recommendations for design and implementation, an extensive discussion and implication analysis, the exploration of utilization based on standardized protocols, and use-case-specific considerations

    Quality of Service in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks: Methodical Evaluation and Enhancements for ITS-G5

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    After many formative years, the ad hoc wireless communication between vehicles has become a vehicular technology available in mass production cars in 2020. Vehicles form spontaneous Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANETs), which enable communication whenever vehicles are nearby without need for supportive infrastructure. In Europe, this communication is standardised comprehensively as Intelligent Transport Systems in the 5.9 GHz band (ITS-G5). This thesis centres around Quality of Service (QoS) in these VANETs based on ITS-G5 technology. Whilst only a few vehicles communicate, radio resources are plenty, and channel congestion is a minor issue. With progressing deployment, congestion control becomes crucial to preserve QoS by preventing high latencies or foiled information dissemination. The developed VANET simulation model, featuring an elaborated ITS-G5 protocol stack, allows investigation of QoS methodically. It also considers the characteristics of ITS-G5 radios such as the signal attenuation in vehicular environments and the capture effect by receivers. Backed by this simulation model, several enhancements for ITS-G5 are proposed to control congestion reliably and thus ensure QoS for its applications. Modifications at the GeoNetworking (GN) protocol prevent massive packet occurrences in a short time and hence congestion. Glow Forwarding is introduced as GN extension to distribute delay-tolerant information. The revised Decentralized Congestion Control (DCC) cross-layer supports low-latency transmission of event-triggered, periodic and relayed packets. DCC triggers periodic services and manages a shared duty cycle budget dedicated to packet forwarding for this purpose. Evaluation in large-scale networks reveals that this enhanced ITS-G5 system can reliably reduce the information age of periodically sent messages. The forwarding budget virtually eliminates the starvation of multi-hop packets and still avoids congestion caused by excessive forwarding. The presented enhancements thus pave the way to scale up VANETs for wide-spread deployment and future applications