47 research outputs found

    Analisis Debit Banjir Berbasis Model HEC-HMS di DAS Klawing Kabupaten Purbalingga

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    Analisis hidrologi dengan model HEC-HMS yang menggunakan data hujan terukur (observasi) bertujuan untuk memberikan respon atau karakteristik DAS Klawing terhadap curah hujan yaitu debit model. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah Untuk melakukan pemodelan hidrologi banjir (flood design) untuk DAS Klawing dengan menggunakan model HEC-HMS, Untuk mengetahui respon DAS Klawing dari pemodelan menggunakan data observasi, serta untuk mengetahui debit puncak dari hasil pemodelan di DAS Klawing. Data yang dibutuhkan adalah data debit observasi, data curah hujan, peta jenis tanah dan peta tata guna lahan. Hasil hidrograf banjir model tanggal 15-30 Juni 2016 menghasilkan debit puncak sebesar 75,6 m^3/s dan volume outflow sebesar 98,30 mm. Sementara hasil dari hidrograf banjir terukur hanya memiliki debit puncak sebesar 120,5 m^3/s dan volume outflow sebesar 147,84 mm. Setelah dikalibrasi hidrograf banjir model tanggal 15 sampai 30 Juni 2016 memberikan hasil sangat baik (objective function kurang dari 10%) dengan perbedaan perbedaan besarnya debit puncak sebesar 0,6 m^3/s (0,5%) dan volume outflow sebesar 13, 43 mm (9,08 %) dengan waktu puncak yang sama. Sedangkan untuk Time of Center of Mass simulasi pada 21 Juni 2016 pukul 23:10 dan untuk observasi pada 21 Juni 2016 pukul 13:17 dengan nilai RMS eror 12,5 m^3/s dan nilai NSE 0,775. Hasil optimalisasi kalibrasi memberikan tingkat kesalahan yang kecil yaitu 5,5 m^3/s antara debit banjir terukur dan debit banjir model berdasarkan fungsi Peak-weighted RMS error. Selain itu, koefisien korelasi antara debit banjir model dengan debit banjir terukur memberikan nilai sebesar 0,957

    Changes in Land Use Land Cover (LULC), Surface Water Quality and Modelling Surface Discharge in Beaver Creek Watershed, Northeast Tennessee and Southwest Virginia

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    Beaver Creek is an impaired streams that is not supporting its designated use for recreation due to Escherichia coli (E.coli), and sediment. To address this problem, this thesis was divided into two studies. The first study explored changes in Land Use Land Cover (LULC), and its impact on surface water quality. Changes in E.coli load between 1997-2001 and 2014-2018 were analyzed. Also, Landsat data of 2001, and 2018 were examined in Terrset 18.31. Mann-Whitney test only showed a significant reduction in E.coli for one site. Negative correlation was established between E.coli load, and Developed LULC, Forest LULC, and Cultivated LULC. The second study modelled discharge for Beaver Creek watershed using HEC-HMS. This study simulated discharge in an upstream sub-watershed of Beaver Creek, and the full Beaver Creek with a Nash-Sutcliffe of 0.007, and R2 0.20. Sub-basins with high discharge were identified for further examination for possible high sediment load


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    The accuracy of flow prediction in a watershed for water resource development is highly dependent on various factors such as the transformation model used, the availability and accuracy of hydrological data and watershed characteristics such as topography, drainage networks, land cover and soil texture. Watershed characteristics are considered as the most dominant determinants in various hydrological analyzes, especially with regard to the data used to compile the watershed model, in this case the Digital Elevatian Model (DEM) data. This study aims to develop a watershed model based on National DEM (DEMNAS) data to estimate daily discharge using the HEC-HMS model and design discharge using the Nakayasu Synthetic Unit Hydrograph (SUH) method. The research was conducted in the Kaliwadas watershed, which is located in Kandang Serang District, Pekalongan Regency, Central Java Province. Kaliwadas River is one of the sub-watersheds with a drainage area of approximately 165.78 km2 which has a good enough potential to supply hydro-based electricity. The performance of the DAS model formed with DEMNAS data is compared with the performance of the watershed model formed with the DEM Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) data, where these two DEM data have a resolution of 8 meters and 90 meters, respectively. Performance testing is based on the Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) number of the two predictive flow from the HEC-HMS Model to the observed discharge. The results showed that the estimated discharge of the HEC-HMS Model using the DEMNAS Watershed Model showed slightly better performance than using the SRTM DAS Model, with a RMSE difference of 0.27

    Water Resource Assessment and Management Options in Beles River Basin using HEC-HMS Model

