62 research outputs found

    Knowledge Search within a Company-WIKI

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    The usage of Wikis for the purpose of knowledge management within a business company is only of value if the stored information can be found easily. The fundamental characteristic of a Wiki, its easy and informal usage, results in large amounts of steadily changing, unstructured documents. The widely used full-text search often provides search results of insufficient accuracy. In this paper, we will present an approach likely to improve search quality, through the use of Semantic Web, Text Mining, and Case Based Reasoning (CBR) technologies. Search results are more precise and complete because, in contrast to full-text search, the proposed knowledge-based search operates on the semantic layer

    Faktor – Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Mutu Web terhadap Kepuasan Aktivitas Belajar Bagi Pengguna Wanita

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    This study aims to determine the factors that affect the quality of the web to satisfaction of learning activities for female users. Final model obtained in this study approached the research UTAUT (Unified Theory Of Aceptual and Use Of Technology) with data analysis using Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) on the software Analysis of Moment Structure (AMOS) version 6.0, a causal relationship between these factors which affect the quality of web-user satisfaction for women adalahVariabel beajar Performance Expectancy effect on Symbolic Adoption means the higher the student achievement expectations tehadap the greater web of learning opportunities to receive an online learning web mentally, Variable Effort Expectancy effect on Attitude Toward Technology means the higher expectations tehadap student effort, the greater web of learning attitude to receive online learning web, Social Influence Variables no effect on the Attitude Toward Technology mahsiswai means that studying the web with online learning medium was not influenced by others but their own consciousness to be able to learn the web, Variable Faciliting Condition effect on Symbolic Adoption means the student will receive an online learning web fasilatas when supported by adequate, Variable Attitude Toward Technology effect on Symbolic Adoption means the better the level of technology acceptance more likely to receive an online learning web mentally

    Applying the TAM to Determine Intention to Use a DSS

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    This research-in-progress paper provides a framework to determine end-users’ intention to use a project plan Decision Support System (DSS) by applying the widely tested Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). The purpose of the framework is to serve as a foundation for collecting and evaluating further empirical evidence of end-users’ acceptance of a DSS. The framework allows the researcher to establish whether the TAM fairly measures end-users’ intention to use a DSS to support the creation of a project plan.The significance of the intended resulting research surveyis to provide further evidence as to whether the TAM can be used in DSS research to measure end-users’ intention to use a particular information technology application that aids management’s decision process

    Penilaian Tingkat Adopsi Aplikasi EPuskesmas dengan Perspektif Technology Acceptance Model

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menilai tingkat adopsi penggunaan aplikasi ePuskesmas pada pegawai Puskesmas Batua Makassar. Techonlogy Acceptance Model (TAM) digunakan untuk menggambarkan empat konstruk dalam penelitian ini yang meliputi perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, behavioral intention to use, dan USAge actual. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah survei dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan perceived usefulness memiliki hubungan positif dengan behavior intention to use dimana pengaruhnya tidak signifikan dengan nilai sig. 0.338 > 0.05. Perceived ease of use memiliki hubungan positif dengan behavior intention to use dimana pengaruhnya tidak signifikan dengan nilai sig. 0.083 > 0.05. Behavior intention to use memiliki hubungan positif dan pengaruhnya sangat signifikan dengan nilai sig. 0.000 0.05, begitupun juga hubungan antara perceived ease of use dengan actual USAge memiliki hubungan yang sama

    Assessing a Knowledge Management (KM) Project Selection Framework

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    Knowledge management (KM) is becoming recognized as a valuable tool for establishing and maintaining competitive advantage. Decision superiority, the ultimate goal of KM, is only possible through the effective and efficient use of knowledge. But, to effectively and efficiently create and use KM, it is important to carefully select KM projects. This research assesses the usefulness of a KM project selection framework that was developed by U.S. Air Force Captain William Bower (2001) and refined by 1st Lt Jeffrey Phillips (2003) referred to here as the Bower-Phillips decision framework. To assess the usability of the framework, a case study was undertaken at an Air Force organization to identify and address potential knowledge management opportunities. The framework was found to be useful in identifying possible KM projects

    The mediating effect of perceived usefulness towards tax service quality and the continuance usage intention of the filing system in Malaysia

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    This study examines the mediating effect of perceived usefulness on the relationship between tax service quality (correctness, response time, system support) and continuance usage intention of e-filing system in Malaysia. A total of 116 data was analysed using Partial Least Squared Method (PLS). The result showed that Perceived Usefulness has a partial mediating effect on the relationship between tax service quality (Correctness, Response Time) with the continuance usage intention and tax service quality (correctness) has significant positive relationship with continuance usage intention. Perceived usefulness was found to be the most important predictor of continuance usage intentio

    Measuring Acceptance Level of Learning Zone Among Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) Students: A Study of the Role Intention to Use as Mediator in the Relationship of Usefulness and Ease of Use Towards User Satisfaction

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    Changes in technologies have changed our lives. Education field was not exempted from the current technology changes. Technology now plays an important role to improve accessibility in seeking knowledge and wisdom much faster and easier. The changes of Malaysia’s education system and worldwide generally have taken steps to lead the field in using trusted online access to benefit the education sector. Public and private institutions in Malaysia have been taking advantage from ease of internet access to provide its students with more secure and reliable information more effectively. Therefore, this study exploits the technology acceptance model established by Davis (1989) to examine the level of acceptance using Learning Zone as a portal that helps learning process. Technology acceptance model (TAM) established by Davis (1989) has three basic instruments of perceived usefulness (PU), perceived ease of use (PEU) and user satisfaction (US). However, intention to Use (IU) had been inserted in this study as a mediator to examine whether perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use will have an impact on the intention to use to achieve satisfaction. Students of Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) which have access of using Learning Zone have been selected to participate in the study. A total of 391 usable data provide by the respondents is being used to achieve the objectives of the study. Therefore, correlation and multiple regression analysis were used to examine whether perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use will have the impact on user satisfaction. Generally, the correlation analysis shows that there is a significant and strong positive correlation between variables perceived usefulness towards user satisfaction; perceived ease of use towards user satisfaction; and intention to use towards user satisfaction

    Cost-benefit analysis of the ATM automatic deposit service

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    Bankers and other financial experts have analyzed the value of automated teller machines (ATM) in terms of growing consumer demand, rising costs of technology development, decreasing profitability and market share. This paper presents a step-by-step cost-benefit analysis of the ATM automatic deposit service. The first step is to determine user attitudes towards using ATM automatic deposit service by using the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). The second step is to determine location priorities for ATMs that provide automatic deposit services using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) model. The results of the previous steps enable a highly efficient application of cost-benefit analysis for evaluating costs and benefits of automatic deposit services. To understand fully the proposed procedure outside of theoretical terms, a real-world application of a case study is conducted
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