45 research outputs found

    Analisis Minat Pelaku Usaha General Trade Terhadap Penggunaan Aplikasi Belanja Online B2B (Studi Dengan Pendekatan Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology)

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    Traditional markets (general trade), still have an important place, especially for Indonesian people who live in suburban areas, in sub-districts and in rural areas. Although now its existence is starting to be shifted by modern markets, however, there are many and spread in various regions, making the contribution of traditional markets to the Indonesian economy cannot be ignored. So that there are efforts from various parties, to improve the marketing performance of business actors in this traditional market, including the introduction of technology. The purpose of this study is to analize the acceptance of traditional retail business actors towards online shopping applications for B2B consumers, in terms of Performance Expectancy, Effort expectancy, Social Influence and Facilitating Conditions variables. The sample of this research is 161 traditional retail business actors, which include owners of traditional stalls, grocery stores and kiosks. Analysis of research data using Partial Least Suare (PLS) analysis tool. The results showed that Performance Expectancy, Social Influence and Facilitating Conditions had a positive effect on intention in using B2B online shopping applications. Meanwhile, Effort Expectancy has no effect on intention in using B2B online shopping applications. The results of this study are expected to be used as considerations for formulating various strategies and policies to improve technological literacy for business actors to improve their business performance, so that their contribution to the performance of national economic recovery can be optimal. Keywords: B2B Online Shopping Application, General Trade, Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT


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    The purpose of this study is to measure the job characteristics of agricultural extension centers' personnel in Assiut governorate using Hackman and Oldham’s Model, and to examine the model fit with the current study. The job diagnostic survey was used as the assessment tool to measure the components of the job characteristics model. Data were collected from all of the agricultural extension centers' personnel in Assiut governorate (84 personnel) by questionnaire. The job characteristics model’s overall fit with the data was evaluated using common model goodness of fit measures estimated by AMOS. The results showed that dealing with others and feedback received the highest ratings; autonomy and skill variety received the lowest ratings from the core job characteristics. The moderate feelings towards the core job dimensions yielded a low motivating potential score. Knowledge of results yielded the highest rating and experienced responsibility yielded the lowest rating from the psychological states. Internal work motivation received the highest rating and growth satisfaction received the lowest rating from the personal/work outcomes. Stimulating work environment yielded the highest rating and pay satisfaction yielded the lowest rating from the moderators of the model. The various indices of overall goodness of fit for the model lent sufficient support for the results to be an acceptable representation of the job characteristics model

    Brand Personality Scale: is It Applicable for a Small Emerging Country?

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    In Lithuania, a small emerging country, up to now the J.Aaker brand personality scale has been used without a proper validation. Previous researchers have made conclusions that the J.Aaker brand personality scale is both culture- and country-sensitive. Moreover, some studies show that not all dimensions might be suitable for measuring brand personality in a specific country or cross-cultural studies. Therefore, this paper aims to adapt and validate the scale proposed by J. Aaker in a context of a small emerging country. The scale validation takes place in several stages: starting with a qualitative study, involving experts, and finishing with an extensive quantitative study in three product categories. The research has revealed that in the Lithuanian context, the brand personality scale is composed of three dimensions, such as Sincerity, Modernity-Excitement and Competence. The scale, valid for a small emerging country, consists of 13 instead of 42 traits

    Predicting Technology Adoption in Paddy (Rice) Cultivation at Sukoharjo and Wonokarto Village of Sekampung Subdistrict in East District of Lampung Province, Indonesia