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    Ethiopia is commonly referred to as “the water tower of east Africa”, because of the huge amount of surface runoff from the Ethiopian highlands that make up over 86% of the flow of the Nile River but Ethiopia is constantly affected by shortage of water for rain-fed agriculture, mainly because of lack of proper water resources utilization and management practices. For efficient use of available surface water resources with balanced attention to maximize economic, social, and environmental benefits, it is necessary to have effective integrated water resources assessments and planning. Beles river basin is one of the most potential river basins in Ethiopia which is the main tributary for Blue Nile River Basin and accounting 14,200 km2. The objectives of this study was to assess the available surface water resources in the Beles River basin, using a HEC-HMS hydrological modeling system by estimating surface runoff and simulating hydrological processes due to distributed land use, soil, climatological and hydro- metrological condition in the entire river basin. The GIS layers that were used as input data for the flow simulation were prepared using Arc GIS 9.3 and used in the HEC-HMS 3.5 calibration of the Beles River sub basin using daily precipitation and flow data from 2003 and 2004 and validated by 2005 and tested statistically by relative error and the residual method. Then the validated surface runoff is used for water balance assessment. From the delineation of the entire basin and sub- basin; it has been obtained that drainage areas of 9078.20 km2, 3461.80 km2, and 747.11 km2 for the sub watershed Lower, Upper, and Gilgel Beles respectively. Result of mean monthly simulated runoff show that 76mm for Gilgel Beles, 55.7 mm for Upper Beles and 42.4 mm for Lower Beles. According to the result of water balance assessment; the highest water deficit was observed in 2004 (-463 mm/yr) & 2003 (-180 mm/yr) of Lower Beles but 2004 for Gilgel Beles (129 mm/yr) and Upper Beles (61.24 mm/yr) was observed to be a water surplus year were as 2003 showed the deficit year in the entire basin. However, there is no significant change in soil moisture storage in Beles River Basin in 2005. In the future, it would be advisable to consider immerging issues in water resource assessment like GIS modeling with Remote Sensing data for effective and efficient water resource management and planning when there is limited and lack of data. Keywords: River Basin, HEC-HMS, Beles and DEM

    Application of HEC-HMS model and satellite precipitation products to restore runoff in Laigiang river basin in Vietnam

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    The Laigiang river basin in the South Central Coast of Vietnam plays an important role in the socio-economic development of Binhdinh Province. In recent decades, the region has experienced commonly flooding in vast areas. This research aims to simulate event-based rainfall-runoff modelling, a historical flood event in December 2016, by applying the HEC-HMS model and rainfall data from CHIRPS. The CHIRPS data is an acceptable potential data input of the hydrology model. These have been confirmed through reliable validation indexes: The peak flood flow rate of 2,542.6 m3/s corresponds to the flood frequency of 5%; NSE with the value at 0.95; R2 coefficient reached 0.87; PBIAS being around 0.45, and PFC being at 0.89. It shows better performance in the rainy season than in the dry season. Inclusive, the CHIRPS rainfall data set and the HEC model could be used for some operational purposes in weather forecasting, especially for flood warnings in river basins in the South Central Coast, Vietnam

    Selection of Elevation Models for Flood Inundation Map Generation in Small Urban Stream: Case Study of Anyang Stream

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    To reduce flood damages, the Ministry of Environment in Korea has provided a flood inundation map so that people can expediently identify flood-prone areas. However, the current flood inundation maps have been produced based on the DEM which makes it difficult to represent realistic situations due to the lack of reproduction of land surface conditions. This study aims to provide more accurate and detailed flood inundation maps for flooding events due to river overflow in small urban areas. In this study, flood inundation analysis is performed using the river analysis system, HEC-RAS 2D, with the DSM and the DEM of urban areas in the Anyang Stream Basin, Korea to examine the differences in terms of terrain data and flooded area. Finally, for urban areas with dense buildings and congested road networks, the flood inundation analysis based on DSM can represent a more realistic flood situation and create an appropriate flood inundation map

    Perbandingan Hidrograf Satuan Sub-DAS Cisadane untuk Analisis Banjir Tapak RDNK Serpong

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    Perhitungan resiko banjir dalam melakukan perencanaan pembangunan suatu bangunan sipil tidak terkecuali fasilitas pembangkit listrik tenaga nuklir sangat penting dilakukan. Dengan perhitungan dan perencanaan debit banjir yang tepat akan mengurangi resiko kegagalan bangunan. Studi ini dilakukan dalam rangka menjamin keselamatan tapak termasuk fasilitas Reaktor Daya Non Komersial (RDNK) dan membandingkan berbagai hidrograf satuan yang dapat menggambarkan kondisi karakteristik tapak. Tujuan dari studi ini adalah untuk mengetahui karakteristik Sub DAS daerah aliran sungai Cisadane. Pemodelan hidrologi dilakukan dengan menggunakan Hec-GeoHMS (processing) dan HEC HMS. Hasil yang diperoleh adalah karakteristik DAS, model hirograf snyder dan SCS serta perbandingan nilai debit puncak hidrograf terukur dengan kedua model hidrograf tersebut. Hidrograf Snyder memiliki nilai debit puncak 1148,8 m3/dt yang mendekati nilai hidrograf terukur sebesar 1153,0 m3/dt dibandingkan dengan metode SCS yaitu 1186,8 m3 /s. Berdasarkan hal ini maka hidrograf satuan Snyder mempunyai nilai akurasi yang lebih sesuai dengan kondisi lapangan dibandingkan dengan hidrograf satuan SCS

    Development of rainfall-runoff modelling using the HEC-HMS at the catchment of Kelantan River, Malaysia

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    The simulation of rainfall-runoff is important to be analysed at the Kelantan River catchment as flood is one of the common natural disasters in Kelantan. Sustainable water management in this region is only feasible following the availability of reliable information on the rainfall-runoff and other hydrological determinants that affect the water system. This study aims to evaluate the effects of extreme rainfall on the runoff at the catchment of the Kelantan River where recurrent floods have been occurring since 1988 to 2019. The study employs the remote sensing and geographic information system (GIS) integrated with the Hydrologic Engineering Center-Hydrologic Modelling Systems (HEC-HMS) to delineate the catchment line and simulate the river discharge. The observed discharge is used during the calibration and validation process to evaluate the performance of the integrated model. The model performed satisfactorily by obtained R2 with the range of 0.80-0.97 and 0.64-0.93 in each sub-catchment during the calibration and validation period. The finding indicates that the developed HEC-HMS model has the ability to simulate event-based runoff

    Analisis Debit Rencana Tukad Unda Bagian Hilir Menggunakan HEC-HMS

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    Pembangunan waduk muara yang berlokasi di Tukad Unda merupakan pembangunan dalam tahap perencananaan. Waduk muara dibangun sebagai infrastruktur mitigasi bencana prasarana pengendali banjir. Perkiraan pembangunan waduk muara dari tahun 2020 sampai dengan tahun 2022. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mencari debit banjir rencana pada DAS Tukad Unda sebagai pertimbangan dalam pembangunan tersebut. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan dua metode untuk mencari debit banjir rencana, diantaranya metode perhitungan HSS Nakayasu dan metode model HEC-HMS. Debit banjir rencana yang dihitung menggunakan perhitungan HSS Nakayasu pada kala ulang 5 tahun, 10 tahun, 20 tahun, 25 tahun, 50 tahun, dan 100 tahun mempunyai debit puncak (Qp) sebesar 478.70 m3/dt, 649.33 m3/dt, 763.08 m3/dt, 910.01 m3/dt, 1019.02 m3/dt, dan 1128.03 m3/dt. Sedangkan debit banjir yang dihitung dengan metode HEC-HMS pada kala ulang 5 tahun, 10 tahun, 20 tahun, 25 tahun, 50 tahun, dan 100 tahun mempunyai debit puncak (Qp) sebesar 514,3 m3/dt, 697,6 m3/dt, 819,8 m3/dt,  977,7 m3/dt, 1094,8 m3/dt, dan 1211,9 m3/dt. Parameter yang ditemukan melalui program HEC-HMS adalah initial abstraction sebesai 99,987 mm, curve number sebesar 35,018, dan impervious sebesar 16 %. The construction of estuary reservoir located in Unda River is a development in the planning stage. Estuary reservoirs are built as disaster mitigation infrastructure for flood control. The construction of estuary reservoir is planned from 2020 to 2022. This research aims to find the flood design discharge of Tukad Unda watershed plan as consideration in the construction development. In this study, two methods were used to calculate the flood design discharge such as the HSS Nakayasu calculation method and the HEC-HMS model method. Flood design discharge calculated using HSS Nakayasu calculation at 5 years, 10 years, 20 years, 25 years, 50 years, and 100 years have peak discharge (Qp) respectively are 478.70 m3/s, 649.33 m3/s, 763.08 m3/s, 910.01 m3/s, 1019.02 m3/s, and 1128.03 m3/s. While flood discharge calculated by HEC-HMS method at 5 years, 10 years, 20 years, 25 years, 50 years, and 100 years have peak discharge (Qp) respectively are 514.3 m3/s, 697.6 m3/s, 819.8 m3/s, 977.7 m3/s, 1094.8 m3/s, and 1211.9 m3/s. The parameters found through the HEC-HMS program are an initial abstraction of 99,987 mm, a curve number of 35,018, and an impervious of 16%