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    IndonesianPengenalan banyak teknologi baru selama ini telah semakin kurang berhasil, sebagaimana ditunjukkan oleh tingkat adopsinya yang rendah. Proses pengenalan teknologi baru padi sampai petani berkeinginan untuk mengadopsinya memang bukanlah hal mudah. Tujuan makalah ini adalah menganalisi faktor-faktor yang menjadi penggerak niat petani untuk mengadopsi teknologi baru dalam budidaya padi dengan mempertimbangkan efek simultan dari peubah-peubah terukur dan variabel peubah-peubah laten yang mempengaruhi niat petani. Penelitian ini mengintegrasikan technology acceptance model (TAM) dan theory of planned behavior (TPB) untuk memprakirakan penerimaan teknologi petani melalui pengukuran niat dan kemampuan menjelaskan maksud mereka dalam hal sikap, persepsi kemudahan penggunaan, penggunaan, pengalaman masa lalu, persepsi pengaruh perilaku, dan peubah-peubah yang saling berhubungan. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahwa peubah persepsi kegunaan, persepsi kemudahan penggunaan, dan pengalaman masa lalu petani secara positif mempengaruhi sikap petani terhadap adopsi teknologi baru. Selain itu, hasil analisi juga menunjukkan bahwa peubah sikap persepsi yang mengendalian perilaku, persepsi keguanaan, kondisi fasilitas pendukung dan persepsi risiko secara positif mempengaruhi niat petani dalam mengadopsi teknologi. EnglishThe introduction of many new technologies has come up with limited success, as indicated by the low of observed rates of adoption. Furthermore, the process of introduction until paddy farmers have willingness to adopt this new technology is not always easy. The objective of this paper is to analyze factors that drive farmers\u27 intention to adopt a new technology in paddy cultivation, by taking into account simultaneous effects of measured and latent variables influencing the intention. This study uses integrated technology acceptance model (TAM) and theory of planned behavior (TPB) for predicting farmers\u27 technology acceptance by measuring their intentions, and the ability to explain their intentions in terms of their attitudes, perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, past experience, perceived behavioral control, and interrelated variables. Results of this paper reveal that attitude, perceived behavioral control, perceived usefulness, resource facilitating conditions and perceived risks positively engender the intention of agricultural technology adoption

    The Joint Impact of Supply Chain Integration and Quality Management on the Performance of Pork Processing Firms in China

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    It is widely acknowledged that competition is no longer between individual firms, but between supply chains. A number of studies have indicated that supply chain integration and quality management have become essential to obtain competitive advantage. The present study tests the relationships among supply chain integration, quality management practices and firm performance in 229 Chinese pork slaughterhouses and processors using structural equation modeling. The most important results are that quality management is positively linked with firm performance. As managers put it "Quality is the life of the enterprise". Pork processing managers that wish to improve their performance are therefore advised to invest in quality management. Equally interesting is the indirect link of supply chain integration through quality management with firm performance. To improve quality of their products and reduce uncertainty in hog supply chains, companies are advised to develop more integrated relationships with their suppliers. However, in contrast to earlier studies, the direct link of supply chain integration and firm performance was not significant. This result may indicate that the Chinese pork processing industry is still in an early stage of SC integration.Supply chain management, quality management practices, pork supply chains, firm performance, China, Agribusiness, Livestock Production/Industries,

    Understanding behavioural intention of experiencing virtual tourism during COVID-19: An extension of theory of planned behaviour

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    Purpose – The overall purpose of this study is to assess consumers’ behavioural intentions regarding virtual tourism COVID -19 using the TPB. This work sought to assess the applicability of TPB utilising its foremost constructs, i.e., attitude, subjective norm, and perceived behavioural control, with the inclusion of perceived security. Design/Methodology – A web-based questionnaire was utilised to gather the data that was randomised. A link to a Google form was posted on the websites of travel companies offering virtual tours and other social networking sites from August 1, 2021, to September 15, 2021, resulting in 408 usable responses. The data were analysed via SEM using the programmes AMOS and SPSS, and statistical analysis was performed for the proposed hypotheses. Approach – This paper presents the latest findings and important details about consumers’ behavioural intentions regarding virtual tourism in a bid to provide insightful details for the tourism and travel sector in general and for travel agencies offering virtual tourism packages in particular. Findings – Research findings suggest that subjective norm and perceived safety influence people’s behavioural intentions toward virtual tourism as an alternate to on-site tourism. 52% of the variance in behavioural intention toward virtual tourism during the Corona virus period was explained by the factors as a whole. Originality – This study lends to the evaluation of consumer interest in virtual travel by linking the TPB variables to perceived safety, making it a novelty of its kind. So far as the authors are aware, no previous work in the Indian context has evaluated TPB by including a measure of perceived safety in its attempt to shed light on Indians’ behaviour toward virtual tourism

    Search Practices for Discontinuous Innovation: Scale Development and Construct Validation

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    Managing innovation and particularly searching for new ideas in a steady state environment is really different than in discontinuous conditions where traditional practices and routines may prove ineffective. This paper reviews and empirically explores the field of search strategies and practices for discontinuous innovation and, for the first time, tests the validity of a "Discontinuous Innovation (DI) Search Capacity" construct. Based on a comprehensive literature review on the innovation search stage and on the evidence of more than 80 case studies reported by the Discontinuous Innovation Lab a questionnaire was developed and submitted to a 500 high tech firm sample. Four DI Search dimensions were identified, each consisting of a bundle of interrelated yet distinct practices. We empirically tested the DI Search Capacity and measured it as second-order construct by using the Structural Equation Modelling

    The Impact of Port Transport-logistics Infrastructure and LPI for Economic Growth: on the Example of Landlocked Countries

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    For this study, carried out as an empirical study, 37 landlocked countries have been selected. And a broader economic impact on the national economy, on the quality of the port infrastructure and logistics efficiency has been considered as well as investments on creating a high quality port infrastructure and its contribution to the economy, often questioned by politicians, investors and general public. The Structural Equation Model (SEM) has been used for providing empirical data about a significant economic impact on the port infrastructure quality and logistics efficiency. However, some countries that do not have access to the sea are not, according to international agreements, inferior to other countries in terms of economic growth

    Relationship between statistical process control critical success factors and organizational performance

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    Statistical Process Control (SPC) is a statistical based techniques and methods used within the improvement based philosophy such as Total Quality Management (TQM) and Six Sigma. SPC research can be divided into two major categories: technical and methodological aspects and the organizational and the implementation aspects. Between the two, the organizational and the implementation aspects of SPC is almost being neglected and lack of attention being given by the researcher. Based on the literature, the SPC implementation research focuses on identifying factors for successful implementation. What is missing from this SPC implementation literature is the relationship of how these so called SPC critical factors affects quality and firm performance statistically and empirically. Therefore, the objective of this research is to establish the relationships between statistical process control (SPC) critical success factors (CSF) and quality and firm performance. Empirical data were collected from 326 responses from Malaysian automotive related companies using industrial survey research methodology. In study 1, Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) was performed using Promax rotation with Principle Axis Factoring to determine the underlying dimension of SPC success factors and organizational performance. Preliminary findings from EFA (n = 122) provided evidence for six (6) success factor constructs and three (3) organizational performance constructs. The six (6) success factor constructs are training, role of quality department, deployment, top management commitment, process focus and teamwork. In study 2, results from confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) (n = 204) provided additional support for results obtained from study 1. The structural equation modeling (SEM) techniques was employed to examine the relationship between these six (6) SPC critical success factors (CSF) and performance. The results show that there is a positive and significant relationship between these CSF and organizational performance. This research has a practical value in which quality and operation manager would be able to identify and relate the success of his or her SPC implementation projects through managing of these associated factors

    An Extended Model of Theory of Planned Behaviour in Predicting Exercise Intention

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    The main purpose of the present study was to propose and test an extended model with the addition of perceived need in predicting exercise participation, drawing upon the theory of planned behaviour. Cross-sectional data was collected via self-administered surveys from general adults sample (n = 217). The instrument was first validated using exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis to test for unidimensionality, convergent and discriminant validity. Model and hypotheses testing were performed using structural equation modelling (SEM). The extended model accounted for a substantial portion of the variance in exercise intention (R 2 = 0.798). Specific findings revealed that: (1) all predictors were significantly correlated with exercise intention; (2) attitude components, perceived control, and perceived need predicted exercise intention; (3) instrumental attitude emerged as the strongest predictor of intention. This study has important implications for marketing practitioners, consumer researchers, and public policy makers interested in the determinants of exercise participation